

 SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hi jennifer :]
A Girl Named Emo: Heyyyyyyy  
A Girl Named Emo: Where 'ya at?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im baaaaaaack...
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: let me send you my true story..i had a blast
A Girl Named Emo: awesome  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: gotmail
A Girl Named Emo: coolio  
A Girl Named Emo: i'll make sure to read it.  
A Girl Named Emo: You always have stories worth reading.  
A Girl Named Emo: Have you called Marie?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: this one tops em all
A Girl Named Emo: When did you get back?  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: whats her screen name?
A Girl Named Emo: m0nk3ymarie .....the o is a zero and the e is a 3  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: umm, the 28th
A Girl Named Emo: she's not online though  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ill send her my story too
A Girl Named Emo: Friday  
A Girl Named Emo: thats cool  
A Girl Named Emo: sounds good  
A Girl Named Emo: incrediable  
A Girl Named Emo: sorry, i have an abundance of ims  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thats cool
A Girl Named Emo: Now, I'm winding down my night with this computer i'll leave you be  
A Girl Named Emo: i'm glad you made it back, i'll probably talk to you some other time  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: sleep well jennifer :]
A Girl Named Emo: if not tomorrow then some day  
A Girl Named Emo: take it easy  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im thinking about walking up to austin soon
A Girl Named Emo: :o)  
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: bye bye
A Girl Named Emo signed off at 12:57:42 AM. 

 Babyblue23soul05:  why?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  just wondering
 Babyblue23soul05:  yea...
 HAHA l MADE IT:  are you in shape?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  wanna walk with me to the west coast?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 Babyblue23soul05:  ....sorry no thanks
 HAHA l MADE IT:  come on, itll be fun
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hey, can i send you my true story?
 Babyblue23soul05:  i think im taken u wanna sk my boyfriend if its alright?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ask him if he wants to go
 HAHA l MADE IT:  we'll have a big portable party
 Babyblue23soul05:  actually if u in texas u might know him
 HAHA l MADE IT:  who is he
 Babyblue23soul05:  his name is jimbo McDonald
 HAHA l MADE IT:  never heard of him
 HAHA l MADE IT:  sounds like some sports guy
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i hate sports
 HAHA l MADE IT:  >:[
 Babyblue23soul05:  no more like a dope guy
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i dont do drugs..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i just smoke weed
 HAHA l MADE IT:  but hey, im gonna go smoke a tobacco right now
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ill check your black ass later
 HAHA l MADE IT:  peace sister
 HAHA l MADE IT:  :]
 Babyblue23soul05:  exscuse me....have u seen my pix? check my profile and ull find my homepage
 HAHA l MADE IT:  just a joke sister..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  pics dont prove shit anyway..
 Babyblue23soul05:  well?
 Babyblue23soul05:  well?
 Babyblue23soul05:  ...oh well ......then catch u at the party if i show...where is it at
 HAHA l MADE IT:  what party?
 Babyblue23soul05:       ohh im thinking of my friends party never mind 

 HAHA l MADE IT:  do you like to read?
 Carrie62876:  usually
 Carrie62876:  why?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  can i send you my true story?  its probably the most interesting thing youll read in a long time..
 Carrie62876:  why me?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  why not?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  no ulterior motive..just trying to spread the truth..
 Carrie62876:  how did you find me?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  in the austin room
 Carrie62876:  oh... you're not going to try to convert me to some religion are you?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im just picking people r random..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  heavens no..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  lol
 Carrie62876:  lol
 Carrie62876:  hmmmmm.. ....
 Carrie62876:  you're not going to send me some strange virus are you?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  nope, just harmless text..i promise
 Carrie62876:  k
 HAHA l MADE IT:  cool
 Carrie62876:  go ahead
 HAHA l MADE IT:  there you go...if you like, let me know..i got tons more good free reading 

 ColaGirl1964:  yes
 HAHA l MADE IT:  can i send you my true story?  its probably the most interesting thing youll read for a while
 ColaGirl1964:  no thanks
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ok, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does then..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss i suppose
 ColaGirl1964:  what
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i just want you to read it, i dont want your money
 HAHA l MADE IT:  actually, im gonna try to eliminate money and bring world peace
 HAHA l MADE IT:  with the internet
 ColaGirl1964:  ok how
 HAHA l MADE IT:  one second
 HAHA l MADE IT:  there you go..all questions are answered in that mail
 ColaGirl1964:  a s l
 ColaGirl1964:  r u there
 HAHA l MADE IT:  yeah
 HAHA l MADE IT:  25mnw 

 ComaCarma:   who is this?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  my name is victor
 ComaCarma:  Nope, I wish.
 HAHA l MADE IT:  thats cool, thanks anyway
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hey, do you like to read?
 ComaCarma:  why?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i wanna send you a story of mine
 HAHA l MADE IT:  a true story
 ComaCarma:  uh. ok
 HAHA l MADE IT:  probably the most interesting thing youll read for a while
 HAHA l MADE IT:  there you go..if you like, just let me know..i got tons more good stuff
 ComaCarma:  ok
 HAHA l MADE IT:  good screen name, by the random numbers or anything
 ComaCarma:  Yeah, I hate that SexyBabe09 kind of shit
 HAHA l MADE IT:  yeah..right on..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  those idiots who cant think of an original sn so they just take the numbers aol picks for them
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe, see, ive been living off of other peoples aol accounts for years my favorite past time became making really offensive screen names..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  shit that if people report..will die
 HAHA l MADE IT:  but i dont give a damn, its not mine
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe, are you religious, by any chance?
 ComaCarma:  Nothing more than the family outing to churn on christmas eve
 ComaCarma:  why?
 ComaCarma:  And what do you mean you live off other peoples accounts?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i get their passwords
 HAHA l MADE IT:  and just make screen names off their accounts
 HAHA l MADE IT:  its really simple
 ComaCarma:  hmm....well how do I know your not going to take mine and fuck me over?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im not a hacker or and hacking have nothing to do with each other..i dont know how to get into peoples computers..i dont want to know how..that shit could get me in trouble..what i do know how to do is get free shit
 HAHA l MADE IT:  for one..i wouldnt try yours...for two..just be sure to have a password thats not easy to guess like aol123 or password or something
 ComaCarma:  right, that still doesn't answer my question
 ComaCarma:  haha yeah
 ComaCarma:  So, could you tell me my password?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  nope
 HAHA l MADE IT:  see, theres programs out there that you can load up a list of screen names, and a list of words that are common passwords..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  and it goes through and tries each combination
 ComaCarma:  Hmm, mines not too common
 HAHA l MADE IT:  what is it??
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe, just kidding
 HAHA l MADE IT:   whats your internet connection?
 ComaCarma:  how old are you?
 ComaCarma:  I dunno
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i just turned 25 on groundhogs day
 HAHA l MADE IT:  feb 2
 HAHA l MADE IT:  do you dial onto the internet? or are you always connected?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dialup? cable? dsl?
 ComaCarma:  cable
 HAHA l MADE IT:  excellent..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  do you want to stop paying for shit?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  do you ever pay for movies or music?
 ComaCarma:  sure
 HAHA l MADE IT:  wanna stop?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hell, when i lived with my exgirlfriend..i would download all the new movies..while they were still in theaters..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  and watch em at home
 ComaCarma:  yeah, I do that already
 HAHA l MADE IT:  how?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  what do you use?
 ComaCarma: works pretty well
 HAHA l MADE IT:  yeah, but there are much better ways
 ComaCarma:  how?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  kazaa is like the aol of pirated software...just plain simple
 HAHA l MADE IT:  IRC, internet relay chat
 HAHA l MADE IT:  the free global chat service thats been around since the birth of the internet
 HAHA l MADE IT:  they have everything
 ComaCarma:  hmmm
 HAHA l MADE IT:  want to browse my music and see if theres anything you want?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  my ex had her collection on my drive..all the trendy girl music
 ComaCarma:  uh ok
 HAHA l MADE IT:  and i got my punk rock and stuff
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hold up
 ComaCarma:  k
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ftp://ComaCarma:ComaCarma@
 HAHA l MADE IT:  follow that link
 HAHA l MADE IT:  not working?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  most people freak when they see their name in the link..i just made you an account so i would know youre on my server
 ComaCarma:  ok, brb
 ComaCarma:  Nope, it's not
 HAHA l MADE IT:  damn
 HAHA l MADE IT:  how old are you?
 ComaCarma:  16
 ComaCarma:  Hey, what the title of your story?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i havent decided..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im thinking, "You Can Go Your Own Way"
 ComaCarma:  and what's your name?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  victor
 ComaCarma:  and ar eyou sure you didn't just type this outta a book?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i swear
 HAHA l MADE IT:  here, want some of my other stuff?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im an open book
 ComaCarma:  ok
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ive got tons more
 ComaCarma:  send me two more of your best
 HAHA l MADE IT:  just did
 ComaCarma:  Ok, is chapter 2, part 2, part of the one you just sent me?
 ComaCarma:  the Dr.Mouhon one?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  no, thats chapter 1
 HAHA l MADE IT:  chapter 2 is the only one with two parts
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i had to split it up because it was too big to paste into one aol email
 ComaCarma:  then why does it say chp. 2 part 2 ?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you dont see one that says chapter 2, part 1?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im looking in my sent mail and i sent it to you
 ComaCarma:  Yeah, so is that the 1st one?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  the 1st one of chapter 2
 ComaCarma:  Is it part of the dr one? or is it a different story?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  but chapter 1 is a totally different story
 ComaCarma:  Ok, so then why is it chp 1?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  because it happened before chapter 2
 ComaCarma:  ok, so which one do I read first?
this is bloody confusing
 HAHA l MADE IT:  either one
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 HAHA l MADE IT:  now all chapters are different stories..but theyre all about me
 HAHA l MADE IT:  theyre all true
 ComaCarma:  Ohhhhh, lol goddamnit, that's all you had to say
 ComaCarma:  lol jesus
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe, sorry
 ComaCarma:  it's cool
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ive gotten in the habit of logging my life
 ComaCarma:  It might come back to bite you in the ass one day
 HAHA l MADE IT:  how so?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  here, let me send you another one
 ComaCarma:  ok
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ok
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im gonna go smoke a cigarette..brbin5min
 ComaCarma:  ok
 HAHA l MADE IT: black..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  err.. -l
 HAHA l MADE IT:  :]
 ComaCarma:  lol hey
 ComaCarma:  I printed out all your stories. I'll read em, and let you know what I think
 ComaCarma:  but I gtg
 ComaCarma:  I'll put you on my list ok?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dont put this sn on your could die any day..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  here..ill IM you from my aim sn
 ComaCarma:  Oh, well then put me on your list
 ComaCarma:  ok 

 HAHA l MADE IT:  wasnt mondragon that big cooperative in europe?
 Crystlclrmc:  what do you mean?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  some city where they live without money
 HAHA l MADE IT:  happily
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hey, do you like to read?
 Crystlclrmc:  I dont know but my name is from europe
 Crystlclrmc:  where did you here of that?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i saw this video when i was living with the hippies in oregon
 HAHA l MADE IT:  see, i took off walking for the west coast the day after christmas
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i had such a great adventure...
 HAHA l MADE IT:  for free
 Crystlclrmc:  I dont understand you point
 HAHA l MADE IT:  will you read my story?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  it explains everything
 HAHA l MADE IT:  gotmail
 HAHA l MADE IT:  and if you like, just let me know..i got tons more good free reading
 Crystlclrmc:  Oh ok ii get it
 Crystlclrmc:  email me
 Crystlclrmc:  I like to read
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you want my other stuff?
 Crystlclrmc:  Sure if it worth reading> </HTML
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i think so..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  gotmail
 Crystlclrmc:  Yeah you already sent it
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i sent more
 Crystlclrmc:  well what do you call your stuff?  do you write it
 Crystlclrmc:  I write allot but gots to go right now tlk to you latter
 HAHA l MADE IT:  yeah, its all me
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ive gotten into the habit of documenting my life 

      EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  damn this thing is sooooo long.  
 HAHA l MADE IT:  read it when you have time
 HAHA l MADE IT:  what do you think so far?
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  ive read about half.   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  its all true
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  is this something serious or just bs?   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i couldnt be more serious
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  where r u right now?   
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  how old r u?   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im back in san antonio
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im 25
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hello?
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  yeah?   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  what do you think?
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  im still not done.   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  take your time, thanks for actually reading em
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  i like to read.   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  then can i send you some of my other stuff?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  all true stories
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  damn, thats alot.   
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  have u made a book?   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  not yet..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  my book is gonna kick ass though
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  lol ill buy the first one k.   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  especially when i type up everything i recorded on my trip
 HAHA l MADE IT:  no, i wont let you
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  y is that?   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im gonna unleash it on the internet for free
 HAHA l MADE IT:  :]
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i should practice what i preach eh
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  but i want da book   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  well, then maybe ill just sell it really cheap
 HAHA l MADE IT:  because once it gets out sure people will publish it for free
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  bad ass i like it...   
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  u work at west?   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i will soon
 HAHA l MADE IT:  again
 HAHA l MADE IT:  for the 16th time
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  damn   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  never longer than 3 months
 HAHA l MADE IT:  temporary job only
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  what do ya look like?   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  it serves its purpose..its an evil business
 HAHA l MADE IT:  25/m/nw san antonio/6'6"/185lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
 HAHA l MADE IT:  actually, i weigh 170 now...
 HAHA l MADE IT:  sounds underweight for my heigth..but its not
 HAHA l MADE IT:  0% body fat
 HAHA l MADE IT:  all the walking i do
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  damn u are sooo specific.   
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  its a little weird coming from a guy. lol   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  yeah, i dont like to be vague..
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  :-D
 HAHA l MADE IT:  :]
 HAHA l MADE IT:  leaves people wondering about you
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  :-)
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  lol   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im basically an open book
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ashamed of nothing
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  if i could do something like that i would but i cant.   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  whats stopping you?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  anyone can do it
 HAHA l MADE IT:  it didnt cost me a damn thing
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  nah i doubt it.   
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  lol   
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  well im just about to graduate in june.   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  well with an attitude like that, i doubt you ever will either
 HAHA l MADE IT:  graduate from what?
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  high school   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ok, finish high school
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  yeah, im very negative as apposed to u.   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  at least
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  lol yeah i want to do that and then ill figure out what happens next.   
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  maybe ill run into u somewhere,   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  do you ever smoke marijuana?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  thatll chill you out..
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  lol i wish   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you wish you smoked?
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  ive only tried it once, but i didnt feel ne thing.   
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  i would just like to know how it really feels.   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you wont your first have to activate the receptors in your brain
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i didnt get high the first time i smoked...most dont
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  damn it.   
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  lol   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you know what they say
 HAHA l MADE IT:  if at first you dont succeed..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 HAHA l MADE IT:  so what high school do you go to?
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  memorial   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  my mom used to teach special ed there
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  used to?   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  yeah, shes at SW highschool now
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  oh   
 EviLbLaCkcHeRRy1:  hey well it was nice chatting with ya,  
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you too :] 

 Mmichael575:  yes   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  think you can spare a hit? im bored
 Mmichael575:  sure where are you   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  nw san antonio
 Mmichael575:  come get it i have pounds here rigth now   
 Mmichael575:  just got fresh batch   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  sweet..where?
 Mmichael575:  marbach   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  damn, im over on the nw
 HAHA l MADE IT:  close to bandera/1604
 Mmichael575:  close by   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  not walking distance..
 Mmichael575:  312 saddle brook   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dont suppose you could come pick me up?
 Mmichael575:  no have alot of customers   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  thats cool, thanks anyway 

 HAHA l MADE IT:  whatta ya think so far?
 MMMohhYeahBaby:  pretty kewl
 HAHA l MADE IT:  its all true
 HAHA l MADE IT:  so we gonna go for that walk?
 MMMohhYeahBaby: still trying to read it ..people keep IMing me
 MMMohhYeahBaby:  lol
 MMMohhYeahBaby:  its intresting tho
 MMMohhYeahBaby:  8-)
 HAHA l MADE IT:  okie
 HAHA l MADE IT:  :]
 HAHA l MADE IT:  read on sister
 MMMohhYeahBaby:  kewl
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i got plenty more good stuff if you want
 HAHA l MADE IT:  all true
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im an open book
 MMMohhYeahBaby:  ok kewl...
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ill send, read it when you get the chance..
 MMMohhYeahBaby:  ok
 HAHA l MADE IT:  whatd ya think? 

 HAHA l MADE IT:  got any bud?
 Mutilatedreamz30:  na sorry i don't smoke
 Mutilatedreamz30:  i just drink alcohol
 HAHA l MADE IT:  say no to drugs
 Mutilatedreamz30:  ok what are you a dare person
 HAHA l MADE IT:  no, i dont do drugs, i just smoke weed
 Mutilatedreamz30:  lol well here in america weed is considered a drug
 Mutilatedreamz30:  but it's at least a herbal drug
 Mutilatedreamz30:  which is coolz
 Mutilatedreamz30:  i got no problem with tha weed
 HAHA l MADE IT:  who considers is a drug?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  is it just a coincidence that two naturally occurring things in this world..humans and marijuana..have a certain reaction when mixed?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  is it just a coincidence we have THC receptors in our brains..naturally?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  its here for us to moderation and responsibly..just like everything else
 Mutilatedreamz30:  true
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dont you think if all the world leaders got together a and smoked a big joint..all our problems would just dissapear?
 Mutilatedreamz30:  but to the dumb rich socity it's a drug
 HAHA l MADE IT:  they didnt call em peace pipes for nothing
 Mutilatedreamz30:  lol
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i do not belong to that society
 Mutilatedreamz30:  yeah same here
 Mutilatedreamz30:  i'm no where near that
 Mutilatedreamz30:  but to them it is and they write the laws and crap like that
 Mutilatedreamz30:  so yeah
 HAHA l MADE IT:  well, im planning a revolution
 HAHA l MADE IT:  do you like to read?
 Mutilatedreamz30:  heck no
 HAHA l MADE IT:  let me send you a true story..i just got back from the west coast..
 Mutilatedreamz30:  i hate books
 HAHA l MADE IT:  its the most interesting thing youll ever read
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i can almost guarantee it
 Mutilatedreamz30:  intresting hum ok i guess so
 Mutilatedreamz30:  is it very long?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  read it when you have time
 HAHA l MADE IT:  its nowhere near as long as the book im gonna write
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you see, i took my mini cassette recorder with me..i have the whole experience loggedd
 HAHA l MADE IT:  easiest book in the world to write..i just had to let shit happen
 Mutilatedreamz30:  lol coolz 

<MYAgirl> hello,,,,,,,
<dammit> hi
<dammit> :]
<dammit> whoa, you like nofx?
<MYAgirl> whoooooo
<MYAgirl> how you know,,,,,,,,
<dammit> im psychic
<dammit> NofxGril@
<dammit> youre in san antonio?
<MYAgirl> aok
<dammit> whats your name?
<MYAgirl> you know ,,,nofx
<MYAgirl> mi name is ,,anny
<MYAgirl> and you
<dammit> victor
<dammit> nice to meet you
<MYAgirl> ok
<MYAgirl> Im too
<MYAgirl> were you from,,,
<dammit> would you know what i was talking about if i told you i knew the cure for the bleeding heart disease?
<MYAgirl> were you from,,,
<MYAgirl> were you from,,,
<dammit> i was born in puerto rico, moved to san antonio when i was 3
<dammit> im puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
<MYAgirl> aok ,you speack ,spanich
<dammit> si
<dammit> where are you from?<MYAgirl> hello,,,,,,,
<dammit> hi
<dammit> :]
<dammit> whoa, you like nofx?
<MYAgirl> whoooooo
<MYAgirl> how you know,,,,,,,,
<dammit> im psychic
<dammit> NofxGril@
<dammit> youre in san antonio?
<MYAgirl> aok
<dammit> whats your name?
<MYAgirl> you know ,,,nofx
<MYAgirl> mi name is ,,anny
<MYAgirl> and you
<dammit> victor
<dammit> nice to meet you
<MYAgirl> ok
<MYAgirl> Im too
<MYAgirl> were you from,,,
<dammit> would you know what i was talking about if i told you i knew the cure for the bleeding heart disease?
<MYAgirl> were you from,,,
<MYAgirl> were you from,,,
<dammit> i was born in puerto rico, moved to san antonio when i was 3
<dammit> im puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
<MYAgirl> aok ,you speack ,spanich
<dammit> si
<dammit> where are you from?
<MYAgirl> aok alive in
<dammit> age?
<MYAgirl> mexico,,,monterrey,
<dammit> ¿hablas el español mejor?
<MYAgirl> jajajajaja
<MYAgirl> claro k si
<dammit> te entiendo
<dammit> :]
<MYAgirl> y por k no empezar por ahi ,,verdad
<dammit> ¿donde?
<MYAgirl> konda
<MYAgirl> donde k
<dammit> ¿cuanta años tienes?
<MYAgirl> osea eres de puerto riko ,pero ,vives en san antonio,
<dammit> exacto
<MYAgirl> 21 y tu
<dammit> cumpli 25 feb 2
<MYAgirl> aok
<MYAgirl> k padre
<dammit> esa es la palabra correcta? cumpli?
<MYAgirl> k vien por donde vives
<MYAgirl> alla
<dammit> donde en san antonio?
<MYAgirl> sipi
<MYAgirl> yo vivia alla antes
<dammit> nw, cerce de 1604/bandera
<dammit> cerca
<MYAgirl> por la brodway y el 410,,mmpor el alamo,,
<dammit> conosco la area
<MYAgirl> por el ,central market
<MYAgirl> aok
<MYAgirl> aoy en donde trabajas
<dammit> pues, eso es dificil de explicar en español
<MYAgirl> saves k padre k te conosi ,casi cuando esube alla,no conosi ,andie ,k fuera latino
<MYAgirl> estaba en la college
<dammit> wow, y aye tanta gente aqui hispana
<MYAgirl> en el san antonio,college,,pero,no aguante alla,
<dammit> yo acabo de regresar de un viaje
<MYAgirl> si de echo ,,pero ,ya ves ,,y tu estudias o k onda,a kte dedicas
<dammit> me fui caminando a california el 26 de deciembre
<MYAgirl> de echo la unika amiga latian era de puerto riko,,,
<MYAgirl> sorry tu nombre
<dammit> camine como dos dias, y algien paro y me dijo, "voy para california, y tu?"
<dammit> 45 millas
<MYAgirl> en serio a california ,,ak si se puede saver
<dammit> me llevo desde west texas a LA
<MYAgirl> en serio,,,woowwww
<dammit> de ahi, fui a san francisco, berkeley, arcata, y finalmente oregon
<dammit> estoy escribiendo un libro
<MYAgirl> de paseo,,o konda
<MYAgirl> aok ,,acerca de,,,
<dammit> me traje mi grabadora en my viage
<dammit> es el libro mas facil de escribir
<dammit> nadamas necesito dejar que pasen cosas
<dammit> lo hice todo sin dinero
<MYAgirl> eres publisista,o escritor, o,k
<MYAgirl> onda ,
<MYAgirl> como k pasen cosas,,
<dammit> no planie nada
<MYAgirl> y note da miedo ,con todo eso , kesta pasando ,alla,de la guerra
<dammit> namas camine y cosas me pasaron
<dammit> con el internet, yo voy a trater de eliminar el dinero y trajer la paz mundial
<MYAgirl> sorry baby como te llamas
<dammit> victor
<dammit> voy a sacar carros de cuidades grandes y salvar el ozone layer
<dammit> y
<MYAgirl> aok ,victor,,mucho gusto ,en conoserte y ojala k tengamos una bonita amistad,,
<dammit> voy a legalizar la marijuana
<dammit> y calmar a todo el mundo
<MYAgirl> aok ,k padre,,
<dammit> algien lo tiene que hacer
<dammit> :]
<MYAgirl> y vivies solo
<MYAgirl> o cuantu family
<dammit> todo mundo creen que so loco
<dammit> estoy viviendo con my mama, temporariamenta
<MYAgirl> y eso por k lo pienan
<dammit> si eso es una palabra
<dammit> :]
<MYAgirl> siii
<dammit> peinan?
<MYAgirl> piensan,,,,
<dammit> porque les encantan el dinero
<dammit> y tienen celos de mi, porque soy mas feliz que ellos
<dammit> porque no lo necesito
<dammit> no uso un carro, camino y voy en el bus
<MYAgirl> conoses nofx,,osolo preguntabas,de casulidad
<dammit> si, muy bien
<dammit> ellos creen como yo
<dammit> lees el ingles bien?
<MYAgirl> kkkkkkkkkken serio,,te gusta esa tipo de musica
<MYAgirl> wowwwwwwwwwwwww
<dammit> si, me gusta lo que dicen
<MYAgirl> si ,algo aprendi,cuando estaba alla,
<dammit> oye, yo estoy planeando otro viaje sin dinero..
<MYAgirl> k padre  yo fui a verlos ayya en el ,,sunken garden ,no se si fuiste en el ,2000,,ahi por el zoo
<MYAgirl> al warped tour
<dammit> estaba pensando ir al east coast a florida
<dammit> y escribir otro libro
<dammit> pero, tambien quiero visitar my padre, que nunco lo eh conocido
<dammit> y el vive en panama
<MYAgirl> tienes un web site donde pueda ver tus trabajo ,otus libros,,
<dammit> alomejor voy a cojer el bus de san antonio a laredo y de laredo a mexico city
<dammit> y despues otra para panama
<MYAgirl> aok,,
<dammit> no tengo un website todavia
<dammit> actually, hold on
<dammit> dejame hacer una
<dammit> :]
<dammit> un memento
<MYAgirl> ok ,iam waitting
<dammit> cual es tu nombre otra ves?
<MYAgirl> anna
<MYAgirl> hola
<MYAgirl> hola
<MYAgirl> hola
<dammit> ahh, nadamas te voy a mandar algo
<MYAgirl> de k ,,,
<MYAgirl> mandame tu foto,
<dammit> tengo tanto que leer, que lo que hice fue leer todos mis reportes y sacar las cosa imporantes de cada uno
<dammit> y ahora no es tan largo
<MYAgirl> aok,,,
<dammit> te mando el file
<dammit> entiendes?
<MYAgirl> ok
<MYAgirl> send
<MYAgirl> mandalo ami e mail
<MYAgirl> y tu pic
<dammit> perdon, no tengo foto pero te doy una descripcion si quieres
<dammit> 25/m/nw san antonio/6'6"/185lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
<MYAgirl> no no importa,,
<dammit> ¿y tu?
<MYAgirl> mmmido ,165,delgada blanca,,cabello corto,,talla,5 ,,mmsimpatica,,etc
<dammit> 5 pies?
<MYAgirl> no menso ,,la, talla,,medium,,
<MYAgirl> petite  ,
<dammit> hehe
<MYAgirl> jajaja
<dammit> que es tu altura?
<dammit> talla?
<MYAgirl> mmmpues en pies no se
<dammit> como que no sabes?
<MYAgirl> 1 65 ,,,
<dammit> eres alta? baja?
<MYAgirl> mas omenos ,,no muy alta,,
<MYAgirl> mas omenos ytu
<dammit> alto
<dammit> bien alto
<MYAgirl> aok,,
<dammit> vas a regresar a san antonio?
<MYAgirl> y k me vas aamandares de tu libro
<MYAgirl> may be
<MYAgirl> es k mi visa  se me vencio,,,y hastak me llege, la otra
<dammit> no lo e terminado, pero te puede mandar los capitulos que tengo
<MYAgirl> por kno e ido ,al tramitar la nueva,
<MYAgirl> aok ,si keires ami mail
<dammit> cuanda te llege vas a visitar a san antonio otra ves?
<MYAgirl> cuales tu mail
<MYAgirl> aok,el mioes
<MYAgirl> como ,,a si, cuando ,emllege,tengo ,un amigo ,alla, k ,es muy buena onda,,
<MYAgirl> victor donde puedo ,,encontrar auna persona,
<MYAgirl> k vivie alla,,
<MYAgirl> aki por ,el internet
<dammit> hmm, de que edad?
<MYAgirl> mm ya es ,28
<MYAgirl> o29
<MYAgirl> me imagino,
<dammit> trata
<MYAgirl> y el vivie por ,,
<MYAgirl> lubbock
<MYAgirl> algo si sellama la calle
<dammit> tienes su nombre?
<MYAgirl> oel condado,,
<dammit> lubbock es una ciudad
<MYAgirl> por fredickburg....
<dammit> yo conosco a fredericksburg muy bien
<dammit> la calle
<MYAgirl> si por ahi
<MYAgirl> por el block buster
<MYAgirl> de ahi
<dammit> pero es una calle bien larga
<MYAgirl> en unos aprtamentos, k se,llaman
<dammit> sabes su nombre?
<MYAgirl> villas de nothgates oak,the nort hgates
<dammit> yo conosco los apartamentos de fredericksburg, yo llevava pizza en el centro medico
<dammit> si, se donde estan
<MYAgirl> david alberto salazar
<dammit> y todavia vive en san antonio?
<MYAgirl> asi sellama mi amigo ,,solo kse cambio de ahi ,y ya no se adonde se fue,
<MYAgirl> si ahi esta en san anto,,,
<MYAgirl> se fue a otros depas,
<MYAgirl> el trabaja ,en los,,yellow car,
<MYAgirl> esdriver taxi,
<dammit> hehe
<MYAgirl> o creo ,k yase cambio,
<dammit> te tengo una sorpresa
<dammit> Salazar, David
<dammit> 8000 Oakdell Way
<dammit> SAN ANTONIO, TX 78240
<dammit>  210-691-8435
<MYAgirl> es taxista,,tiene un taxi
<MYAgirl> kkkkken serio es es su tel
<dammit> :]
<MYAgirl> pero ,,,,ahi 2 david en el ,directorio ,,yo lo vuske hase mucho ,,
<dammit> y yo me acuerdo que esa es la calle donde estan oaks of northgate
<MYAgirl> sera el mismo ,k yo digo ,no sera otro david
<dammit> es el
<MYAgirl> como saves
<MYAgirl> y si no loes,,
<dammit> tu me dijiste el nombre de los apartamentos, y cuando busque, me acorde
<MYAgirl> k apoco ,lo conoses
<dammit> porque yo delivered pizza en el centro medico
<dammit> y fui a hecos apartamentos
<MYAgirl> aok
<dammit> conosco nw muy bien
<MYAgirl> y kres k sea el mismo,
<dammit> you lucked out
<dammit> :]
<MYAgirl> hola
<MYAgirl> hola
<MYAgirl> hola
<MYAgirl> hola
<dammit> si?
<MYAgirl> ok ya k hases
<dammit> estoy installando un juego
<MYAgirl> si yalo  cheke y creo ,k tal ves sea sino a de ser unode esos 6 k bien ,,muchas grasias en serio ,un milllonnnnnde graciassss
<dammit> de nada
<dammit> me encanta cuando puedo alluda
<dammit> :]
<MYAgirl> en serio ,mil gracias ,le voy a llamr para ver si es ,,el jueves,,,
<dammit> buena suerte
<dammit> llamalo ahora
<dammit> hehe
<MYAgirl> no es kno tengo ,long distanse ,ak ien la casa,
<MYAgirl> y en casa demi abuela si ,,
<MYAgirl> es kyo antes ,,todas las noches estabamos hablando,
<MYAgirl> y me saliau nchorrro de dinero ,en los recibos,,,jejeje
<MYAgirl> y k onda ktipode musica te gusta,,,
<dammit> me gusta el punk
<dammit> pero no lo bien duro
<dammit> me encanta el grupo weezer
<dammit> y musica estupida
<MYAgirl> aok,,k padre ,no fuiste aver a rancid ahi en san antonio
<dammit> no
<MYAgirl> si te gusta,,
<dammit> no me gustan los shows mucho...too many people
<MYAgirl> como los shows
<dammit> conciertos
<MYAgirl> osea k haiga mucha gente,,
<dammit> si
<MYAgirl> yeso,por, k
<dammit> no se
<dammit> me gusta la silencia mejor que el ruido
<MYAgirl> a ,te gusta bad religion,,,
<dammit> no tanto
<MYAgirl> y eso ,por k,,es delas mejores bandas de pppunk,
<dammit> no me atraen
<MYAgirl> aok ,ya te agrege,,
<MYAgirl> el mio
<MYAgirl> es
<MYAgirl> parak me mandes tus textos ,,ok ,y me dio mucho gusto en conosete ok,
<MYAgirl> saves ya me voy adormir por k voy a laesc en la,,,manana,,y me muero de sue,,,,,,,,
<dammit> que tengas una buena noche
<dammit> duerme bien
<MYAgirl> sipiy victor,,,,nuevamente,,,
<MYAgirl> saves k,,,,eres muy lindoo,,,me imagino ,k ,eresu nchavo ,,super buena onda,peke,y
<dammit> gracias :]

<MYAgirl> te agadesco ,,todo ,y recuerda k tiens una AMIGAy k telo digo ,sinseramente,y me ,encanto ,chatear,conun chavo tan lindocomo tu ,,,
<dammit> gawrsh
<dammit> = blushing on all 4 cheeks
<dammit> :P
<dammit> te lo agradesco y me imagino que eres bien linda tu misma
<MYAgirl> y ya saves aki estare esperando tu pic,,y tus files,,ok ,me gustaria, teneruna bonita amistad ,cobtigo,,
<MYAgirl> y recuerda k ,tiens una maiga akak,en mexico, k te da las gracias, por ,lo del ,tel,,y
<dammit> si eres el mismo bonita que te paraces sin foto, imaginate si tuvieras uno
<MYAgirl> sobre todo , kle guste lamisma musica k ,a mi,,osea y masnofx,,
<dammit> wow, me sorprendo que puedo hablar en espanol
<dammit> oye, quieres ver cual otra musica tengo?
<MYAgirl> si claro
<MYAgirl> aok ,por ,kno lo platikas muchoo ,o que,
<dammit> ok un momento
<dammit> no platico mucho?
<dammit> oerdoname, estoy haciendo dos cosas a la misma vez
<dammit> -o +p
<MYAgirl> peke,me muero ,de ,dreams, Im wanna, go ,,,,,,,come back,
<dammit> perdon
<dammit> te voy a mandar mi file
<MYAgirl> ok babby
<dammit> ok
<MYAgirl> tu eres joe mamma
<MYAgirl> asi mandaste el mail.
<dammit> si
<MYAgirl> aok,,,bueno entonses para checarlo ,,victor, k,tellamas,
<dammit> mi nombre verdadero es victor
<dammit> joe mama es una broma
<MYAgirl> si pero ,tus apellidos,
<dammit> gruber
<dammit> es aleman
<MYAgirl> aok ,por ,k eres de family
<MYAgirl>  aleman,o konda
<dammit> soy panameño y italiano tambien
<dammit> mi padre es aleman/panameño
<MYAgirl> aok,,,k bien,,
<MYAgirl> y as ido ,a alemannia
<dammit> nunca
<MYAgirl> aok
<dammit> quiero ir a todo el citio
<MYAgirl> y panama,
<dammit> voy a viajar mucho en mi vida
<dammit> hasta mexico
<MYAgirl> aok,,,
<MYAgirl> pues ya saves ,k ,,aki tiens unaamiga ,si en algo tepuedo ,ayudar,
<MYAgirl> ok ,bueno ,peke
<MYAgirl> ahora si me voy ,adormir,,ya me muero
<dammit> muchisimas gracias
<MYAgirl> me levanto muy temprano
<dammit> yo tambien
<dammit> me voy a fumar un cigaro
<MYAgirl> ak time,,
<dammit> y despues a la cama
<MYAgirl> fumas, mucho,,,
<dammit> asi-asi
<dammit> pero yo nunca me enfermo de nada
<MYAgirl> mmpero,k mariguana
<dammit> porque camino tanto
<dammit> y tomo agua
<dammit> si, me gusta la marijuana
<MYAgirl> pero,no te hase  mal,fumar mucho
<dammit> no hace daño
<dammit> peor le hace a alguien que es bago y no hace nada
<MYAgirl> pueseso ,sipi
<MYAgirl> bueno pekeke,
<MYAgirl> ya me voy,
<dammit> ?
<MYAgirl> ok
<dammit> adios
<dammit> anne verdad?
<MYAgirl> vas aestar ,,el miercoles
<dammit> alomejor, no se
<MYAgirl> mmmmmmmmyeso
<dammit> mandame un email
<MYAgirl> por k
<MYAgirl> no entras odos los dias,
<dammit> si, pero no por el dia entero
<MYAgirl> osea en lanight
<MYAgirl> ok ,peke,,,besosossssssy te cuidas ok ,yte portas bien,,ok
<dammit> ok tu tambien
<MYAgirl> ay me mandstu foto ,sipi
<MYAgirl> si puedes ok ,bueno ,ahora si bye, im ,see ,ok,el bye
<dammit> si hago una
<dammit> por supuesto
<MYAgirl> por si un dia, me kieres saludar en vivo ,ok,,
<dammit> ok
<dammit> nunca sabes :]
<MYAgirl> como ,no se k
<dammit> cual es to tel?  yo lo voy a escribir en mi calendario
<MYAgirl> .ok,esel ,
<MYAgirl> osea de alla,marcas creo
<MYAgirl> k
<dammit> k
<MYAgirl> 052  
<MYAgirl> osea tu checasel area,
<MYAgirl> ok ,es el
<MYAgirl> 044818 176 01 90,ok,,
<dammit> ok, aqui lo tengo
<MYAgirl> cuando me kieras llamr lya saves ahi me encuentras ok ,anny,ok ,good nigth,,ok ,bye pekek
<MYAgirl> y el tuyo,,cuales
<MYAgirl> peke
<dammit> el de mi mama es 210-647-7349
<MYAgirl> pero,tu ahi vivies
<dammit> si, temporariamente
<dammit> ok, ya voy a fumar
<dammit> regresare en 5 minutos
<MYAgirl> ok peke, ya me voy ammirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
<MYAgirl> ok ,kisses y bye
<dammit> ::muah::
<dammit> ok me voy a dormir
<MYAgirl> mmmmmmmmuuaaaaaaaaaaaaa,ok ,bye peke

 HAHA l MADE IT:  word up
 SublimeBillaBong:  say  
 SublimeBillaBong:  i feel u man
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you wanna go traveling dont ya
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 SublimeBillaBong:  i wanna make that trip to the east
 SublimeBillaBong:  fock yah  
 SublimeBillaBong:  i can walk  
 SublimeBillaBong:  im goin into boot  in 2 months check it
 SublimeBillaBong:  but i have know where to live in the meantime  
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dude, why would you go in the military when we are about to start ww3?
 SublimeBillaBong:  i cant stand bein here
 SublimeBillaBong:  i know but i cant survive fockin up
 HAHA l MADE IT:  whats holding you here?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dude, back out..
 SublimeBillaBong:  my mom and dad are tired of the lifestyle i live u feel me  
 SublimeBillaBong:  the whole pot thing
 HAHA l MADE IT:  speaking of which, can you spare a hit?
 SublimeBillaBong:  but vic understand one thing is we cant rely on folks forever   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  todays like the first day i havent been stoned since before i left for cali
 SublimeBillaBong:  nor would i wanna be homeless for ever
 HAHA l MADE IT:  rely on yourself then
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i wasnt homeless, i was traveling
 SublimeBillaBong:  i feel u its sounds like so much fun but i mean its not as easy as u put it
 SublimeBillaBong:  check this one out
 HAHA l MADE IT:  being homeless is fun, you only have to worry about yourself
 HAHA l MADE IT:  oh, it IS that easy
 SublimeBillaBong:  we need to find chicks from aol in other areas of the us and hook up once we get there have numbers people that can help
 HAHA l MADE IT:  the less you have, the less you have to worry about
 HAHA l MADE IT:  we make ourselves rich by making our wants few..
 SublimeBillaBong:  yah that might be another prob you may be able to take care of u but me it could be hard  
 SublimeBillaBong:  i like that
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hey bro, can you smoke me out?
 SublimeBillaBong:  i dont smoke
 SublimeBillaBong:  thas what sucks i miss it so much
 HAHA l MADE IT:  thats right, youre going in the military
 SublimeBillaBong:  im like on lock down its horrible
 SublimeBillaBong:  its not my choice vic  
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dude, its not too late to turn back
 HAHA l MADE IT:  it can be your choice not to go
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dont go fight in a war for your folks..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  do it for you, if youre going to
 SublimeBillaBong:  you may say that yah traveling but living under the bridge is far from fun
 SublimeBillaBong:  i am it will help me in the long run to
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i never lived under a bridge...i just slept there for the night, when i had to
 HAHA l MADE IT:  not when youre dead
 SublimeBillaBong:  im goin in the navy i should be ok
 SublimeBillaBong:  at least learn somethen from it
 HAHA l MADE IT:  yeah, learn how to kill
 SublimeBillaBong:  lol
 HAHA l MADE IT:  happiness can be bought for a little more than free..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  even the military is all about money
 SublimeBillaBong:  see man i dont wanna be poor but i also dont care to be rich
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i feel like i am richer than any millionaire already
 HAHA l MADE IT:  just because ive made myself as independant from money as possible
 SublimeBillaBong:  all i want is to mainly have a chick a apt a job that covers the bills and maybe a vech and i wouldnt need one if mah gurl did
 SublimeBillaBong:  and be able to smoke all the ganja i want
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i almost went into the navy in 96
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dep'ed in and everything
 SublimeBillaBong:  how old are u
 HAHA l MADE IT:  25
 SublimeBillaBong:  hows mom feel bout this
 HAHA l MADE IT:  she thinks im crazy..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  my shipdate was nov 21 1996
 SublimeBillaBong:  see bro im 21 and my parents are ready to say grow up live yah life
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i had changed my mind 2 weeks after i swore in
 SublimeBillaBong:  i mean been ready
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i had my first head-injury nov 6 1996
 HAHA l MADE IT:  election night
 SublimeBillaBong:  and ive been kicked out and had the funniest times of my life but i dont wanna be a failure
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i talked to the navy in the hosp and they said my new shipdate was march 12  
 SublimeBillaBong:  u do that after the psycal or what
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i got my doctor to write them a letter saying i wasnt fit for active duty
 HAHA l MADE IT:  bam, medical discharge
 HAHA l MADE IT:  yeah, i had already taken the physical and everything
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i went to the chief..and told him i wanted out
 SublimeBillaBong:  so what do u plan to do for the rest of yah life if u dont care for money nor skool
 HAHA l MADE IT:  he said, "your friend arent gonna be there for you like the navy is.  youre not a man"
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i dont plan much..i just play things by ear and let shit happen
 HAHA l MADE IT:  plus, i have an idea on making tons of money, right before i get rid of it all
 HAHA l MADE IT:  using my values
 SublimeBillaBong:  sounds great but not good vic
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hell, i already got te po box
 SublimeBillaBong:  i dont understand y yah moms lets u be there  
 SublimeBillaBong:  brb phone
 HAHA l MADE IT:  because shes a hispanic, catholic mother whos life is run by guilt
 HAHA l MADE IT:  she could never live with herself knowing she kicked her son out on the streets
 SublimeBillaBong:  see my parents are not religous and they could care less big diff
 SublimeBillaBong:  so its like i must do this
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dude, nothing is making you go fight a war
 HAHA l MADE IT:  except you
 HAHA l MADE IT:  nobodys twisting your arm
 HAHA l MADE IT:  and its never too late to back out of the military, thats what they tell you, but its bullshit
 HAHA l MADE IT:  they just want you to stay in so your recruiter gets his bonus
 HAHA l MADE IT:  man, is this fucked up country really worth dying for?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im glad theres people out there that think it is..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  so i dont have to go fight
 HAHA l MADE IT:  they can play their role
 HAHA l MADE IT:  man, america is supposed to be all about having the choice not to fight
 HAHA l MADE IT:  obviously, youve never worked at west telemarketing before..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 SublimeBillaBong:  brb bathroom
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ok, have fun
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i hope everything comes out ok
 HAHA l MADE IT:  :]
 SublimeBillaBong:  lmfao only 14 times
 SublimeBillaBong:  brb 

 TJsport27:  y do yall smoke that stuff
 HAHA l MADE IT:  well, because i have THC receptors in my brain
 HAHA l MADE IT:  and im supposed to
 HAHA l MADE IT:  why dont you?
 TJsport27:  o
 TJsport27:  ok
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you have them too
 TJsport27:  i already told u i dont want to fuck my life up
 HAHA l MADE IT:  what makes you think you would?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ahh, youre just a dumb jock..i wouldnt expect you to understand the medicinal value of marijuana
 TJsport27:  just cause u dont have a life dont go trying to mess up other kids life
 HAHA l MADE IT:  you know nothing about my life
 TJsport27:  yea ok whatever laterz 

 HAHA l MADE IT:  hello
 Vhp80hot:  hi first am i talking to a m or f   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  25m
 Vhp80hot:  ok i was just curious, so whats the story    
 HAHA l MADE IT:  gotmail
 Vhp80hot:  ok   
 Vhp80hot:  ok this one is going to take me a while give me a few minutes ok    
 HAHA l MADE IT:  take your time
 HAHA l MADE IT:  what was your age/sex?
 Vhp80hot:  22 f    
 HAHA l MADE IT:  female right..ladybug
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 Vhp80hot:  is this a real story    
 Vhp80hot:  yeah    
 HAHA l MADE IT:  nothing but the truth
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ive gotten in the habit of documenting my life..
 HAHA l MADE IT:  here, ill send you other ones that you can read at your discretion
 Vhp80hot:  ok   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  that should hold you over for months..when you run out email me for more
 Vhp80hot:  ok   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hey, im not sure when im gonna walk up to austin, but when i do can we hang out or can show me around and stuff
 Vhp80hot:  what do u mean walk   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im a long-distance walker
 HAHA l MADE IT:  all i need is a destination..ill get there eventually
 Vhp80hot:  ok    
 HAHA l MADE IT:  oh man, i might just take off sooner than i thought..san antonio sucks  
 Vhp80hot:  yeah it does but so does austin    
 HAHA l MADE IT:  yeah, but itll be a new sucky place
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hehe
 Vhp80hot:  ok   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ever been to berkeley?
 Vhp80hot:  no   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  man its the best
 Vhp80hot:  cool   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  here, ill let you read while i go smoke a cigarette
 Vhp80hot:  ok    
 HAHA l MADE IT:  brbin10min
 Vhp80hot:  ok   
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im black.. 

 Wdchck420:  yea
 Wdchck420:  y
 HAHA l MADE IT:  will you read my true story?
 Wdchck420:  yea why n0t
 HAHA l MADE IT:  its probably one of the most interesting things youll read for a while
 Wdchck420:  0k
 HAHA l MADE IT:  about how i took off walking to the west coast and the adventure i had
 HAHA l MADE IT:  for free
 HAHA l MADE IT:  cool
 Wdchck420:  0k
 HAHA l MADE IT:  there you go
 Wdchck420:  0hhhhhhh
 Wdchck420:  weird
 HAHA l MADE IT:  if you like, just let me know..i got plenty more good free reading
 Wdchck420:  0h 0k
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im on a mission, per se
 HAHA l MADE IT:  im gonna try to eliminate money and bring world peace, get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer
 HAHA l MADE IT:  and
 HAHA l MADE IT:  get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out
 HAHA l MADE IT:  :]
 Wdchck420:  fuck yea
 HAHA l MADE IT:  somebodys gotta do it
 Wdchck420:  yup thats c00l
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i dont suppose you got a hit you can spare?  im bored out of my ass
 HAHA l MADE IT:  and dont think that was the ulterior motive in me iming you..
 Wdchck420:  naw i d0nt kn0w
 HAHA l MADE IT:  i saw 420 in your sn and thought you would appreciate the story
 Wdchck420:  yea i did
 HAHA l MADE IT:  dont you think if all the world leaders got together and smoked a fat joint..that ALL our problems would just dissapear?
 HAHA l MADE IT:  hey, they didnt call them peace pipes for nothing
 Wdchck420:  FUCK YEA
 HAHA l MADE IT:  here, ill send you some more of my good stuff, read it when you have a chance ok
 Wdchck420:  ALRIGHT
 HAHA l MADE IT:  what do you think so far?
 Wdchck420:  H0LD 0N
 HAHA l MADE IT:  ok 

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