


San Antonio, TX

Thursday January 20, 2005    

     5:22am  I woke up at like five this morning. I crashed out early last night because I didn't feel too hot. I think I got too high. It sucks that I don't have any weed today. I've got four dollars. I'm going to go find some somewhere. I'm thinking about leaving already. Like taking off walking. I didn't walk as much as I should have yesterday because I got picked up by Luis. I got to tell him my story and I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy and doubts me. I had some productive time nonetheless.

     5:55am  I actually got one hit of weed from the weed dust in my wallet. I decided since I was nice and high that I was going to clean up the kitchen, because it's all messy.

                   It's not my mess.

     6:25am  My mom is going to be surprised when she wakes up. I cleaned up the kitchen spotless. Well, I didn't mop because it didn't need mopping. I swept though. I did everything else. The dishes, the counters. It was all messy. It was her mess too. I cleaned it and I'm going to go walking now. Oh wait, I have to stretch first.

     6:37am  I forgot to tell you. I hit the power line trail. I'm at the tennis court scanning for balls. I was thinking, "Nah, I'm not going to walk downtown today. I did some walking yesterday. I am going to ride the bus and procure me some marijuana. I've got four dollars. I'll get some weed somehow and come back home and type. I'll walk downtown tomorrow.

                   I'm at the tennis courts. It's still dark outside. I'm going to see if I can find me a ball anywhere. I'm on my last ball.

                   I couldn't find any tennis balls. I looked over the fence of this house that's right behind the courts and I saw two balls in it. There's some lights on inside, so I'm going to go knock on the door and ask them if I can have those balls. I wonder what they will think. I'll probably freak them out.

                   Wait, I have to go around the other way.

                   Oh yeah, I'm not going to knock on those people's door. I'll just walk to the Walmart and get a courtesy ride. I'll go to some tennis courts somewhere else. I'll go to University Hospital.

     6:50am  I walked the power line trail all the way down to Guilbeau. I'm walking Guilbeau to the Walmart.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I walked to the Walmart and went in and took a piss in the bathroom.

                   After I went to the bathroom I went outside to the bus stop. I saw some lady smoking a cigarette outside. I asked her for one and she said, "I usually give one to everybody that asks, but these have to last me until Monday." I told her, "Thanks anyway." 

                   I'll just walk to the smoking cabana and ask somebody there. Or dig through the ashtray. I don't know.

     7:30am  733 hooked me up with a ride to the hospital.

     7:37am  The driver hooked me up with a courtesy ride and I got on the bus. These two high school girls were all staring at me. I sat down right in front of them and gave them the peace sign. I told them my platform. They got off at Marshall High School. I got all the way to the part, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing." They're going to go tell all their friends. One girl told me, "Yeah, my friend's met you before."

     7:57am  Mr. Perales told me no. Greedy ass!

                   Damnit, no tennis balls anywhere. Not even at the hospital.

                   Oh yeah, I got on the 91 and asked for a courtesy ride. The guy said no, so I just pulled out some change from my pocket, hehe.

     8:29am  I got off the 91 at Williamsburg and Fredericksburg. I'm going to go see if Leo's awake. Or if he's home.

                   Leo's not home, that sucks. I want to get high. I'll just walk downtown.

     8:48am  I just knocked on Teo's door and his mom answered. She told me, "Hey look, dude. My kids at work. Don't come by here during the day." She was all pissed off that I knocked on the door. She hadn't been sleeping, she was on the phone.

                   Some guy gave me a cigarette at the payphone at Santa Fe Place.

     9:11am  I'm downtown already. I'm going to go to Travis Park.

     9:15am  Juan me dio un cigaro en Travis Park. Te lo agradezco, Juan. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     9:48am  I was walking to the Samm's Shelter to score some weed. I saw James and he called me over. This one girl said, "Hey, aren't you the one writing a book?" I told Gina, "Yeah, I'm still going strong." She said I interviewed her. I don't remember. I'll look it up.

                   I looked it up and I guess I didn't log it.

     11:18am  I couldn't score weed at Samm's at all. I stood out there for like an hour hanging out with the homeless people. The weed never came, so I'm going to walk back to Travis Park. Then I'll catch the bus back to Santa Fe Apartments.

     12:05pm  Neto hooked me up with a dollar in the park. Just for nothing. I appreciate it, brother.

                      I finally scored me a nickel bag. I shared a lot of it.

     12:17pm  Mr. Saucedo told me no on the 91.

                      I haven't made an update in a while. I'm at University Hospital already. I took a hit of weed. I'm looking for a cigarette.

                      Oh, I forgot to tell you. I just got off the bus by the Citgo. I'm walking to my mom's. I have some weed. I'm going to go home and type. Today is Thursday, by the way.

                      My mom's home. Bet you she's on the computer. Watch, I bet you ten bucks.

     6:30pm  I am leaving my mom's house. I'm going to walk to the store and bum a cigarette or something. I know I bet you ten bucks that my mom would be on the computer, but she wasn't. She was actually doing something else.

     7:03pm  Jay hooked me up with two cigarettes at the Citgo. The Willfix it guy. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Oh shit! Brian Moreno just stopped to say hi to me. He was me walking and he pulled over by Kings Cross. I recognized who he was and said, "Hey, what's going on?" He said, "I saw you walking. I just wanted to say hi." I told him, "I'm still at it. My webpage is almost ready."

                   Dude, this sucks. I'm locked out of my mom's house. I forgot my key and I just walked back to my mom's and the car's not here. That sucks. I hoped the back door is unlocked.

     7:40am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Since I got locked out I decided I'd walk to the gas stations on 1604 to bum a cigarette. I'm walking, exercising.

                   At the Shell station they had tons of good snipes in the ashtray. Like seven or eight. I went inside and asked the guy for a plastic bag and put the cigarettes in it and put it in my pocket. Waste not, want not. It's all the same nicotine, just free how it should be.

     8:10am  I never told you, I'm back at my mom's house already. Oh, I never told you. Earlier today when I was waiting around at the Samm's Shelter for the weed that never came, on the sidewalk I saw some BMX bike that had two tennis balls in the spokes. I asked the guy in front of it, "Hey, do you know who's bike that is?" He told me it was his. I asked him, "Think I can have one of those tennis balls for my stick?" He told me, "Take both of them." Perfect.

     9:50am  I just had a badass presentation and got smoked out! I passed by that fifteen year old girl Amy's house(11-29-04, 7:05pm). In walking back I thought, "Screw it, I don't want to go to the end of the street and turn left at the ditch. I went up her street and ended up passing by her and her boyfriend outside sitting on the tailgate of his truck. She goes, "Hey, what's up." I came over and she asked me for a cigarette. I shared my bag of snipes with her. I scored a lot of snipes. Hehe, they all know me at the Shell. Her and her boyfriend smoked me out and I put on a magical presentation.

     9:55am  God-damnit, my mom's not home yet. That sucks. It's getting chilly.

                   I walked up to the Citgo and some guy just pulled up in his truck and made a comment about me smoking. When he came out, I told him, "Your truck smokes more than me."

     9:57am  Oh yeah, when that guy came out I told him his car smoked more than me. He said, "Don't get mad, now. I smoke too." I told him, "I compensate for my bad habits. I walk and drink water. We've got two legs for a reason and it's not to push the gas and the brake. Cars are death machines. They're killing the world. Just like money and the government." He rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, the world keeps turning." I told him, "Yeah, ignorance is bliss."

                   Dumbass Babylonian.

                   Oh yeah, I'm thinking about changing my route to the Citgo so I won't be walking on Old Tezel which doesn't have a sidewalk. It might take a little longer, but I don't care. I'll be going through the neighborhood. I'll come out by this daycare center. All the little kids will see me.

     11:35am  Oh yeah, I was walking down Old Tezel and my mom picked me up. At least I know she's home now.

Next day..

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