

 Ventura, CA

Sunday January 4, 2009

     6:57am  I woke up. I got plenty of sleep. I didn’t set my watch. Umm, I need to stop smoking. I’ve had the worst coughing fits. Right now I’m going to pack up and go to breakfast. Then I’ll go to Oxnard and buy a compass for my walking stick. I ended up not going last night.

                   Rooftop camp

     9:12am  I woke up this morning and Lorenzo was all bitching and complaining. I can’t blame him this morning with all my coughing and shit. I told him that tonight I would find somewhere else to sleep. He said he knew I couldn’t help it. Lorenzo is getting really frustrated about being homeless. I told him that at least he wasn’t dead. Then he started talking about taking a long walk off of short pier. Sounding suicidal. I told him, “I guess you’re not trying to quit smoking again, are you?” They had breakfast at eight at Catholic Charities. I walked over there with this homeless girl Donna. I tried telling her my story as we were walking, but her stroller made too much noise. She wasn’t really listening that well anyway. She’s all brainwashed. Anyway, I finished breakfast right now and I am going to follow through on my mission of going to Walmart. I’m going to wait for the bus.

     10:13am  I am on the 6A bus headed to Oxnard.

     11:07am  The bus stopped over by Target at the Esplanade.

     11:45am  I just got off the bus at the Walmart in Oxnard. I’ve been telling everyone my story, the bus driver and this girl at the stop at the Target. I’m going to go buy my compass. I think I’ve been to this Walmart before with Carol years ago.

     12:32pm  The bus came going in the other direction in no-time. It was the same driver and he hooked me up for not enough money. He even said he’d hook me up with a transfer so I can catch the other bus at Target. I got my compass for my stick. I’m headed back now. Mission accomplished for the day.

                     The bus driver enjoyed my story a lot.

     1:02pm  The bus came and the greedy ass driver wouldn’t let me on for only fifty five cents. This nice Mexican guy in the back had my back. Going back to Ventura.

     1:59pm  Back in Downtown Ventura.

     2:15pm  I just went to the Subway and refilled my ice and took a shit. Oh yeah, I had a blister on my left upper leg, on my thigh. It might be Herpes, eek. I kind of popped it because it looked like a regular pimple with pus at the tip. Nobody gets zits on their leg. Now that I have a possible outbreak I can get tested. Then I’m going to go back to Rolla, Missouri and make lots of sweet love to Clea. There’s a brighter side to everything.

     2:30pm  Jim was nice enough to kick me down a nugget! He had driven by and seen my sign. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     2:39pm  Allan just gave me a twenty dollar bill. I appreciate it, Allan.

     3:04pm  Man, I stood on the corner in front of the Rabobank for like ten minutes and I got blessed with some weed and a twenty dollar bill! Then, all of a sudden Anna walks up to me and asked me for a light. Anna: “Well, I absolutely fell in love with just the very glimpse of your dream. I think you should come with me on an adventure, a vision-quest, so that I can learn to get to know you and you know me.” She’s even going to feed the peace machine! Anna: “I’m going to feed all aspects of it. Well, maybe not all of them. At least the good ones.”

     3:14pm  I didn’t tell you I was feeling sick. See, I’ve been coughing up so much stuff. I always thought it was just because I smoke weed, but today I felt really down, even after sleeping like ten hours last night. I still feel like I could take a nap. Then all of a sudden I run into this girl Anna and asked her if she had any Dayquil or something. She stopped at a gas station and bought me some Dayquil!

     3:52pm  We were on our way to Ojai and all of a sudden something started flapping against the floorboard by my right foot. We freaked and assumed it was a flat. When Ann stopped her 82 Datsun pickup I got out and the tire wasn’t deflated. I looked at it from the front and the steel belt had come loose and was flapping against the floorboard.
     4:09pm  I am having lots of fun. This Anna girl has some great cleavage. She’s overweight, but just from the waist down. I like big butts and I cannot lie. Right now she dropped something in her cleavage and I squeezed in, “Need some help with that?” I could’ve sworn she told me maybe later, hehe. We’ll see what happens. It’s so awesome how some older dude gave me a twenty dollar bill today with my HOOK A BROTHER UP sign. I got hooked up phat.

                   I don’t think I ever mentioned, but when I was waiting for the bus this morning on the Avenue to start my little adventure to the Walmart, they had a closed store there with a tinted window that served great as a mirror for a dry shave. I’m all stoned again.

                   This house of some of Anna’s friends which way came to after she got a flat, they were all smoking speed. Tweakers, hmm. Anna even partook. I just said no. Say no to drugs. All you need is weed. Anna went to go deal some dope and I just chilled at her friends’ house watching the movie Twelve Monkeys with Brad Pitt.

     9:57pm  I just got dropped off at Park Row and Olive by Anna. She was all driving around selling dope. Meth and stuff I am sure. Anna is really cute. She’s got such a great rack. She didn’t seem overweight from the waist up. She said she had an old man, but I don’t think she’s too committed.

                   I am whole. My Triforce of Wealth is intact. I even have a compass on my walking stick. I’ll barely use it. It just makes me look like a professional. I’ve got money in my wallet. I’m going to buy some supplies tomorrow. I need to buy some Listerine. I also need to get a memo book to write to-do lists on.
                   I wasn’t able to get my story out to Anna at all. She wasn’t going to have her not talking.

     10:13pm  I’m walking down Main Street and Eric just volunteered me a couple cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks a lot.

     10:53pm  I am already situated on the rooftop. I walked all the way to 700 Main and Lorenzo was crashed there. Since I cough in the morning I told him I would sleep wherever he wasn’t. I can’t believe I am still able to crash up here in Ventura. Ventura has my back, literally with my pack.

Next day..

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