



MsK SciencE

     wow, what a fucking awesome day i've had today.  let's see, where do begin?  last night i actually got to bed early.  well, early considering i'd been going to bed like at 5am the last couple of nights.  i woke up early because i wanted to go to west telemarketing and get a job.  seeing how west is one big revolving door, their human resources department is always jam-packed with applicants, mostly rehires.  well, i fell asleep around midnight and woke up around 6am(i think).  i was in such a hurry to catch the bus, that i left my mini-cassette recorder at home.  so i'm typing this up from memory.  the time's might not be exact, but i'll try to remember it the best that i can.

     the bus passes by the elementary school that is like a 10 minute walk from my house, at 40 of the hour, supposedely.  i left the house around 30 and sped-walked to the stop.  i was wearing my "uniform".  my weezer shirt, the only pair of jeans that i own(which i wore to california and had just washed the day before yesterday), my badass boots(that i found) and my water bottle.  right when i arrived, the bus came.  the time was about 7:40am.  it was running on time and i was able to catch the 605 at the grocery store to the university hospital transfer center, where all the other buses go.  now, when the 605 passed by prue and horn, i had considered getting off and walking the 40 minutes to west from there.  i was hungry and hadn't eaten anything, so i wanted to stop at the jack in the box close to west and buy a 99 cent jumbo jack.  now, my mom had given me 5 dollars last night and i had walked to the store and bought a pack of camel wide lights for $3.20, i believe.  i had change in my pocket so that left me with 2 dollars, so i had enough to buy a jumbo jack.  

     it takes approximately 30 minutes to get to the hospital from the grocery store.  i got to the hospital and waited for the 91 that goes to west.  right when the bus got to huebner/fredericksburg, i got off and walked to the jack in the box.  it was a little after 8 when i was eating.  some guy in line was wearing a tie, so i asked him if he knew what time HR at west opened.  he said he thought it opened at 9am, so i was left thinking i was going to have about an hour wait before it opened.  i ate and walked over to west and i saw people inside HR.  turns out it opened at 8am.  i signed in and asked the girl if since i had just been there recently(and walked out), if i was going to have to go through the whole application process on the computer again.  she told me i didn't and that i just had to sit down and wait to be called for my interview.  

     whew, i hate the application process.  every time i have gone to west i have blatantly lied about my work history on the computer.  hell, i've worked there 15 times now and i've put different dates and jobs each time i've come back.  they don't give a flying fuck.  as long as you come to work and lie for them, they're cool.  it's such an evil business, i tell you.  

     even though there weren't that many people waiting, i still had to wait an hour to be called.  the interviewer lady looked up my file and told me the same thing i was told a couple days ago, that i wasn't eligible for a lot of projects until november since i had walked out of some training classes the last times i was there.  she told me i was still eligible for regular outbound and that there was a training class starting at 4pm today.  

     now, every time i've gone to west, i've looked forward to having a whole week off before i start, so i asked her when was the next training class after today's.  she said there'd be one on monday, the 24th.  i contemplated starting today, but quickly changed my mind.  i am in no mood to start today.  she said that she had received an email saying there might be a new class starting on the 17th and to come back tomorrow.  i said ok and walked out.  

     i walked up to the top of the hill, went to the smoking cabana to see if anyone was out there.  i was going to ask people if anyone had a spare hit of weed.  at west, there's always people with weed.  half the management is stoned usually.  there wasn't anyone there, so i checked my 91 schedule and walked to the bus stop.  i sparked up a camel wide and sat at the bus bench.  the bus was due in 10 minutes and i had to take a shit, since i had to rush out of the house this morning.  i wondered if i could go inside west, go to the bathroom and take a quick dump before the bus came.  the next bus after that was coming like 25 minutes later, so i said fuck it and walked over to the 8000 building.  i walked through the things you're supposed to swipe your badge through and told the security guard at the desk that i just needed to use the bathroom.  he was on the phone and didn't seem to care.  i walked into a stall, wiped the seat with some toilet paper, dropped my drawers and took a healthy shit.  when i finished i looked at my watch and realized the bus should already by outside.  i walked outside and didn't see a bus there, so i assumed it was running late.  this black girl was at the stop and asked me for a cigarette.  she told me they had sent her home because of her leggings and was pretty mad.  i asked the girl, "would you think i was crazy if i told you i was going to eliminate money, get everyone out of debt and bring world peace, get rid of cars in big cities, and get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out?"  she told me no and said that would be the coolest shit in the world.  when i finally saw a bus, it was the 96 and i wondered what was taking the 91 so long.  i double checked my watch and saw that i had looked an hour ahead on the schedule and that the 91 was really coming in another 10 minutes.

     when the 91 came, i got on and sat down.  i spotted a black dude talking to this girl.  his name is derek.  i could somewhat hear their conversation and i thought he mentioned weed.  so, i ask him if he's had a hit or two he could spare and tells me no, that at his house there's an ashtray full of roaches.  i ask him if he's got a computer and he says yeah.  i ask him what kind and it turns out he's got a top of the line system.  a 2.5ghz system with 512mb's of ram with a geforce 4 videocard.  i totally doubted him and asked him what kind of internet connection he had.  when he told me roadrunner i asked him if he downloaded stuff.  he said hell yeah, that he has a 120gb hard drive and used Mirc to get his shit like i do.  i asked him what FTP program he used and he didn't know what one was.  i asked derek if it was in the realm of possibility that i come to his pad, get a couple roaches and hook him up on the computer.  he asked me what i meant by hooking him up and i told him.  

     see, people advertise public FTP sites with tons of shit, mostly new.  anyone can log onto them and just take what they want, especially if they have a broadband connection and derek had a cable modem.  back before i left and i was still living with chasity, i figured out a good way to organize servers.  see, the public servers run bot programs that advertise all the information you need to log on to their hard drives and see what they have available for download.  you need an ip address(or alphabetic web address), a login/password and a port number.  well, i downloaded my favorite FTP client, cuteftp, made by globalscape which has an office in san antonio.  
     not too long ago, i had found the globalscape office on one of my many walks in northwest parkway.  seeing how i know that program inside and out, i went and applied for a job there.  i made the mistake of telling the manager guy about my ideas.  needless to say, they never called me back for an interview.  well anyway, cuteftp has this nifty site manager that keeps track of your sites.  now, thing is, you can't always get on the sites because they have a user-limit and it's usually full.  so you end up spending a lot of time copying and pasting the information out of the channel(chat room) and more times than not, you don't even get on their server.  channel.  well, with cuteftp's site manager, i would make a folder labeled the channel name.  then i would copy the server's nick and label each site with the nick.  then it would have the spaces for the ip, login/password and port number.  i would fill in the necessary fields and try to sign onto them.  if there wasn't enough room on the server, i would just scroll down the channel until a different server was advertised.  the site manager saves all the information, so instead of having to input each one, try it, fail and have to copy and paste another site's info, i can just go down the list of saved servers.  that way, i can try the ones i couldn't get on at a later time and just maybe i can get on them.  this technique saves lots of time.  well, i made derek a huge list with like 10 different channels, all filled with many servers.  in the end, i had more than 200 different servers i could randomly try.  oh yeah, derek only had one roach in his ashtray, so i at least got a couple hits, which did me just fine.

     i was able to download unreal tournament 2003.  now, i had been hooked on the first unreal tournament bad back in the day.  sometimes i would play it for hours.  it's such a badass game.  it's the closest thing to virtual reality we have gotten to in gaming, in my opinion.  i was just shocked when i saw how cool the 2003 version was.  i tried playing it multiplayer(on the internet) only to find they had put an authentication-check so you couldn't play it(yet) online unless you bought the game.  bummer.  still, single player mode was pretty amazing.  i downloaded a lot of other smaller games too.  derek had crashed out and taken a nap and when he woke up i showed him everything i had downloaded.  he played unreal tournament for a little bit and agreed how badass it was.  well, i spent a good six hours on derek's badass computer.  i left all my text files on derek's desktop for him to read and bid him farewell.  

     around 7pm, i decided to walk to the hospital to catch the last bus going to my mom's house.  i caught the bus ok and arrived at the grocery store.  from there, i caught another bus to the elementary school.  while i was walking home, i saw these dudes working on something in their driveway with big lights on.  one was smoking a cigarette and i asked him if he had a spare one.  he smiled and went to his van to get one, even offered me a light.  i told him i had a lighter and kept walking home.  i was starving because all i had to eat that day was that jumbo jack before i went to west, so i couldn't wait to get to my mom's house and eat something.  i was glad that now i had an after-meal smoke.  

     i came home and my mom was glued to the computer playing some stupid game, of course.  i asked her if there was anything to eat and she said there was leftovers from dinner last night.  i located the food in the tupperware and returned to the computer room to ask if i could have as much as i wanted.  she said, "well, there isn't a lot."  so i told her, "so is that a no?"  she got a bit flustered and repeated, "there isn't a lot" again.  i told her that all she had to tell me was no.  argh, my mom has been dropping indirects my whole life.  she never says what she feels and tries to guilt you into doing things.  so all my life, i got in the habit of not caring  about what she said, because she never had the guts to come out and say it.  it's always been insulting to me when she can't come out and speak her mind, so i usually did the opposite of what she wanted me to.  i thought she would've learned by now not to beat around the bush, but i guess not.  so i heated up a plate with rice, beans and steak, her specialty puertorican dish.  i set the microwave for 5 minutes and walked back to the computer room, where she was still playing her mindless game.  there was plenty and i was full after i ate, but when i walked into the computer room she goes, "oh, go ahead and eat it all, i'll have a tuna fish sandwich or something.  i told her my stuff was already heating up and walked out of the room.  i wasn't mad at her or anything.  she needs to realize that she more than deserves to tell me no, if she doesn't want me to help myself to as much as i want.  she cooked the food, she has authority over it.  anyway, i ate and then went outside to smoke my afer-meal cigarette.  

     after i ate, the computer was free so i came and started typing up my day.  about 15 minutes later my little brother comes in and says he needs the computer for 15 minutes to check his email.  i save this text file and think of what to do while i wait.  i had smoked all my camel wides and i wanted a cigarette, so i asked my mom if she had a couple dollars she could spare and she got all flustered again.  she said, "i gave you money for cigarettes last night.  i told her that i had given a lot out today and i was out, and that if she couldn't spare any, to just come out and tell me.  i wasn't speaking in a condescending tone or anything and even told her i would pay her back when i got my first check from west.  in the end, she ended up giving me $2 and i took off walking to the store.  i told my brother he could stay on the computer since i was leaving to buy cigarettes.

     i walked a couple blocks in our neighborhood and found a perfectly good skateboard thingy by these trash cans in front of a house.  you know, one of those trendy blade things that all the little kids are using nowadays.  i looked it over and it seemed perfectly fine, so i grabbed it.  i tried riding it, just because i've never ridden one before, but it was a little awkward.  i decided i would stash it under a hedge and pick it up on my way back from the store.  well, that's just what i did.  i walked up to the store and with the $2 my mom gave me and the dollar i had left over, i bought a pack of marlboro mediums, smoked one at the store and walked all the way back home.  

     when i got home, my little brother was still on the computer talking to his friends with AIM.  he told me he would be off soon because he had to school tomorrow.  i was kinda hungry again since i went for that walk, so i went to the kitchen and put some peanut butter on some slices of bread and ate it.  when i finished, i went to go smoke again.  i was halfway through my cigarette when my little brother opens the front door to tell me the computer is free.  hehe, he comes outside and closes the door and tells me, "remember when my friends use to come over and always ask where you were so you would smoke them out?"  hehe, right before i left for california, i actually smoked some weed with my little brother.  i had always wanted to and i'm glad he's not as close-minded about marijuana as my mom and everyone else.  

     anyway, he went to bed and here i am typing this up.  the time is 11:46pm and i'm gonna go to bed soon.  i'm going to wake up early again tomorrow and go to west for my schedule.  well, goodnight.

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