

                                                                                                             San Jose, CA

Friday March 6, 2009

     7:06am  I just woke up. Hell yeah, I got eight hours of sleep. I slept great.

     7:42am  I am all packed up and ready to go. Last night I found a perfect campspot on the edge of that field. It's like a big wall of roots I can sleep behind and I am completely concealed. Great accommodations, Santa Teresa. Thank you. That usually happens, wandering off in a random way and finding a perfect campspot.

                   I have to walk to the train station. I'm going to go back to the MLK library and do some more typing. See, I'm not that far from San Luis Obispo. At Cal-Poly there I have full access to the computer and can install any program I want on it. Once I get my typing done I should go back there to post my update. Maybe that's what I'm going to do.

     7:50am  Taking off on the light rail.

     8:21am  Downtown San Jose.

                   God is the personification of LOVE...just like Herbie is the personification of a car.

     8:44am  I got to the First Christian Church in time for a little breakfast. I only got a couple pastries. St. Joseph's feeds food at nine. I'm going to go take a shit at the school and then go hit up breakfast at St. Joseph's.

                   Good City Hall shot.  

     9:40am  There weren't that many homeless people at breakfast, like eleven of them. I got me a couple sandwiches and a muffin. It's typing fuel. I'm going to go to the library and get to work.

     10:08am  I just typed up February 19. I'm going to go hit up El Sabroso's Mexican Grill.

                     Manager's not here bullshit.

                     They're hooking me up at Mucho's.


                     Awesome, awesome. Ask and thou shall receive. Some rules never change.

                     Linda was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

     11:45am  I came to 2nd Street and got hooked up at Mucho's. Right now I'm just letting people see my shirt. I've got my clown wig on.

                     I came to in front of the library. I'm just standing here trying to pass out my website. Everybody is ignoring me.

                     Me in window.  


                     Ben just hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the library. I appreciate it, Ben. Everybody gets credit;

                     James was nice enough to give me a cigarette in front of the library. I appreciate it, James. Everybody gets credit.

                     I just got my third guestpass in a row, man. I'm going to do some more typing.

     6:00pm  The library is closed. I don't know what I'm going to do tonight.

     7:02pm  I came outside the Chevron here.

     7:16pm  I had the most ignorant conversations with these kids just now in front of the Starbucks.

     8:30pm  Guess who I just ran into. Justin, the dude with the frizzy clown hair I met in Berkeley. Remember that one morning at the storefront when that dude walked up who had just been released from jail and I let him sleep in my sleeping bag? I'll be sure to have a flashback link[2-20-09]. I was walking on Paseo de San Antonio and he recognized me. He said, "Come, follow me." I said sure, I didn't know what I was going to do.

                   I'm already on the 22nd in my typing. I'm going to skip town though. I'm going to go back to San Luis Obispo, to Cal-Poly and I can do all of my shit on the computers there, like install MS Frontpage. I've got friends in San Luis too. Not to mention, the free food and other resources are top-notch there.

                   I forgot to mention, Justin aka Huckleberry is hooking me up with bus fare. We're going to his friend's house. Dustin warned me that his friend was a little homo. We got to catch the bus at Newhall Street. At least I am doing something tonight. Nobody was listening to my story downtown. It's all dead. Oh yeah, Dustin tells me there's another university here. Maybe I'll be able to use the computers there and not have to go back to San Luis. But I like San Luis.

     11:20pm  Okay, the red light is on the tape recorder, so I know it's recording. For some reason, the pause was on or something and my recorder wasn't recording. Anyway, we went to Justin's friend's John's house. Earlier Justin was telling me, "Oh, I've got my gear now and we can hang out." He wants to take off traveling with me. At his friend John's house Justin started jamming out on the keyboard. John was jamming on the guitar and they were making tons of noise, so I knew I wasn't going to be able to get my story out at all. When we walked in John's room John had a jar of nuggets on the dresser. John smoked us out and was all showing off his bounty of bud. He's all proud of his medical card and all the badass weed he can buy. Shit, I smoke it anyway. I don't need to buy permission. Smoking weed is my birthright.
                     Justin had told me about some bridge where he squats nearby. At first we were going to crash at John's, but I didn't like the idea of trying to get to sleep with John playing the guitar and Justin playing the keyboard. Oh yeah, Justin actually lugs this huge keyboard in his frame pack everywhere he goes. That's just ridiculous. I took his picture on the bus. Anyway, I told Justin I didn't want to crash there and to show me where this bridge was. He decided not to sleep there either and hang out with me. We rode the bus to the light-rail and got off on Curtner Street.
                    After descending the steps at Curtner there's a Jack in the Box right there. Justin walked up to a car that was in line at the drive through and actually talked the guy into getting him a Jumbo Jack. Justin said he'll split it with me if the guy doesn't buy me a burger too.

     11:29pm  Roger is the name of the generous soul that bought us some Jumbo Jacks. We really appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                     Roberto was nice enough to give us some change at the Jack in the Box.

     12:54am  Justin showed me a badass little camp. Not that far from the Jack in the Box there's this field that we have to go through this hole in the fence to get in. It's a huge field and at the back these two homeless dudes have a tent set up. They're obviously gay, but they can do what they want. They're Justin's friend. They've been camping here for like four months. I laid out my bigass tarp in the grass in front of the tent. I'll take pictures in the morning.

Next day..

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