

 San Antonio, TX

Saturday January 5, 2008

     5:22am  I woke up around five and got eight hours of sleep. I don't know what I'm going to do. I should go out walking today. I am all rested up. Let me try and scrape my pipe one more time in vain. I doubt there's any left.

                   I'm leaving on a random journey into the neighborhood for weed.

     1:55pm  Hell yeah, scored marijuana. The random times I walk around the neighborhood. I didn't go to the Perry's because I walked over to Erica's first. I noticed her car wasn't there so I doubled back and walked all the way, I cut behind this school they built all the way to Old Tezel and checked the park at Brigadoon for stoners. There weren't any cars there. Then I was walking up Autumn Shade and one of the Amy's pull up in Joey's truck. She asked me what I was doing. I told her nothing, can I go with you wherever you're going? She told me that she was going to work, but that Amy and Vince were at her house still. She said, "Do you want to go hang out? I'll give you a ride." I said okay, why not. I went over and hung out and got to smoke some more. We watched a shitload of Charmed. It's dumb.

                   Shiloh, Amy's dog.

                   They smoked me out rowdy. I was all stoned and shit, but I wanted to have some weed later on at home too. I thought to myself do I have anything of value? Then I remembered I had that green plastic dugout my little brother had given me. I pulled it out and was looking at it. Vince saw it and asked to look at it. I handed it to him and said, "You can have it for any amount of weed you'll give me for my nug jar and one-hitter." So I've got weed and I'm going to go back home. I really should go out walking today. I'm all rested up.

     3:24pm  Man, that sucks. I walked all the way to the Citgo until I realized I hadn't brought my food with me. I made some PBJ sandwiches and had some Pecan Sandies too. I'm going back. It's a good thing I am going back because I need to switch out to another tape. This one is almost done.

     4:17pm  Getting a courtesy ride on the 608. 7364 hooked me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. I gave him my website. I have to give something back.

     4:19pm  It is Saturday. Maybe I should go downtown. I'm wearing my newly washed WPTMJ shirt. Tourists. Riverwalk.

                   I've got my book to read to kill time for the bus ride.

     4:30pm  Nice Mr. A.X. Mendoza is hooking me up with a courtesy ride to the hospital. I'm going downtown today. I'm on the bus now and I'm going to read my Daniel Quinn book. Story of B.

                   Page 154 about the evolutionarily stable, etc.

     4:59pm  Almost to the hospital. I let me mom borrow my digital camera today. So no pictures today.

     5:12pm  R.A. Ramos is hooking me up with a ride downtown on the 92.

                   Oh yeah, I just saw Allie!(5-5-04, 10:15am)

     6:07pm  I came down to The Riverwalk and it's all drained right now. There's caution tape everywhere. No tourists anywhere. There's a couple here and there.

     6:28pm  Damnit, I was walking around on The Riverwalk and I just lost my brand new pouch of tobacco.

     7:19pm  Jake and Stephanie were nice enough to give me two cigarettes over by The Alamo. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:39pm  I had a great presentation in front of The Alamo. I cut it short and just said the important part and the two favors. I even told them The Note From The Rich.

                   Holy shit! I just found a January 2008 bus pass on the ground! Groundscore! There was a big gust of wind and it just blew right in front of me. I thought the Mexican dude walking in front of me had dropped it. He kept walking and I picked it up real quick. I thought about it for a second and I yelled to him. He stopped and turned around and it wasn't his! Score! I get to psyche the bus drivers out!

                   "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

     8:21pm  I have secured my workstation here on the corner of Commerce and Presa. The parking garage across the street has all these lights and makes this corner really bright. I'm sure you can read my shirt real good. I am just standing here with a pocketload of havethisbook.coms. I only offer to them to people who react to my shirt. It's not handbilling. I dare a cop to give me a ticket for exercising my freedoms!

     8:29pm  Kamleah, this beautiful girl I just told my story to. She stopped and listened to me a long time. I'm sure I spelled her name wrong. Email me and correct me.

     8:46pm  Sophia gave me a couple cigarettes. I appreciate it, Sophia. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Sid just hooked me up with the last of his Cheetohs. I appreciate it, Sid. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:28pm  Raul just hooked me up with a cigarette downtown at Presa and Commerce. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:53pm  I'm going to head home now. I want to bum a cigarette. It sucks I lost my bag of tobacco on the river earlier. There's a big nightlife here in San Antonio on that corner right there. Tons of people are walking by. I can't believe its taken me this long to discover it. Stupid me was always going to The Riverwalk.

     9:55pm  I'm walking to Travis Park and I gave this black dude my webpage. He told me, "Oh, I've heard about this website."
     10:15pm  Marquisha hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Travis Park. I appreciate it, Marquisha. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Page 189. The Secrets.

     11:17pm  I haven't made an update in a while. I rode the 92 lineup to University Hospital. This is how close to home I get tonight. I only have a quarter so I can't call my mom from a payphone. I think maybe I'll walk to the Shell station on Huebner and Eckhert. Maybe I'll luck out and Josh will be working and getting off at midnight. I should call my mom. She told me to call her so she wouldn't worry. I don't have another quarter though and nobody's out to borrow their cellphone.

                     Oh yeah, at Travis Park some old dude told me, "I see you everywhere." I gave him my website and he told me, "Yeah, I saw you on Fredericksburg with your sign." I got recognized so much tonight.

                     I brought a lot of food with me. I even brought some Pecan Sandies cookies. I'm all munching out.

     11:28pm  I stopped in at the Shell station on Babcock and Wurzbach. Mike still works here. The same guy who worked here back when I lived in Deer Oaks with Rafael. And fat Tony and Steve Long.

                     I borrowed the phone at the gas station and called my mom. She had already gone to sleep. She's got church in the morning. I'm going to walk all the way home from here. This is where I get my exercise today.

     11:57pm  I walked Babcock to Lamb Road to Oakdell Way to Eckhert to Huebner. I'm walking up to the Shell station now and I think I see Josh's car. Hell yeah.

     11:58pm  Nope, it wasn't Josh's car.

     12:04pm  Kim hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Shell station on Eckhert and Huebner. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot. Oh wow, lots of cigarettes!

     12:05am  Kim's a dude. He hooked me up with a lot of cigarettes. Like five of them. Hell yeah! 805-TZY5

                     I had a good little smokebreak and rest at the Shell. I am walking home now. I'll walk Eckhert all the way to Bandera.

     12:22am  I paused for like a minute or so and took a piss. Right before Huebner Creek.

     12:46am  I just got to Bandera.

                     It's sixty degrees right now. I'm walking in front of Jefferson Bank.

     12:52am  I just sat down across the street from the Westchase sign underneath the light for a smokebreak. I'm about to hop over Leon Creek..
     1:01am  Done with my smokebreak and leaving. I'm going to walk all the way home. I'm going to walk Wickersham.

                   I stopped for yet another smokebreak about half a mile away from home. I'm taking off again. I've been treating myself to a lot of smokebreaks lately. I'll walk it off.

                   We might not have that much time left, anyway. I am going to live everyday to its fullest. Don't worry. Be happy.

                   Be sure the next time I spam my website via email where I have, after that say Instead of

     2:08am  At long last the eagle has landed.

Next day..

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