

                                                                                                             Ventura, CA

Friday January 12, 2007

     11:00am  I haven't been recording much because I am almost out of room. I'm on the ninety third file on my digital voice recorder. I have like six left. Today I decided to take a day off. Oh yeah, last night I went over to Charlene's motel room. Her husband, who she's not with is paying for her to be there. He called up and said I had to leave. I went to the Chevron and the Vons. It was around two in the morning and I was wondering where I was going to crash. I walked Seaward to Pierpont Beach. I walked the shore to the left until I found an outlet into the neighborhood. I found me an empty lot to crash in under a tree! I was really cold and bored this morning. I even thought to myself, "I'm going to go to River Haven and chop firewood. That'll get me warm, it's chilly." Ha! I hope Carol doesn't mind. I had told Bob I was still going to stop by there and chop wood for them once in a while. I'll try to borrow a cellphone at Quan's, the liquor store and see if I can call Carol. She sent me an email saying, "What's up? I miss you. I thought we were friends." I told her, "We are friends, but you weren't very friendly that night I came over." When she ran me off and shit. I went over there to smoke weed with her. Anyway, I could always use the pretense that I'm coming by to say hi to my friends Amy and Si. This is like the longest recording I've ever had on this recorder. It's over two minutes, 2:03. Alright, well I'm going to go over to Quan's and bum a cigarette, or something.

     11:25am  Wow, what an update I have to make, man. Fuckin-a, I came all the way over to River Haven. I thought I'm bored. I'm going to take a day off from my sign-flying. I'm going to go smoke some weed with my friends at River Haven. I thought Carol was supposed to be my best friend, you know. That night that she "broke up" with me she told me, "We'll stay best friends." I am all up for that. I value her friendship. I really do. I love Carol so much. When I showed up her and Bear were hanging out. Armando was there. He got eighty-sixed from River Haven too. For not paying rent. They were all in a hurry to go to Turning Point and call churches about rent money. Which I am so glad I don't have to worry about, because I left River Haven. Fuck money! Anyway, so I just went over there and smoked some other people out. I smoked Armando, Loren, Marky-Mark and Mark Watson out. I came bearing gifts. I was going to smoke Carol out. Then stupid ass prison-break Taz comes up to me and yells, "Get out of here! Nobody wants you here!" All trying to be a badass. I was astounded. I came bearing gifts. I brought weed, I brought tobacco, I was smoking people out. Then, after they got their fill of my weed-smoke they all turned against me and decided I had to leave. They told me to go out and wait for Carol out front. I even told them, "I was going to chop wood for you guys! Out of the goodness of my fucking heart!" They were still dicks to me and told me I had to leave. That's the biggest bullshit in the world.
                     Oh yeah, I forgot. Taz even threatened Armando. He was all getting up in his face and shit. Armando called the cops! One fuckup and Taz is back in prison. I was out by Quan's and I saw the cop pull up to River Haven. Fuck Taz. He's going back to prison. That's where he belongs. He's all talk. As soon as I heard the cops were on their way I booked it. I told them to tell Carol I'd be at Quan's. Carol had called and left a message for me to wait at River Haven because she wanted to talk to me. Oh yeah, and apparently her and Bear are together. See, right before Carol and I moved in Bear lived there. I am happy for her. I'm not a hippie. Carol's a hippie. Bear's a hippie. Hmm, how does that equation work out? Armando told me that Bear kind of manifested it. He had been putting all his energy into getting him a hippie dready-mama. Then Carol showed up and we broke up. It all happens for a reason. I'm going to tell Carol, "Listen, if you don't want anything else to do with me, then don't tell me we're still fucking friends, best-friends even. You should've told me that in the email you sent me." Cool, the cops just pulled up and asked me, "Hey, how do we get to River Haven?" I told them right there. I even offered to open the gate for them, hehe. Fuck Taz.

                   Damn, that recording was way over three minutes. 3:46.

     2:02pm  I was walking down over by Pierpont and Seaward. All of a sudden this guy in a cool car that I had noticed before, he had seen me flying my sign before, he pulled over and he hooked me up with a jacket! I really appreciate it, man. It's getting chilly. What was your name, again? Jenkins. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:27pm  I haven't been updating too much today. I've just been walking around down on Pierpont. At the gas station in front of the Motel 6 I ran into this guy. This other homeless dude. He said that he was getting a car and that he might give me a ride to Venice Beach tonight or tomorrow morning! So fuck yeah! I'm glad I ran into him. I don't know if I told you what happened with Carol. I think I did get that far on my recording. Carol eventually drove back around and we talked. She pulled up and I told her I didn't want to go back to River Haven. We sat in the car in front of Quan's and talked. She was all, "I still love you. I want to get back together with you. I miss you and your cause," and all this other shit. She was all surprised I wasn't more broken up. I told her, "It's because I am that mechanic. I had been obsessed with saving the world for four years before I even met you. I shifted right into that mode again once you were gone. I am happy again." She was all butt-hurt about that. I told her that it would be best if we only communicated through email from now on. Anyway, I'm going to stop recording now. I'm looking for someone to tell my story to, but it's cold tonight and I look like a fuckin' hunchback. I am wearing all my jackets and my big rainbow sarapĂ©. I look totally homeless with my walking stick. Hmm, I know. I'm going to go crash at Charlene's. It's a lot warmer there.

Next day..

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