


San Luis Obispo, CA

Sunday January 25, 2009

     6:03am  Light's on.  I'm up with plenty of sleep. 

     7:15am  I've had an alright morning this morning.  Shaggy gave me a hit of weed.  I don't know what I'm going to do today, it's Sunday.  Maybe I'll go out and give free hugs again.  I don't have any bus fare, so maybe I'll walk all the way into town again. 

     7:50am  I am walking back into town like I did yesterday morning to the transfer station.  I don't know what I'm going to do today.  I have all my stuff typed up.  I should really work on getting some marijuana, hehe. 

     8:02am  About five minutes ago we got to Higuera Street.  Cloud pissed on himself this morning. 

     8:53am  I walked all the way to the bus stop and met all these punk guys who wanted to come traveling with me.  I don't think so.  They told me I could post up in front of the post office with a sign, some I'm going to go there. 

     9:00am  I walked by the Founders Community Bank.  There's a Masonic seal in front of it.  I took a picture of it. 

     9:35am  I want to fly my support the cause sign to traffic and pass out my website.  I was directed to the Madonna Plaza on the other side of 101.  I walked all the way El Mercado and I am standing at the stoplight.  It's Sunday and it's all dead. 

     10:22am  I didn't pass out my webpage at all.  I am walking back to Higuera Street. 

     10:30am  I am walking back to Higuera and I passed Jesse and his dog, can I take your picture?  He kicked me down a little bit of weed.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit.

                    Jesse's got a poem.  Jesse: "Idle thoughts that sit and dwell, how they twist and weave their spells, you think and wonder and ponder your thoughts, I'll work out all my problems at any cost.  You only hope to find the ingredient that solves the spell, for the last words that finishes the gel.  I hope you find what you're looking for.  I hope you find the key to that enchanting door...."

                    Ahh, Jesse, email me the whole poem, please.

                    It was awesome.  I was walking almost to downtown and I pass this homeless dude with a dog.  I walked by and asked him if he had any wake and bake.  Surprisingly he told me yes.  Score!  He gave me a little bit.

      11:09am   I'm posted up in front of the lingerie shop again giving out free hugs.  I took a hit of weed and had a couple minute coughing fit.  This lady who works there comes outside and tells me, "It doesn't seem like that smoking is doing you any good."  I told her, "All these cars smoke a lot more than I do."  We started yelling back and forth.  She asked me, "Have you read the statistics on second-hand smoking?" and walked away.  I should probably move.  She's liable to call the cops on me. 

                      I walked to the end of the block and stood in front of the trashcan and cut out some more havethisbook.coms.  I ran out of them.  I was giving out free hugs and Jay ran up and hugged me.  He's a traveler too and was at the coffee shop around the corner with his friend.  He came back with his friend and I told them my whole odyssey.  I asked them if they had any food and they're giving me some oatmeal.  I appreciate it, guys.  Everybody gets credit.

     12:55pm  I should make an update by now. 

                    Be sure to download The Handbook for the New Paridigm, by George Green.

     2:39pm  Blake was nice enough to give me a cigarette on Higuera Street.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:44pm  I had a good presentation with Ish.  She gave me a hug. 

     4:17pm  I am still standing under the eave of the Beverly's craft store so I don't get rained on.  I'm free hugging here.  I gave my website out a lot.  When I was cutting them out on top of the trash can this guy walked up to me and volunteered me a dollar!  I'm going to go to the 7-11 and buy a snack and then walk to the shelter.  They feed at six.

     4:48pm  I'm taking my time walking back.  I'm all stoned.  I walked the wrong way and had to double back to Broad Street.  I'm going to walk all the way to the shelter again.  Let's see how long it takes me. 

     5:22pm  I walked all the way over here.  I have to wait in line until six. 

     7:00pm  I got here earlier and I ate not that much.  I walked a lot today, so I'm kind of tired.  I came to my bunk and I'm going to read my book until I fall asleep.

Next day..

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