


San Antonio, TX

Saturday January 26, 2008
     10:08am  I have to make an update. Let's see, this morning I woke up with seven hours of sleep, I think. I got on the computer. My web-stats finally got updated. There were like thirty hits more, so that seems right now. Oh yeah, last night I got an email from Ezrah saying that she wants to meet me at MacAllister Park at noon.  Here's the email:

Pleasant Morning Victor!

I'm glad the sun has reappeared, though through a misty haze of the doubtless smog, light reflects upon my heart and lifts it up once again. Well, that or I'm just happy that today is my sabbath day - my official day of no work :) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh....

Hmmm.... where's a good place to meet? I wish I didn't live with the in-laws or else I'd have you come on over. They are white conservative know-it-alls that seem to have good intention, but never let seeds mature into their true potential. This is why it is imperative that Tim and I leave here and have a place of our own. Something nice, as we are both particular, we seem to have conservative taste, yet liberal habits ;) We just got a nice hookah too. I don't know why I like to smoke. It's not really like it makes a difference seeing the air quality we have these days. I imagine you get a good look and feel for it since you're out a lot.

I am looking forward to seeing you today. I have an idea! Let's meet at MacAllister Park. We can walk together for a while (after spending a minute or two in the car for some smoked turkey ;) I'll bring the shirt and if you would bring the project bag, it should be cool. What do you think? Maybe we can meet around noon?

I'm glad I've never had to deal with computers the way that you and Tim have. It sounds long and trying. I'm glad you have the knowledge though. I explained to Joseph that we are exchanging services and he cut me off saying effectively - it's whatever, you do what you do, I don't care...

Anyway, that'll do for the moment. I need to bake a little and ponder for longer. I love to ponder :)

Smiles and miles to you brother,

                     I jumped in the shower and got my stuff together and ran out of the door to catch the bus. Here it comes right now. I'm going to MacAllister Park. I have Ezrah's project bag.

     10:28am  I forgot to tell you. I got off the bus a half mile away in front of the Church's, just to smoke a cigarette. The 606 comes soon and it will get to the Walmart by 35, just like the other bus I got off. This way I can smoke a cigarette.

                     The 606 came and nice Mr. Cardenas is driving. At the Walmart I'm going to go refill my water bottle and then run back to the buses and try to get to MacAllister Park by noon.

                     This sucks. I didn't bring any spare tennis balls for my stick and the one that's on there is almost worn out. Hopefully I'll find one at MacAllister Park. I remember I scored one at the tennis courts there when I walked around the loop.

     11:03am  Dude! I was just standing there at the transfer center at University Hospital. I'm wearing my WPTMJ shirt. All of a sudden this dude Alex comes across the street and hands me a fat nugget! I logged his generosity and gave him my website. He said he liked what I was doing. I really appreciate it, man. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     11:04am  Hell yeah! I just got kicked down with a fat nugget! I was just standing there with my shirt at the hospital. I have Ezrah's bag on too, but you can still read the shirt. This guy just ran across the street and hooked me up with a nugget!

     11:33am  This girl Carrie with a cane, I made friends with her. I'm on the 534 already going towards Loop 410. I'm cutting it close. I hope I can get there by noon. Let me ask the driver how far a walk MacAllister Park is from North Star Mall.

     11:50am  I was almost to North Star Mall on the 534. Macy's didn't go anywhere. Remember I thought they moved it to Ingram(1-1-08, 9:40am). I could've sworn they moved it. I guess I had looked at the wrong building. I guess there's one at Ingram Mall also.

     12:07pm  I just got off close to Perrin Beitel, I think. I'm going to walk like half a mile to the park from here.

     12:10pm  I just got off the bus on Perrin Beitel. I am making a mad-dash. I'm already a little late. Everybody is loving my shirt, man. I'm glad I put it on this morning. I'm going to meet Ezrah and I'm going to get me an even better one. I'm going to go downtown tonight, for sure! If I score a tennis ball. If not, then I'm going back home then I'll go downtown.

     12:15pm  I'm at the park. I don't see Ezrah anywhere. I don't see any cars anywhere. There's the tennis courts.

     12:16pm  Holy shit! This is MacAurthur Park! It's not MacAllister Park. Where the hell is MacAllister Park?? Oh damn, that really sucks. Well, I need to get on a computer somewhere.

                     It was Nacogdoches I got off on earlier. Not Perrin Beitel. I already walked back to Naco.

     12:26pm  I walked to the bus stop on Tesoro Drive and Loop 410. I'm waiting for the 551. I hope it comes soon. I hope MacAllister Park isn't that far.

     12:58pm  I am at North Star Mall.
     1:03pm  I just talked to the #4 driver. He told me the park was downtown and that I had to catch the #5 bus. There's the 534. I'm going to go ask that driver.

     1:37pm  I was asking all the bus drivers. I was getting directed to all these different places. No one knew where MacAllister Park was. I could've sworn it was that park with the teepees that I saw on the 534 route earlier. So I was aiming for that. All the bus drivers were telling me different things. One of them told me that the 647 got close to it, but the 647 was about to take off. I ran up to the door and she stopped for me. She didn't know where MacAllister Park was either, but I was already on the bus. At that point I gave up on finding the park and asked the driver if there was a library on her route. There was, but not for a while, after the 647 turned into the 648 route. I had never ridden these buses before.
                   Well, I eventually get dropped off at this random library. I step off the bus and guess who's outside in the parking lot. Ezrah! She had just finished emailing me and was walking out to her car! I mean, of all the libraries in San Antonio that's the one she decided to drive to, to email me! Look at all the bouncing around and uncertainties that I just went through. That's so crazy! Just behold all the randomness that occurred.

                   Be sure to read Ezekiel in the bible. Suggested by Ezrah.

     3:14pm  Did I tell you? Ezrah gave me my new shirt! It's 100% perfect. Exactly how I wanted it. Well, the on the back could be a little bigger. I'll get a picture of it. What a blessed day I am having.

                   Ezrah and I came to MacAllister Park anyway. This is a beautiful park. I have never been here before in my life. There seems to be some great hiking trails here.  They have a big concrete dam thingy out here.

                   I am still in awe how I manifested Ezrah today. I was all bouncing around on the bus. The drivers were telling me all different things. Nobody knew where MacAllister Park was. At the last minute the #4 driver told me he didn't think any buses went there, but that the 647 got close to it. I jumped on the 647 right before it left. Like, it was pulling off and the driver stopped for me.  At first, I had thought to get on the 534.  I hoped that park I saw with the teepees was MacAllister Park. I was just going on the unreliable information I gathered from bus drivers. I jumped on some random bus. I had never even heard of the 647. It turned into the 648 and the random library it went to, I got off the bus and there was Ezrah! She had just emailed me and was about to leave! Weird, wacky stuff.

     4:35pm  I just got dropped off over at Guajillo's. I took a picture of it when I walked around the loop. I'm going to go hit them up. They're open this time. I am wearing my brand new badass shirt, hell yeah. I'll go downtown from here.

     4:37pm  They gave me the 'ol manager's-not-here bullshit. I'm going to go downtown.

     4:42pm  I just got on the #2 bus over on Blanco close to 410.

     4:53pm  I was hungry, so I randomly got off the bus on Blanco Road. I saw a taqueria, but it ended up being closed even though it had the open signs displayed. I'm going to keep walking South and hopefully there is another taqueria somewhere.

     5:02pm  The greedy ass at Tink-A-Taco failed. I gave this dude my website and everything and he didn't hook me up at all. He even seemed interested in what I was doing. In the end he told me some bullshit like, "We don't allow anyone selling anything here." I told him I wasn't selling anything. I even told him how I just recently walked around Loop 410 twice. It seemed obvious he didn't want to give me anything so I told him thanks anyway, that there are plenty more taquerias on this street. I told him I was just testing him and pulled out my recorder and said the first sentence in this entry real loud, hehe. I have fun with it.

     5:06pm  Third time's a charm. Right across the street from Tink-A-Taco is Plaza's Mexican Restaurant and Angie is being nice enough to give me some food. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

                   Man, I am still amazed of how I ran into Ezrah today. What were the odds of that? I mean, she went to the library to email me:

I can't find you Victor!

It's 1:32 PM and I decided to pop into the Brook Hollow Library so that I could tell you that I have figured I'm not going to find you today after all. I'm really sorry, I was some minutes late getting to the park (even though you took off 10X earlier than I did)...

So, I'm guessing that I missed you. I drove around looking for you my friend that kinda sticks out, but I didn't see you. Perhaps I McAllister Park was kind of vague!

Anyway, I don't know where you are right now or if you've given up hope on looking for me too, I can drive around the park one more time to see if I can find you. I'm sorry that I asked you to come so far, I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to buses.

Wanna just meet at the shop on Monday? I really am sorry for all the inconveniences I may have caused you today.


                   I mean, Ezrah drives a car and she drove to that library in particular. The same one I randomly ended up getting on the bus that goes there. Oh man, it just all came together. We went to the park and smoked some weed. She didn't smoke that much. She just took a hit at first. Right now I got her to drive me to 410 so I can catch the bus downtown and fly my brand new shirt.
                   Then I got hungry and I randomly got off the bus at that closed restaurant that said open on it. Then the next place didn't hook me up. Tink-A-Taco never hooks me up. As luck would have it, right across the street there was another Mexican restaurant. Angie there was awesome. She even asked me, "How hungry are you?"

     5:48pm  Man, I got treated like royalty at that place. I had a huge meal. Angie brought me a shitload of food. Tamales and enchiladas, etc.

     6:30pm  I am downtown already. I got on #2 bus finally. It was twenty minutes late. The driver was cool, Mr. Lopez. Today is his first night driving the bus. He just went through four months of training. I asked him and he told me that bus drivers aren't supposed to deny anybody a ride. He just went through training, so he knows this stuff.

     6:36pm  I was walking downtown by the NIX and I saw that security guard from the other day. The one I took a picture of. He was outside and I walked up to him and showed him my shirt. I said, "Custom made," and kept walking. Then some guy called me back, "Hey! I remember you. Last time I took a picture of your shirt. Can I take another one?"

                   Cast of characters here. Cheyenne, Lauren, Jenny and Paige. They stopped me to take a picture of my shirt. I took a picture of them too. You guys will be on there when I update it.

     6:41pm  I have arrived at my corner. Commerce and Presa.

     7:19pm  The stupid piglets at the NIX hospital again. I needed to take a piss, so I walked up to one and asked him, "I know you guys don't like me, but could I use the restroom, please?" He told me, "If you don't have any business in this hospital..." I cut him off with, "Man, this is a public resource. There's a sign on the bathroom that says Public Restroom." I called him a greedy ass.

     7:24pm  I walked down to The Riverwalk and let all the tourists read my shirt. I came back to my corner. Commerce and Presa.

     7:39pm  Right when I walked to Travis Park the 91 came. I'll ride it to West Telemarketing and walk to Huebner and Eckhert and see if Josh is working tonight.

                   I smoked a cigarette in the smoking cabana and now I'm going to walk to Huebner and Eckhert and see if Josh is working. Instead of walking Huebner to Eckhert I'm going to walk Prue a little bit and turn left on Oakland to cut across to Huebner. I've never gone that way before. I am super-stoned. I took two big hits in the smoking cabana. I utilized it.

                   Southwell is the street I'm turning left on. Not Oakland. I think Oakland is further up, but I don't want to chance it.

     8:51pm  Turning right on Lockhill Road. I'll zigzag over to Huebner.

                   I am so happy I have a brand new custom made WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA shirt. I'm good to go.

                   There's a lot of things that I am not. For one, I am not perfect. Most importantly, I am not that Anti-Christ. If anything, I am the Pro-Christ. Wouldn't you say I am somewhat following in Jesus' footsteps? If he were alive today, don't you think he'd be doing a lot of the same things I do?

     9:01pm  I ended up at Oakland. Turning left.

     9:06pm  Crossing Hollyhock.

     9:12pm  Oh my love, the craziest thing. I was just walking down this dark street along this fence and I hear loud steps coming closer. I turn and a horse runs up to the fence! I pull out my camera and then all of a sudden I see these these figures moving closer. I said out loud, "Hey, there's all these people coming!" Like six other horses were slowly walking into view, coming towards the fence. I freaked. I took a couple pictures. I tried to pet one, but it turned its head. I took his picture though. Then all of his friends came over.

     9:19pm  Passing Verbena Street. This is where they have the Verbena House that I came to back when I was in outpatient therapy for my head injuries.

     9:26pm  I've been walking on Huebner and I'm coming up on Babcock.

                   When I was waiting for the light to change everybody was loving my shirt.

     9:37pm  I just got to Eckhert and my friend Josh is working.

                   Y23-BLV. This black dude totally ignored my website. He was all, "No thanks, no thanks." That's right, be afraid.

     10:41pm  Josh and I are taking off.

     10:59pm  I just got dropped off at my mom's house. What a great day today was. I got a badass shirt.

     8:44pm  Ahh, I left downtown early tonight. It wasn't that busy.

Next day..


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