

 Ventura, CA

Friday January 2, 2009

     7:36am  I just got out from taking a shit at the park by the post office. I was going to walk to Sanjon, but I don’t feel like going there. I’ll go tell my story on Main Street.

     9:22am  This morning I met this dude Edge who wanted to go fly a sign. He said he knew of a good spot, so I decided to go too. We just got off the bus over by Telephone Road. Close to the Government Center. We’re walking to the spot. On the bus ride I killed some time cutting out more flyers.

     10:17am  Dave was nice enough to give me a cigarette over by the stoplight. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:43am  3nn-e103 accepted my website and then she called me back and gave me two bucks, awesome.

     11:02am  Edge and I got bored from flying our signs at the Ralph’s exit. He was at the Carl’s Jr. exit. He made eight bucks and I only got three bucks total. I want to buy some Buglers.

     11:25am  We never found a place to buy Buglers so we caught the bus to the Avenue. Catholic Charities for lunch.

     11:50am  The bus got to Pacific View Mall and I decided to get off. Screw that, I don’t need lunch. If I’m already over here I might as well fly. Edge got off the bus too.

     2:40pm  I forgot to tell you. I didn’t make that much at all. I got like two dollars more total. I decided to walk back to the bus terminal and the nice driver let me on for a dollar without a quarter. I rode the bus to Main Street and the library was open. I did an hour of typing. I also made a new sign. HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT.

     3:04pm  I got smoked out first off in the grassy area. I’ve got this big marijuana necklace hanging from my waist and this guy comes up to me and asks me, “Do you smoke weed?” I’m having lots of fun with my new sign. I already got smoked out. I’m flying my FREE HUGS one right now.

                    Lorenzo and his balding head


     3:12pm  Casey was nice enough to give me a couple cigarettes on Main Street.

     3:29pm  I had the most awesome presentation with Casey. He listened the hell out of me. I’m flying three signs right now. My HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT one, DO UNTO OTHERS and FREE HUGS.

     3:32pm  Oh yeah, I forgot all about my SUPPORT THE CAUSE sign. I added that too.

     4:47pm  This ignorant lady right now with a peace sign on her purse, she wouldn’t accept my website at all. That’s right, be afraid you good little slave.”



                  My setup


     6:07pm  The coolest shit happened. Somebody walked by and said, “Victor, is that you?” He told me he had met me in Oxnard last year in the Ralph’s parking lot. I totally remembered the instance. He signed my guestbook and everything. I told him and his friend my story and his friend loved it. His friend hooked me up with a nugget for the cause.

     6:25pm  Patrick, the brother who just blessed me with a nugget, he’s got a story of his own. What’s up? Patrick: “Well, my story is basically I grew up with two sisters and a younger brother. Born in California, San Jose. I came to Ventura when I was a wee little lad. I came down here and just lived what my parents thought was the life I should live. I played baseball until I was fifteen and dropped out, because didn’t really want to deal with the coach. It always seemed like he was angry and pissed off. I started smoking weed at that time, so you know where my head was going. Totally different direction than people yelling. So, that was a huge change in my life because about tenth grade I realized, I woke up one day and realized that I was still hanging out with kids from middle school. I felt like really weird hanging out with them. I wasn’t able to be me, you know. I just started to alienate myself in school and people started thinking I was crazy. I would just go my own thing. Granted, my parents were going through a divorce and I was growing my little darkside. It’s like traveling through the desert, so to speak. I would just walk through the halls with my headphones on and just totally in my own world. You have to walk through your desert. Everyone has their own desert. There’s always the oasis’ beyond the way, but still desert surrounds. I kind of feel like I am just getting out of my desert. Like, when I started to show signs about being social again and meet new people and this and that, a lot of people started asking me, “Were you like tweaking or something? You were crazy.” It’s amazing to think that when someone goes through so much inner work, that people on the outside look at you and judge it. So, that was another big thing in my life. From that point on I started meeting more and more people that were how do you say, what normal people would call crazy. New people. Different people. People that walk instead of taking cars. People who are centered and balanced. Now I just feel like I am kind of okay with whoever I meet and what I’m doing. It’s awesome that I found myself in a really cool direction of farming and agriculture and living with the land and living with a community and really learning how to work with myself and other people.” I have to take you to Black Bear.” Patrick: “Yeah, Black Bear sounds good, man. It doesn’t matter what work we are doing. Whether we are just washing dishes with the rest of the crew or anything else, just be active with your brothers and sisters. Actually, I’m going to a place in the Caribbean to farm and learn about sustainability. Because I look around at the fields that have been slowly disappearing in Ventura, I see the noticed that say people have to leave on a certain day because they’re going to be spraying. We are killing our land. We are bleaching our land. Just the pollution that we do to our minds, bodies and soul. I see that happening in Ventura. I’m going out to learn the complete opposite. The human way or growing with nature. So yeah, I just wanted to share my story. That’s what I’m trying to do. I hope it inspires many others. I hope that whoever hears this, that you run into me sometime and you’ll meet a cool cat growing vegetables somewhere on an island. Peace, bro.

     6:44pm  That was an awesome story he said. I am really touching people’s hearts tonight. Patrick was really happy to hear my message. I’m having fun tonight. I’m all stoned, so I’m not holding my HOOK A BROTHER UP sign. I’m sporting FREE HUGS all the way.

     6:55pm  Mandolin came over and gave me a great big hug and then volunteered me some change for the cause.

     7:05pm  Beautiful Jenny came up to me and gave me a great big hug. I gave her my website and she offered me an apple, great!

     7:15pm  Larry walked up to me and handed me some money for the cause. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:10pm  Ugh, these bible thumpers are trying to preach their bullshit at me. I told them, “God is the personification of love, and LOVE isn’t a person. God is fake, LOVE IS REAL.” Love is everything. Damn brainwashed fools. When will we ever learn?

                   Oblivious to the obvious. I’m making perfect sense, but I’m not getting through. Progress overdue!

     8:21pm  Joe hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Wild Side, the headshop. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:35pm  Right now this guy was all, “I met you a long time ago and you were holding a sign that said WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA." I showed him my shirt and told him, “I’m still at it.” Recognized.

     8:47pm  All of a sudden Alyssa walked up to me and gave me a coffee! I appreciate it. I was cold. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:17pm  Darius hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the movie theatre.

     9:35pm  Joe and Elisa, they just gave me a big bag of sour candy.

     10:37pm  Man, I feel kind of bad for not documenting that much tonight. Lorenzo and I came to 700 Main and are having a smoking session. Lorenzo is always complaining about everything. He bitches worse than my mom. I had an awesome night tonight. I had so much fun flying my signs at the movie theater. I just love giving away free hugs. I wasn’t asking for shit, just giving away hugs. Unless I run out of weed then I’ll fly my SMOKE A BROTHER OUT sign. I was all happy and stoned giving people hugs. I had always wanted to do that. I know that it’s been done, but it’s awesome giving free hugs. Everybody should try it.

     11:11pm  I forgot to tell you, I infiltrated the rooftop. Instead of walking along the fence where people in the parking lot could see me, I just went over the rooftop to the other side. I should do that all the time now. I can leave in the morning that way too. Lorenzo was all complaining nonstop. He’s all scared. He has some serious issues. He is always looking for my validation. All he ever talks about is how badass he is because he supposedly knows forgery real well. I told him if you don’t do anything with the knowledge you possess, what is the good of knowing it? He’s not going to crash up on the roof with me either. I wake him up with all my coughing in the morning. Anyway, I already made my bed. I’m going to layer up because it’s cold. Let me take my military shorts off first.

     12:15am  I didn’t tell you, I lost my weed! Then I noticed it started drizzling and stuff. I’m going to go down and look for my weed where we last smoked behind the library. I couldn’t find it. I even tried walking around the block in case I saw Lorenzo somewhere. He ended up being crashed out anyway and he didn’t know where it was. Since it was drizzling I packed up all my shit in my rain poncho pouch I make and made my way to 700 Main Street. I showed up and ten minutes later Lorenzo showed up. I didn’t camp in the shade where Lorenzo usually crashes. He showed up and he hasn’t seen my weed.

                     Did I tell you about this programmer I met the other night? He wouldn’t listen to my story though. He cut me off in the middle of it. He told me that he was really connected. Talk is cheap.


Next day..

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