


San Antonio, TX

Thursday January 15, 2004

     2:21pm  It's the next day. Today I am all excited because I got my workstation. I typed up a whole two days. I'm going to catch up at Sam's house. I just stayed on the computer all day. I was on AOL sending out my ideas.

     2:42pm  I'm at the hospital. I caught the 92 over here. I have to wait until 3:05 for the 91.

     2:46pm  Richard just hooked me up with a cigarette outside of the hospital. I appreciate it, Richard.

     3:03pm  Oh yeah, I forgot, today at Sam's I did an AOL member directory search for "west telemarketing." I got like ten people in San Antonio that work at West. I sent them all my email with my story. I made the subject, "THIS IS THE HIPPIE FROM WEST TELEMARKETING." Man, everybody's going to open it and read it.

     3:56pm  About five minutes ago Mark gave me his last shag rolly.

                   And he's hooking me up with some malt-balls too.

     5:05pm  Mary hooked me up with a cigarette out here at the smoking cabana on our ten minute break.

     7:34pm  I came back to the training room and Donny, this old hippiesh dude hooked me up with some Mike and Ikes. I appreciate it, bro.

     11:02pm  I'm on the 91 going back to Sam's apartment. Today I had an awesome day at work. I got in there and they trained us on this brand new Allstate project where all you have to do is call people and ask them questions. The company was there in the training room too. At first, when I had gotten there, they split us up because the class was too big. The group that I was sent with was going to do a whole other day of orientation. I was like, damn. Then, all of a sudden, since I had asked a couple questions earlier and I look like a hippie and I was real nice with the trainers that were there, all of a sudden this lady comes and picks me out. She came up to me and said, "Your presence is requested. You get to come back." Yeah! I got to go back. This project is easy as shit. Simple stuff. All you gotta do is ask these questions. That's it. It's simple. Man, and I was on that hardass Earthlink project before. See how things works out for me? Going my way.

                     I haven't smoked weed all day though.

 Andreabanandrea1:  sure  
 KitEntropy:  cool, your sn seems familiar..
 Andreabanandrea1:  it does?  
 KitEntropy:  maybe i've sent you my story before..
 Andreabanandrea1:  im not sure  
 Andreabanandrea1:  yours isnt familiar, and i dont recall anyone ever sending me a story :)  
 KitEntropy:  ever heard of this crazy guy who took off walking to the west coast from san antonio?
 Andreabanandrea1:  no  
 KitEntropy:  oh yeah, and this isn't my sn...i'm using my friends
 Andreabanandrea1:  ahhh  
 Andreabanandrea1:  what's your sn  
 KitEntropy:  = 25/m/san antonio
 KitEntropy:  i don't have one..i don't believe in paying for aol
 Andreabanandrea1:  = 22/f/san antonio  
 Andreabanandrea1:  lol  
 Andreabanandrea1:  lol  
 Andreabanandrea1:  nerd  
 KitEntropy:  hehe
 Andreabanandrea1:  does that mean you're broke ;)  
 KitEntropy:  no, it means i don't like wasting my money
 Andreabanandrea1:  just jokes  
 KitEntropy:  it's cool
 KitEntropy:  :]
 Andreabanandrea1:  so anyway  
 Andreabanandrea1:  i'm guessing that you dont have a pic  
 KitEntropy:  i do, it's just really old..
 KitEntropy:  let me see if i can find it
 Andreabanandrea1:  let's see it  
 Andreabanandrea1:  i like old pics  
 Andreabanandrea1:  as long as you're not 12 or 13 in the pic  
 KitEntropy:  damn, there's a catch to everything..
 KitEntropy:  hehe
 Andreabanandrea1:  lol  
 Andreabanandrea1:  yah, well, what can i say  
 Andreabanandrea1:  so what do you do  
 Andreabanandrea1:  work, school?  
 KitEntropy:  ok, there..
 Andreabanandrea1:  dead dog?  
 Andreabanandrea1:  :(  
 KitEntropy:  let me send you my know what i do..
 Andreabanandrea1:  how sad  
 KitEntropy:  yeah..i miss stuart
 Andreabanandrea1:  ok
 Andreabanandrea1:  i have two dogs, they're my babies...they're worse than kids  
 KitEntropy:  my bitch exgirlfriend stole him away to florida..and he got a brain tumor..
 KitEntropy:  so she says..
 Andreabanandrea1:  HUH  
 Andreabanandrea1:  holy moly  
 Andreabanandrea1:  that was WRONG
 Andreabanandrea1:  you never steal a man's dog  
 KitEntropy:  i think her lazy ass just didn't walk him  
 Andreabanandrea1:  i dont walk my dogs very often  
 Andreabanandrea1:  i put them in the backyard, so they can "stretch"  
 KitEntropy:  by the way, i'm 6'6"/165lbs
 Andreabanandrea1:  but they don't like the outdoors...i have two of the laziest dogs  
 KitEntropy:  lol
 Andreabanandrea1:  you're skinny  
 Andreabanandrea1:  and tall  
 KitEntropy:  no, i'm streamlined
 Andreabanandrea1:  hmm  
 Andreabanandrea1:  ok  
 KitEntropy:  great muscle tone, no body fat
 Andreabanandrea1:  i have a bassethound and a bulldog, all they do is sleep  
 Andreabanandrea1:  cool  
 Andreabanandrea1:  if i can find a pic, i'll send it  
 Andreabanandrea1:  but it will take a few secs  
 KitEntropy:  cool
 KitEntropy:  take your time
 Andreabanandrea1:  so are you at your friend's house?  
 KitEntropy:  yeah, but not the owner of sn's
 Andreabanandrea1:  i know  
 Andreabanandrea1:  you already told me that ;)  
 KitEntropy:  how did you know i was at my friend's?
 Andreabanandrea1:  cause it's not your screen name  
 Andreabanandrea1:  why would you be at  your own house using your friend's screen name  
 KitEntropy:  ok, i sent the story...
 Andreabanandrea1:  i can only find a bad pic  
 Andreabanandrea1:  but i'll send anyway  
 KitEntropy:  because i wouldn't have an aol account there either
 KitEntropy:  if i had a house
 Andreabanandrea1:  lol  
 Andreabanandrea1:  where do you live  
 KitEntropy:  i live in the whole city..
 KitEntropy:  i have a network of friends all over town i can float around at..
 KitEntropy:  hehe, read my story if you really want to get to know me better..
 KitEntropy:  be warned, though
 KitEntropy:  you're going to think i'm crazy
 KitEntropy:  just like i want you to..
 KitEntropy:  :P
 Andreabanandrea1:  lol  
 Andreabanandrea1:  hmmm  
 Andreabanandrea1:  wait  
 Andreabanandrea1:  you don't have a permanent location?  
 KitEntropy:  transience is my specialty..
 KitEntropy:  recently, i've been crashing at my friends apt near crossroads mall..
 KitEntropy:  just while i work at west...
 Andreabanandrea1:  cool  
 Andreabanandrea1:  i'm on the left  
 Andreabanandrea1:  it's an  old pic  
 KitEntropy:  check out my story..
 Andreabanandrea1:  i am, one sec  
 KitEntropy:  cool
 KitEntropy:  are you reading my stuff?
 Andreabanandrea1:  yah  
 Andreabanandrea1:  and you are crazy  
 KitEntropy:  cool
 KitEntropy:  the way i see it, you have to be crazy to make a difference..
 Andreabanandrea1:  that is beyond crazy :)  
 KitEntropy:  yeah, i'm the sanest person i know..
 Andreabanandrea1:  hold on  
 KitEntropy:  if you look at the world through my eyes, doesn't everybody else seem crazy?
 KitEntropy:  ok
 Andreabanandrea1:  yah, you rank up there with the other crazies i know  
 KitEntropy:  did you read the whole thing
 Andreabanandrea1:  for the most part  
 Andreabanandrea1:  i skimmed  
 Andreabanandrea1:  but i'll definitely read it in full later  
 KitEntropy:  if i am crazy, i'm harmless-crazy, trustworthy-crazy
 Andreabanandrea1:  yah  
 KitEntropy:  practice what i preach crazy
 Andreabanandrea1:  lol  
 KitEntropy:  psst
 Andreabanandrea1:  yeeessss  
 KitEntropy:  did you read it all, or did you lose interest?
 Andreabanandrea1:  i skimmed  
 Andreabanandrea1:  i'm gonna read all of it later  
 KitEntropy:  ok, just wondering
 KitEntropy:  it gets much better 


 Hippie 67:  well who may i ask r u anyway
 KitEntropy:  my name is victor
 KitEntropy:  i am from san antonio, tx
 KitEntropy:  i am a long-distance walker/journalist..
 Hippie 67:  sorry victor i dont wanna read it ty anyway
 KitEntropy:  fine then, just delete it wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 KitEntropy:  have you always been that ignorant?
 KitEntropy:  and you call yourself a hippie..
 Hippie 67:  well i see ya profle say ya a female but u just told me u male so there
 KitEntropy:  yeah, i am borrowing this acount
 KitEntropy:  do you believe everything you read?
 Hippie 67:  no but tend to and why u im me where u get my name
 KitEntropy:  i searched member directory for: hippie
 Hippie 67:  and u got me  
 KitEntropy:  imagine that..
 Hippie 67:  yes imagine that
 KitEntropy:  ok sent, if you like and want some more good, free non-fiction...just email me at:
 KitEntropy:  remember, this isn't my account..
 Hippie 67:  ok hope u sent me that info in email
 KitEntropy:  it's in there..
 Hippie 67:  k 


 Medsch987:  no why?
 KitEntropy:  just wondering..
 Medsch987:  not at all LOL!
 KitEntropy:  hey, can i send you a really interesting true story?  
 KitEntropy:  harmless text..  
 Medsch987:  about?
 KitEntropy:  about what that hippie dude has planned..
 Medsch987:  hmmmmmm
 KitEntropy:  or, you can just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 KitEntropy:  ok sent, if you like i got tons more good, free, me at:    remember this isn't my account
 KitEntropy:  have you always been that ignorant?
 Medsch987:  about?
 KitEntropy:  you deleted my mail..
 Medsch987:  yup  not interested  sorry
 KitEntropy:  like i said..just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 KitEntropy:  ignorance is bliss, i suppose
 Medsch987:  I will be anxiously holding my breath 


 KitEntropy:  can i send you a really interesting story?
 KitEntropy:  wait, your sn looks familiar..have i already sent you my story?
 NathanielsMama:  about what?
 NathanielsMama:  no, don't thinkso
 KitEntropy:  cool, may i then?  it's harmless text..
 KitEntropy:  i think you would like it..
 KitEntropy:  ok sent, read it when you have time
 KitEntropy:  and don't worry, there won't be anything at the end asking for money..
 KitEntropy:  i'm doing this for free  
 KitEntropy:  :]
 NathanielsMama:  ok, I'll read it if I have time
 NathanielsMama:  thanks
 KitEntropy:  thanks for not being ignorant..
 KitEntropy:  man, i am almost positive i've sent you my story before..
 NathanielsMama:  maybe you were using another screen name?
 KitEntropy:  do you remember this crazy dude from san antonio that took off  walking to the west coast?
 NathanielsMama:  yes, we have talked before
 KitEntropy:  i knew it
 NathanielsMama:  I remember now
 KitEntropy:  cool
 NathanielsMama:  essentially, I told you that you had good ideals but that you were a bit ego-centric to think you could change the world and solve all it's problems.  Everyone has to find their own path and it is condescending and depriving to people to force feed them information/instructions on how to change their lives.
 NathanielsMama:  everyone has their own process... everyone has the ability to know the truth in their own hearts, if they will listen to it... it's not up to anyone else to guide them there.
 KitEntropy:  umm first off, i am not trying to make everybody else like me..i am trying to give people the choice to be themselves
 NathanielsMama:  well, I'm already there, thanks.
 KitEntropy:  second, i know i tell everybody i'm going to bring world peace and all, but i'm no stupid.   world peace is going to have to be everybody's fault(at least all the kids')
 KitEntropy:  i'll just be the catalyst..
 NathanielsMama:  Have you ever read any Plato?  
 KitEntropy:  no, i don't read much..
 NathanielsMama:  figures
 KitEntropy:  i feel the less i read the more original my writing style will stay..
 NathanielsMama:  you're awfully concerned about everyone else reading your stuff though
 KitEntropy:  but, i read books that fall into my lap, because i am meant to..
 KitEntropy:  because my stuff makes perfect sense..
 KitEntropy:  i'm not cramming anything down anyone's throat..i am just giving mere suggestions..
 NathanielsMama:  Well, Plato was an ancient Greek.... he wrote in a form called "dialogues"..... I highly recommend it.
 KitEntropy:  that shit's in the past..i am more concerned with today and tomorrow..
 NathanielsMama:  some things are timeless.
 KitEntropy:  most are not..
 KitEntropy:  time's change..
 NathanielsMama:  and, I'm of the philosophy that humanity has had MUCH more enlightened times than the one we are living in right now
 KitEntropy:  and if we don't finally change with them, the day will come when we look to apocolyptic skies..
 KitEntropy:  and it will be our own damn fault
 KitEntropy:  for being so damn ignorant to the truth
 NathanielsMama:  you're right... most are not but, there are *some* and Plato is one of them.
 NathanielsMama:  the great thing about Plato is that he had an uncanny insight into human nature/motivations
 NathanielsMama:  Human beings haven't changed much in psychologically in the past 5,000 years.  I think you'd find his insight very inspiring.
 KitEntropy:  all these great writings of the past, if they were so great and influential, why isn't there peace already?
 KitEntropy:  maybe i'll read it after i save the world...when i have time to
 NathanielsMama:  Plato wasn't writing to establish peace and I was not suggesting you read his stuff in order to unlock that mystery.   
 KitEntropy:  but for now, i can't, for the life of EVERYBODY, find anything better to do..
 KitEntropy:  i'm guessing plato was trying to make sense of the world at his time..
 KitEntropy:  peace has made sense forever
 NathanielsMama:  not so.... he was more into trying to understand how the human mind works.
 KitEntropy:  same difference
 KitEntropy:  understanding and making sense are synonomous 


 Tipi Hippie:  ok
 KitEntropy:  cool, give me a minute please
 Tipi Hippie:  i give you two...
 KitEntropy:  how generous of you..
 KitEntropy:  typical hippie..
 KitEntropy:  :]
 Tipi Hippie:  :-P
 KitEntropy:  :P
 KitEntropy:  ok sent, if you like and want some more good, free non-fiction...just email me at:
 KitEntropy:  this is my friend's account
 Tipi Hippie:  give me five minutes, please..
 KitEntropy:  take your time, sister
 KitEntropy:  umm, or brother
 KitEntropy:  i don't know german..
 Tipi Hippie:  :-D
 KitEntropy:  hehe
 Tipi Hippie:  a lot of germans too
 KitEntropy:  in germany, i'm sure..
 KitEntropy:  go figure..
 Tipi Hippie:  huh, damned long that story... I will need days to read:-D
 KitEntropy:  it's worth every letter..
 KitEntropy:  take your time..
 Tipi Hippie:  have to take it later... my mom called for having meal
 KitEntropy:  that's cool, enjoy your meal
 Tipi Hippie:  :-( i have to visit my sister... it´s her birthday today and she wants me to make her a water-resistant door... she lives directly near a river and it rains and rains and the waters get higher and higher...
 KitEntropy:  aww, that sucks
 KitEntropy:  i'm sorry
 Tipi Hippie:  have to leave now. maybe iam online again ina few hours
 KitEntropy:  ok, my email's on the mail i if you want to drop me a line go right ahead..
 KitEntropy:  i can send you some more stories if you like
 Tipi Hippie:  bye, cu
 KitEntropy:  have a great day
 KitEntropy:  good luck at your sis'
 Tipi Hippie:  :'(
 KitEntropy:  :[ 


i imed people with, "hey, have you ever seen this hippie dude walking around san antonio with a rainbow beanie and scarf?  he used to have a walking stick.

 Uglyprez1:  YEA  
 KitEntropy:  you have?
 Uglyprez1:  SEEN HIM IN SD 2  
 KitEntropy:  sd2?
 KitEntropy:  yeah!
 KitEntropy:  what's sd2?
 Uglyprez1:  LIKE FEATHERS  
 Uglyprez1:  WHERES A VEST  
 Uglyprez1:  AND A HAT  
 KitEntropy:  hmm, nope
 Uglyprez1:  SAN DIEGO  
 KitEntropy:  hey, can i send you a really interesting true story?
 KitEntropy:  harmless text..
 Uglyprez1:  SURE  
 Uglyprez1:  HOW U FIND ME?  
 Uglyprez1:  U INTO BIKES  
 KitEntropy:  i searched member directory for san antonio
 Uglyprez1:  U VISITIN SOON  
 Uglyprez1:  I USE 2 LIVE IN CA 2  
 KitEntropy:  this isn't my account
 KitEntropy:  ok sent, if you like i got tons more good, free, me at:    remember this isn't my account
 Uglyprez1:  OK   
 Uglyprez1:  TAKE ER EASY   
 KitEntropy:  peace, brother 


Next day..    

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