

Monday February 26, 2024

  3:51pm  Today is the 26th.  Monday.  

    "I will know love when I realize that people will not change, just because I want them to change.  If you are looking for a change in your mate and you see no sign of it coming, stop looking.  You are who you are with because you chose to be with them.  Stop looking for something else and see the love with whom you are with.  If you are listening to hear something from your mate that you haven't heard, stop listening.  If you are waiting for a change, stop.  You chose this person.  You chose them beacause they opened your heart.  You chose them precisely because of who they are and how they sounded.  Stop checking to see if they are going to change because you may have changed.  Stop waiting to see if they are going to change into what you knew they were not.  See who this is, hear what they say, accept what they do as the truth of who they are and look for the love in them.  It is not loving to expect someone to change because you want them to, or because you think they should.  Love is consistent.  Love allows us to see and hear the best of what we have right now.  The love within us grows when we grow.  It shifts as we shift.  When how we love grows and shifts, love gives us the opportunity to choose again whether or not our partner changes.  Very often when we change our needs change.  At this point we can become very demanding of our mates.  By asking a partner to change to your reality, you are asking that they ignore their own.  Looking for, listening for, or checking for or demanding change is not loving.  It is controlling.  The cure for this type of unloving control is simple.  If who you have and what you have no longer meet your needs, choose again.  

Until today you might have been preoccupied with changes you need your mate to make.  Just for today, look for and embrace the things you love about who you partner is right now.

Today I am devoted to putting aside my demands for change and seeing the truth and love in who my partner is.  

Victor:  That sounds like a big huge stinking cop-out if I have ever heard one.  That just supports the whole BS "It is what it is" mentality.  Like it said, I agree with a part of it.  Didn't it say something about being able to choose again?

Tita started reading it again.  She stopped at where it says "It is controlling."  I said, "No, it talks about trying again."

She read it and said, "Well, basically it's saying don't make people change, love them how they are.  You might have changed....

Victor:  I am taking it a different way!  I see it saying that if you don't feel you are with the right person, that you have the opportunity to choose differently.  If I feel that the demands I am mandating on you are never going to happen, and I NEED THEM TO HAPPEN, at least I do, I desperately NEED them to happen for there to be a balanced world.  I feel as if my goals supersede that entire book you are reading from.  That's old world knowledge.  It's a limited hangout holding us back from our potential.  It's a shame I have to motherfucking force it on people like this, but it is that important!  If you don't think my mission is as important as I think it is, then we are indeed, imbalanced and I need to walk in my full  glory.

I am going to get sharp.  If we have to remain needless time in this town where we don't belong and nobody shows you love except for me, then, umm, I will leave you to it, if you are not willing to follow me.  I mean, I am making things easy for you.  I always have since Day 1.  If you are not willing to take my lead them I am going to follow myself.   


Also, if you don't change and start meeting my needs how I know damn well you can, I AM GOING TO CHOOSE AGAIN.  That book gives me permission!  HA!  Thanks for reading from it!

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