


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday February 11, 2004

     6:25am  I woke up at 5:45 this morning. I got a good night's sleep. I'm all rested. I'm in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. I'm going to put on my clothes, my uniform.

     6:32am  I'm going to go out to the back porch and do my Tai-Chi stretches. And smoke some weed. I'm so proud of myself. I haven't smoked a cigarette since the seventh. It's already the eleventh or something.

                    I am a non-smoker.

     6:40am  I am leaving the house. It's cold. It's wet, it's raining. The sun's just starting to come up now. I don't know what I'm going to do today. I'm going to go look for a school, I'm going to go to SAC downtown. Use the computers at the library there. Awesome.

                   I also wanted to buy me a pair of gloves somewhere. I don't know.

     7:02am  I'm out here waiting for the bus. Umm, the one going towards Ingram just passed. I'm going to cross the street.

                   Cool , I can take some hits of weed while I wait for the bus. I think it comes at 7:15am. I'm not sure.

                   Oh yeah, I was able to get a couple bucks off my mom this morning. I asked her, "Hey mom, can I bum a dollar for bus fare?" She gave me two. I told her, "I only need one, mom." She said, "For tomorrow then." Alright, cool.

                   This is one of my mom's swings. She's going to be all bitchy pretty soon. Just you watch. She's all bipolar, hehe.

     7:20am  There's the 610. Patience paid off. I just had to wait.

                   Gold Beach, Oregon should be called Old Beach, Oregon. With all those retired people there. RV's up the ass.

     7:37am  The traffic is all backed up here. We're on Guilbeau in front of the HEB. We've been here for like ten minutes already not moving at all. There's just too many cars. It's too crowded. Why is everybody in such a hurry? The reason people get cars in the first place is so they won't have to wait, right? What the hell do they think they're doing now?

     8:12am  I just had a great presentation with Mr. Hunt. He told me, "I don't agree with everything you said, but you're brave enough to go out there and do it. So I'll read your stuff."

                   I'm on the 88 going down Bandera now. I'm going to ask the bus driver for a courtesy-transfer.

     8:22am  Mr. Hunt hooked me up with a transfer for the cause. Wups, I dropped it.

     8:26am  I just took a picture of the "Looking for a free ride?" thing on the bus. It says, "If you're looking for a free ride, you won't get one with a counterfeit bus pass. It will cost you $500. Persons caught using counterfeit bus passes, tickets, cash or other fare media to board the bus will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This is a Class D misdemeanor under penal code 31.04 carrying a fine of up to $500."

                   Ha, why would anyone go through so much trouble as using a counterfeit bus pass. All you have to do is ask. Duh.

     8:37am  I just got off close to SAC by Flores and Fredericksburg.

     8:46am  I'm walking over to the VIA office to go take a piss in the bathroom. I could have gone to the bathroom at the Shell station but I want to go be seen.

                   I just got some guy to take a picture of me. It's all raining. I'm going to walk to SAC.

     8:56am  I talked to the guys at the bus stop right in front of the San Pedro Park Library. I asked them if they knew if you had to be a student to use their computer lab in the library. They told me you did, but I'm going to go ask anyway.

                   Process of elimination.

     11:14am  I found my new resource! I just got off a computer over at SAC. The guy said, "Oh sure, no problem." I got off because he said there was a class coming in soon. That's alright. I typed up a couple days. Man, I got some good shit in my stuff.

     11:44am  I came up to the bus stop in front of SAC. When I walked up there was a really attractive girl sitting there. I was about to jump in with my scripts with her, but I wanted to take a hit of weed first. I tried to take one and her bus came. Damn. I thought I'd ask for a courtesy ride and tell her on the bus, but nah, I want to take another hit of weed.

                     She'd probably think I was crazy anyway.

     11:48am  The driver on the #3 let me on. That's very generous of you.

                     The driver wouldn't even listen to my story.

     11:58am  I got off the #3 bus at Oblate. I'm going to walk down this neighborhood over here and see if I can find anybody to smoke out.

     12:00pm  The church bells are calling me. I'm going to walk in that direction and see who I talk to.

                     The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. There's all these old people everywhere.

                     Driving their death machines. Hypocrite sinners.

     12:03pm  That's what I'm going to do! I forgot today's destination. I'm going to go back to Bandera and talk to that Church on the Rock place. The one with the big dome. The girl at the Shipley's told me to go there(2-9-04, 5:21pm).

     12:14pm  Hehe, I had the greatest presentation in front of the music store here. I told them I was going to put them out of business, hehe.

                     I'm going to put everybody out of business! Anyway, I told the guy everything and he was laughing at me in the end. I told him I want him to think I'm crazy. He told me, "Man, you lost it."

                    They were smoking cigarettes outside and I went up to them, "Hey, do you guys want to hear a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything." They told me, "Alright, go ahead." I told them my shit.

     12:19pm  This guy was walking down San Pedro right by me. He had a studded wallet and Doc Martens. He's all dressed up nice and shit. When he walked by I asked him, "Hey, do you want to smoke a bowl?" He had his headphones and didn't hear me, so he reached into his pocket and grabbed his spare change. I told him, "Nah, nah. I wasn't asking for anything. I was wondering if you wanted to smoke a bowl. He told me, "No, I'm on my way to a job interview." I said, "That's more the reason to smoke."

     12:30pm  To kill time for the bus to come I'm spitting on the bus shelter and watching it drip down. Like I did to kill time when I was at that rest stop in California that one time(12-5-03, 10:40am).

                      I just got dropped at North Star Mall. When I got on and asked he went, "It's eighty cents." I went, "Come on, hook a brother up." He said, "Alright, get on."

     12:38pm  I'm going to eat this Milky Way candy bar from that guy who gave me two candy bars last night.

     12:47pm  I think I'm going to wait for the looper bus and ride it to Bandera/410 and catch the 88 to Church on the Rock.

                      I'm so proud of myself that I'm not smoking. Everybody has a cigarette. I don't need them.

                      It's weird. I feel like there is just something else out there. Bigger than everything. Like a greater power or something. I don't know exactly what it is. I can't put my finger on any of it. I'll just give it the vague name of Love.

                      But man, I'm dying to find out. I just hope I don't have to, to actually find out.

                      I can't wait to find out though. I'm all giddy. I think I'm going to know pretty soon. I just have to know.

     12:58pm  There's the 551. Let's hope he gives me a courtesy ride. He might not. I don't know. All I need to find out is the letter of the day for the transfers.

     1:00pm  The 551 driver is giving me a courtesy ride to Bandera. I appreciate it, brother. Today is Wednesday the eleventh.

     1:29pm  I just got dropped off on Bandera. I'm going to walk all the way to that church. Then I'm going to walk all the way to my mom's.

     1:41pm  I'm at the Church on the Rock. In front of Shipley's Donuts. Let's see who I can talk to.

                   Blow some minds.

     1:43pm  I took a picture of the Church on the Rock. There are like four cars in the parking lot. I'm just going to go and look around inside.

     1:52pm  Haha, I just ran into the most ignorant bible thumpers in existence. See, I was in front of the church and took a picture of it. These old goons walked out and they told me, "Can I help you? We saw you taking pictures." I told him, "I am documenting my life. Nothing but the truth." He came over here and I told him my shpeel. This dude wouldn't listen to me one bit. He started yelling, "No! Jesus died for you! He accepted all the sins of the whole world. Who else would have done that?!" I yelled back, "Well, how do you know? Did he tell you?" He said, "Yeah, he did." I pulled out my recorder and told him, "Well, next time you guys talk get it on tape. Then I'll believe you." I told this dude off. I told him, "Listen, my actions are a means to an end. I am trying to tell you how I'm going to do it, but you are too ignorant to listen. You are not practicing what you preach. You hypocrite sinner." In the end I even asked him, "Have you always been that ignorant?" He got all mad and said, "Oh, there's no need for calling names." I was like, "What? I'm just telling you the truth. I am just being honest. Truth hurts, doesn't it grandpa?"

                   Oh yeah, and the other dude was all, "Marijuana ruined my life, just like all the other drugs. Then Jesus saved me!" I told him, "No, you ruined your life. Don't use marijuana as a scapegoat. Take some responsibility for yourself!" He went, "Oh, look at you. You're all mad now." I told him, "No, I am frustrated! This is a church for crying out loud. Of all places you should be the ones listening to me. I'm trying to bring world peace, damnit."

     2:04pm  Some van just drove by and somebody yelled "Fuck you!" to me. I gave them the peace sign. They had this sticker on their car that said, "God is good." Wait, I'm going to see if I can capture them.

                   I took a picture of the van, hehe.

     2:07pm  Oh yeah, I got a dollar. I'm going to walk to the Jack in the Box.

     2:10pm  Jack took care of the more than a dollar I needed at the Jack in the Box. I appreciate it, brother.

                   He gave me a 20% employee discount. Awesome.

     2:16pm  I finished up at the Jack in the Box. I'm going to walk to OP Schnabel Park. I'm way over here on the other side of Huebner. It's a long walk.

                   Yeah, I've got like forty or fifty bucks in my bag and I haven't spent any of it. I don't need to spend money.

     2:24pm  I saw a sign that said Elite Tailoring. Hey, I want to ask them about my sleeping bag. If they could fix the zipper on it. I went in there and there was some Asian dude who didn't speak English. I told him, "Actually, I'll just bring it by."

     2:38pm  I was walking on Bandera and decided to look around behind the Cafe Milano building. Where Side Pockets is at. I want to see if there is a connection to the woods anywhere over here. I want to walk in the forest. Find a trail.

                   Wups, this is a private residence. I'll leave them alone and go back to Bandera.

     2:49pm  I'm going to follow the creek before the Walmart into OP Schnabel. Over on the Smokestone side.

     2:55pm  I'm on this trail behind the apartments they built by the Walmart.

     2:56pm  I just took a random shot of the woods. The trail.

     3:00pm  I just took a picture of this cool creek that I saw that runs way down there. I'm going to walk it

                   Ahh, it's good to be back in the office.

     3:06pm  I'm passing by good 'ol Smokestone.

     3:20pm  I'm passing by the Legalize Herb thing(1-29-04, 5:03pm). I took a picture of it once. That's my sign. I'm going to stop and take a hit of weed. Gotta follow the signs. I swear I didn't put that on there. That was here years before me.

     4:05pm  I walked all the way to the top of the cliff. I went up the trail I used to walk when I used to walk to work at the computer shop on DeZavala. I'm out of breath. I'm going to walk around and see if there's anybody in the park to tell my story to.

     4:20pm  I'm celebrating. I'm in the park. I'm at the big covering at the top of the cliff. The benches. There's a sign here that says, "A thousand pounds of dog poo wash in your water every year." I got this idea. What I'm going to do is, now that I found out that anybody can use the computers at SAC, a community college, dude I have so many colleges I could go to. I'm just going to float around and go to different colleges and be seen at each one. That's awesome. San Antonio is where it all starts, man. I can feel the power already.

                   I keep it on the down-low though. I'll probably go to SAC for a couple days, then hit Northwest Vista a couple days. I'll go to all the other ones. I'll ride the bus to all of them.

     4:28pm  I'm having some good thoughts. I'm not homeless. I'm a professional walker. I have a full-time job. I don't get days off.

                   I walk for a living.

                   My mother lets me rest my feet at her house when I'm in San Antonio, but I live everywhere.

                   She likes letting me sleep there. She wants to help.

                   She's scared she'll go to hell if she doesn't.

                   And I know 'dis.

     4:34pm  I just took a picture from the lookout spot they have here at the top of the cliff. That big blue building in the background is the Bank 1 building on Huebner/Fredericksburg. Huebner/I10 I mean.

                   I think I'm going to walk to my mom's house. Maybe I'll catch the bus. I don't know. Nah, I'll walk it.

                   Had a shot of Muscleblast 2000.

     4:43pm  I saw this girl walking her dog. She was all laughing when I walked up. Her dog ran up to me. I told her, "Beautiful dog. Can I tell you a really interesting story? I just want you to listen." She was all, "Ahh, nah," and started walking away. She said, "I'm too tired to listen." I told her, "Come on, it's the most interesting story you will ever here. I guarantee it." She still didn't want to. I told her, "Well, then you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Ignorance is bliss." She turned around and said, "God bless." I said, "Praise Love."

                    Beautiful dog she had. It reminded me of Stuart.

     4:49pm  I was walking on the street towards the exit to the park. I came upon the low water crossing. There was a huge puddle. The raised ridges of the pavement on the sides served as stepping stones for me to get over the water. I held my stick like a tightrope walker and started hopping the little islands. I got to the last one and lost my balance and my boot got wet.

                   Everybody thinks I'm crazy at the park. Just like I want them to.

     4:52pm  Oh yeah, I came out of OP Schnabel and I saw the new Bandera Community Church that is here now. I had meant to go talk to them. They're a pretty modern-looking church, like Church on the Rock. I wonder if there is any kids there.

                   I'll go on Sunday. They're not open right now.

                  Yes, rush hour traffic. People are looking at me. I can feel it.

     4:54pm  Do you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to walk over to the Donation Station at HEB and say hi to Marcos. See if he still works there. I haven't talked to him in a long time.

     4:55pm  I'm going to walk into Wood's End neighborhood. I used to live in this neighborhood. We moved to where my mom lives now in 1990. I used to live in this neighborhood. I'm going to walk down Pemberton, my old street and walk by my old house.

                   Man, I'm getting all these memories coming back. I've been here before. Wow, I hadn't been here in years. Ages.

                   I remember that street Raritan.

                   Okay, I'm on my old street Pemberton. Ahh, memories.

     5:02pm  A dog ran out of his house at me. The owner came following. He didn't do anything to me. The owner called him and the dog went back. That's funny. He all ran after the hippie.

     5:15pm  Ha, this little girl ran out to get a look at me. Her mom called her and she went back inside. I gave her the peace sign.

     5:24pm  I have officially finished my tour of my old neighborhood, Wood's End.

     5:44pm  I just talked to this one lady walking. She walked by me and said, "I like your outfit."

     5:54pm  Son of a bitch. My mom's house is locked. That sucks.

     5:57pm  That sucks I can't get in my mom's. Man, I walked a shitload today.

                    I'm going to walk down to the Citgo and see if I can borrow the phone.

     6:19pm  I just called my mom and she said she was on her way home. I'm going to walk back home.

     6:30pm  I'm almost to my mom's house. Both cars are in the driveway now. My sister's and my mom's. Actually, I think my sister is still in her car.

     7:19pm  I just got out of the shower. I had a good shower. Nobody else is home, everybody left. I'm bored. I should just go to sleep, but I came home kind of early today. Ahh, I'm just going to sit down and see if there is anything on TV to watch. I never watch TV. Maybe the news or something.

     8:17pm  I'm going to bed, man. I'm tired. I woke up at 5:45 this morning.

     8:20pm  Oh yeah, I called Elva. She wasn't home, but her son Thomas answered and asked me if I could call back in five minutes.

Next day..

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