


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday February 25, 2004

     6:10am  I just took off. I'm going to walk to the park. You see, back when I was waking up early and walking through the park everyday. That's when I wasn't smoking. I'm going to try and not smoke today.

                   I forgot my water bottle. I'm going to go back.

                  Oh yeah, last night was Tuesday evening when I was supposed to check my email from Andre at the Bandera Road Community Church. So I gotta go this morning somewhere and check my email. I'll go downtown to SAC and see if I have anything from him. At three is when I'm supposed to meet him today. Today is Wednesday.

     6:50am  I got to the entrance of OP Schnabel. I'm going to walk to my platform and watch the sun rise. Oh yeah, I checked my little radio this morning. It said there's a twenty percent chance of rain today, so probably not. I like that little radio. I listen to it every morning.

     7:02am  I'm going the same way I used to walk every day to my computer job on Dezavala. I'll go up the side paved trail behind the neighborhood, then go down the ditch to Prue Road. I think I'm going to go explore the other side of Prue Road today. Not stay in the park.

     7:06am  I stopped and took off my NOFX hoodie and my rainbow scarf. It's warming up.

     7:25am  I just got to the Prue Road bridge. I had noticed it said Unity on here. There's like a big pot leaf on top of the T.

                   You'll see when I develop the film.

                   That was the West side of the bridge. I'm going to go take a picture of the graffiti on the East side.

     7:30am  I'm passing by the pond where Bob used to fish. It's all big. It rained yesterday. It's all filled up.

     7:42am  I was walking North underneath the bridge to the other side of Prue Road. I just wound up at some pavilion at some neighborhood. There's tennis courts here, badass. I'm going to look for tennis balls.

                   Wow, it just fell in my lap. I'm going to sit down and rest. I've been walking since six in the morning. Almost two hours straight with no rest.

                    I'm on the street Autumn Park. I don't know what neighborhood this is. I think it's Parkwood.

                    Badass, I found me a couple tennis balls on the side of the fence.

                    I found three of them!

     7:47am  All these kids waiting for the bus just saw me cutting and switching out my tennis ball.

     7:54am  Man, I had a badass presentation with all these middle school kids. I got a picture of them too. They're going to be talking all about me at school.

                    I told them, "Remember kids, there are more of us than there are of them. The kids are taking over soon and I'll be first in line."

     8:01am  I am leaving that pavilion. I rested my feet and smoked some weed. That was awesome! What a start to a great day. Had a big five mile hike in the morning and end up at some middleschool bus stop and told all the kids my ideas.

                  Man, I am off. I am off, man.

                  San Antonio is going to explode!

                  It's going to explode with Victor.

                  Thank you, Love. For giving me those tennis balls and those kids to talk to. My tennis ball was wearing out. I really needed a new one. It was clacking on the wood already. I wasn't sure where I was going to get another one.

     8:16am  I just came out to this cool pond out here. I think I came out here with Katie. From Katie and Johnny. I think I'm real close to their house. I'm going to take a picture of it. It's awesome. It's a huge lake.

                   Now I'm going to have some Muslblast 2000. I'm hungry.

                   I smoked and I ate and I'm leaving the pond. I'm all stoned. I took two shots of Muslblast. I filled my mouth too much on one and I had to spit it out. I took the very last that I had in my little baggie. I took a big hit of weed and I'm all stoned, hehe.

                   I got to see the Oxbow lake everybody tells me about.

     8:34am  I got to this big long concrete sidewalk by the lake. I'm going to keep going North under this road here. I'm not sure what it is.

                   I'm going to keep going North staying in the creek-bed.

                   Cool, there's a little loveseat under this bridge. Should I take a picture of it? Should I? Ahh, you can take my word for it. This is a cool little squat.

                   I can't find a trail anywhere, so I'm just going to walk in the dry creek-bed. Well, the dry part of it.

                   Man, what a beautiful hike this is! I have never been over here. I'm not on a trail. I'm on a creek-bed. Here, I'll take a picture of it.

     8:44am  I think I'm just going to turn left right here and cut into the woods and see where I end up.

                   Actually, I'm going to keep going along the creek. I want to see where it hits.

     8:48am  I took another picture of the creek-bed I'm walking on.

     9:03am  Holy shit! Look what I just stumbled on. There's like a big fire pit here with a bench somebody made.

                   This is an awesome spot. There's everything I need here. There's this badass chair. There's a fire-pit. There's firewood everywhere. There's even an axe! I wonder who built this place?

                   Oh yeah, I found a cool fossil rock. I'm going to keep it. It's like a shell. I almost stepped on it.

                   This chair is really crafty. It's all made with this long twigs and nails. It's awesome. It's just cool the way it's set up here. It's a really chill spot. It's like a party place. It's got a bench where people can sit. There's tons of firewood. I wonder how long this place has been out here. I'm glad I found this place. I need to find out where this is.

     9:22am  I got to some sign that says, "L-132" There's little streamers on the trees marking something. There's a sewer there. That's what it's marking.

                   Man, this was the most beautiful hike.

     9:34am  I just took a piss on sanitary sewer #136. It's starting to drizzle.

                   I'm at some street or highway, but I don't know what it is. Hmm, I'm going to go look for a restaurant and see if I can score any gasoline for my stomach for my walk back home. I'm going to walk the same way back. It'll take me another four hours.

     9:36am  I just got to this sign that says, "No trespassing, hunting of fishing." It's not posted up, just washed out in the river here.

                   It's Hausman Road I'm passing. I'm going to keep going straight. I'm going to follow the creek. There's a lot of graffiti under this bridge too. I'm going to take a picture of it.

     9:40am  I just slipped on this fence that was knocked down. I slipped and fell on my ass. I'm still following the creek past Hausman.

                   Oh shit, there's lot of water out here. There's a bigass lake out here. Awesome.

                   I think I want to get on the other side.

                   Umm, maybe I'll go on the side where all the houses are. Maybe I'll see somebody outside I can talk to. These are some nice houses back here. I saw this girl and when she saw me and went inside.

                   I just took a picture where you have the lake on the left and the houses on the right. Some great backyards.

     10:02am  Dude, I just walked all the way to UTSA! Holy shit. On the creek trail. I'm going to go catch a bus.

                     I'm hungry. I'm going to go ask for some food somewhere. I'm going to keep going on the trail. Screw it.

     10:05am  Passing Sanitary Sewer #142.

     10:29am  I just had a great presentation at the campus on Roderick Drive. I talked to some student walking out. I told him my whole story, dude. I got his email address and everything. He told me, "It's going to be good to hear from you."

     10:33am  There's a big crane at the school doing construction work. I'm going to take a picture of it.

                     Ahh, I gotta conserve my pictures. You'll take my word for it, right?

                     Oh yeah, today is Ash Wednesday. Everybody's got ash on their foreheads.

     10:44am  Sweet, the 603 is right here. I'll just jump on that.

     11:00am  I told Rachel my story. I told her how I had gotten kicked out of the UTSA library. She told me that there is a computer lab upstairs there and they shouldn't kick me out. Cool.

                     As the project evolves.

     11:09am  I got off on Huebner and Vance Jackson. I'm going to walk to the library and check my email.

     11:51am  I just got on the 522 by the library. Andre didn't email me. I sent him an email saying, "Hey, I just wanted this mail to be there so you could hit a reply button and mail me back." I asked him if we were still on for the day. I'll stop by just in case. I gotta be over there by three.

                     I'm going to go into town and see if I can score some food anywhere. I'm hungry.

     11:57am  I got off the 522 at Vance Jackson and 410. I'm going to go to the Taco Cabana and score some food.

                     The path of least resistance, hehe.

     12:02pm  Marisa me esta dando gasolina para mi estomago. Te lo agradezco, señora. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                     Sweet, scored two bean and cheese. I called that.

                     Do you see how it works people? Ask and thou shall receive?

                     Oh yeah, at UTSA I ran into some guy named Marlon. He told me, "Hey, what's going on?" I asked him, "Have you I ever talked to you?" He told me, "Yeah, I was on that bullshit insurance project at West." He told me they just shut it down. They trained everybody to something else.

                     That project sucked.

                     I'm just waiting for the bus giving people peace signs.

                     Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm just going to take off walking down Vance Jackson.

                     I'm over here by Cherryridge Street.

                     I turned right on some street. I don't know what it is.

                     Turning left on Panda. Cool, there's an alley back here. I can walk through there.

     12:37pm  Haha, I'm having the greatest time in this alley. All the dogs are barking at me. I'm all playing with them letting them smell me. I like dash at them and they take off running and come right back.

     12:40pm  I just did a complete circle, man. I'm back at Cherryridge and Vance Jackson.

     12:43pm  I saw some lady doing some yard work in front. I stopped and asked her, "Do you need some help?" She had a little Ash Wednesday thing on her forehead too. She said, "No thanks, this is good exercise." I told her, "That's right." I'm going to keep walking down this alley.

     12:48pm  I'm still walking in this alley. I walked far. Let's find out where I end up.

                     I've been walking East in this alley.

                     I see Cherry Ridge still. I am walking parallel to Cherryridge. Towards downtown.

     12:52pm  I came to the end of the alley at Greenridge.

                     Sweet, there's a Delicious Tamales To-Go place. I'm going to score. I'm hungry too.

                     Oh yeah, I'm over here on West Avenue.

     12:54pm  Whoa, check this out. I have my choice for lunch. I got Delicious Tamales To-Go, I got Carmen's Pizza and La Jalisco Mexican Restaurant to choose from. One of these guys should hook me up for sure.

     12:59pm  Rhonda is hooking me up with a sandwich at Carmen's Pizza. I appreciate it, Rhonda. That's very generous of you.

                     At first she said she didn't have any. I told her, "No, I'm not asking for money. I want some gasoline for my stomach," and I pointed to my belly.

     1:15pm  That was a damn good sandwich!

     1:25pm  I just got off the 652. Hehe, I made the driver think I was crazy. I told him my stuff. He was all, "That's never going to happen, though." I told him, "Only because people have accepted that it won't. Like you." I crossed the street. I'm going to get on the 92 going towards Crossroads.

     1:26pm  Louis hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus stop. I appreciate it, brother.

                    I know, I smoked a cigarette. One a day, one a day.

     1:37pm  Here comes the 92.

     2:02pm  I'm at University Hospital. Lemme see what time the next 610 comes. I gotta be at the BRCC at three.

     2:06pm  I have to wait until 2:45 to catch the 610, which means I'll be late for my three 'o clock appointment.

     2:35pm  Jared hooked me up with a cigarette here at the transfer center. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Okay, that's the second cigarette for the day. I walked a lot today. Damnit, I shouldn't do this.

     3:04pm  I'm at the Walmart already. The 609 isn't here which would take me right in front of the church. That sucks.

     3:22pm  I just finished walking up a little bit past Guilbeau. I'm going to stand here and wait for the bus and give cars peace signs.

     3:47pm  There's the bus already.

     5:03pm  I had a very interesting conversation with Andre finally. He told me that he wanted me to let him know if I'm going to take off anytime soon. I told him I wasn't sure when.

                   I just had my meeting with Andre! It was badass. Well, nothing happened, but listened to all my stories and told me they were interesting. I'm not going to expect anything magical happening with that church. I wouldn't want to set myself up. At least he knows about it. He told me to let him know when I'm leaving again. He told me, "We're going down two very different roads and I'm never going to be on yours." He was all telling me, "No matter what would we do something is there protecting us." I asked him, "So is that your excuse for continuing to do it? That's your justification?" I don't think so, man.

     5:25pm  I'm walking home now. I've been walking home. I'm on Brevard almost to Braun Road.

     5:52pm  I'm back home. I'm going to look for some food. I'm hungry.

Next day..

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