


Added 5-26-23

George Carlin Pyramid of Hopelessness

     Please never forget that homeless people are people too.  If you are homeless, you're a person too, damnit.  You are an indigenous creature to our world which contains more than enough for every single person on it(and more!), and will share it freely with us and not enslave us.  

     We deserve it, so let's drop the money-bullshit already.  There's a better way.   Please don't believe any different.  So much good depends solely on what you think happy thoughts.

     If you happen to be homeless and are depressed because you're homeless, please listen.  To be happy again all you have to do is change the way you are looking at life and realize the advantages of being poor, that the rich don't get to enjoy.  That's right, being happy on the bottom will put you on top.  

     Being poor is one step closer to being free.  You are in such a better position than all of these nine-to-five suckers that got duped by our evil system into voluntary servitude, just because they never learned any better.  

     Google Stockholm Syndrome.  Are you a good little slave?  I bet you feel like one all the time.  Sucks?  Don't it?  I bet you wish you were free.  You could be if you wizened up.  Stop being stupid, please.  For everybody's sake.

     Depending on how long you have been homeless you have had countless crash courses in the School of Reality.  Hopefully you have learned that the less you have, the less you have to worry about.  Always.  Keep everything simple.  Travel light.

"There's something wrong with mass-consumption.  Why do we want what we don't need?"  


 "To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness."

- Bertand Russell

"He is richest who is content with the least; for content is the wealth of nature."

- Socrates

 "Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling."

- Margaret Lee Runbeck

 "Happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think."

- Dale Carnegie

"Be content with such things as ye have."

- Hebrews 13:5

     Wouldn't you rather be free than rich?  You can't be both!

     Another lesson you should learn by being homeless is...that no person alive can ever really be homeless.  We live in our bodies, and thanks to our legs, we have been blessed with an organic mobile home.  If you take care of your body it will take care of itself.  Walk more, drive less, and drink water.  It's that simple..  Nothing sparks happiness like good health.

     If you enjoy walking and the lessons in patience it can teach you, and become addicted to it like I used to be(and will soon be again), and walk as much as you can every single day, you can even get away with eating basically anything and any amount you want.  All you have to do is walk.  Don't you see how cars breed sickness and sedentariness, indirectly?  

     Anyway, like I was saying, if you find yourself homeless and bummed out, all you have to do is just leave.  Exit your environment and travel until you find a spot that just feels right.  Go truckstop-hopping.  Or rest-area-hopping.  You will have loads of fun and meet new people, while everybody else slaves away.  Relish in the freedom that so few people get to ever enjoy.  

      What do you have to lose?  Go live it up, hit the road, get truckin'.

     I mean, if you are homeless, what do you have tying you down?  You are in such a better position to travel and have fun than most people out there tricked into living for money.

     Tie up any loose ends, collect a bunch of snacks and go stick your thumb out on a random highway onramp, and have patience.  Don't give up if it takes a long time.  Just camp somewhere nearby and try again the next day.   And always be wearing a smile, regardless of the situation.  Everything will go smoothly for you if you do.  

     Evaluate with scrutiny anyone who pulls over for you.  You can read people through eye-contact.   Give them a warm smile and gaze into their eyes.  Trust your gut and be daring.  It's very important you make eye contact with anyone who pulls over.  Trust your gut and always have access to pepper spray should the need arise.  

      Most importantly, have absolutely no fear.   Always carry the afore-mentioned item, even if just for peace of mind.  Go be homeless somewhere else and have some fun and meet new people.  Maybe if you keep moving and only do good everywhere you go, you will eventually get blessed with a stable artificial home.  If you deserve it, only.  Try your best to be good and everything will always work out for you.  The opposite is very true too, so be careful how you are.

- Victor Antonio


  1. I live near the cactusJune 11, 2024 at 2:39 PM

    I feel so bad for the homeless. We need to start an Eco Village!

  2. I appreciate the comment. So few people give any feedback, and this is some pretty important stuff.

