

                                                                              Panama City to PC Beach, FL

Saturday February 23, 2008

     6:37am  Poor Kim, she got called into work. We celebrated last night. I had bought a box of twelve condoms not too long ago, so we've been doing it every day, a couple times sometimes. I finally got a picture of us. She just left for work and we're all going to be gone when she gets home. Maybe.

                     Me outside

     10:22am  Oh, Kim got called into work this morning. I'm not going to leave with Harry Potter and Chris. I told her I wanted to spend a whole day with her alone, but she got called in, so I was getting ready to leave too. Chris says he has another friend on the beachside we can stay with, but I trust Chris about as far as I can throw him. I wanted to go to the beach today anyway, it's not raining. It was really cool how we scored that safe shelter during the storm at Kim's. It was almost flooding and shit. Severe weather. It's supposed to rain again on Tuesday. It's supposed to be sunny today and tomorrow and Monday. I want to leave. I've been in this house for exactly seven days. Saturday to Saturday. I want to leave already and get back to work. Kim has been such a blessing. She's been a perfect angel. We made love like rabbits. She hosted the liberator and friends and I am really grateful for that. Right now I'm going to the store to buy some dishsoap so I can do her dishes. I want to leave her house spotless before I leave. Wait, I don't even have to go to the Publix. I can go to the gas station. I'm going to turn around.

     10:30am  I'm coming back from the BP gas station. I didn't turn around and go to the Tom Thumb. She gave me cash, so I didn't have to use her card which I can only use at the grocery store where they let you swipe it yourself and don't ask you for an ID. I know her PIN number and everything. Anyway, I got the soap. Oh yeah, at the gas station the employees loved my WPTMJ shirt. I gave them my website. I had started telling them my story, but it got too busy. They loved it. I'm on my way back. I'm going to do her dishes for her.

     11:20am  We are taking off. Kim's giving us a ride to the beach. Thank you so much, Kim. I cannot thank you enough. That night right before we met her I was actually saying out loud, "Send me an angel." My prayers were answered.

     11:55am  Kim just dropped us off at the McDonald's on Front Beach Road. Chris is supposed to call his friend Romona and see if she's there.

     12:08pm  We were walking up Front Beach Road and we decided to walk the coastline, per my suggestion. We went through Public Beach Access 66.  Jellyfish.

     12:37pm  It's so stupid. I thought we were going to somebody's house, to crash, like a friend of Chris'. Chris and Harry were trying to go West already. They said they were going to walk to Mexico. Yeah right. I am staying at the beach for Spring Break. Maybe I can call Autumn.  Public Access 69.

     1:02pm  I'm walking the other way on Front Beach Road now. Vasil just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

     1:09pm  I bummed a cigarette off of some Bulgarian dude. This black dude who was moving furniture in front of this hotel. The Palazzo Resort. Him and his friend told me it was like five or six miles back to the Chevron in front of the Burger King.

     1:19pm  I stopped in at the Chevron at SR 79. They told me the other Chevron was only half a mile away.

     2:42pm  At long-last I'm getting to the Burger King. I'll tell you when. I power-walked it non-stop. I was trying to get there by two 'o clock. Autumn didn't even end up working today. I'm going to buy me another Whopper like last time. I've got three bucks. I'll see if I can call Autumn. I've got her number somewhere. Maybe Nacole will be working. Oh yeah, the crazy manager, the first time I went there thought I was a terrorist. That's right, be afraid, be afraid. Live in fear!

     2:45pm  Got to the Burger King.
     2:47pm  I ate my Whopper. I got some good reactions to my shirt when I was in there. I just walked across the street to the Chevron. I'm going to smoke a cigarette. I'm going to call Autumn.

                   I called and she didn't answer and I didn't hang up quick enough and I lost my dollar. That sucks.

                   I'm going to stand out here in front of the gas station and wait for someone to take me home. Everybody is staring at my shirt.

     3:49pm  Guess what happened. I was at the Chevron and I called Autumn and she didn't answer. I didn't know what to do. I decided to just stand there like I did the other day and get some good reactions to my shirt and hopefully borrow a cellphone and call Autumn again. I was getting all these great reactions. I was passing out my website left and right in front of the Chevron. Ilonka and Pete asked me if I had any weed and I told them I could give them a couple hits. I got in their car and we're going to score some more weed. They let me borrow their phone and I called Autumn and got a hold of her, finally. She's going to let me come over. I called that shit. Presto-manifesto. I was just standing there not knowing what to do. I couldn't get a hold of Autumn. I decided to just stand there and let my shirt do its job. Sure enough. Man, I could be a billionaire if I sold these shirts. I know this. I need to find someway to secure the rights for it.

     3:59pm  Pete has some input for my book. Pete: "My dad, he escaped communism. He used a locomotive and crashed from East Berlin to West Berlin. He was a political escapee refugee. Berecz was hist last name. It's an old Hungarian name meaning having something to do with Birch trees. Also the earlier forms of the name, or the origins of the name come from King Carl the 16th from Hungary(don't quote him on that), the leader of the monorchy of the Austrian/Hungary empire."

                   Ilonka: "My name is Hungarian. Ilonka comes from Hungary. It's actually pronounced Eelonka."

     4:53pm  I forgot to mention. John gave me a Camel cigarette earlier. He's listening to my story too.

     8:55pm  What a good night I am having. I met Autumn's boyfriend John. He looks just like me. They're letting me crash here tonight and he even listened to my story. He was all drinking beer and interrupted here and there, but I got my story in. I'm going to go to sleep. I'm tired. I walked a lot today. All the way from Beach Access 69 to 41. That was awesome how I got that ride from the Chevron earlier. My shirt rocks. I am almost done smoking my weed. I have another place to stash my pack now. Awesome.

Next day..

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