


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday March 3, 2004

     8:11am  I just checked my tapes on the bus. I'm on the 604 now. I ran out of tape last night so I stopped recording. It was around after midnight and nobody was open. Nobody would give me some food. This girl Diana I talked to at the gas station on Prue and Babcock, she hooked me up with like a dollar in change so I could get a burger at McDonald's. I thought I was going to walk all the way home. Actually, I thought I was going to walk to Walmart and then walk home. And I was going on the chance that I left the back door unlocked.
                   Oh yeah, I stopped by Carlos' house. He ended up making me food and letting me crash. I woke up this morning. I have to go to the Christian Dental Clinic and get my tooth pulled. I got on the bus earlier and I wasn't sure if if my tape ran out yet. I really should get stuff typed up today. I'm on the way to the Christian Dental Clinic right now. I need to get this tooth pulled. I am happy. My tooth hurts.

                   Letter of the day is A.

                   Badass, on the bus I talked to some Middle Eastern dude. He listened attentively through the whole thing and was laughing at all the funny parts. It was awesome.

                   Cool, I got an A transfer.

     8:26am  I'm already at Medical Center. I'm probably going to get me a cigarette. My tooth just hurts because it's a cavity. Umm, I won't smoke that much.

     8:27am  Kevin hooked me up with a cigarette at the hospital. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:35am  I told Kevin my presentation and he loved it. He kept telling me, "Do your thang, do your thang."

     8:56am  This girl I just talked to's email is natasha919@yahoo. Be sure to send her my stuff.

     9:02am  Dude, I was on the bus and I told this black girl my story. Some guy who recognized me, what was your name again? David, the journalist guy I talked to the other night, he was all, "Your name is Victor, right?", he told me that he walked out somewhere cool and he took pictures of it. Well, he pulled out his index print and showed it to me. Shocked, I told him, "That's the exact same dog I took a picture of!" He took the same picture of the dog on the railroad tracks! That's so weird!"

                   That's crazy, man. This town has over a million people in it. And that place is totally on the Southeast of town I think. By Five Palms. It's nowhere near here. Man, what synchronicity. That's crazy.

     9:29am  I told this older couple on the bus my story. I just got off downtown over by the Greyhound station. I'm going to walk to the dental clinic.

                   I'm late, I'm late for a really important date.

     10:42am  When it was my turn they called and sat me down in a chair. They looked at my teeth and told me they were going to start me on antibiotics first. I told them, "What? You can't just numb it up and pull it? That's what ya'll did last time." Damnit, I might have to wait two more days for them to pull this bitch tooth out.

     10:54am  This pisses me off. I just got out of the dental clinic. They didn't pull my tooth at all. I have to wait until March 10 to get it pulled. I gotta get medication first. I think they're lying. They told me, "Oh, the pain you're currently feeling will subside once you take medication." I have a prescription I have to get filled.

                     Oh yeah, and right now I noticed they had all these Bic pens. I asked the lady, "Can you spare a pen?" She told me, "Oh no, those are the Christian Dental Clinic's. We don't give things out." I told her, "Fine." Man, she had tons of cheap plastic pens there! After she gave me my card, right before I left I told her, "Greed just may be your downfall. You have plenty of pens." I just walked off.

                     Hypocrite sinners. "Working for God," but they can't spare me a pen?

                     Anyway, now I gotta go get a prescription filled and start taking this medication.

                     Oh yeah, earlier, right before the dentist looked in my mouth he asked me, "Oh, are you Christian?" I told him, "No, I'm Victor." I told him, "I don't believe in God. I believe in Love. I think everybody has it in them and it's all the same love." He said, "Oh no, God is love." I told him, "Call it what you will. We need to stop labeling and categorizing. Listen, if what you believe makes you happy and you're not hurting anyone else, I don't want you to think anything else. Just bear me that same respect. We're all different."

                     Ugh, ignorant people, man.

                     Oh yeah and they told me, "Well, since this was an emergency there is going to be a ten dollar charge. God-damnit, Christians charging money.

                     I should've told them, "Don't you care that I am in pain? And you call yourselves Christians? Hypocrites."

                     What a waste of my time. They sat me in the chair and put the bib around my neck. Then they took off for like half an hour and shit. They didn't tend to me at all. I was just lying there.

                     I hate wasting my time! Nothing got accomplished. This place really pissed me off this time.

     11:03am  Chico is hooking me up with some money for a hotdog. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:05am  Pat hooked me up with fifty cents so I can get me a hotdog. I appreciate it, Pat.

     11:07am  The guy at the hotdog stand hooked me up with a Works hotdog for only $1.50. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:12am  Elaine gave me a cigarette. Awesome. I appreciate it, Elaine.

                     That's cool, after I ate my hotdog I wanted a cigarette. I walked up to a lady who gave me change for a hotdog and she said, "Hey, want a cigarette?" Awesome, she gave me one.

                     I should go to the Brady Greene hospital, but I don't know if they're open. They only open Tuesdays and Thursdays. I gotta go tomorrow.

                     God-damnit, this pisses me off. I need to get my tooth yanked!

                     They told me, "No, we gotta get rid of the infection first." I told them, "Well, if you pull out the tooth won't you get the whole infection?"

                     Cool, I'm going to go talk to people at the Travis Park church.

                     I came to the Travis Park church. I talked to this guy, I don't remember what his name was, I think it's Hervie, but he listened to me real good. He was staring at me during the whole story. He's going to listen to me some more.

     12:11pm  H.P., Harry Potter gave me a rollie. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:20pm  Victoria is giving me her sandwich. I appreciate it, Victoria.

     12:25pm  Officer Flores just pulled up on his mountain bike and asked me, "Hey, do you wear sunglasses?" I told him, "No, I wear glasses." I wonder why a cop would ask me if I wore sunglasses.

     1:02pm  Mr. Salazar didn't give me a ride.

     1:03pm  I talked to these two girls who I had talked to yesterday. They saw me at the bus stop and I told them my story. I asked them, "Do you guys want to hear another story?" They're all listening to me like crazy.

     1:15pm  I've got a couple more believers. This black couple who just walked into the park. I hit them up for my story and they said, "Sure." I told them my shit and they nodded their heads up and down at everything I said.

     1:29pm  The pigeons at Travis Park are so magical. I like how they just fly around.

     1:34pm  Mr. Marques is hooking me up with a ride to SAC. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:44pm  I'm at SAC already. I'm going to go to the library.

     6:54pm  I'm leaving SAC. I had a good productive day on the computer. Typed up a lot of stuff.

                   Oh, I never told you, before I went in the library earlier, I saw some kid walking on the sidewalk. I told him my story and he was all impressed. He even went and got his friend in the library to come listen to my story. I went in the library and got started typing up my stuff. That kid told me he would be back. It was getting close to sewven and I said screw it, I'll stop.

     7:07pm  Mr. Ramirez won't give me a ride. He all told me, "Just give me anything you have in your pockets." I told him, "I don't have anything." He said, "You gotta have something." I said, "I don't have shit, let me off then." He let me off over by Cypress. Haha, I didn't have to walk there.

     7:08pm  Mr. Garcia just hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That was awesome that dude hooked me up with a transfer. Hehe, Man, I've been bumming transfers all day.

     7:35pm  I'm on the 92.

     7:40pm  I'm doing my favorite bus driver Renee a favor. I'm going to run into Church's Chicken while she goes in and out of Crossroads Park and Ride. It's that cool driver who I talked to last night.

     7:50pm  Man, I like helping out my friend Renee, the bus driver. She's a cute black girl. When I first got on the bus she was all quiet. I asked her, "Didn't I talk to you before?" She just said yeah, but didn't want to talk. I asked her, "What's the matter? Is something wrong?" She said she had a headache, that she was hungry. She said, "I wish I could stop somewhere, but I don't have time." I told her, "Well, if I can be of assistance just let me know." She smiled and told me, "When I turn into Crossroads, can you run into the Church's and get me some chicken?" I told her sure and she gave me five dollars. I ran in and got the food and when she pulled out I was there waiting for her. She said, "Thank you so much. I really appreciate that." I told her, "I'm always glad to be of service. What are friends for?" She hooked me up with a transfer, hehe.

                    I'm going to get off at Louis Pasteur/Fredericksburg and see if I get hooked up at the Whataburger again.

     7:55pm  Sean's hooking it up at the Whataburger again. Cool, cool.

                   Sean hooked me up with another chicken sandwich. It's good.

     8:20pm  I rode the bus to West and called my mom. Chris is hooking me up with his phone card so I can call my mom. I appreciate it, brother. I just called to tell her that I was walking home and if she could leave the backdoor unlocked for me. I didn't ask her for a ride or anything.

                   I heard this guy calling me from a distance. He was yelling, "Victor? What's going on? You working here again?" I told him, "Nah man, do I look like I work here? I play here, hehe."

     8:25pm  Angel is hooking me up with a cigarette at the smoking cabana. I appreciate it, sister.

     8:38pm  I was telling this girl my story at the smoking cabana, all of a sudden, I hear, "Hey!" It was my little brother and my mom. They came and picked me up. Thanks, guys.

     9:32pm  I'm going to bed now. I'm going to crash out and go to bed early. I got some things to do tomorrow. I gotta fill a prescription and some other stuff.

Next day..

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