


San Antonio, TX

Monday February 16, 2004

     7:15am  I woke up around seven this morning. My mom is already awake. I went to bed kind of late. I counted and I had 442 pictures. That's crazy. I burned them all to one CD and put them in a big folder. It's like 500mb worth of pictures. I'm going to wait until I have 700mb before I burn them actually. I got tons of pictures. I'm an open book.

                  Anyway, I woke up and got my laundry, it was washed. It's going to be warm today. I checked my little weather radio thing. It's going to be warm all week. The highs are in the forties and fifties. I won't have to take that many layers with me. I'm going to go eat breakfast and do my morning stretch routine.

     7:48am  My mom found a dead rat 

in the garage and she made me throw it away. She kept calling it a rat, but it was a little mouse. I told her I would get it for her. She brought me gloves and an HEB bag. I just grabbed it by the tail and put it in there. I took a picture of it.

     9:35am  Man, I've had a lazy morning this morning. I woke up around seven and looked at my pictures on the computer. I just called the dental school. They don't open until the seventeenth. They start taking appointments then. Let me look through my little list.

                   Oh yeah, I'm wanna go to SAC today.

                   I can go talk to the police department and go press charges on the security guard. I think I might get some weed, but I don't know how that will mix with the police department thing. I need to call about my boots, but I need my mom's cellphone. It's long distance. Umm, I guess I'll go into town.

     10:20am  I just got here to the Exxon at the corner in front of the park. I took off my pants and my NOFX hoodie. I got them in bag. Oh, and when I walked out Becca, this other cashier who works here, she sees me and goes, "What's going on, brother?" She said, "Hey, me and my boyfriend saw you the other day totally like on the other side of town. I always see you." I told him, "Yeah, there's that guy who walks everywhere that we gave that ride to the other night."

                    That's crazy. I'm famous.

     10:55am  I came up to my little platform in the tree at the top of the cliff and I scraped up the last bit of weed, the last bowl I have. I'm smoking up in my little platform. I'm all stoned and happy. The sun's out and it's all nice. I am free. I love this day. It's a day off. I probably won't even do chores today. I'll probably just stay in the park and talk to people. Tell my story.

     11:26am  I'm over here by the Legalize Herb 

sign. Walking to the Walmart. I'm going to go buy some CD's.

     11:54am  Man, I had an awesome presentation out in the woods. This little nine year old girl and some little twelve year old girl. Man, they listened the hell out of me. I walked passed them and saw them playing under a tree. I went up to them and said, "Hey, I can tell you guys a story? I'm not crazy, don't worry." I told them my whole odyssey story. I don't know how much they understood, but the twelve year old's eyes were transfixed on me the whole time. I had her complete, undivided attention throughout the whole presentation.

                     When I was walking off I told them, "You guys tell your friends. Just remember, it's your world I'm saving." They both told me thank you. I told them, "No problem. I can't, for the life of everybody, find anything better to do."

                     That was a great recharge for me. I am elated.

     12:00pm  I found me this cool little shelter. I had seen it on the other side over by the wall but I never saw a direct path to it, so I didn't check it out. I'm going to smoke some weed.

     12:11pm  I think I'm walking the wrong way. I think when I cut across that field I lost my bearing. I'm walking North now. I want to go South.

     12:20pm  I came up to this ditch by this neighborhood. I saw a roadrunner! I pulled out my camera but it took off real quick.

     12:24pm  Passing the Legalize Herb thing again.

     12:37pm  Passing the wall with the graffiti behind the Walmart.

     12:57pm  Oh yeah, I got to Walmart. I went in and looked at all the CD spools they had. The dude said they didn't have any. They had a twenty pack of CD-RW's, which I don't need to buy. Screw it, I'll go somewhere else. Best Buy or something.

                     Fuck Walmart.

                     Oh yeah, had me a double cheeseburger too.

     1:11pm  I was wondering how I would find out what the letter of the day was so I could check my stash of transfers, without looking suspicious. I tried telling the guy, "Hey, I got two twenties and a ten. Don't suppose you could give me a ride?" He told me no, but I got to look at his transfers and find out the letter of the day. It's P.

                   I didn't have any transfers with P, so I'm screwed.

                   I saw the 610 and the 609 sitting over there. They both told me no. Actually, I got on and I told them, "Hey, I have a twenty and a ten . . ." One guy told me, "Well, I have five minutes. You better run into Walmart and get some change." I told him, "That's a good idea," and I got off his bus. Screw that, I'm not going to pay busfare. I was kind of wanting to go to Ingram. I don't know. I might as well go get change and pay for the stupid bus fare.

                   I can afford it right now. I can afford it.

     1:17pm  The stupid bus took off. Bastard. He told me I had five minutes.

                   Oh yeah, they sell tennis balls here.

     1:18pm  Man, I'm glad I didn't get on any bus. I hit up some dude Robert for my story. He listened the hell out of me. I'm going to show him OP Schnabel. I'll take him on a little wonder-walk. I'm going to get some water at the Walmart first.

                    Haha, I'm doing this under everybody's noses. That's so funny.

     2:20pm  I'm walking over to the side of the Walmart. I see this lady pushing a cart talking with her family. I hear her go, "We have the right-of-way, we're pedestrians." I go, "That's right!" She just looked at me and smiled.

     3:29pm  We came over to Robert's girlfriend's grandma's house. His girlfriend Dana smoked me out. Oh yeah, I got to tell my story to her seventy seven year old grandma! This old, old lady. She didn't disagree with me one time. Had eye contact the whole way through. She listened to me. I'm not sure how much she heard, she might have just been enjoying the fact she was getting attention and someone was talking to her.

     3:38pm  Dana hooked me up with a cigarette here in the woods. Even though I'm not supposed to be smoking. I quit on the seventh. Everything in moderation.

                   Oh, and his name is Roger, not Robert.

                   Roger and Dana.  

     5:30pm  We're heading back towards the Walmart. I got some really good exercise today.

     5:35pm  We're over here by the Legalize Herb thing.

     5:52pm  We're on the 88. We're going to go to the Jack in the Box in Leon Valley.

     6:06pm  We came to the Jack in the Box on Bandera, over by the Skate Ranch.

     6:12pm  We left Jack in the Box. Robert took off to Jim's. I have to be at the Bandera Community Church at seven. I'm thinking about just walking there. It's like miles and miles away.

                   Nah, I got a transfer. I can catch the bus.

     6:22pm  I just walked all the way up to almost to the Race Track gas station close to Eckhert. The 88 and the 609 pass by here, so I'm going to wait for the 609. It'll take me to Braun Road, by the church.

     6:30pm  I'm still waiting for the bus. I'm giving all the cars that drive by the peace sign. A Leon Valley cop just drove by and I gave him a peace sign, muhahaha.

     6:33pm  Yeah, I see the bus. The 609.

                   Cool, I just need one ride. I won't need another transfer.

     6:50pm  I'm walking up to the Bandera Road Community Church. I'm going to make an appearance here.

                    I just talked to Andre. He wants me to come by and talk to him tomorrow at ten in the morning. He said he was looking for somebody to be a good influence for these kids. So tomorrow at ten. 

     6:57pm  I'm walking home. I'm going to go rest my feet. I walked good today.

                   Yeah, Andre was telling me, "I want to give these kids some positive ways, to . . ." I don't remember what he told me. I told him, "That is exactly what I am here for."

Next day..

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