


San Antonio, TX

Monday January 28, 2008

     9:02am  I got six or seven hours of sleep last night. I got this email from this guy Anthony talking shit to me:

Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 23:56:47 -0800
From: "Anthony. Welsh" <>
Subject: On the subject of your "plans."


I have to say after reading your website, you further plunge my faith in humanity further and further down. You wish to stop currency and hope people do their jobs because they want to? This coming from a shameless bum, who can't seem to work an honest job like the people you mooch from? Why would the majority want to try harder to do things like being doctors, pharmacists, professors and the ilk, if their is no incentive behind it? This form of socialism has never worked. It's honestly not fair to the more successful, more intelligent of society. Honestly, why should I ever be treated the same as you? I will be honest, I consider myself better than you.

I wrote him a good email back. I'll be sure to post them when I type up this day:

Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 06:50:33 -0800 (PST)
From: "victor antonio" <>
Subject: Re: On the subject of your "plans."
To: "Anthony. Welsh" <>

     I can't do anything by myself. Everything you do in this world, is done by and through people. I'm just going to get the ball rolling a lot faster. I'm greasing the evolution machine. It's stuck. Your faith in humanity only mirrors your faith in yourself. People don't see the world as it is, but as they are.
     I only wish to stop monetary-currency. Things possess value, different values, that is not monetary. We can always just trade. And when generosity becomes the mainstream a lot of time all you will have to do is ask. People like helping. The ones who recognize that helping is good for your soul.  Yes, I expect people to do their jobs just because they want to. If you wouldn't do your current job for free, then you need to find another job. Shouldn't that be something people strive for? To work a job they love?
     You shouldn't resent me for my occupation and what I have chosen to do with my life. I have a full time job. I don't get days off. My job doesn't pay me money. I work for free. It's all volunteer work to me. I can't, for the life of everybody, find anything better to do. I am giving people a big heaping helping of hope.
     I don't mooch at all. People love helping me. I accept donations, I just don't expect them. I love surprises. Haha, everybody else needs money. All I need is love.
You obviously have not read my site that much because I address most of the points you raise in your email.
     In the end, people may doubt what you say. But they will always believe what you do. Are you actively doing anything to try and improve the world? Or are you just another critic? Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder.
     I suggest you take the time and read through my entire guestbook. I am simply collecting opinions. I invite you to express yours on it, please. My guestbook will eventually pile up enough to be proof. Just behold the accurate contrast it represents on the number of people who want world peace, and those(like you, obviously) who don't. World peace is winning, big time. If you're not part of the cure, you are part of the disease.
     Do you believe in Karma? That it all comes back to you, good and bad. You reap what you sow, etc. This universal fact has yet to be proven to a whole lot of people, including yourself. Once I prove how doing good will result in good things happening to you(and vice-versa), love will overcome. Love can conquer all, don't you know?
     I am not promoting socialism. All I have to call it is freedom. There's no government like no government. We can govern ourselves. What I am proposing is brand new and never been tried before. Wouldn't you rather be free than rich? You can't be both. The less you have the less you have to worry about. Simplify, don't complicate. Are you a slave to the illusion?
     Success may be a number's game, but money doesn't have to count. The only things we should be counting are our blessings, which is all I am DOING. It's not rocket-science. Every single person in this world has their own story. I just go through the trouble of documenting mine and sharing it.
     You really should not be so quick to judge, Anthony. Judge not, lest ye be judged...I'm sure you know how it goes. You can be better than me all you want. What exactly makes you so sure of your superiority? Do you think you are actually happier than me? If you do, wanna bet? I'm the happiest man in the world.
I hope you are enjoying your ego trip. I do so enjoy mine. Mine is a lot healthier than yours though. Be the best? Climb the ladder? Do it better, higher, faster? I refuse to participate. There's something wrong with mass-consumption. Why do we want what we don't need?
     Don't you see I am just playing a role. Acting! I'm not crazy. I just pretend like I am. Did you fall for it? You have to seem crazy to make a difference. Ever notice how similar the words sane and same are? Are you familiar with the term subversion?
     Okay, that's enough for my stoned rant. Thanks for your opinion, Anthony. Welcome to my journal.

I forgive you, brother,

- Victor Antonio

p.s. How did you find my site? Have I met you in person?

     1:03pm  Timmy just hooked me up with a cigarette at the Perry house. I'm hanging out with Humplick.
     1:43pm  I just left the Perry house. I got smoked out rowdy, hell yeah. See, this morning I had woken up and was really hungry. There's no food in the house. My mom had given me five dollars for food, so I walked all the way up to the Church's to buy some chicken sandwiches. I bought me a pouch of tobacco at the store too. I sat at the bus stop and waited for it to come to take me the half mile back towards my mom's. I didn't bring my walking stick or nothing. When I first got to the Perry's Humplick was there and he had the window open and he invited me up. His friend Timmy was there, but he wouldn't listen to my story at all. I just said hi to the mailman. I decided I'm going to go home and put my shirt on and go walk around the neighborhoods wearing it. I'll go walk through Babcock North and stuff.

                   I don't have any weed, but I'm sure I'll get smoke out wearing this shirt. I'm plenty stoned right now. I'm going to go get into uniform and get to work.

     2:07pm  I'm all packed up and ready to go to work. I am going to use my blue purse, even though a strap might break on it.

                   So many people in these neighborhoods have seen my crazy ass with my walking stick and they don't know what I'm about. I'm going to let them know. I'm going to spread the word. Look it up on the internet.

     2:39pm  I walked Wickersham all the way to Tezel. I walked Tezel past Bandera. It turns into Prue and I'm going to walk all the way to Babcock North.

     3:57pm  I just laboriously walked all the way to the skatepark in Babcock North. Like five or six miles or so. Maybe not that far. I didn't cut through OP Schnabel, like I thought I would. I cut through these woods into some neighborhood off of Prue. I'm just now getting to the skatepark. I didn't walk Prue to Springtime. I walked along the backside of Babcock North on Spring Mont. There's no one at the skatepark, so I'm going to walk up and down these alleys closeby. See if anybody recognizes me and smokes me out.

     4:08pm  I walked to Prue and Babcock and I tried all the pizza places. First I went in the Pizza Hut with an empty water bottle and asked to get it refilled. The guy working there didn't offer me anything so I didn't even ask. He's hooked me up before and would've offered if he had any mistakes, I'm sure. Then I went to the Domino's closeby and the cool black dude working there told me it was real slow today, sorry. Then I went to the Papa John's and noticed that they're pizza rack was empty. I just walked out. I came to the McDonald's across the street and bought a spicy chicken sandwich with a dollar I had. I walked to the bench at the Chevron and ate and now I'm going to walk Prue a little bit and catch the bus on Springtime.

     5:06pm  Hell yeah, I manifested me some marijuana! Right when I was walking up to Springtime I saw the bus pass going towards Medical Center, the bus I wanted to catch. I crossed the street and asked this guy who had gotten off it if he had a schedule. He said no, but that he knew the bus coming to Medical Center would pass in half an hour. I noticed the cars were backing up here at the stoplight where Springtime turns into Horn. So, to kill time I just stood there and let all the cars read my shirt. I've got a good view of the bus coming when it does, so I'm just going to stand here and spread the word until it does. This guy pulled up and said, "I love what you're doing!" I ran up and gave him my website. I said, "Smoke a brother out?" He gave me a couple nuggets of some dank hydro weed! I passed out my website to a lot of cars there.

                   The 604 finally came. It's so cool. I got stoned and handed out my website a lot there. I'm going to the hospital. Oh yeah, right now I leaned over and asked this lady who smiled at me, "Would you check out my website?" I was right in front of her face, but she just ignored me and kept looking straight. Ignorance is bliss.

                   Nobody wants world peace!

     5:38pm  I just got to the hospital.

     6:41pm  I had a great presentation to kill time on the bus. With Sarah and her friend Jessica. I took Sarah's picture.

     6:49pm  Dee just hooked me up with some weed, just out of the blue! I appreciate it, man.

                    Hell yeah! I just got hooked up rowdy! Presto-manifesto! It was awesome. I got to tell my entire Odyssey story to Sarah and Jessica. Sarah's eyes were locked on mine. She's fourteen years old. Jessica is seventeen. Sarah was nodding her head up and down the whole time. She listened to my story better than her friend did. Dee was sitting close to us and he just up and hooked me up with some weed! See, I had first asked him if he'd smoke me out and was going to get off at his stop. So I passed up the Church's. A little bit after that he tells me he has stuff to do and just hooks me up with some weed! I dinged for the next stop and right when I get up to leave Sarah hands me a dollar bill! She was all smiles. Sarah is a San Antonio native.

     7:06pm  I'm walking back now through the New Territories Park. I'm all high. I stopped and layered up and sat down in the grass for a smokebreak. I'm all lit up. Man, I got hooked up with dank weed on Prue and Horn, then I got hooked up with even more weed on the bus ride home! 

Next day..

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