


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday February 3, 2004

     7:34am  I'm leaving my mom's house already. My mom had told me, "I didn't get you anything for your birthday, sorry." I told her, "It's Okay, I don't celebrate holidays. I celebrate every day. You know that." Anyway, she promised me some money. She told me, "I'll give you some money for when you go away next time." I really wanted to go buy some rainbow beads for my walking stick, but she didn't have any cash this morning. And, she told me she was going to get them for me like four days ago. She never did. So, I don't know what I'm going to do today. I guess I'll go over to UTSA and type up my stuff for a while. Until I get hungry and then I'll leave. So, yeah, that's what I'm going to do. But, I don't know what time the 609 passes. I was going to walk to OP Schnabel park. Shit, hold on. I should go back to my mom's and find out what time the 609 passes. I can go catch that to get to UTSA. Yeah, that's what I'll do. I gotta call VIA and ask them.

                   They pass every hour, so I don't want to go to the stop and just wait. What if it just ran? I would have to wait a whole hour. The 609 stops over on Braun Rd. by Tezel. It goes through Parkwood and then to UTSA.

     7:42am  I just called VIA. The 609 passes by there at 49 of the hour. So, in like seven minutes. I'm going to see if I can walk and catch it before it comes. If I don't, I'll just keep walking Braun Road to OP Schnabel.

     7:54am  I just got to Tezel. I'm five minutes late. Maybe the bus is running late.

     8:11am  Right when I walked to the Exxon across the street from the park, I found almost a whole cigarette in the ashtray. 

     8:15am  I'm thinking of a good quote. "I don't live at my mother's house. She just gives me a place to rest my feet every night. Like a mother should."

                   My mom doesn't think I work. I'll tell her, "I am working. For everybody. For FREE. Why does everyone have a problem with that? If I wasn't right, you wouldn't be letting me stay at your house. You need to take responsibility for your own generosity, mom. You just keep blaming your love on other people."

                   I'm walking in the entrance of OP Schnabel Park. Braundera YMCA. 9606 Bandera Road. That's where my offices are located at, hehe. Don't mail me anything there. I won't get it. Anyway, I was just thinking that I can consider myself a doctor, as well. I am performing the world's greatest surgery. I'm putting a big patch on the earth. I am sewing up a massive fracture.

     8:25am  The weirdest thing. I just walked out to where I cut across the soccer fields. I came across some dead animal missing its head.


The same way I passed that dog on the railroad tracks with its head 

chopped off. That's weird. I looked around to see if I could find the animal's head somewhere. I took a picture of it. It's crazy. What a coincidence. Its head has been ripped off. You can see it's neck sticking out. It's disgusting.

                   I remember back when I started this mission I was thinking, "Man, this is going to be cool. I can pull this off being at home on the computer and spreading my stuff around. But now I've been doing this big offline portion for a longass time now. Ever since June 14th of last year. Actually, before that. And I thought I was going to be able to do this at home, ha. Well, I guess I am. I've got a big house. The whole world.

                   This morning I woke up and smoked some weed in my mom's back porch. I'm thinking that's why I am getting all this good inspiration. I'm all high. It's opening my mind.

                   I find it as no surprise that this big breakthrough I'm making is happening in the United States of America. The place where freedom was first implemented. Well, supposed freedom. Of course it's going to come from America. It's just really cool that it starting in the center of the continent. Deep in the heart of Texas.

                   I'm going to try and stop this 2012 prediction. The apocalypse happening then. The end of the world coming then.

                   Not if I can help it.

                   I'm going to sing some NOFX now. "He's just a man getting through life the best he can. He's not a scientist, he programs a computer. Before that he sold cars to pay his student loan now he receives pity from his family. His friends say how can he turn his back on worshipping a god. Finding truth through fear and mind-control. And he knows what people think but it doesn't sway him. He can read the writings on the wall. Chicki-chicki-chicki. Cuz he knows how people treat, how they treat each other. A sacrifice to benifit the all. Don't try to judge him and his theologian ideals. His hopes maybe false, but his happiness is real. Don't try to judge him. He's just a man."

                   He's never seen the world so clearly.

     8:40am  I just took a picture of the big radio antenna 

at the top of the hill. Where the trail is to go to my little hideout. A little past the antenna. There's a trail that comes out. You can choose to go to the left or the right. Go to the right.

     8:54am  I got to my hideout. I just smoked. Took two big hits. I'm going to go for a hike.

                   I really don't tend to care where I am when I'm in the woods. I think that sometimes I can't tell you what trails to take and what part of the woods I'm in. I really don't care. When I come to the woods I get lost on purpose. I've perfected getting lost to an art form. As long as I'm still in the woods everything is interesting. Everything is beautiful. Everything is free.

                   All who wander are not lost.

                   I see a little bunny rabbit. Lemme get a picture of him.

                   He got away. I'm going to go look for another rabbit to take a picture of. Be vewy, vewy quiet. I'm huntin' wabbit, hehe. I'm just going to walk around the woods and look in the bushes and see if I can find another rabbit. I said I was going to take a picture of one and damnit, I am a man of my word.

                   I can do this for hours. I will find another rabbit.

     9:03am  I am a man on a mission. I'm not going to go home. I'm not going to do anything else until I take a picture of a rabbit. I was thinking, "Hmm, maybe I'm supposed to go on this rabbit hunt so I'll have my camera out and maybe I'll see something really cool in the woods." I'm going to go walking and see what happens.

                   I might have just jinxed it by telling you.

                   Despite all the evil in this world, the goodness stream is still here. It's still here with us. Alive and strong. You can tap it if you need to. It's there. Just tap it. It's there for us to use.

                   The universe provides.

     9:16am  I'm still walking around. I'm still on my mission looking for a rabbit. I'm just getting lost in the woods.

     9:19am  I just walked up to this back fence. These three houses. All these dogs are all barking because of my walking stick. I walked up to them and yelled, "Be nice!" They're all fighting with each other. I'm walking back now.

                   More NOFX. "It's nothing like the bible, there's no lesson to be learned. It ain't the Ten Commandments because nothing's written in stone. It has to do with freedom and personal liberty. I don't fuck with you, don't fuck with me. The plan. The plaaaaaaaaan."

                   "If god created plants and buds that I find and abuse, then who the fuck are you to judge me?"

     9:39am  Okay, forget the rabbit. I don't care.

     9:50am  I've been walking South towards the Walmart. Close to the trail that goes to Smokestone.

                   I stopped to look at Smokestone.  

     10:10am  I just realized that I'm over by the Walmart already. I overshot the trail to it. I ended up on the other side of the apartments right next to it. I gotta walk back a little.

     10:15am  I just walked up behind the apartments and I saw a rabbit run off! Damnit! There was my stupid rabbit! I should've had my camera in my hand. Argh. I'm going to try and hunt him down.

     10:16am  Damnit, that sucks. I lost that rabbit too.

     10:20am  I just got to the bus stop by Walmart. I'm thinking, "Hmm, I could probably walk up to the Tio's Mexican Restaurant over close to Mainland. I've never scored there before. Or, I forgot that I put a little pouch of my Muscleblast 2000 in my bag. I'm going to go ahead and eat that.

     10:30am  What was your name? Diane gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Diane. A Doral. She's driving a cool little car.

                     She's driving a little silver Golf Volkswagen. I walked by and noticed her car. I saw her smoking a cigarette and I hit her up. She stopped and rolled down the window. I told her, "Hey, I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read . . ." She gave me her last cigarette and drove off a little weirded out. I was all bummed out because there was nobody outside smoking. I even checked the Smoker's Outpost thing by the door. I was all trying to figure out how it opened. I thought I might go to the Mobil gas station across the street. I saw that lady in the VW smoking and she gave me one! Cool. She was about to drive off.

                     To the victor go the spoils. Umm, I'm not that hungry anymore. I got a little more Muscleblast in my bag. I got a cigarette. I'm going to go over to the bus stop and wait for the 609. I'm going to go over to UTSA. Actually, I thought I was going to go donate plasma today. Maybe that's what I'll do. I'm going to smoke my cigarette and if the 609 is there I'll get on it.

                     The letter of the day is Harry. I don't have any H's. I'll see if I can get a courtesy ride.

     10:44am  The guy on the 609 didn't let me on. I'll try the 88 going downtown.

                     88 won't let me on either. Oh well, I gotta wait. The universe will provide. I have much trust in it.

     10:47am  Cool, the 88 comes every twenty five minutes. The 609 comes every hour. I'm going to walk to Tio's and see if they'll hook me up. Maybe the next 88 will let me on.

     10:51am  The other 609 guy wouldn't let me on either. I'm going to walk to Tio's.

     11:06am  Dude, I got to do my whole presentation, my whole platform with this lady. She was nodding her head up and down the whole time. She was all, "Let me see what I can get for you." That was awesome. She listened to me. She really did.

                     There's a Bally's Total Fitness sign up. It says, "Enter for a free membership." It also says, "The body cannot achieve what the mind cannot conceive." Good quote.

     11:07am  Giselle is the name of the lady who gave me some Mexican food. I appreciate it, sister.

                      Sweet! Calling the shots again. Even earlier when I was at the bus stop I said I would get hooked up at Tio's. Now, I'm going to walk with my tacos, my prize, my reward for bringing peace, to the Walmart and eat it. I'll see if another bus driver gives me a ride.

     11:18am  Mr. Maldonado hooked me up with a courtesy ride. Thanks a lot, brother.

                     If the words I choose to describe myself does it exactly, why would I ever change them? In the end, the truth doesn't change. Neither does the past. I'm just telling stories. I'm acting. It's not perfection. It's just one step closer to it.

     11:45am  I had a great conversation with Jacqueline. She just got off the bus.

     12:07pm  I forgot to tell you. I'm downtown. I'm going to walk to Travis Park and eat my tacos.

     12:16pm  Grasshopper hooked me up again with another cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:24pm  JC hooked Mike up with a transfer. He needed some bus fare.

     12:34pm  Me and Mike are going to go smoke a bowl under the bridge.

     12:55pm  Crazy Mary is hooking me up with a cigarette. How generous of you, Crazy Mary. I appreciate it, sister.

                      Crazy Mary didn't listen to my story, proving to me that she really is crazy.

     1:00pm  The weirdest shit. A loaf of bread just fell, I thought somebody had thrown it at me. I was just walking and it fell down right in front of me. I thought maybe the pigeons had taken it up there, but it's a big loaf. It just fell out of nowhere. That's so crazy!

     1:36pm  Sabrina hooked me up with a cigarette. I got a light, thanks anyway. I appreciate it, Sabrina.

     2:11pm  Oh yeah, I haven't updated in a while. At Travis Park I saw this traveling-lookin' girl. I told her my story and offered to smoke her and her boyfriend out. We came over to that bridge I smoked at earlier at. I told them my story. Where were ya'll from again? Colorado and Minnesota. Karen and Josh.

     2:20pm  Some Puertorican guy I met in the park earlier came up to me and asked me, "Hey, what's going on?" I started telling him my stuff. He stopped me and said, "I gotta go take a piss. I'll come back. I want to hear this." Cool, I'll have another good presentation.

     2:26pm  Sam is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, man. For the cause.

     2:36pm  The Puertorican guy came back. I tried to tell him my shit, but he wouldn't listen. He was wearing a Jesus necklace and everything. I told him, "Man, I am trying to do something somebody else tried to do two thousand years ago." He points to his necklace and I go, "Yeah, exactly. I'm trying to bring peace to Earth. I am coming across the same exact ignorance he did from a lot of the same people who have worshipped him their whole life. How ironic is that?" He went, "Oh, Jesus isn't ignorant."

                   I don't think I'm Jesus. I am Victor. I am just following his same path. Trying to bring peace to this world.

     2:45pm  I ran into some guy at the bus stop. He said, "Hey man, I remember you. Where have you been?" I asked him, "When was the last time you saw me?" He said last year. I asked him, "Did I tell you what I was doing then?" He told me he had just seen me, not that I had met him. I asked him, "Well, can I tell you what I'm doing?" I told him all my stuff until his bus came.

                   It's cool. I am known.

     2:50pm  Lisa hooked me up with a cigarette here in Travis Park. I appreciate it, Lisa.

     3:10pm  Rose just hooked me up with two dollars for my hotdog. Awesome. I told her my story and her bus came. I didn't even ask her for it. She just handed it to me. It's going to happen soon!

                   Praise Love.

     3:16pm  Deborah is hooking me up with a cigarette here at Travis Park. I appreciate it, Deborah.

     3:28pm  The 91 didn't give me a ride. It's alright. It's all a number's game.

     3:37pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette. Whoa, he's giving everyone a cigarette.

                   Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. That lady Deborah was a CPA! She agreed with me on everything. She told me that she thinks we should legalize marijuana. 

                   Everybody agrees with me.

     4:26pm  Man, I've been in the park all day today. I talked to this one girl who's Selma bus came. Cool, there's a lot of people sitting down on the bench by themselves. I'm going to tell them my story.

     4:32pm  This brother with headphones on wearing a crucifix pulled out a pack. I asked him, "Hey man, can you spare a cigarette?" He all ignored me, playing it off with his headphones. He was looking at me when I asked him. Like I'm not going to notice he's ignoring me. Stupid bible-thumping hypocrite.

     4:34pm  The 92 let me on. Cool.

     5:05pm  I had a great presentation with this girl in the back. She had to get off the bus.

     5:05pm  6700 hooked me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, sister.

     5:19pm  Mike's hooking me up with a cigarette. He even fixed it for me. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:25pm  The 92 guy didn't give me a ride. Oh well. Next time.

     5:26pm  Magic Mike hooked me up with a beer too. Awesome.

     5:51pm  I'm here in the bathroom at Crossroads. I'm going to get all the seeds out of my shake. I only got a couple bowls left. I think I'm going to go home now. I'm not going to go to UTSA. It's a little late. I'm going to go see what bus will give me a courtesy ride to Medical Center.

     5:59pm  Tiffany hooked me up with a cigarette outside of Crossroads Park and Ride.

     6:12pm  Mrs. Chavaria is giving me a ride to Medical Center. I appreciate it.

     6:25pm  I told my presentation to the bus driver. I asked her, "Could I tell you a really interesting story? Will conversation distract you?" This other lady on the bus was listening to me. She stood up and told me, "Well, you've got one problem," and started nay-saying. She told me, "The truth is hard to accept." I told her, "No shit." She was all, "I work hard because I like nice things." I told her, "The less you have the less you have to worry about. Why do you want what you don't need?"

                   I'm in Medical Center now.

     6:30pm  Linda me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco, Linda.

     6:57pm  Tamara, who I just told my story to at the hospital, when I was finished she asked me if I liked Camels. I said sure and she gave me a whole pack! Awesome. I wanted a cigarette. Now, hopefully at 7:15 the 610 will come and give me a courtesy ride home.

     7:15pm  I'm out here talking to Tamara. She told me that she's going to Louisiana, to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. When? The 22nd, 23rd and 24th of February. She said if I need a little boost out East I could go with them. Maybe I'll go visit Chasity. I've got a couple weeks to ponder it. Hmm. She works at the IHOP on Wurzbach and I10.

                   Where you can't smoke anymore.

                   Tamara hooked me up with a dollar too! Awesome, for bus fare! Kickass.

     7:30pm  I just had me the most ignorant encounter I've had all day. When I got on the bus when it came, the bus was turning and this guy grabbed my arm so I wouldn't lose my balance. I started trying to tell him about my mission, but he just wouldn't shut up. He's from New York, which explains everything. He wouldn't listen to me one bit. I told him, "Hey, will you give me a chance?" He even said he'd listen. I got into it and before I knew it, bam, he's interrupting me. New York is hell, dude.

     7:50pm  I just got off the bus over by the Citgo by my mom's house. Oh yeah, did I tell you about some black dude? His friend came up to me and said, "What are ya'll talking about." He listened to me. He heard it all. Then the two guys from New York, the one who actually listened to me asked me, "When will you be riding this bus again?" He wants to meet up because he makes movies and stuff. He said he wanted to make a movie about me. He shook my hand and everything. He told me, "We've been waiting for somebody like you." He told me he has a big group of about forty people in New York. He told me, "We got weapons and everything." I stopped him and said, "Man, this will be a peaceful revolution. No one has to die." He told me, "Well, we might have to blow some people's heads off." So, because of that, I am not going to follow up with this guy. I got his email address. Some AOL account.
     Oh, but I think I might be taking that trip to the East coast sooner than I thought. In three weeks. That girl who works at IHOP's going to give me a ride.

     8:00pm  I just got to my mom's house.

     8:56pm  I'm going to bed. I am just really bored. I hate being at my mom's house. I had asked my mom if she planned on having the computer back and working so I could use her scanner. Like in three weeks. I told her I was thinking about leaving for a trip to the East Coast and I wanted to get all my stuff scanned. I told her, "If provided with the resources, I could have my webpage up in three weeks."

                    It is so almost ready.

     9:30pm  I noticed that my mom was home so I went outside and met her. Dude, she's brought the computer back. I had told her I could get her scanner working. I need a scanner real bad. She has never used it. That's great. That's the best birthday present she could get me.

                   The only one she got me, actually.

     10:10pm  I am installing the scanner. It's easy shit.

Next day..

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