

 San Antonio, TX

Saturday January 12, 2008

     8:24am  I woke up about half an hour ago. I got 6.25 hours of sleep. I'm alright. I still have a little weed. I'm going to go downtown again today. It's Saturday.

     4:15pm  I spent all day on the computer and I just got on the bus. That sign-flying bum that told me about Bandera Pointe not too long ago. When I got on the bus he said, "There's the world peace through marijuana guy." He was sitting with this other drunk bum. He all pulled out a big wad of cash showing off telling everybody how he was getting twenties from people all day. Just like Bo, all drunk on the money. He was all look at me, look at me, I got money. He was actually wearing a crucifix. I took his picture and everything. He probably only wears it so Christians will give him money. What blasphemy. This bum is going to hell.

     4:24pm  I am at the Walmart.

     4:37pm  I randomly got on the 609. I'm going to Ingram.
                   I got on whatever bus the drunk bums didn't get on. They were pissing everyone off. I tried to pass out my website on the bus, but the ignorance was pretty thick.

                   This one fat girl told me, "Just because I don't want to look at your webpage doesn't mean I don't care." I told her, "Why wouldn't you? It's free. You not looking at it is exactly what not-caring sounds like."

     4:45pm  Oh yeah, I took a long-ass nap today. Like a three hour nap. I had told my mom that my feet were all sore and shit. Nothing rests feet better than a good night's sleep, and it's not like I'm walking that much today. I'm more riding the bus. I'm alright. I'm going to go fly my shirt downtown on Commerce and Presa tonight. I'm getting their early, so I'll be sure to catch the last bus home to the Walmart from Travis Park. I can walk from the Walmart.

     5:03pm  At the Ingram transfer center I randomly jumped on the 82. I was debating what to do. I thought, hmm, I'm at Ingram Mall for some reason. Maybe I am meant to walk around the mall with my shirt and hand out my webpage. So I started walking towards the mall. I was hungry. All I had to eat today was like three cookies after I woke up from my nap. I could probably go hit up Prado's again, but I don't want to abuse them. I walked like a block and at the last minute I turned around. I'm going to go downtown and stand on Commerce and Presa. When I walked back to the park and ride the downtown buses were already here. I asked the 90 driver which one got downtown faster and he told me the 82. So it wasn't that random, I guess. The 82 goes down Culebra. I'm thinking I'll go hit up Cristan's on San Pedro. Serving San Antonio since 1968, hehe.

     5:44pm  I got off the bus over by MK Davis. For no reason. I'll walk to Cristan's from here. I could've just stayed on the bus and it would've gone right to it.

                   Damn, Cristan's is closed. That sucks. I'm hungry. Umm, I'll just go downtown anyway, screw it. Please Love, feed my belly. Spare change for a hotdog?

     5:58pm  I just took a picture right now. Just got downtown. I caught the bus in front of the Jack in the Box right on the other side of the highway. I'm going to go spare change for a hotdog at Travis Park.

                   Damn, no hotdogs at Travis Park. I'm a survivor. I'm going to go to my corner and get to work on an empty stomach.

     6:15pm  I am on my corner. Hell yeah, the night life is starting. The sun's almost down.

     6:24pm  I'm going to go make some magic happen at Casa Rio's Mexican food. It's right across the street. I'll take a picture. Hopefully they'll feed me. I'm fuckin' hungry.

                   They're hosting a private party right now. It's not open. Schillo's Delicatessen. I don't know. I might hit them up. If the manager is Mexican.

                   Some Asian lady, forget it.

     6:28pm  I was on my corner and I started walking up Commerce to go hit up the taqueria. I walked by all these kids dressed for prom, it looked like. They loved my shirt when I walked up and I handed out my website like crazy.

     6:41pm  I am having fun on my corner passing out my website. Check out my website, it's free. It's not religious, I promise! Hehehe. Robert and Dems walked by and offered to smoke a brother out. Everybody gets credit. It's for a good cause.
     6:50pm  Hell yeah, that was just magical. I got smoked out rowdy. I am all lit up. We went and smoked in this hallway around the corner on Presa. We smoked like half a blunt and I tagged the wall with I told them we should probably get walking in case people have walked by and called the cops already. We weren't that far from my corner. We just smoked out these girls right now and I took pictures and I gave them my website. Man, it's still really early. It's only seven.

                    I had them take a picture of me.

                    Some cool vato.

     7:32pm  Hell yeah, right now this guy and girl walked by. I noticed they had some leftovers so when they walked by I said, "Spare some leftovers for world peace?" They kept walking and stopped around the corner. The dude came back and handed me all this change and a dollar bill. He told me, "You don't remember me? You're the guy who walks everywhere, right?" He said he knew me from West Telemarketing years ago. He gave me some change and I gave him my website. I can go buy a snack or something.

                   Thank you, Love. I have been thinking the hunger away. It's so early. I'm was even thinking about just going home and going to my mom's house to eat. I just got hooked up with a little cash, so I'll stick around here a bit longer.

     7:36pm  I went into Dante's Pizza across the street. Right when I walked in the cool black dude working there said, "I know you got the munchies." Obviously he had seen me already. Haha. I gathered the change I had and asked him, "Hey, can I get any food for this amount?" I had like two dollars total. He's hooking me up with more than a cheese pizza. Pepperoni. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:11pm  Ahh, I decided to leave downtown. I am already at University Hospital.

                   Right now I went up to like the only dude waiting for a bus outside and asked him if I could borrow his cellphone. I called my mom just to check in and tell her I would be home late, that I could only get as closed as West Telemarketing and walk the seven miles home. She said okay and hung up. I thank the cool Mexican dude for letting me borrow his phone and offer him a cigarette. He said he already had some, that he was straight. I then went around the corner and loaded a hit and offered him a "drag off my special cigarette." Just then my mom called his cellphone back. He gladly accepted the weed and I talked to my mom. She wanted to know if I wanted her to come pick me up. I told her I was ready to walk the seven miles from West, but if she wanted to she could help me. She offered to come get me at the hospital. I mean, I have to wait until 10:09 for the 91 to West anyway.
     10:07pm  This one girl was sitting there listening to headphones. I walked by and she smiled at me so I offered her my website. She shook her head and said, "I don't do that." I asked her, "Damn, why wouldn't you? That's right, be afraid, be afraid. Thanks for making my story so interesting."

                     The 91 eventually came and when she went to go get on it I told her, "I was just testing you." She paused for a second, then gave me a dirty look and got on the bus. Haha, what a great day.

Next day..

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