


San Antonio, TX

Sunday January 25, 2004

     12:17am  I walked to the Eckhert and I saw some guy smoking a cigarette in his car. I started walking towards it and he started it up and left real quick.

     12:19am  I had a good presentation at the Eckerd's. These two kids in there. It was awesome.

                    They thought I was nuts . . . hopefully.

     12:35am  I am just hiking in Medical Center. I love this town. Home sweet, home sweet home. I'm almost going to walk Wurzbach all the way from Babcock to Fredericksburg. I've walked a lot.

                     Hiking, hiking.

     12:52am  I walked Wurzbach all the way to Gardendale. Now I'm going to turn right and head towards apartments somewhere. I'm going to walk around and look for people to talk to.

     1:07am  I just walked into the Stamford apartments. The ones where Horizon Hill ends on Fairhaven. Across the street from The Fountains of San Antonio, where my friend Robert lives. That guy.

                   Oh yeah, I walked into the complex and I heard a party. Screw loud parties. I need to be heard.

     1:32am  I walked Horizon Hill and I'm in front of the St. Tropez apartments.

     1:35am  I was walking towards the back of the St. Tropez apartments. I wasn't sure how I was going to get through the gate. I saw a car pull up and the gate started opening. I thought, "Shit, if I walk real fast I'll be able to make it." The gates started closing and I made it perfectly inside. Right on time. That was awesome. That coincidence.

     1:44am  I am walking through Songbird apartments now. Songbird has a Callaghan address. I'll go out to Callaghan and see if Chacho's is open. It might be twenty four hours.

     1:48am  I was walking through Songbird and I saw some dude smoking a cigarette on his balcony. He saw me walking and asked me if I was hungry. Just like that. I didn't even ask.

     1:50am  Freddie is the dude that was up in his balcony. He's going to hook me up with some gasoline for the stomach.

     2:03am  Badass, Freddie made me this really good steak. He even handed me some in a Tupperware container and said, "Here, for later." I even got a little cake.

     2:10am  I just left Freddie's. I didn't get to tell him my whole story, but I'm going to get his email address. At the end, I just jumped to the part about Fawn Journeyhawk and the spirits. He went, "Whoa, looks like I'm going to be hearing about you soon."

                   That was awesome how in all the twists and turns I was taking walking through that complex, that I end up passing Freddie. Things happen for a reason.

                   Oh, he doesn't have an email yet. He just got his computer.

     2:13am  Aww man, I just wanted to mention that food Freddie gave me was gourmet shit. It was goooood. I got some to-go too. He even gave me a cake and everything.

                   Thank you, Love. Praise Love.

     2:42am  I stopped to rest. I'm over on Fredericksburg close to Callaghan. I stopped to rest at a bus stop.

     2:50am  This homeless guy just gave me a dollar. Out of the blue. I think I've talked to him before. He passed me up, then came back and gave me a dollar. Awesome.

     3:00am  I am finished resting and smoking a cigarette. I ate good. Gourmet stuff. It was this yummy steak and rice with onions, like my mom makes. It was delicious. I got some gourmet gasoline tonight. I deserve it, hehe.

     4:18am  I'm over here at the Jim's on 410/Fredericksburg, almost falling asleep. Even though I've been drinking free coffee, hehe. The manager who hooked me up the other night came up to me and asked me if I was hungry. I told him, "I can always eat. I walk for a living." He's hooking me up with a pancake. Dude, I didn't even have to ask him. To the victor go the spoils.

     4:25am  I forgot to tell you I went outside and took a 420 break. I stepped outside.

                  Sweet, he brought me my pancake.

                  Mmmm, that pancake was good.

     4:49am  I am leaving Jim's. I'm going to walk over to the Crossroads Park and Ride and stand around there for a while. I need to crash out. Oh yeah, I got the idea that when I go to my mom's house today, I'm going to put my sleeping bag in the garage. So I can just go crash in there and not have to worry about waking her up.

                   In the garage where I belonnnnnnnng.

     6:16am  I'm at University Hospital. I'm tired.

     6:24am  I am on the 610 going home.

     6:50am  I just got dropped off down the street from my mom's. At the Citgo.

     7:10am  I don't have a key, so I walked to the backyard and luckily my mom had already woken up. I got her attention and she came and unlocked the back sliding door for me. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed.

     4:14pm  It's about time I make an entry for today. I woke up at three. I'm getting used to this schedule. My mom's house is empty. I woke up and ate two bowls of cereal. I smoked a cigarette and some weed on the back porch. I'm going to call Ruben, the walking stick guy and see if I can walk out to his house and get a walking stick.

     5:39pm  My mom gave me a ride to Ruben's, the walking stick man.

     5:44pm  I just bought my walking stick from the walking stick man. I had told him about my plan and everything and he wouldn't hook me up. I had to have it because of the compass on top. I'll look like a professional with that thing.

     5:52pm  In front of Ruben's house I put the handle on the stick. The same cord I used for a handle on my old stick. I had rolled it up into a little ball and put it in my Adidas bag. I'll use it until it dies. Cool.

     6:25pm  Haha, after I put the handle on my stick I saw these two kids in the ditch. I went over to them and hit them up for a story. They listened attentively and all of a sudden their father walks over. He asked me, "Who are you? Where do you live?" I told them my name was Victor. He goes, "Well, you better get out of here." I asked him, "Why don't you ask your kids what I'm doing." I told him, "You can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does," and started walking off. I told him, "Damn the ignorance in the world." Then the kids all told me, "Good luck." I looked at the dad and I went, "Did you hear that? They told me good luck!" Hehe, they know what I'm doing.

                   Heehee, I'm going to be famous.

                   Oh yeah, that guy was all, "Okay, why don't you tell me what you're doing then." I told him, "Alright, my name is Victor. I'm twenty five. I am from here, from San Antonio. I'm a long-distance walker/journalist. With the Internet I have found a way to fight the world's greatest problem." He asked me, "What's the world's greatest problem?" I asked him what he thought it was and he said, "Stalkers." I went, "No, it's ignorance. Nobody listens." He all started interrupting me and not letting me finish. I cut in and repeated, "No, it's ignorance. You are displaying it this very moment and proving me right." Haha, and those kids wished me good luck right in front of their parents. Like fourteen year old kids.

                   Anyway, I'm walking off down the neighborhood. I'm going to go over by Bob's and see if he is home. Ahh, I called earlier and he wasn't, so maybe he's not. I can go to OP Schnabel and hang out in my little loft. See if there is anyone around to smoke out.

                   Man, I missed having a walking stick so bad.

                   Whoa! I was just walking down the sidewalk in the neighborhood and stumbled onto a tennis ball in somebody's lawn. Badass!

                   Wait, I got a knife. I can cut it.

     7:16pm  Lito hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:35pm  I just had a good hippie smoke-out with all these kids in a ditch in Parkwood.

                   Lito gave me another cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:09pm  The weirdest shit. These people stopped to avoid running over a little cat. The cat moved away but just at the last second ran back underneath the car and got run over. I couldn't look at it, even though it was right in front of my face. It's got a broken back for sure. I saw it was still alive and squirming and I just had to look the other way. I walked off, shocked.

     8:11pm  I just kept walking past the kitty. I turned around and saw all the kids bending down to pick up the cat so it wouldn't get run over. I commend you guys.

                   See how cars are death machines? That cat didn't need to get run over.

     8:46pm  This car full of kids pulled up while I was hanging with the kids I smoked with. One guy in the car goes, "Do you guys know where we can score some weed?" I tell him, "No, but I'll smoke you out. I've got enough to share." We went back to the ditch and smoked out. I gave them my presentation. One of the guys asked me, "What are you doing?" I told him I wasn't doing anything. He said he was about to drop some people off, but afterwards was going to the Jim's on 1604/Bandera and invited me along. We came to the Jim's and we're going to eat. I've got five dollars left over after buying my walking stick. I'm going to treat myself.

     9:24pm  Ryan hooked me up with a cigarette here at Jim's. I appreciate it brother.

                   Ryan gave me another one!

     9:54pm  I am having some badass presentations at Jim's tonight.

     10:18pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette here at Jim's. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:55pm  Afal hooked me up with a cigarette at Jim's. I appreciate it, Afal. She works here.

     11:55pm  I had some really good presentations at Jim's tonight. I talked to a lot of people. Got a lot of email addresses. I'm going to walk to my mom's house and crash there. I hope she left the back door unlocked and I can go in and go to sleep. I need to stop this staying up all night thing I've been doing. Ah, there's so many people to talk to though.

                    Oh yeah, I went outside the Jim's and saw this girl. I asked her, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" She goes, "I've already heard your story." I met her at the tattoo shop on Hillcrest. Iron Cross, I think(1-22-04, 6:55pm). It's a small world. Oh yeah, and the guy that was with her came up to me and shook my hand. Cool, I'm famous.

                    Oh yeah, and at Jim's I treated myself to a bigass bacon cheeseburger. It was like seven dollars or something. And a coffee. I'm all wired. I'm going to walk over to the gas stations on Braun Road and 1604. I'll go talk to people there.

Next day..

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