

 San Antonio, TX

Friday January 11, 2008

     7:14am  I just woke up. I got 6.43 hours of sleep. Last night I got all high and dizzy and shit. Yesterday I smoked out with Katt and Michelle. Around eleven or so I hung out at Amy by the ditch's house. We smoked a lot more weed and I got real dizzy. I should probably go back to bed. I can take a nap later on.

     3:17pm  I haven't made an entry in a long time. Let's see, this morning I got up and got on the computer. I spammed my site on IRC. It pissed everybody off. Everybody hates spammers. But, like I say, it's undercover-spam. It's free. Psyche! It's all a number's game and I have my shit spreading like wildfire. There's no such thing as bad publicity. Anyway, when I got bored with that I walked around the neighborhood. First I went down the street just to see if I would see Joey's truck at Amy's mom's house. I didn't see it so I assumed she wasn't home, so I turned on the street before the ditch. I walked over to Katt's house. Joey was all passed out again upstairs. Amy was there too. They directed me back to Amy's mom's house, where the other Amy and this guy named John. I have to look John up. He said he met me like way before I had even taken off in 2002. Like before I had my rainbow beanie. Right now he's got some chronic to smoke, but we were waiting for Amy to return. We smoked some chronic in the backyard. I'm all lit up. Amy's being nice enough to give me a ride to the Walmart so I can catch the bus at 35 in like ten minutes. Thank you, Amy. I appreciate it. It's for a good cause, hehe.

     3:27pm  Amy just dropped me off at the Walmart. I'm going to catch the bus downtown and stand on my new corner. Presa and Commerce.

     3:33pm  I just got on the 606 to Medical Center.

     3:49pm  I just took a picture of beautiful Natalie on the bus. She listened to my story all the way to the hospital.
     4:01pm  When I got to the hospital the 91 was here. Oh yeah, I told yet another girl on the bus my story. Then when I was almost about to get off I stood up and hung out with Mr. Wilson, my bus driver friend. I was singing all my songs from my soundtrack. I recited Missionary and the Johnny Appleseed song. Mr. Wilson told me, "You make my day every time I see you." Well, gawrsh, thanks. That's music to my ears, Mr. Wilson.

                   At the last minute before the bus left I jumped off. I said screw it, I'm going to walk.

                   I changed my mind yet again. Oh, I never told you the whole reason I went out today was because this girl Jade who I met on the bus the other day(1-07-08, 12:40pm). She's from Portland. She signed my guestbook this morning:

Date: 2008-01-11 06:09:39
Name: jade
Number: 167
we met on the bus in san antonio i was in a rush and couldnt talk i would love to meet up with you now, my boyfriend choked me yesterday so needless to say we split up and i am now free to chat with whoever i would like and i didnt get a number to get ahold of you i am staying with a friend down town ner sac please e mail me xoxox jade

                   I emailed her with:

That's awesome(well, not that you got choked). I would be honored to show someone from Portland around. Where by SAC are you?

- Victor Antonio

                   Then later with:

Subject: I'll be downtown today, it's Saturday.

You'll probably see me. I kind of "stick out" a little. I'll be busy wearing my WPTMJ shirt and handing out my website. Maybe on Presa and Commerce, maybe on the Riverwalk. Hope my crazy mission doesn't freak you out. Oh wait, you're from Portland. Have you read my Portland experience on my site? Oh yeah, and now that you're not going to marry that dude, do
you still have to be a "good-girl?" Can you smoke weed, or would you even want to? :P

- Victor Antonio

                   I'm going to ride the downtown and get close to SAC so I can improve the odds of running into this girl.

                   Oh, hell yeah. Right now I walked behind this bench to talk into my tape recorder. These guys and a girl were looking at me noticing my marijuana shirt, I'm sure. When I was done making my entry I walked around and gave them my website. Just then this dude who smoked me out years ago in Babcock North said, "Hi Victor." He didn't want to tell my the name he used to go by, so I can't look him up.

     4:51pm  Oh man, I had a spectacular presentation with Crystal on the bus right now. Guess what. She knows Shadow from O'Brien! She knows Fawn Journeyhawk! She's from California. I had to wait for her to finish talking with her mom on her cellphone. It sounded like she was having a really bad day and was real down. When she was done with her mom I hit her up for my story and started telling it to her over the bus noise. She was nodding up and down the whole way through.
                   It turns out this girl Crystal just happened to have lived in O'Brien, Oregon! On the same road the medicine camp is on! She used to live at 1800 Lone Mountain Road! She knew Shadow. She knew the medicine woman, Fawn Journeyhawk. She's been in one of her healing lodges. Fawn has put her down before. She even told me she had witnessed Fawn heal cerebral palsy.
                   To top it off Crystal had also lived in Arcata, California too, where I have spent a lot of time and am pretty well-known. What a small fucking world. The "coincidences" were just mind-blowing. Crystal was beaming when I got off the bus. I totally made her day better, and her mine. Weird, wacky stuff.

                   So now does everyone see exactly why I went through all that confusion getting on and off the bus? I thought I was going to go walking then I remembered about Jade. I am having such a great day so far. I'm going to go to Commerce and Presa and hand out my site.

                   Sweet, Crystal just volunteered me a York Peppermint Patty.

                   Man, what an awesome presentation I just had on the bus right now with Crystal. That just blows my mind that she's met Fawn Journeyhawk and that she knows Shadow and everything.

                   It was no accident.

     5:01pm  I just got off the bus at Cincinnati and Fredericksburg...for no reason whatsoever. Oh yeah, I want to be close to SAC and hopefully I'll run into Jade. Umm, I'm going to hit up Rossy's Barbacoa Mexican food.

     5:06pm  Jose me dio un dolar en cambio. Te lo agradezco, seƱor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

                   Sweet, I went in there and gave them my line, but they ended up being just closed and had put all the food away. I was telling them thanks anyway when Jose just up and hands me four quarters! I documented his generosity and gave him my website. He even told me, "Mi amor."

                   I'm going to go hit up my tennis ball resource at the McFarlin tennis Courts.

                   X24-JTX, I walked up to the tennis courts and these people were walking out to their car. I saw them carrying a basket full of balls so I went up and asked them if they had any dead balls I could have for my walking stick. They told me that all their balls were still good. I said thanks anyway and started walking towards the practice wall. All of a sudden this guy calls out to me, "I think I have a couple," and he opens his trunk. He gave me four balls. So I have four to start with. I'm going to go check the practice wall now. I'm going to go hit up my tennis ball resource at McFarlin Tennis Center.

                   Whoa, there's tons of balls up there. I even scored one on the ground behind the wall. Hell yeah.

                   I walked the length of the wall and I see twelve more balls up there! Hell yeah, there's lots of them.

     5:31pm  Man, the coolest shit happened. I was up scaling the wall harvesting my tennis balls like I usually do. Right when I was at the end of the wall trying to get my last ball out I see this lady and her daughter walking by. I grabbed my last ball and dropped down to the ground. All of a sudden the lady sees my shirt and tells me, "Hmm, somebody described you to me today. Do you know Jade?"

                   How fucking crazy is that? Jade was the reason I got off the bus early. Remember, I had wanted to be near SAC to improve my chances of running into Jade. I hadn't even thought about tennis balls when I got off the bus.

                   She introduces herself as Leanne. I told her to hold on, that I had to go collect my harvest of tennis balls.  They ended up knowing that girl Jade I was talking about earlier! The one who signed my guestbook. How crazy, eh? She's the friend by SAC she's staying with! I'm going to go say hi to Jade. Surprise! Weird, wacky stuff. What a small world.

     7:29pm  Well, this lady Leanne invites me over to her house and we smoke. I still needed to buy cigarettes. I had brought two dollars and some change from home for a pouch of Bugler rolling tobacco. I told Leanne I wanted to go buy some cigarettes and she said, "I can sell you a pack." Well, since that guy at the taqueria had given me a dollar in quarters I offered her three bucks and she sold me a brand new pack of Camel Wides! Score! There was a definite reason I stopped in that taqueria.
                   Leanne's house was full of kids and babies and cats and dogs. Leanne is a teacher. At first I was excited I would get to tell a teacher my story, but with all the commotion in the house it was somewhat difficult getting it out to her. The interruptions were everywhere. Not so much from Leanne but from all the kids she was trying to zone out. I know it's all about timing and maybe I was better off with her reading my website, but damnit, I like a challenge. I was there until nine 'o clock, but I didn't get my entire story out. We ate dinner right before I got to the spirit's part. Jade ended up making dinner for everybody and fueled me up.

                   Oh yeah, Leanne hooked me up with some weed! Thanks!

     7:47pm  I just had to be patient at that house. Leanne did eventually listen just to me and I hope she reads my webpage for the stuff she missed. It really was all about timing, like she had said.

     9:19pm  I forgot to tell you. I hung out at Leanne's house. I am still amazed how I manifested Jade today. Jade eventually got there. She made this big huge dinner for all these people. There were tons of people at this house. It was very difficult getting my story out in that full house. There were so many distractions with all these babies and animals and stuff. It was like a menagerie. This one girl blatantly interrupted my story with Leanne. She just butted in with her camera and told Leanne she had lots to show her. Everybody was all stoned anyway. That interrupter girl rolled a big fat blunt at first. That big dinner I was blessed with was my sign and cue to walk downtown, so I left. It was already pretty late and I can't get home on the bus. For some reason my feet are real sore and I feel a blister starting to form.

     9:27pm  Oh man, I walked down to Laurel to San Pedro and I see this pretty girl working at this Beer And All Drive Thru. Anyway, she was just out by the sidewalk smoking a cigarette. I see her and we smile at each other and I hit her up for my story. She says yeah, sure. Right when I mentioned marijuana she gave me a high-five and said, "That's what I'm talking about." I hope she lets me take her picture when I get to that part. A car just pulled up and duty called. In between customers, of course. Man, I am having a great night tonight. I have cigarettes, I have weed. I'm going to walk all the way home. Screw my sore feet. Man, I don't want to leave San Antonio.

     9:42pm  Oh yeah, that girl got real busy so I just gave her my website.

                   Dude, I never told you! I scored eighteen tennis balls today! That's a sure sign to take off traveling.

     9:46pm  Oh man, I walked to Commerce Street and Johnny just hooked me up with another pack of Camels! That's just awesome. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man.

     11:02pm  I just had a good presentation on the bus with this guy and a girl. I'm all friggin' stoned. I took a couple hits at Travis Park before the 88 Lineup came. As far as I am getting to home tonight is Bandera and 410. I hope Taqueria Jalisco is open. Oh yeah, those two kids I told my story to on the bus, he thought it was going all the way to the Mainland Walmart, but I told him the lineup only goes to 410 and Bandera. They still have to get to Marbach and shit. They're screwed. I offered to smoke them out and the dude told me, "No, I have to figure out how we're going to get home now." I told him that was the point of smoking, to get that figured out. He still said no. Oh well, more for me. :P

     11:48pm  I realized I had change in my pocket so I was able to call my mom. I walked all the way to the Chacho's by Grissom. I called my mom and she was nice enough to come get me. She had another bad day at work. Man, my mom hates her life. I really hope she never gets suicidal. I love my mom so much. I really want to save the world for her. I want to free her from all the stress she puts herself through.

     12:15am  I just got home. Man, my mom is so miserable. She hates her job. I don't want her to hurt herself. I worry about her so much.

Next day..

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