


     San Antonio, TX

Monday January 5, 2004

     9:30am  It's the morning of the fifth. I woke up kind of early this morning. I slept a lot last night. I remember waking up at like 3:45am this morning, smoked a cigarette and then going back to sleep. I'm all dressed for work, but, I still have my two backpacks on, my rainbow scarf and my rainbow beanie. I got these khaki slacks on and my boots look nice. I'm all decked out. I don't go in until 2:00pm today, but I'm going to go in early. I got a dollar in my pocket and I'm going to go get me a Jumbo Jack from Jack in the Box.

                   Alright. I'm waiting for the 91. I had caught the 92 and gotten off at the Denny's, where the 91 stops. I'll catch the 91 all the way to West.

     9:42am  I just scored again at University Hospital.

                   I thought, "Hey, I'm all dressed up. I look nice. I'm going to go see if I can score me a couple Boosts for breakfast.

     9:50am  Man, I scored so fat at the hospital. I got six Boosts. Awesome.

     10:02am  I am on the 91 towards West now. Man, I can't believe I scored so many Boosts at the hospital today. I got food for a couple days now.

     10:42am  I got to West and went to The Rocks to smoke the bowl I brought with me. Shit, I realized I didn't have it on me. I had a bowl of weed packed, but I left it at Sam's. So, I'm going to go back and get my bowl.

     10:55am  I jumped on the 91. It's running a little early, so it's going to wait at the top of the hill at West.

     12:25am  I am leaving Sam's again. I'm going back towards West again.

     12:35am  The 524 came by Sam's apartment and I recognized the driver. It was Mr. Garcia, this bus driver that knows me from way back. He gave me the peace sign.

                     Badass. I am famous.

     1:22pm  Ryan gave me a cigarette outside of Jack in the Box. I appreciate it, brother.

                    I came up to the Jack in the Box and bought a burger. A Jumbo Jack.

     1:53pm  I just walked in and showed the guy at the security desk my training schedule. I'm taking the elevator up to the fourth floor. I'm due in the breakroom.

     2:28pm  Karen hooked me up with a cigarette outside of West. I appreciate it, Karen.

     5:37pm  I forgot to tell you. Our training class got out early today. At five instead of ten. Training at West Telemarketing is bullshit, just like it's been every other time. I met Melissa. I told her my mission objectives earlier and right now we are going to try and score some weed. Awesome. We're on our way to find some weed. She's driving.

     11:47pm  Time for a recap. I've had a hell of adventure. After work, this girl I met at work, Melissa. Well, see on our first break we went downstairs to smoke a cigarette. I asked her and this other girl, "Can I tell you my story?" I told them all my stuff and Melissa said, "Wow, do you need a girlfriend? I'm thinking about dumping my boyfriend." I told her, "Sorry, I've sworn myself to a vow of celibacy for this mission." Anyway, after work, oh yeah, they let us out like at five. All early. Melissa had told me, "After work, we're going to smoke." So after work we ended up going back to her apartment. On the drive over she told me, "Yeah, I used to be an escort." Melissa is a real cute girl. She's on the same project I am at West. She told me her boyfriend who works at West too is getting off at midnight. We hit her bong. She called over these guys who brought over the weed. I tried telling them my story, but they were all ignorant and wouldn't listen to me. This one guy just cut me off, "That just doesn't work. For one, I like weed being illegal, because I make money off it." I was going to stay there until her boyfriend came home after midnight. Oh yeah, she told me her boyfriend knew HTML really good and I wanted to talk to him. Maybe get some technical support. Foremost, I wanted to tell him my story. She had told me that he'd gotten in trouble for hacking before, so I assumed he knew some shit.

                    Anyway, I changed my mind about waiting for her boyfriend and Melissa gave me a ride back to Sam's. There's my update.

Next day..

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