

                                                                              Santa Maria to San Luis Obispo, CA

Tuesday January 20, 2009

     6:30am  I woke up. I got lots of sleep, hell yeah. I'm going to wake-and-bake.

     7:41am  Up and at 'em. I found a perfect little campspot last night. I took a picture after I packed up all of my stuff.

     8:13am  I've had a pretty good morning. I came to the bus stop here in front of the Airport Mobile Home Park. I'll take pictures. I hopped the fence and crossed the street and layered down at the bus stop. I just realized I was out of havethisbook.coms so I cut out some more. Some school kids showed up while I was cutting out my flyers. I cut two sheet's worth. I'm going to be loaded. I don't think the bus is going to come any time soon. I think 9:15 is when the first one comes. I'm going to walk into town from here and find a place to take a shit. I should've shit in the field like the cows, hehe.

     8:35am  To my surprise the 1B bus pulled up. I asked the driver for a courtesy ride. I told him I'd walk it if I had to. He was all, "I can't. I've got cameras watching me." I laughed at him and told him, "That's right, be afraid. That's a good little slave."
     8:47am  I'm just going to walk. I'm not going to wait for the next bus and risk not getting a courtesy ride. I'm going to walk into town. Last night I noticed the bus had gone through this big Babylon part before it got to the trailer park. Maybe I'll score some food somewhere and then I'll try and get a courtesy ride.

                   Man, I had a beautiful campsite last night. I could've crashed in this cement shack the kids told me about. I see it clearly now in the daytime.

                   The trailer park was down Blosser Road.

                   Turning left on Foster.

     8:58am  I walked to the bus stop at California Boulevard. I'm undecided. I have a cigarette behind my ear I want to smoke. I also have to shit so I'm going to go find a public restroom somewhere.

                   I'm waving at all the cars.

     9:13am  I came to this SMAT bus stop a little after 135 and Primo volunteered me some peanut M&M's. I appreciate it, Primo. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:37am  The greedy ass driving the 1B, probably the same guy from before, wouldn't give me a courtesy ride.

     10:00am  Walking down Foster Road and crossing Larch Street over by Saint Andrew United Methodist Church.

     10:10am  I turned left on Bradley a while ago and I see a Chevron. I'm passing Lake View Road right now.

     10:11am  I just hit Santa Maria Way. I'm going to the Chevron and take a shit, hopefully.

     10:30am  I didn't tell you I left the Chevron. I was able to take a shit. I was sure to roll a little toilet paper around my almost gone one. I'm walking down Bradley Road.

     10:31am  Passing the Santa Maria City Limits sign again. Population 91,110

     10:39am  Crossing Sunrise Drive over by the big KMart on my left. There's more stores coming up. I hope there's a taqueria soon.

     10:57am  I came to the bus stop across the street from Victory Auto Sales and Michael hooked me up with twenty cents for the bus. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     11:03am  I finally got a ride. I had like forty three cents total. I told the driver, "I've been walking all the way from Foster Road. Can I get a ride for forty three cents?" He let me on. I appreciate it.

     11:25am  I got off the bus. I thought I saw a Mexican restaurant so I signaled for the next stop. I'm doubling back and walking to it.

                    When I got off the bus this black dude and Mexican girl walking by read my shirt. The dude said, "That's what I'm talking about." They started talking to me and the guy even told me, "If anyone has anything they need to get off their chest, I'll listen." I took that as my cue to say, "Well, then you should listen to my story." To that he told me, "No, I'm on a mission," and kept walking. Talk is cheap.

     11:38am  Damnit, I walked all the way to the Mexican Restaurant and it's closed on Tuesdays. I need to hike to Cook and Miller and go eat at the Salvation Army. They only feed from 12 to 12:30pm. I've got to hurry on this empty stomach.

     11:52am  I was hauling ass towards Cook and Miller and I passed a taqueria! El Taco De Mexico. I went inside and gave the guy my line and Spanish and he promptly hooked me up with a big burrito! I'm going to walk to lunch anyway.

     12:02pm  I've got a burrito in tow in my bag. I'm going to go eat at the Salvation Army.

     12:41pm  After lunch at Salvation Army I came back to where all the buses stop and sat in the grass in the shade behind a bus shelter. Chris and his friend Brian came up and hung out and I told them how I was trying to get a courtesy ride to San Luis Obispo. Brian gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, bro. I'll type it up better. Brian told me to add the two cigarettes he gave me at the end too. Sorry, forgot.

     1:14pm  I am on the #10 going to San Luis Obispo. The cool driver let me on for just a dollar.

     2:32pm  I am in San Luis Obispo.

                  What a jip, the library is closed. It's Tuesday. It's normally closed on Mondays but since yesterday was a holiday they took today off too.



     3:03pm  I walked to the 7-11 close to Higuera and Donny, this other homeless brother volunteered me an Arizona ice tea!

     3:58pm  Doc was nice enough to give me a cigarette in front of the peace pub. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     4:10pm  I saw these cute squatter girls with a pitbull sitting on a bus bench. I crossed the street and approached them with my story. They seemed to agree with my mission objectives, but when I asked if they were willing to listen one girl said, "No, we're trying to make some money." They were beggars. Yeah, screw world peace, right. They need money. I was just testing them.

     4:25pm  Joanne, I didn't ask for anything. She just walked up and gave me a dollar!

     4:30pm  Showtime, police.

     4:39pm  Ha, Officer Lincoln pulled up and got out of his car. It seems the store I was standing in front of flying my shirt and passing out my website complained about me. Officer Lincoln didn't let me defend myself at all. He told me I was being immature. He said, "One day if you ever own a business you won't want people bothering your customers." Whateva. What a brainwashed little pig.
                    I even pointed out the beggar girls not that far from me who were asking for money. He said, "Oh well, the business they're in front of hasn't complained yet." Nobody wants world peace, I told him. As soon as I started defending myself he was all, "Okay then, let me see your ID." I told him sure, I had nothing to hide. Then I asked him if I could tell him my story and he said okay. I started my stuff and he interrupted a lot. Calling my stuff Communism and shit. I told him all I had to call it was freedom. It's never been tried(except before the agricultural revolution).

     4:52pm  I came to the old mission and Pops is being nice enough to let me roll an American Spirit cigarette.


     5:18pm  Sean was nice enough to give me the rest of his cigarette in front of the 7-11.

     5:47pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Lance right now. After my story he had a lot to say about all the problems he's having with his wife. That she blew all his money by taking off to DC and fucking other guys.


     7:25pm  I have a glorious update to make. I finally got smoked out in San Luis Obispo. Steve is the great contributor. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:10pm  Score! Not only did I get smoked out, but I was able to trade my little CamelBak for like more than ten dollars worth of marijuana! Remember I had said maybe I'd be able to trade it for some weed(1-15-09 : 12:35pm)? I was crossing the street and I said hi to these guys and immediately offered my free site. Then I heard them say they were going to smoke and my ears perked and I said, "I just got to San Luis and have yet to be smoked out. Could you guys please smoke a brother out for the cause?" We came down by the river and we smoked weed. When I unloaded my bags they loved my shirt. One of them commented on my pack and my water bags. I told them I would trade the smaller one for any amount of weed and Steve hooked it up.

     8:20pm  I'm looking for a place to camp now. I've got some weed. I was never going to use that CamelBak. It just took up room. I was told about some pyramid some kids crash behind next to this cemetery. I'm going to go over there and see what it's like.

                   I have a dollar this old lady gave me earlier. I'm going to go back to the store and see if I can get a snack so I won't go to bed hungry.

     8:30pm  I walked back to the liquor store and the cool Middle Eastern guy sold my two things of honey roasted peanuts for a dollar. I only had a dollar. He also let me fill up my CamelBak with ice. He told me he usually charged a dollar fifty, but he'd let me get it free. I'm walking to this cemetery now.

     8:44pm  Ha, Allan, some old guy in a parking lot, when I walked by he said, "How's the trek going?" I gave him my website. I'm going to go find a squat.

     9:38pm  I walked Higuera Road. I saw the pyramid they were talking about. I spent some time scouting around. There were not that many concealed level places down by the river. I finally found a concealed pocket directly behind this field behind this building and lay my tarps down. Perfect. I'll take pictures in the morning. I smoked some weed and read my Into Thin Air book for a little bit.

Next day..

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