

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Thursday January 29, 2009
     7:25am  I woke up around six thirty with six and a half hours of sleep.  I'm going to walk to Osos, the transfer center, and see if I can a courtesy ride to Prado Day Center for breakfast.  Yesterday I didn't eat that much food at all.  I did a lot of gardening work, but I just stayed at the house all day.  I feel so accepted there.  It's awesome.  Feeling welcome at a place you don't pay rent at, it's priceless.  I told Andrew yesterday, "Thanks for hosting the liberator in San Luis."  He told me that it was his pleasure, to make myself at home. 

                  Oh shit, I left my CD case at the house.  I went back and got it.

                  Judy is just beautiful.  Yesterday I got to tell her my whole Odyssey.  She had the greatest reactions to it, laughing and stuff.

     8:25am  I walked all the way over to the transfer center on Osos Street.  I ran into all the people I know from the shelter.  Hello, family.  I ran into Cloud.  I am riding to the day center for breakfast and then I'm going to go type at Cal-Poly.  I have a work day ahead of me.  Another day at the office.  

     12:39pm  I just got told to take my shirt off at the day center.  Man, nobody wants world peace!

                    I told the lady, "Nobody wants to hear the truth, but I'm going to scream it at the top of my lungs."

     3:20pm  I had a great productive time at Prado on the business computer.  I thought I was going to go to the school today, but I'm not.  I scored breakfast and lunch.  I don't know what I am going to do about dinner.  On the business computer I got to add all my pictures to my HTML files, all of them.  My update is about ready to go.  I was thinking I'm not going to proofread it again.  I've already done it twice.  It's just about ready for me to throw it on there, my update.  I don't know what I'm going to do.  I might walk to the school, the college.  I might get a courtesy ride.  I don't know.

     3:38pm  I got a courtesy ride from the day center.  The same nice dude who hooked me up last time. 

                  When I got off the bus I asked him if I had given him my website yet.  He said, "Do you mean the one that's on the back of your shirt?"  That's the one, I told him.

     4:07pm  I walked to Higuera and was standing there cutting out my havethisbook.coms and Anne walked up and volunteered me an energy bar.  I appreciate it, Anne.  I was hungry.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks for feeding the peace machine.  320 calories.

                  Oh yeah, it's Thursday.  Tonight is the night farmer's market downtown.  It's starts at six.

     4:20pm  She gave me the 'ol manager-is-not-here line at Tio Alberto's. 

     4:35pm  I am about fifteen minutes late.  I had a good day of naming pictures on the computer at the day center.  I got a courtesy ride back downtown.  I had gotten a courtesy ride out to Prado to get there.  I sat down and cut out my havethisbook.coms to give people.  I walked by these two dudes and I asked them if they could spare a cigarette.  One tells me, "No, but I can spare a rip."  He's smoking a brother out and listening to my story.  I appreciate it, brother.  I wish my camera wasn't broken.

     5:06pm  I had an awesome presentation right now with those two dudes.  We walked to this parking lot and sparked up a bowl of weed over by the Buffalo Grill.  I told them my entire Odyssey.  They loved my shit.  I'm all charged up.

     6:49pm  Sean hooked me up with two dollars for the cause.  He had come up to me and asked me if I could score any weed, probably because of my shirt that says marijuana real big, hehe.  I told him I didn't know where to get any, but I could ask around.  He gave me two bucks and told me he'd stop by to check.  He said he just wanted a joint. 

     7:22pm  Alex, the second guy who asked for weed, also told me he just wanted a joint.  He gave me three fat juicy ribs.  Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

     7:48pm  I've been standing on Higuera free huggin' it and hook a brother up/smoke a brother outin' it and Justin just volunteered me some change.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:15pm  I've had a lot of fun tonight sporting my clown wig and passing out free hugs and my free website.  I got yanked away from Higuera by these kids who said they would smoke me out.  We ended up walking real far to decide to just smoke in some alley.  I only got one hit.  I should've stayed on Higuera.  Right now I met this girl Rodi who they told me about at the house.  Her and one of her friends.  Throughout my story they weren't reacting at all to it.  They didn't seem to dig it at all.  I had even started the Note From the Rich, but cut it off when they just looked bored.  Just check out my website, I told them.  I asked them to do me the two favor's and everything.  I'm just going to walk around and spread the word some more. 

     9:28pm  I am telling Liz and Mckenna my story.  When I got to the part where I say, "Like every cigarette I bum," Liz volunteered me three cigarettes.  No ulterior motives, I swear.  I want everyone to hear my story.  Thanks a lot.

     9:45pm  I had an awesome time at the farmer's market tonight.  Everybody saw me with my free hugs sign.  I gave lots of cute girls hugs and had some awesome presentations.  I am a happy man.  I'm going to walk to the house on Peach Street and get smoked out hopefully. 

     10:00pm  I have arrived at 1346 Peach Street.

Next day..

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