


San Antonio, TX

Saturday January 29, 2005

     6:07am  The next day already. Man, I woke up early. I crashed out early too. I thought I was going to go out walking today, but I'm kind of paranoid and my mom told me she wanted me to be home around twelve or one so I could help her get her car out of the shop, or something. I'm going to stay on the computer again today. I've got a lot of work to do.

                   I'm going to eat a bowl of cereal first.

     12:53pm  I've had a good day so far. All I did was proofread. Just read my stuff and fix typos. I've proofread like two and a half months already. Just today. I started on December 2004 and I'm going backwards. I'm already on July, going backwards.

                     It's going to be perfect.

                     My mom just called. I'm going to help her with her death machine. Then she's going to take me to eat. Great.

     2:07pm  I have already proofread like six months on my webpage. I am going to end up proofreading like all four years that I've done this. We're taking off right now. I'm going to help my mom get her car out of the shop over by where she works. Southwest High School. She brought me home some McDonald's. Thanks, mom.

                     It's funny. My mom is telling me that my "dad" Franklin, he used to be jealous of me. My mom told me that when I was little I was always loving on her. And that my dad would get jealous at all the attention she got from me. Ha, that's funny.

                     I told her, "I told you. I am a child of love."

     2:25pm  I'm sitting here riding in the car next to my mom. I am trying to tell her my story, but she keeps failing.

                   I'm just testing everyone.

     12:05am  I didn't do much today. I helped her get her car today. Other than that, I've still been on the computer all day. Working on my webpage. I have proofread so much. I'm already down to June 04. I'm slowly making my way to the beginning of the year.

Next day..

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