

 9:47am  This is 2-1. my first recording after losing like 80 recordings, :[  Tita, take over:

Tita:  Oh, we were watching that loophole video and Victor asked me about purity rings.  It is the concept of remaining celibate or at least not having a sexual relationship until you get married.  We don't know much about it, but apparently there are whole ceremonies that you do in front of the church.  

         The concept was good and I was telling Victor about what I have read in the Telos books.  

         In the lore of Mount Shasta, they say there is a council of twelve, six men and six women, the Elders.  They do have to approve when a couple decides to cohabitate.  I don't know if they do counseling, I would have to reread it, I haven't read it in years, It's not that they just live together and they are a couple, they have to be counseled on the correct ways to be together, how to get along, to see if they are a good match, because they might not be.  

         As it should be, who you decide to be a couple with is important, not only for the parents, but for the elders to say, "Oh, you guys don't get along, you are always at each other's throats, why would you want to maintain that level of friction?  Or, "Wow, you are a blessed union, I can see that and here is our blessing."

Victor:  I tried to find that movie, but the only ones they had had some glitch to it.  Always a catch.  It's not as sharp or it has some light music playing in the background.  Can you remember any funny scenes to that movie?  Okay, continue, I am sorry to interrupt. 

Tita:  Yeah, we are talking about License to Wed.  Again, most churches have some kind of marriage counseling.  They have to prepare the couples and inform the church elders that they are ready to commit.  

Victor:  Please give me a link to that post that you are reading.  

Tita:  Also, in Telos, if a couple decides they want to have a baby, they have to go through intensive training to be approved.  Not just any couple were allowed to have children.  This is a thing I remember telling Victor about when I was younger, maybe in my twenties, I was so angry knowing that little girls who had a marriage out of wedlock were putting their babies out in the trash.  Here, in the United States it happened.  The woman would either not know she was pregnant and have the baby in the bathroom or toilet and then place it in the trash, or leave it in the toilet.  

That kind of irresponsibility towards children, what I would think that we should do is when kids reach a reproductive age we should sterilize them, and only reverse the sterilization when they are approved to be fit parents.  Otherwise, because kids are stupid and we know they will get their natural urges and they will have sex if left unsupervised.  They will become children raising children.

True, it is a very fascist and totalitarian idea that may take away some freedoms, but then again, who is having kids and whether they are able to care for them is highly important!  

Many countries where children develop young and girls are able to get pregnant at nine, they are literally able to have babies when they themselves are not yet fully developed!  

        Just like plants are able to reproduce when they are young, does that mean kids are ready?  Even psychologically-ready to have children when they are nine, or ten or eleven?  

        I think it would be a great idea to sterilize girls until both parents are ready to realistically sponsor life!  When I read this about Telos I was like, whoa, this is the best of both worlds!

We don't have to go as far as sterilizing them, but let's make family planning counseling mandatory, to show people how vital it is, the true role of a parent. 

Victor:  I don't see any detrimental side to that genius idea.  Whatsoever.  It makes so much logical sense.  If we were to evolve to the point where we don't need to go to the extreme of sterilization, THEN YEAH!  MANDATE IT!  Make it the smart thing for people to do.  The obvious choice.  



Tita:  It does! Again, if you have rampant, if kids have the drive to procreate, but they don't understand that not only is procreation an exchange of energy and should be a sacred thing, if they are not responsible for what can result, which is children, that's why, how do we address this as a culture?  If we tell, especially boys that you can't have sex because you might have a child, is that going to be enough to stop them?  

It is a very loaded, complicated issue, because it is a primal drive to have sex.  Why is it such a drive?  Because the species wants to continue.  That is why young people are more fertile.  That's not why, but they are fertile so that, as soon as they can, they have the babies so that their genes may continue.  

        Now we realize that kids should not be having kids.  Even twenty year olds don't have a fully developed brain.  Just because you have the drive to have a child does not mean you should.  

We go back to having good parents to learn from, a good community.  If you have a good community and you had a sixteen year old, very beautiful woman out there and if nobody tried to rape her or tried to entice her into a sexual relationship, then these issues wouldn't happen, because no one would be available to have sex with.  

        Or, if there was a very beautiful young man and the women who were thirty of forty years older try to have sex with him because of his looks and because he is a sweet kid, now they are getting pregnant because of that.  That's another misuse of sex.  Until that happens as a society, umm, we are just theorizing about these issues.  

Like I read in the Telos book, how people have to be counseled and approved before they have a child and they have to understand how important it is and maybe have to also realize that they might not be good parent-material and they need training on all the many responsibilities involved with quality rearing of the souls the will carry their genetics.  How to have the patience, how to resolve issues with the baby, who knows?  I am not sure exactly what it involves to be approved to have a child in Telos.  

Again, having a child is a BIG DEAL.  If kids don't know how huge a deal it is, and all they know is that it feels good to have sex, and when they are in this culture where all they see is sex, even Disney is promulgating and encouraging sex and given to the urges that sex feels good, and all they see on TV is sexualized women, the boobs and all this hinting and innuendo, of course kids by the time they are sexually mature are going to be curious and want to try it.  

Again, that's what's wrong with the culture.  The culture should not be glorifying sex.  The culture should teach the child This Is How You Do It, you get to know somebody first, you date, you tell jokes...

Victor:  Order can come from harmony too.  It does not need to come from chaos.

Tita:  And self control.  They have to learn self control.  Kids don't have self-control, and adults don't have self-control until they are about 25, until their brains mature.  

We are not advocating anything.  We are just talking about the issues around sex and how important sex is.  Any dysfunctional family out there who wasn't aware of these risks and entered into marriage lightly, or had kids out of wedlock, or were inadequate parents are at major folly.   

        Again, had they gone through counseling, had they had the patience themselves to wait until they were mature, and to also dissolve the marriage correctly if it doesn't work out, would be acting right.  

        As we see with Victor's family, in his example where the marriage was not dissolved correctly, it was dissolved at the will of his mother who got buy-in by a church elder, who didn't even meet Franklin, who encouraged the dissolution of the marriage based only on her side, and not seeing the whole family and trying to give that a chance to get better.  

Victor:  And then the evil lawyer found her loophole.  The devil gave her the way.

Tita:  Ada would've been more honest if all she said was, "I don't like his personality.  He puts himself before his kids."  If that was the real reason then maybe the solution would've been to let Frank go be trained somewhere, get his act together where he is comfortable and try again later.  

        While you, Ada, don't remarry and when Franklin is rehabilitated, when he has proven that he is a good father and he puts his children's needs above his own then try again for the kids.  That was supposedly her rationale, for him not providing.  Again, now we know that he was.  

Victor:  No, what we know for sure, is that he didn't try very hard, despite obstacles placed by the devil through my mother.  He gave up.  He pussed out.

Tita:  She might not have been enough of a mother, either.  Did anyone check her?

Victor:  That is still no excuse for his lack of effort.

Tita:  He did not abandon her!  He was kicked out!  His marriage was annulled.  

Victor:  In view of the miniscule efforts made by him, I VERY FIRMLY HOLD TO THE FACT THAT HE DID ABANDON US!  HE CONTINUES TO ABANDON US!  



WE SHOULD BE WORTH EVEN JUST READING OUR BLOGS!  Which isn't even that big of a deal for an educated person, WHICH HE IS NOT!  

        He is just scared I am going to pop his big fat stinking bubble.

I damn well will!  It needs to be popped before he dies.

Even if it kills him!  


Tita:  This is now February 1st.  Victor's birthday is tomorrow.  

When a marriage is dissolved and children are involved, it's way more complicated.  Shouldn't it be?  Because children need both of their parents.  They don't need a substitute.  Look what happened when Mamada tried to get a substitute.  

        I don't know if this is true, but did we know Luis Moreno's, husband #2's point of view?  He is dead now.  Why did he break up with Ada?  Maybe Luis Senior was another one who saw she was an inadequate mother!  According to her story, her excuse, was that he didn't treat her kids right.  We don't know, but maybe she was tricked by him, but should she have gotten married to a man who wasn't going to accept her children?  

Maybe Ada could've told Luis after meeting him, "Listen, I am going to give Franklin the opportunity to go back to Panama and get his life in order.  If I can see that he's getting ahead and prioritizing the needs of the children, maybe then, for the sake of our children I will consider maybe getting back together with him.  Whatever I decide to do, it is paramount to bring Franklin back into his children's lives.  I should not just abandon him.  He's the father of my children and they need a father.  I will have unconditional hope and hold out until he gets better, because until he gets better my family is going to suffer without a male figure."  Did she do that?  

No!  He came back to try and reconcile and she gave him the boot again.  

Victor:  We cannot forget Franklin's conditional-prerequisite he gave my mother, that we would have to go to Panama or no deal.  That was his requirement, his conditional "love."  He was telling Ada without having to, "Either you come back to Panama with me or your kids have no father."  He just gave away his responsibility and dumped it all on Ada.  

How dare anybody do that to their own children?  It doesn't matter how many loopholes Ada found, Franklin should have been willing to suffer more for us, he should've stalked Ada and camped outside her apartment to be close to his children.  He should've had the balls to actually kidnap us if he loved us at all!  We would have been better off, idiot!  

        Franklin should have realized how evil our mother was and liberated us from her evil influence at an early age!  

If he only knew better, he should've tried to subvert her corrupt teachings, but the lessons he had to teach us were not much better.  He is just as big, if not bigger source of lies and false teachings.

I am not letting him off the hook that easy.  He now has company on his hook, it is many-pronged.  Until Franklin Pussy Chiari reads my blog and admits he has wronged his children, he is going to fry, just like Mamada.  

YOU HAVE NO FOLLOW-THROUGH, FRANKLIN!  You bring great shame to your clan!

10:26am  What are you reading from?  

Tita:  Written by Lisa Satore  

Tita:  When you and I first met I felt invincible, because I had your undivided love and attention.  You boosted me.  Because I knew without a shadow of a doubt that you loved me, 100%.  

        I can attest firsthand that a woman who is well-loved, who knows in her heart that she's the one and only, that all of your reverence goes to her, if I feel that I feel invincible.  You probably would too, if I did everything, and I have tried, but with you it might've been a double-edged sword, because sometimes I have made you feel, "Well, I don't need her then!  I am going to go find my own way," when you should have realized that I was giving you all my love unconditionally.  Maybe it's been too much, but we have a really good thing going, honey.

Victor:  I have been aware of this since Day One.  I have been testing you, just like recently in my trip, you have shown me that you are unequivocally my LOVE-sent partner and will help me do what I need to do to show the world it's folly.  

        Finally, after all this time and doubt with you, you are beginning to bloom into more of your potential.  I had lost hope.  That's why it became time for me to depart.  That's why I felt I needed to get to my old files so badly.  

        We needed to be tested, both of us.  With all of your invaluable contributions lately, I have regained my hope with you! You are finally doing what I have been wanting from you since the start, you are plugging your brain into mine, into my virtual being, my cyber-self, my web-log.  

Tita:  Last night I was reading my palm reading.  It said to do a data-dump at night.  It said to journal!  To clear all the mental stuff of every day, so you are not the only person telling me to journal.  Okay baby, I am going to make breakfast.

Victor:  Thank you, I am hungry.

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