

                                                                                           D'Iberville to Pensacola, FL

Thursday February 14, 2008

     9:26am  I just realized that I didn't advance where I left off and I taped over a lot of stuff. I detest losing history like that. It sucks. Let me rewind and see where I left off.
     9:29am  I rewound and researched where I left off. It was when I had found my missing weed at the Mardi Gras Truckstop. Let's see, after that the sun came down. I said screw it, I'm going to go walk around in the neighborhood and see if I can find another Katrina house to crash in. I started walking down the street in front of the truckstop. All of a sudden the MPs pull up and ask me what I was doing. I told them, "I'm going to go look for a flooded out house to crash in." They told me, "Why don't you try this house on Duels? The kids that live there never turn people away." I went there and found the house. These hippie kids, these gutter punks living in this house that's totally falling apart. They had long wooden planks instead of a floor. You like have to be careful where you step. They wouldn't listen to my story at all. I took pictures and stuff. I smoked them out. Two fat bowls with them. After that I crashed on their "floor" and the next morning I woke up and I walked all the way to I10 along 610. It was a longass hike. Shit, hold on. Let me think.
                    Oh no! What happened is I walked to my sign-flying spot again and started flying my sign. Hook a brother up/smoke a brother out. I got hooked up like crazy. I got most of that stuff recorded. I rode the bus then I walked Canal Street all the way to the Greyhound station. They closed at 7pm. I got there at exactly seven and they had already closed. So, I walked all the way back to the Mardi Gras truckstop. Umm, I think that's when I ran into the MPs that told me about that house to crash at. Ugh, I'm all confused.
                   Anyway, the next morning I caught the Greyhound when it came. I rode it to Biloxi, only a couple hours. In Biloxi I found a Katrina house to crash in like a couple blocks from the bus station. The next morning I woke up and I walked around. I got all these signs to leave. Biloxi sucked. Everybody is in the car. No pedestrians anywhere. It blows. I think I recorded most of what happened, but I taped over it. After that I walked down Division Street again aiming for the highway. I was told the wrong directions twice. I went to the onramp and stood there for about half an hour. I got bored and I walked down the street and I saw some guy outside. I asked him, "Is I10 down this street eventually? Somebody told me it was." He told me no, but I told him what I was doing and he smoked me out with a joint with this girl who wouldn't listen to me at all. She was all power-tripping and getting all defensive and shit. Seems she had a guilty conscience. That night I camped in these woods by some pond.  I think I got most of this recorded. I don't think I taped over that much stuff. This morning I camped in the woods near the I10 onramp. I woke up and walked like two or three miles to the Fleet gas station in D'Iberville. Alright, I'm going to ask for rides now.

     9:38am  I already got my ride East! To the next exit, at least. Bruce and Clyde hooked me up with a ride. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     9:59am  Bruce and Clyde just dropped me off at 63 North and I10. Bruce just hooked me up with two bucks. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:18am  I just got out of the restroom at the Coen Auto Truck Plaza. I bought some batteries. I spent like seven or eight bucks in batteries. I bought a pack of Double As and a pack of Triple As. I never did get my batteries charged. I could've done it at the laundromat yesterday, but I forgot. Right now I'm going to walk to the Eastbound side of the highway and try and get a ride. I'm going to try and get to Florida today.

     10:49am  I am on the onramp. I just tagged the pole here. I'm going to take a picture of it.

     11:14am  I put my stuff at the bottom of the hill on the onramp and walked all the way back to the gas station. It was a bitch walking there because of the fences they have up. It took me a while so I made a prayer to love to protect my stuff. It was still here when I came back. I'm back on the onramp next to that MTOD pole I tagged.

     11:17am  In no-time I got my ride! Larry is hooking me up with a ride to Pensacola! Awesome. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. Florida, here I come!

     11:47am  We are driving through this big tunnel.

                     We are Driving through Mobile, Alabama. First I asked to be dropped off, but then I changed my mind. Maybe I'll stop on the way back.

     12:19pm  Crossing the Florida state line. Escambia County. Welcome to Florida. The sunshine state. World Series Champions.

     12:34pm  I just got dropped off in Pensacola at another Fleet gas station. Actually, I am close to Pensacola. I have to go South. 29 North.

     12:39pm  I went inside this Shell/Fleet gas station and used the restroom. I am walking into town now. It's a long way. I've got my WPTMJ shirt on.

                     That guy Larry wouldn't listen to me at all. He wouldn't shut up about how disease was the world's greatest problem. Disease of the mind. Man, I'm trying to cure that shit. Listen to me! At least he gave me a ride. Thanks, Larry.

     12:42pm  Sweet, there's a bus stop! In front of the Waffle House.

     12:47pm  The bus doesn't come until thirty two after, so I'm going to walk the bus route a little.

     12:59pm  I walked like maybe two or three bus stops. I'm going to sit down and smoke a cigarette. I'm showing my shirt to cars driving by.

     1:18pm  Ten more minutes for the bus.

     1:31pm  There she blows.

     1:47pm  I just got to the transfer center. I'm waiting for the 2 that leaves at two 'o clock.

     2:19pm  I just got off the bus. When I first got on the bus the driver was all yelling at me to sit down. I yelled back, "What are these handrails for?!" He insisted it was for my own safety. He even said, "This isn't a cruise ship!" I told him, "It's sure is a power-trip for you. Do what you can." He barked, "Well then don't use the service!" I yelled back, "Then let me off the bus! I'll walk." I should've remained standing up. So I'm in downtown Pensacola right now. I'm going to go find a park and tell my story.

                     I got to tell these two kids on the bus my story. They loved my shirt. I took their picture.

     2:22pm  I took a picture of the bigass courthouse. I'm still looking for people to tell my story to.

     2:24pm  Walking down Palafox. There's a little strip mall here.

     2:29pm  Passing Intendencia Street. Sweet, there's a park. Cool, homebums. Maybe I can get some marijuana.

     2:37pm  Curly at the park just volunteered me some food. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Some gasoline for my stomach.

     2:46pm  I ate a can of Vienna sausages with some fruit punch this cool homebum Curly gave me. Welcome to Pensacola, Victor. I'm going to walk to the water. I want to get smoked out.

     2:55pm  Argh, I had another mixup on my tape. I'm already in Pensacola. I hope I didn't lose too much stuff again. I hope I can patch it all up when I type it up.

     3:12pm  I had a good presentation with Nick and Mandy by the water out here at the Palafox Pier and Nick just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, guys.  I took a picture of this bird afterwards.
                   I actually saw these two young kids walking around by the water. I told them my story. I didn't tell them the whole odyssey, but I told them the important part and gave them my webpage.

     3:25pm  I came to the rescue mission here. I'm going to ask for a sewing kit. My frontpack I got from the Perry house in San Antonio is coming apart.

     3:44pm  I stopped at the rescue mission to use the restroom and I scored me a backpack! My other one was dying. The blue bag I got after I cleaned out Katt and Amy's house in San Antonio. I needed either a sewing kit or a new backpack. I scored me a small blue Eastport pack. It's really perfect. Everything fits in it. Awesome.

     3:45pm  Bill, at the Waterfront Rescue Mission hooked me up with a new bag. I appreciate it, Bill. Everybody gets credit.

     3:58pm  Pensacola didn't impress me at all and I wanted to skip town. I started walking towards Highway 98. These kids just drove by and waved the peace sign at me first, so maybe that's a sign to not leave just yet. I guess I could still do something in this town. I can go to the library and check my email.

     4:25pm  Hell yeah! Some magic happened! Right when I decided not to skip town just yet I was walking back aiming for the library. I walked by this park with a big wooden gazebo and I saw two young kids sitting there. Hmm, I walked up to them and asked them for directions to the library. I hit them up for my story and they listened great. When I asked them for the odyssey the girl told me, "To be honest with you, halfway through your story I started to lose interest. I have a short attention-span." I told her I liked a challenge and just told them the important part. Anyway, the dude Ben asks me, "So why Penscacola?" I told him my story was for everyone. He says, "There are a lot cooler places in Florida than Pensacola. I live in Panama City." My ears perked and I told him that was my next stop, was he going there anytime soon?" He said, "Actually, I'm driving there tomorrow." I immediately ask him if I could get a ride and he said sure! That he would pick me up at the gazebo, which I later found out was Seville Square at eleven 'o clock tomorrow. So you see, people. There was a definite reason for me to walk back into town.

                   The park is off Government Street.

     4:45pm  I just took a picture of the Pensacola library with the big water tower behind it.

      6:26pm  I left the library already. I layered up in the bathroom because I thought it would be really cold outside. Turns out they just had the AC cranked up inside the library.

     6:28pm  Man, that's just too cool how I'm going to get a ride tomorrow. Umm, I shouldn't get my hopes up though. I'm supposed to meet him there at eleven tomorrow. Hopefully he won't stand me up. I don't know what to do. I'm going to go back to that plaza where all those homeless dudes were. I have to go get some water somewhere. Oh yeah, I emailed Clea! I have been meaning to write her for a long time.

     8:56pm  I never told you I came to the mission. I'm going to crash here tonight.

Next day..

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