

                                                                                                               New Orleans, LA

Monday February 11, 2008

     5:53am  I just woke up in a Katrina-house. I crashed out like at around seven fifteen last night. I had only gotten one hour of sleep the night before. I decided fuck it, I'm going to crash in one of these flooded out houses. I did. I took pictures. I got ten and a half hours of sleep!

     6:19am  I am leaving the house. I went outside and took a picture of it. 3051 whatever street this is. I can't believe I got so much sleep.

                   I lost that pack of Camel Wides last night when I was walking through the neighborhood. Those kids I stopped and chilled with had a big fire going. They liked me a lot. They tried to get me some marijuana, but they couldn't find any. I remember having my pack of cigarettes then. When I woke up this morning I couldn't find them. I searched the whole house thinking I might have dropped them walking around. I couldn't find them. Oh well.

     6:54am  I just came up to I10 finally. I thought it was a lot longer.

     6:56am  Sam just hooked me up with a cigarette. I just got to I10 right now. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

                   I'm on the onramp. There's barely any cars at all. I've got my magic shirt on. I hope somebody pulls over.

                   Man, it sucks so much that I lost my rainbow beanie and my Ramie shirt.

                   Well, there's no sign that says no pedestrians and nobody has picked me up, so I'm going to start walking the shoulder.

     7:23am  Taking the Elysian Fields Avenue exit.

     7:29am  Coming up on the Mardi Gras Truckstop.

     7:37am  I came to the truckstop and Donna, the manager gave me a cigarette. Whoa, she even said she might take me home if I hung out until she got off.

     8:18am  I came to the truckstop and had a great welcome. The manager, of all people assured me they wouldn't run me off for asking for rides. She told me, "You are in the perfect place." There's all these Mexicans outside here waiting for work. I told her my story was about world peace through marijuana and she said, "Yeah, I'm all about sex, drugs and rock and roll." She even said she might even take me home tonight and I could give her a crash course on her new computer.

     8:22am  La taqueria Gaby's al frente del truckstop me estan dando comida. Te lo agradezco, seƱora. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     8:25am  Damn, all my batteries are dead. I have to charge them. I just took a picture of the Gaby's van, who just hooked me up with some tacos and some rice. I'm going to walk back across the street to the Mardi Gras truckstop and sit down and eat.

     9:08am  I'm so happy. I found that weed I thought I lost! I was digging through my bag and I found the weed Kevin had hooked me up with before I got to New Orleans.

                   MP I told my story to at the truck stop.  He agreed with everything I said, including marijuana.

                   Side B There's some confusion here. Right here I ended up recording over a lot. Let me see if I can remember. See, after I found my weed again I spotted these two street kids walking in front of the truckstop. I walked up and offered to smoke them out. One guy said sure and we all walked to under this bridge closeby. They told me they were on their way to fly signs. "Oh shit, there's a place to fly sings closeby? They told me just on the other side of the bridge. Hmm. I kind of remember pissing one of them off when while we were smoking. I don't remember exactly what pissed him off, but when they had walked off a bit I noticed one of them left their sign behind. I grabbed it and ran up to them with it. The dude I pissed off was all surprised and said, "Man, that's just a sign. I could've made another one." I kind of felt bad for pissing him off and was hoping he would appreciate my peace offering. Anyway, after that I walked back to the truckstop. By the truckstop they had this covered bus shelter. I hit this guy walking by up for my story and he sat down in the grass to listen to it. These homeless people were there and noticed me pulling out my camera. This one chick goes, "Will you take a picture of us?" After I did this bitch starting telling me, "That will be a dollar for that picture." I told her forget it and pretended to delete it. Anyway, after that I walked over the bridge and went to a gas station dumpster and cut some cardboard panels. I made my classic Hook A Brother Up sign. I made another one of the same size that said Smoke A Brother Out so I can flip it around. Then I walked over to the bum-flying spot. There was a bum flying a sign on each side at the stoplight. I flew my signs on the onramp until one of the bums left. Then I secured my workstation. People started hooking me up.

                   Hope Street


                   I don't see that bum anymore. Maybe he left his spot. I have the other side of the highway to choose from. Hell yeah, I'm going to make some money and get a bus ticket. Presto-manifesto.

                   I took a picture of my signs that I made.

     2:00pm  Damn, I see a bum on both sides. That sucks. I'll fly my sign on the onramp and wait for one to leave. Hmm, I should make a sign that says donations for the cause.

                   Someone just gave me a blunt! A little roach!

                   Some girl just gave me three dollars! Hell yeah!

                   The bum left his spot. Here I go.

     2:25pm  This nice lady just gave me a dollar. I appreciate it.

     2:27pm  This guy driving a truck license PCD-305 hooked me up with a five dollar bill!

     2:47pm  Ms. Dee just hooked me up with some dollars. I appreciate it.

     3:08pm  Travis just hooked me up with a five dollar bill! I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. You'll be on there when I update it.

     3:15pm  Tyrone just hooked me up with two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man.

     3:26pm  Haha, an MP just drove by and took a picture of me!

     3:37pm  Oh yeah, about ten minutes ago I had a little pause to cut more havethisbook.coms out. I sat on this paint bucket someone had left there. That's when the MP drove by and took my picture.

     3:59pm  Linda just gave me some water. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:06pm  Man, people are literally throwing money at me, hell yeah. I'm banking.

     4:20pm  That's the magic number. I'm leaving.

                   Ahh, I'll hang around for another donation. I don't know.

                   6J5-929, Mississippi. Hell yeah! I just got hooked up with a ten dollar bill! Sweet, he told me, "Here you go. Go buy a dimebag." Hell yeah! Did you see that?! Right when I was going to leave!

     4:27pm  Melanie just gave me some water. I appreciate it.

     4:30pm  Haha, I was about to leave and these kids pulled up and tried to take my picture, but the light turned green. They came all the way back around to get the picture.

                   Hell yeah, and today is Monday. Just imagine if it was the weekend. Oh yeah, I might have a date with Donna from the truckstop, so I have to go back.

     4:46pm  Back at the truckstop.

     4:52pm  I have thirty nine dollars and a pocketful of change.

     5:34pm  I am talking to Buggage. Terry Buggage. He listened to my story out here at the truckstop.

     5:40pm  The MP's here are cool as hell. They're still around here because of the Katrina stuff. I had a good presentation with one. I took his picture and everything. He just told me that some guy just got shot with an AK-47 down the street from here. I can see a cop car with its lights on. I'll try and zoom in and get a picture.

                   I didn't tell you Donna already went home. She had already gone when I got back. That was crazy that right after I decided to leave someone gave me ten dollars.

     6:03pm  I just got on the 55 bus right across the street from the Lowe's next to the truckstop. I'm going downtown. I have like twenty three bucks left. I bought me a ten dollar twelve inch Subway sandwich. A double meat steak and cheese. Right when I walked to the bus stop the bus came. I'm headed to the Greyhound station. Busfare is a dollar fifty. He gave me a transfer. Bye-bye New Orleans. You've been great to me.

Next day..


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