

Wednesday February 14. 2024

2:23pm  What were you talking about, Tita?

Tita:  I was listening to something brand new to me which was Bashar.  The channelings of an extraterrestrial entity called Bashar.  He's a first contact specialist.  I ran into it on Facebook.  I have been listening to his stuff on YouTube.  

Victor:  Oh, so it must be true, then.  :P

Tita:  He is awesome!  He says things reminiscent of Abram Hicks.  Wayne Dyer says it too, to start with the feeling first and then work from there.  In every moment figure out what is going to make you the happiest and most excited and most gung-ho, do that first and then hone your focus.  Start from the end, the desired outcome.  

        For example, if we want a certain car, surround ourself with pictures of the car.  Bashar says this too.  Focus on what you want to bring into your life.  When you focus on it with feeling, like I really want it and can't wait to be in it, pretty soon the universe will respond.  He talks about that and then he talks about that wherever you are, look for the good in it.  Just trying to look past the bad and only see the good will empower you.  Accept your failures as lessons and avoid them later.  

        Bashar says never to go into that negative space.  Don't play the victim, don't complain.  It's a lot like what Wayne Dyer talks about in The Power of Intention.  Tell yourself, "I intend to feel good."  For example, I want to eat better so I tell myself, "I am eating better.  I feel so good when I eat better."  If you get immersed in that and focus on it you will start attracting that to you until you get it.  I have only listened to like two or three hours of this stuff, but I want Victor to listen to it.  

Victor:  I don't want to listen to any more of his stuff.  It's on Tiktok for crying out loud.  It stinks of high-grade hopium to me.  The first red flag is that it is all over Facebook and YouTube.  Facebook and YouTube are the modern teLIEvision, performing the same job it always has, to MISINFORM, CONFUSE AND SUBVERT REALITY.  

        Blogs are more likely to disseminate actual facts than FB or YT, IMO.  Oh, and the other blatant red-flag is when comments are blocked, as his BS vids usually are.

        I only had this up for a couple of days when he is being interviewed and he yells at a dude and cuts him off.  I think that scene was TOTALLY staged.  

        If it wasn't what would be the harm in letting the guy finish asking his question if you already have a response ready without even listening to him?  If you cut him off it's because you assume you already know what he's going to say.  If what you are saying trumps anything anyone else has to say, why even let people ask questions?  DUH.

2:59pm  Old Dominion Freight Line, this cool trucker in an 18 wheeler accepted my blog.  

Tita:  Oh, and here we are walking the dogs.  Earlier we went so Victor could fly his sign at our usual spot, Mchenry and Briggs, in front of the Jack in the Box.  We had a good time.  Victor was out there making everyone smile.  He got a huge gigantic nug. 


        He even got a THC vape pen from a nice white chick.  He also got four dollars.  One person gave him two bucks then two others gave him one.  He also got a pre-roll that was all kief.  

        We are kind of pumped, we did good for just an hour.  Then we went to Grocery Outlet, we needed eggs.  We made it home and now we are walking the dogs.  Before we left Victor spent about an hour cleaning the pool.  It was sunny at first, but now it's cold.  

Victor:  Oh yeah, today on my blog I was sitting there and realized I needed Beavis and Butthead on my blog!  I harvested as many episodes as I could from  I can't wait.  We are going to watch Beavis and Butthead do America tonight!  

Tita:  I don't even think I have see a whole Beavis and Butthead episode.  I told Victor that I had only seen them in passing when I visited my brother's house.   His kids Alan and Joey would be watching it and were into it.  

        We have also been sleeping better.  I did nothing but sleep yesterday it seems.  Victor went to bed at six.  I was up and reading.  He slept six hours.  I slept like seven.  We are getting more rest and drinking more water, eating a lot more healthy, trying to avoid meat.  I made eggs and papitas this morning.  Victor took apart a hotlink to use like chorizo and I made some yummy eggs.  I had even made him pasta in the middle of the night when he woke up.  

Victor:  You keep my belly so happy, baby.

Tita:  I made a full meal for him at midnight, it was funny.

Victor:  Yes, your womanly-instincts kicked in, lol.

Tita:  I just wanted something different.  Today we are exercising.  The weather has been nicer.  It has been sunny and not as cloudy as it has been.  Over and out.

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