

                                                                             PC Beach to Panama City, FL

Monday February 25, 2008

     6:30am  This morning I woke up at five and got six and a half hours of sleep. I had an alright morning. I scraped some resin. I was going through all my shit and I found that little bit of weed that I had misplaced. There was only like two or three hits left. I thought I had lost it. I think I walked about twenty miles yesterday. Over twenty. I was walking nonstop for like eight hours straight. Another day at the office. I've gotten such great publicity in this town. I am strongly considering not waiting until Spring Break to leave. I've got a friend in Bradenton I just remembered. I really hope I can locate Chasity. I want to see her so bad. I miss her so much., I hope that's still her email.

     7:04am  John had already taken off to work this morning before I got up. I offered to drive Harmony to school for Autumn. I have my license and everything. Harmony and I just drove to the gas station and got twenty bucks of gas. I'm going to drive Harmony to school and then drive back to Autumn's. I am still not sure what I am going to do.

     7:39am  I just called my mom and she's all sick. I feel bad. I feel like going back. Umm, I've got a world to save. I'm going to heal everybody.

     8:07am  I am walking the beach now. I got a ride with Autumn to the Burger King. Man, she all doesn't like her life. She wants it to change. She's got John for a boyfriend and he's an alcoholic and she doesn't drink at all. She feels uncomfortable there. She told me John has hit her before and gotten violent. She says he has to wake up.

     8:53am  I just got out of the public restroom at that one pier.

     9:04am  I went inside the Purple Haze headshop that's right after the pier. I told the girl that I wanted to see her selection of cigarette pinch hitters. They cost like $7.99. I tried telling the older lady working there my story. When I asked her if she was willing to listen she told me she had to get to work. There's like nobody there. It's all dead. I'm going to see who else I can tell my story to.

     9:17am  I randomly took a left on Fern Street. I walked it all the way to Hutchison Blvd. Turning left. I see a gas station. I'm going to go stand in front of it.

     9:23am  Coming up on Lantana Street. Barnacle Barnies. I'm going to sit down there and peel an orange and eat it.
     9:50am  I came to the bus stop, the trolly stop. Baytown Trolly. Right in front of this abandoned building. It's got a fence around the area that says It's got a lot of graffiti on it. This big castle building. Somebody spraypainted, "Inocumatorium." I don't know what that means. I'll look it up on the internet. That place would be fun to crash in. I took a picture of it. I saw it a couple days ago.

                   When the bus comes I'm going to hit the driver up for a courtesy ride to the public library. I'll tell him that I'll walk it if I have to.

     9:57am  A cop just drove by and he yelled something at me through the intercom. That was a sign to stash my weed. He might be down there coming this way. I don't know. Cool, he's turning away.

                   I can't forget my weed this time when the bus comes.

                   I'm having some great publicity at this bus stop with my shirt. Everybody is looking at it.

     10:07am  The nice trolly driver gave me a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                     The nice driver's name is Choyce. Everybody gets credit.

     11:15am  I am at the library. I'll take a picture.

     11:20am  I have like an hour wait for the computer, so I'm going to go walk around. I am over here by Highway 78, I think, or 79. I'm going to walk to the coast.

     11:23am  Shit, the batteries on my digital camera are dying. I switched out the poles and it came back on. I don't know how long it will work. I am going to the library first. Before I go and talk to people.

                     It was cool, while I was walking away from the library, almost to Front Beach Road I saw these three kids walking. One was carrying a case of beer and it was obvious they were Spring Breakers. I walked past them, then paused and let them catch up and offered my website. They were cool kids from Canada, eh. I told them my introduction while we were walking and they invited me over to their hotel room where there were other Canadians. Give me an audience, I told them. We walked to their hotel room and they gave me a Canadian Belmont cigarette. I didn't tell my story because I had to go back to the library.

     12:02pm  I just finished up at the library. I'm going to try and get a courtesy ride back for only forty cents.

     12:49pm  The trolly came and I only had forty cents and some other brother there hooked me up with the difference. Fare is a dollar, I think.

     1:20pm  Amanda is the pretty girl I told my story to on the bus. I took her picture. Whole odyssey and all. Thanks for listening, Amanda.

     1:33pm  I got off the trolly before 98. I'm going to go to the Chevron on Laird and hang out there for like half an hour. That was a pretty, pretty girl. She had really cute freckles. That girl, Amanda. Her eyes were locked on me the whole time. It was one great trolly ride. She was on her way to the community college to catch another bus. She was nodding her head up and down the whole time. She didn't smile too much during the presentation. It was like as if I had her in a trance. She didn't react to the mention of marijuana.

                   I had considered getting off at Beckrich Road and seeing if Autumn was working at the Burger King and if she would hook me up. She gets off at two thirty, so I'm going to hang out at the Chevron and around that time I'll go stand in front on the sidewalk and see if she drives by. I'm not that far from their house anyway. I'm going to stand in front of the Chevron with my shirt and see if they run me off.

     2:11pm  I finally decided to start walking. I don't need a ride. It's not that far.

                   I just had a badass presentation with this homeless dude riding a bike. I am almost to 98. I took his picture. His name is Robert. I told him most of my odyssey. I got to the part right before I got a ride with Tony and Molly. Then I cut it short, because I need to be walking towards Autumn's house. I'm going to call Kim and see if she'll give me a ride to Tallahassee. I'm walking now. I'm wasting batteries, hehe.

     2:45pm  Kim at Jade Garden is going to give me some rice. I appreciate it, Kim. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     2:46pm  Hell yeah, I scored at Jade Garden. I was thinking man, I'm hungry. I walked by and spotted this little shopping strip. A Dollar General and a laundromat and stuff. I thought I was going to go to the laundromat and tell somebody my story. Then I saw Jade Garden oriental food. The girl didn't understand me at all. I told her I was writing a book and I gave her my website and everything. I asked her, "Do you want to be in my book?" She was cool and agreed to give me some fried rice. So I have some food to take home.

     4:06pm  I'm having a conversation with Autumn in her living room. She was reading me some good stuff from the Hopi Prophecy. Be sure to add a link on my website.

     6:10pm  About twenty minutes ago, umm, I'm all stoned. Kim! How could I forget? Kim came and rescued me at Autumn's. Today was my last day because Jealous John would get all mad. He really thought I was cool. I know he did. Kim came and rescued me.

     7:07pm  Man, Kim and I just had the most tantric love-making session on her couch. I've never had an orgasm like that before. She matched me! We came together. She told me that I was the first guy she's ever done that with. It was really special. She told me that I was the second person to ever give her an orgasm. Umm, I probably shouldn't be talking about all this stuff. I'm going to go to bed. I'm going to fall asleep with my beautiful Kim.   

Next day..


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