


San Antonio, TX

Sunday February 8, 2004

     12:48am  I just got out of the IHOP. That girl wasn't working tonight. I ended up buying like an eight dollar burger. It pisses me off. Ah, I was hungry and I had a ten dollar bill. I don't know what I'm going to do for the rest of the night. I'm not hungry. I feel tired. I am way too far from my mom's house to walk there. I wonder where I can walk to. Ahh, I'll just see where I end up. I don't know what I'm going to do. It's like four hours until the buses start running. I wish there was somewhere I could sleep.

     12:57am  I walked Wurzbach a bit and I walked into the Tiffany's Cabaret over by Gardendale. I figured, "Ah, I've got two bucks and some change left over. I can afford like a shot of something. Some alcohol." I went up to the entrance and told the dude, "Hey, I've got a two dollar bill and all I want is a shot." He told me, "It's seven dollars to get in." Screw that, just to see some tits?

     1:07am  I've kind of decided I'm going to walk all the way to my mom's house. I walked all the way down Wurzbach to Fredericksburg. I'm going to walk Wurzbach all the way to Bandera. Crazy. I might have to stop and rest for a while soon. I'm going to keep going until I stop or drop.

                    I got that big burger from IHOP in my stomach, so I'm all fueled up.

     1:26am  I'm walking by these trees on Wurzbach, right in front of the Wheelchairs Plus place and University Hospital. There are all these black birds, these Medical Center birds in the trees. I'm scaring them with my walking stick and they're all moving to the next tree. They're swarming everywhere. It's awesome.

     1:36am  I just passed Wurzbach and Babcock.

     1:50am  I just stopped and rested over by my old apartments where I used to live as a little kid. Twin Oaks they were called. Now they're called Woodland Hills. Back in 84 when it snowed I lived there. I stopped and rested my feet on a bench. I took a couple hits of weed and I'm up walking again. My feet are all tender.

     2:04am  I'm walking by the YMCA. The marquee says, "Health Screening Feb.18 9am-12pm." Hmm, I wonder what they screen for. I'm going to go check that out.

                   Today is the 8th, technically. It's 2am.

     2:27am  I'm still walking down Bandera. My feet hurt.

     2:43am  I stopped at Seneca Drive and Bandera to rest my feet.

     2:50am  I'm walking down Bandera still and I'm passing the old Judge Onion House. That's bullshit. They remodeled the Onion House. It was the Onion House, damnit. It was the original. It was falling apart and everything, but it was the friggin' Onion House. It was a piece of history. It was a Leon Valley landmark, damnit. Babylon attacked it. There's a big sign that says, "Huebner/Onion Homestead restoration project." They just took over. They just killed the history from it. No respect.

     3:07am  I'm still walking along Bandera. I'm passing the Bandera Bowl. Huebner and Bandera. Man, my fuck feeting hurt, hahah. I'm just limping along here. I'm in pain, but I'm going to keep going. I'm going to keep walking until I find a bus stop with a bench. I'm going to rest for like half an hour.

                   I'm going to actually pull this off and walk all the way home. I can't believe I've walked so much tonight. Earlier, like yesterday morning I woke up and walked the five miles all the way to Babcock North. I got that ride to West. I walked to the HEB by 1604 and Bandera with these dudes. I walked back and rode the bus downtown. I ended up back on the bus again to West Telemarketing. I went to Jims and then walked I10 to Wurzbach passing USAA. I ate at the IHOP. From the IHOP I walked Wurzbach to Bandera, then I'm walking all the way down Bandera towards my mom's neighborhood right now.

                   I'm crazy, hehe.

     3:14am  I stopped over here by the 88/609 bus stop right in front of the Bank of America. There's a Jiffy Lube right behind me. There's a Pet Town Dog Grooming place. I'm going to rest my feet for a little bit. They hurt.

     3:18am  I'm up and walking. I mean limping.

     3:28am  Now passing Eckhert Road.

     3:34am  I just realized that my wallet is not in my back pocket anymore. Shit, I have to backtrack. It's probably at that bus stop I stopped at.

                   Cool, it's over here on the ground by Art's Paint and Body Shop. Awesome. I didn't have to go that far.

     3:37am  I stopped on this big hill of grass here to rest my feet. Ahhhhh.

     3:43am  I'm up and walking. Limping, I mean.

     3:55am  Passing Mainland.

     4:01am  I walked to Guilbeau. I stopped at a 609/610 bus bench. I'm going to sit down. My feet are aching.

     4:10am  I'm up and walking.

     4:34am  I'm right before Wickersham on Guilbeau at a bus stop.

     4:35am  I'm off.

     4:45am  I'm almost all the way up the hill. Passing the Village in the Woods subdivision.

     4:55am  I'm walking up to Tezel. I am a little over a mile away from home.

                   Man, I can't believe I'm actually going to do this. My feet hurt so bad. I walked all the way home, man! I can't actually believe I walked so much. I'm nuts! I'm going to get home around 5:30 or so. I really hope my mom's up by then. I'll go around to the back yard and see if the light in her room is on. If she's not, I'm going to wake her up anyway. I'll tell her, Mom, I've been walking all night. Can you please open the door for me? You can go back to sleep." She wakes up early for church.

     4:56am  Dude! I was walking down the sidewalk past the Shell and I found a dollar bill on the ground! That's awesome! Money falling in my lap again. I wonder what this is a sign for. It's crazy. The other night, not too long ago, I found a ten dollar bill in a puddle of water after I got off the bus at the Citgo by my mom's. Crazy.

                   Thank you, Love. Praise Love.

                   I know, it was a present. Good night's walk, Victor. The spirit's are hooking me up. They're giving me signs letting me know I'm doing the right thing by walking so much.

     5:07am  I stopped at the Citgo by my mom's. It's not open. I'm just going to sit down here and rest my feet. Man, they hurt.

     5:08am  Okay, I'm leaving,

     5:22am  I'm coming up to my mom's house. I see some lights turned on inside. Maybe she's awake. Hopefully.

     5:25am  I just realized that nobody is awake and the door's locked. Ugh.

     5:30am  I looked through my mother's window and she's awake. She's on the toilet, so I'm not looking at her. I'm looking away. Yawn, I'm cold, I'm hungry and I'm tired.

     5:37am  My mom opened the door. She was all concerned about me. She even suggested that I eat something. She even said I should take an Epson salt footbath. I just might do that. After I take a shower though.

     4:37pm  I just woke up. My feet feel a lot better. I should probably stay home all day. This morning I didn't wake up my mom. She was already awake. Oh yeah, before I went to bed this morning. My mom poured me an Epson salt bath for my feet. I went and dipped me feet in there for a minute. Then, I crashed out hard. I was tired. I'm still a little tired. Man, I got some great exercise last night. I am so proud of myself. Anyway, I woke up and I'm going to eat some cereal. My mom told me I could eat anything I want. That she was going to go eat at her friends house and she'd bring me home a plate of food. Sweet.

                   She's so crazy. One day she's all hating me for being happier than her without money and the next day she's all kissing my ass. Well, not kissing my ass, just doing her job. I just don't get it, mom. Pick one and stick with it.

     5:18pm  I just gathered up my laundry and put my stuff to wash. My feet are kind of sore, so I guess I'm not going to venture out anywhere. It sucks I'm going to be wide-awake tonight and there's no computer here. Hmm, I wonder what I can do.

     7:25pm  I'm just organizing all my stuff. I streamlined a lot of my stuff. Threw some stuff away that I didn't need. I took a run-through of my possessions and organized it. Now, I'm going to go jerk off. I'm bored.

     7:43pm  I just got all my laundry out of the dryer. I'm going to jump in the shower now.

Next day..

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