

 Goleta to Ventura, CA

Friday January 9, 2009

     6:45am  I woke up about twenty minutes ago. I got enough sleep. I didn’t set my watch.

     7:35am  I am leaving. I am all packed up from my camp this morning. All my stuff is damp because of the thick fog. I need to find a dryer.  Bench nearby.

                   Walking back to school.

                   I’m going to finish my typing today! I only have like three days left to type up. I can’t believe how much typing I did yesterday on the little amount of food I had. Marijuana was the key. That’s what kept me going.

     8:02am  I walked by this park and saw homebums. I went over close to them and exposed my shirt and smoked a cigarette. They’re all alcoholics. To unload my stuff I leaned my stick on a bike in a rack. One of the bums barked at me, “Would you mind getting your stick off my bike?”

     8:35am  I couldn’t score anything to eat anywhere. I didn’t try. I was really thinking about going to the bus stop and hoping the Vista bus would pass and take it back to Ventura and hopefully make it back before eleven thirty for lunch. I came to the bus circle and I am just sitting here. None of the city bus drivers know what time the Vista bus comes. I might take one into Santa Barbara or something. I am only three days away in my typing. I could just not type here at all. I could catch up at the public library in Ventura. There is still a lot of stuff I could do, like proofreading and stuff.

                   So I’m just standing here patiently waiting, even though I haven’t eaten anything. I got stuffed last night with a fat slice of pizza. I’ll be alright for the morning. Maybe I should go catch up and then come back to the bus stop, because I doubt the bus is going to come this early. Hmm, I should research the time I got here yesterday on the Vista bus. That’s what I’ll do.

     8:47am  I researched the time the Vista bus got here yesterday and it was about right now! That means the bus is going to come soon.

                  When the Vista bus showed up it was the same driver who brought me here yesterday. He came outside and said, “Sorry, man. This is the end of my line.” Yesterday he told me there was one twenty minutes behind him, so I thought there might be another one soon. He gave me a schedule to look at and the first Southbound Vista bus leaves at 3:10pm, so maybe I’ll try and score some food somehow. Which means I’m going to go to the library and catch up on my typing.

     9:06am  I just got out of the bathroom at the library. I’m going to get to typing.

     10:57am  I am hereby caught up on my typing. I am making this entry off-tha-brain. I should walk to Isla Vista and see if I can score some free food somewhere.

     11:32am  I just had an awesome presentation in front of the tower with Teddy. Thanks for listening, brother. Thanks.

                     Sweet, Teddy just volunteered me a couple bucks, awesome. Bless your heart, brother. Thanks.


     11:45am  I’m going to walk to IV and go buy some food somewhere. I’ve got three bucks. When I wrapped up my presentation I asked him to do me the two favors. Afterwards he told me, “Will you take a couple bucks?” I told him, “Nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps. I accept donations. I just don’t expect them. I like surprises.” He said he liked that.

     12:14pm  I never told you, when I was at the bus stop earlier I found a quarter on the ground. I walked all the way to IV and found the laundromat I passed this morning. First, I was sure to ask Woodstock’s Pizza if they made any mistakes there. The nice girl told me they hadn’t today yet. I wasn’t too sure which direction the laundromat was in, but I also recalled there being a Domino’s Pizza close to it. I asked this dude with an accent where the Domino’s was and he told me to cut through the park and it’s on the other side. It’s the same park I saw the homebums at this morning. I put my stuff to dry with that quarter I found. It wasn’t that wet, just a little damp. I unrolled my sleeping matt in the parking lot in the sun and dried that off too.

     12:35pm  Leaving the laundromat. Whoa cool, there’s a Rosarita’s Mexican Restaurant across the street. Sweet, I’m going to go hit them up.

     12:38pm  The greedy ass at Rosarita’s won’t hook me up. As soon as I told him I was writing a book on generosity he told me I came to the wrong place. “That’s alright, I was just testing you. Man, NOBODY wants world peace!” I told him. I even yelled, “That’s a good little slave,” at him. He was all, “Get a job!” I told him, “This is my job!”

     12:39pm  Eduardo in La Cantina is hooking a brother up with some food. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                     Dude! Right after I got turned down by that greedy ass at Rosarita’s, like two businesses over they have another Mexican restaurant called La Cantina. When Eduardo hooks me up I’m going to walk back with the food and show the greedy ass. I’ll tell him, “Eduardo at La Cantina wants world peace. I was just testing you two. He passed. Que buen esclavo eres!”

     1:17pm  I’m walking back to the school from IV. There’s still two hours until three. I’m going to go hang out at the library. I’m sick and if effects my storytelling. They hooked me up at La Cantina, so I still have three bucks. I also have a transfer that should still work, so I’ll use the money on laundry in Ventura. I should be in Ventura around 4:20pm.

     3:00pm  Leaving the library.

     3:10pm  I am leaving on the Vista bus back down to Ventura. The driver didn’t take my transfer. He just let me on and let me keep it. It’s not even punched, so I can use it again next time I leave.

     3:53pm  Chris is rescuing me with Advil on the bus. I was feeling sick. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:28pm  I’m back in Ventura.

     4:35pm  I came to Subway and bought the usual, omelet sandwich.

     4:37pm  I came out of the Subway and was walking down the street. This girl sees me and says, “Hey, I know you! I read your website!” Nikki, she said she read my whole Odyssey. Nikki volunteered me ten dollars for the cause!

                   Sweet, I just got blessed with ten dollars! I’m glad I came back, nice.

                   Be sure to download stuff written by Thomas Jefferson.

                   Listener on Main Street

     6:45pm  I had an awesome presentation on Main Street in front of the Bank of America. I was talking to this guy and Lorenzo showed up and waited for me to finish. First thing he says is, “You got some world peace?” I told him I had ten bucks, so he’s calling around.

     6:48pm  It’s awesome, I was walking towards the Foster library and all of a sudden I hear some lady yell, “Antonio!” I walked up to her and she told me I had given her a slip of paper. I asked her if she had checked out my site and she said that she had even signed my guestbook for my mom:

Date:  2009-01-01 21:47:24
Name:  Sandi in Ventura
Number: 350
Hey Victor,
I am posting this for your mom, mostly. If I were her ...I would be checking this everyday just to make sure you were still out there meeting people. (my kids said I was too protective of a mom... although my daughter is in Cambodia right now.) We met tonight in Ventura on Main St. Didn't have a chance to talk much, but wanted to check out your site. I love your ideals. Being a "child of the sixties" myself.. you are doing what we all wanted to do... but most were not committed enough. I am glad to see there are still kids like you around. Good luck and have a great 2009. Peace Out!

                   My mom is who I am doing all this for. I’m just trying to make her proud. Of all the people I hope to help, I’ll be most glad I helped my mom the most.

                   Download Walden Two.
     7:35pm  Eggroll just walked up and volunteered me some potato skins.

                   He even gave me an after-meal smoke, too.

     7:45pm  I just ran into April and she told me she had talked to her dad about the laptop and he said he was going to get her brother, who’s a computer genius, to look at it and see if it’s worth anything.

                   Dudes who listened to me.

                   Group picture

     9:10pm  I already infiltrated the rooftop. Just like old times. Nobody saw me get up here.


Next day..

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