

                                                             High Springs to Gainesville to Ocala, FL

Monday March 10, 2008

     5:35am  Man, this really sucks. I woke up around four this morning. I went to bed pretty early and I only got six hours of sleep. My water bottle spilled and I got all this red Power Ade that Lee hooked me up with last night all over. I got the bottom of my sleeping bag wet. I don't know what I'm going to do. I soaked some of it up with my handkerchief. I'm having a good morning, anyway. I'm eating a cake of Ramen for breakfast right now. I've been holding my flashlight with my mouth, so I hope I understand everything I record. Anyway, I'm going to wait for the sun to come up. It sucks that it comes up an hour later now. I have to wait for it to dry my stuff off.

     8:33am  The sun is coming up. I'm still chilling at my camp. I did a little sewing project on my glove to kill time.
     10:29am  I am all packed up and ready to go. The other morning in Madison I woke up and chilled out at my camp for like five hours straight. This morning I woke up at four. I kind of went back to sleep. I just leaned over on my pack and closed my eyes until the sun was up. Right now it's like ten thirty, so I chilled out for like seven hours. I ate the Ramen I started eating before Lee hooked me up yesterday and I ate a whole other one too right now. I am all good to go. I got all my trash in a little Ziploc bag. I am leaving no trace, except for a worn-out tennis ball. My marker.

                     I smoked all my weed. Hopefully I will get smoked out in High Springs.

     10:52am  I just left the Winn-Dixie. I took a shit. I tagged the bar in the bathroom with my website, just like all the other Winn-Dixie's I've been to. Right when I was done brushing my teeth and left the bathroom the manager walked in there. I high-tailed it out of there. I was going to stop and get water, but forget it. I'm out of here.

     11:02am  Nellie is hooking me up at the Subway. I appreciate it, Nellie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:12am  I came to the Little Champ food store here in High Springs. I am eating my six-inch sub I got hooked up with. Close to Little Champ there is a civic center with basketball court and tennis courts. I'm going to go look for some tennis balls.


     11:59am  It was Daniel I took a picture of in the basketball court. He listened to my story real good.

     12:07pm  That was a great presentation with Daniel. Odyssey and all. He was out playing basketball by himself and I walked up and asked him if he had seen any tennis balls. He loved my story and he was smiling the whole way through. He was nodding his head up and down and agreeing with every point I made. Hell yeah. It's going to happen soon! I haven't said that in a while.

     12:15pm  I was actually able to get a resin hit out of my pipe, my one-hitter. I'm walking down NW 8th Avenue. I'm going to go check out downtown.

     12:36pm  Passing Main Street and 1st. I took a picture.

     1:02pm  Tanya at Bev's Better Burgers is hooking me up. I appreciate it, Tanya. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Hell yeah, I got hooked up at Bev's. They have this busy drivethrough and all these cars were backed up. I had first gone, but they were too busy to hit up, so I hung out at the gas station right behind it until it slowed down. I was standing there and there were these two guys with Dixieland flags. "Rednecks and Whitetails - It's a Southern Thang"

     1:12pm  Let's see, I had walked downtown and wasn't too impressed with this town at all. I'm going to walk to the stop sign closeby and stick my thumb out. I've got a burger to eat whenever I get really hungry. I kind of almost am. Maybe I'll walk it. I don't know.

     1:29pm  In no-time Robert pulled over for me at the stop sign. He's taking me a little bit up the way. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot. He's driving a Mac-Tools truck.

     1:36pm  The Mac-Tools guy gave me a ride. He all had a porno playing on his laptop in the back.

     1:48pm  Dude, I was on the onramp for like five minutes after the other guy dropped me off and Rich was nice enough to pull over for me in his PT Cruiser. The back seat was missing, but it was perfect for my luggage.

                   Rich is smoking a brother out. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks for making my day.

                   Rich is telling me about the Ultra Music Festival March 28. East of Miami.

     2:22pm  Hell yeah, I got dropped off in Gainesville. Sweet, I'm close to the college. That guy Rich is all brainwashed. He couldn't accept that money was evil. He kept insisting we needed money. He told me about some big festival in Miami.

                   I'm at Third Street and Second Avenue. Orange and Arredonda Street. I'm going to have fun. I'm all stoned.

     2:29pm  I went to this plaza place and asked some guy to direct me to the college. He did and I gave him my website.

                   Walking down University Heights.

     3:47pm  I'm totally skipping this town. I can't use the computers at the college. It sucks, because my tapes are almost full and I'll have to write stuff down. While  I was walking through the school here looking for the library I saw these two girls walking and I offered them my website. They ended up being with that church of latter day saints. They were cute. They let me tell them my story, odyssey and all. I had them captivated. I totally gave them a taste of their own medicine. After I finished my odyssey the cops showed up. Perfect timing. The white cop smiled at me. He liked me a lot. They were all, "Are you asking for money?" I told them no, I was totally non-profit. It's a free story.


     4:01pm  I walked over by some pizza place and I saw these three kids outside. I took my bags off and smoked a cigarette. I hit them up for my story and one girl was really ignorant to me. I just gave them my website.

                   I was just testing them anyway.

                   Those church girls from earlier loved my story. They were laughing at all the funny parts.

                   I'm going to keep walking this way. I'll walk all the way to Ocala.

     4:07pm  I walked down University Avenue. A little past Gale Lemerand Drive. I'm going to ask for a courtesy ride when the bus comes.

     4:17pm  Here comes the bus.

     4:19pm  I scored a courtesy ride on the #5. Let's see where I end up. I think it's going to some mall.

     4:34pm  I landed at The Oaks Mall. I wonder what bus will take me South.

     5:02pm  The nice 75 driver is hooking me up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

     5:07pm  Taking off.

     5:13pm  I got off close to Highway 75.

                   I'm at 69 Terrace and Newberry Road. I'm going to go to the onramp and thumb it.

     5:38pm  I went and hung out in front of the BP and smoked a cigarette and ate a Ramen. I'm going to go back to the onramp and stick my thumb out.

     5:43pm  I am on the onramp.

     6:01pm  I got my ride in no-time, yet again. I'd been there for like fifteen minutes and Sean was nice enough to pull over for me.

     6:18pm  Sean is letting me tell him my Odyssey story and he just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Going to Tampa.

     6:31pm  I was magically transported to South 27 and I don't know. I'll find out where I am soon. There's a homebum down there. There's a Pinstripe Bar and Grill and a closed down Shell station with a Chevron behind it. I'm going to go hang out there and fly my shirt.

     6:45pm  I just got dropped off. Man, it's easy to hitchhike in Florida. I haven't been standing on the onramp for that long at all. Man, I've had some great presentations today. Right now I'm going to go to the Burger King and hit them up. If not, I'll go to a gas station and buy some Ramen if they don't give me any food at Burger King.

     6:47pm  Kathy, here at the Burger King is a hooking me up. What town is this? Whoa, this is Ocala? This is where I wanted to go! Awesome.

                   Shit, I'm in Ocala! This is where I wanted to go. Kickass. I see a billboard.

     7:24pm  Hell yeah! These cool kids at Burger King hooked me up with a ride. I was getting hooked up at the BK and they walked in and saw my shirt. I told them I had a story I'd tell them after I got my burger. Afterwards, I went outside and told them my stuff. They ended up giving me a ride to the library! Here I am at Marion County Public Library. Headquarters Ocala. I took pictures.

     9:20pm  After the library the highschool kids tried to find out if I could crash at their house. Even though the dad's a stoner he wouldn't let me. I've got Shane's phone number. I put it in my wallet. They told me about a place I could camp behind the Staples. It's already nine 'o clock. My feet hurt.

     10:15pm  Those kids told me about some woods behind the Staples down the street, so I came over here and already secured my campsite. I'll take pictures in the morning. I'm going to bed.

Next day..

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