


San Antonio, TX

Thursday March 11, 2004

     7:41am  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I woke up like at 7:30 this morning. I'm going to take a shower and take a shit and stuff and go eat breakfast.

     8:08am  I'm going to go out to the back porch and do my stretches.

                   I'm not sure what I'm going to do today. I have stuff to do on the computer, but I'm stoned and I want to go walking. I want to go share some peace and smoke people out. Ugh, I gotta stay home and do stuff on the computer. Duty calls.

                   Actually, I'm going to walk to the gas stations on 1604 and bum me a cigarette or two. Then I'll come back and get on the computer, yeah.

     8:18am  Oh yeah, I totally forgot. I took off walking. I changed my mind. I am thinking I'm going to ride the bus to Ingram Mall and see if they have my cargo shorts. Price them.

     8:30am  I walked up to the 610 bus stop by the Citgo. Here comes the bus. Let's see if I can get a courtesy ride.

     8:31am  I got on the bus and it was the driver who hooked me up last time with a ride home. I told him, "Hey, I know I am always hitting you up for a free ride. I don't suppose I can get another one to the mall?" He told me no and I said, "That's alright, I'll walk it." Then all of a sudden Jessica, this girl I've told my story to before, says, "I'll give you the money!" Thank you so much Jessica. Free ride once more.

     9:02am  I'm at the Ingram Park and Ride. Lemme try and get a cigarette.

     9:06am  The security guard came up to me and said, "I don't agree with the legalization of marijuana." I told him, "Not only will I get marijuana legalized, I will get it recommended." I told him I would tell him if he listened but he wouldn't. Damn the ignorance in this world.

     9:07am  I asked this girl if she would listen to my story and she told me no. I asked her, "Have you always been that ignorant?"

                   Nobody is listening to me today. Nobody.

                   I'm going to get a cigarette.

     9:10am  Dale hooked me up with a cigarette here at Ingram. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That guy wouldn't listen to me either.

     10:00am  I went to the mall and I was at the Gap. All of a sudden this kid comes up to me and asks me if I smoke. I told him yeah and he says, "Do you want to smoke? Do you want to match?" We're right outside the mall here smoking some weed. I didn't even use any of my stuff.

                     He works in the mall, so he had to go back to work. He said, "I hope to see you again." I told him, "You will. I'm everywhere."

     10:30am  At the Gap I told this guy my mission and went, "Hey, think you can donate some cargo shorts for the cause?" He said, "No, I could lose my job." I told him, "You're not going to need it pretty soon." He all laughed.

                     Cargo shorts are thirty four dollars.

                     I'm going to get out of this mall now. Mission accomplished. Priced the shorts.

     10:32am  I was talking to these pregnant kids. I hit them up for my stories and they said no. I told them, "Have you always been that ignorant? Thanks for proving me right."

                     That girl went, "Yeah, I was born that way."

     10:53am  I had the greatest conversation with this guy. I think his name is Troy. I'm all stoned. Dude, this guy was just sitting down. Like some old dude. We were talking and he told me, "The more money I have the more things I want." I asked him, "Wouldn't you rather be free than rich? You can't be both." He said, "Exactly. That's exactly it."

                     Ted hooked me up with a cigarette outside the mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     10:54am  I am going to go collect a reward at the Mexican restaurant. Hehe. I'm hungry.

     11:00am  What was your name? Barbara at the Mexican restaurant is hooking me up with some tacos. I appreciate it, Barbara.

     11:15am  I had the greatest presentation in front of the Ingram Park Animal Hospital. These two kids rollerblading. Awesome.

     11:37am  I had a great presentation with these two girls in a van. and the other one right under it. I'll look on my pocket calendar when I type it up.

     12:00pm  I had the greatest conversation at the Ingram Park and Ride. This one old lady came up to me and asked, "Hey, you're the guy that's going to save the world with the internet, right?" Some old lady. I told her yes and she said, "Ahh, that can't happen." She started talking all this bible stuff. She wouldn't listen to me. She was way ignorant.

                     She said, "Oh, you'll never do that." I told her, "Just watch me."

                     Oh yeah, then the security guard came up to me and asked me, "What do you think about abortion?" I told him, "Hey, it's not my decision. The girl's going to be the one that has to carry the baby for nine months. She's the one who will have to go through the physical trauma of having an abortion. Whatever she decides. If she decides to keep it, then hey, I'll be responsible and be there for my kid. If she decides not to keep it, then what can I do? I am in no position to influence her decision. I am only giving it one cell. That baby would be so much more hers than mine. It's her decision."

                     I went up to the security guard and told him, "Hey man, I'll trade you a bean and cheese taco for a cigarette. He said, "Okay, we can split it." He gave me two cigarettes. I had held the bag up to him and said, "Proof positive. I got hooked up."

     12:06pm  Bob just walked up and handed me a dollar! The security guard. The guy I split my taco with a minute ago.

                     He just came up and handed me a dollar. He said, "Don't talk to me anymore."

                     He told me, "It's your destiny." I told him, "My name ain't Victor for nothing."

     12:39pm  I just had this great presentation with this guy on the back of the bus. He got off on Cliffbriar. He's a believer. He told me, "Some of that same shit's happened to me. I've lost everything." I told him, "The less you have the less you have to worry about." I asked him, "Hey, do you have an email address?" He said, "Nah, I don't have anything. I'm thinking about joining the service." I told him, "Man, don't do that! Don't sign your life away like that. This country is not worth dying for. I'm going to murder the government. We can govern ourselves. Just take their power away. Nobody's gotta die."

                     I told him, "If you don't have anything tying you down then go traveling. Go live off generosity and have some fun. Go for a crash course at the school of reality. Where you learn the truth and it's free like knowledge should be."

     12:48pm  Got off the bus over by the Citgo.

     1:00pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you I got home already. I'm going to make some peanut butter sandwiches. I'm going to delete some stuff on my mom's computer so I'll have room. Then I'll use my transfer to get out to the Mennonite church at 5:30.

     1:44pm  I took off back to the bus stop.

     1:57pm  Harold hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Badass, this white van just pulled up. I gave him the universal smoking hand signal. He yelled, "Hey, come here." He hooked me up, badass. I came over here to smoke a cigarette and wait for the bus.

                   Being happy on the bottom puts me on top.

     2:16pm  I'm just sitting here waiting for the bus. If I see it coming from the other side I'll jump across. I'm giving all these cars here the peace sign. The traffic is all backed up. It's awesome. I am getting known.

                   It's all a number's game.

     2:24pm  There's the bus.

     2:28pm  I jumped on the 610 when it came. This guy was on there, Keith, who I've told my ideas to before.

                   I'm at Ingram now. I want to go to the Peace Center at 5:30.

     3:10pm  Miss Foster, hey you go downtown right? Don't suppose you could hook me up with a ride? Thank you, sister. I appreciate it.

                   She told me not to talk to her so I wouldn't distract her.

     4:20pm  I just had this a great presentation with these two girls. They're believers. I finished right on time when I got to the marijuana part.

                   I gotta celebrate.

     4:21pm  Victoria came up to me in the park, she's pregnant, and asked me if I had any food. I was just about to eat my sandwich. I gave it to her. She told me no one else had fed her. Then I thought, "Hey, it's 4:20. I'm going to go up to people and ask them if they want to celebrate what time it is and smoke them out."

     4:25pm  Jimmy hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:38pm  I was talking to this girl in the park and she says, "Well, I don't do drugs." I went, "Neither do I. I smoke weed." Anyway, these cops walked up to us. I told them, "Hey, I'm not asking for anything." They told me, "It's alright. It's a free country."

     4:54pm  I had a great presentation in the park. This girl seriously thought I was crazy. She's going to tell all her friends.

     4:55pm  Man, this guy had a Jesus Saves hat on and everything. Some security guard. I gave him my intro and asked him if he'd listen. He said, "No, no," and walked off real quick.

     4:57pm  Victor is hooking me up with a cigarette in Travis Park. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:11pm  I just told this one girl my story. She listened to me a lot, man. Her bus came though. I got all my ending scripts in like the two favors and the catalyst. Anyway, I'm walking to this church now.

     5:24pm  The #8 driver is hooking me up with a ride. #6770.

     5:30pm  Mr. McCullough is hooking me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                    I gotta go the other direction. I was just sitting there and realized I needed South St. Mary's. Not North.

     5:47pm  I am so retarded. I just realized I got on the wrong bus! I thought the 8 was going back the same way it came. I need to be on the #34. I'm stupid.

     5:58pm  Richard is hooking me up with a cigarette here at the bus stop. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:08pm  6770 even gave me a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I asked the driver if I had ever told him what I was doing and he said, "You've told me before."

                   Everybody knows.

     6:24pm  I am walking up to the church.

     6:28pm  I'm kind of excited about this. Something great might happen tonight.

     7:35pm  Man, I just cannot believe all these ignorant kids. They won't listen to me! Ugh. It pisses me off so much, man. Why do I have to do this all by myself?

     8:27pm  Screw this place. This isn't a Peace Center. It's the Ignorance Center. Nobody listened to me, man. Stupid hypocrites. The speakers they had were all shitty. None of their stories were interesting. It was just all dumbass stuff. Just all this whining and bitching.

                   Complaining won't do shit!

                   They're all about money. This one speaker was saying, "For this little amount of money we had to do all this work." He should have been doing it for free!

                   Why does money matter so much?!

                   Oh yeah, and this journalist lady, she has a whole organization and everything. She's a dumbass. All ignorant. She had a shitty presentation. She sounded like a bad telemarketer reading his script. She sucked. I am better than her.

     8:35pm  The fatass bus driver who I traded a donut for a courtesy ride a long time ago(4-2-03, paragraph that starts with: Anyway, I walked over to the buses), I asked him, "Can I get a free ride for old time's sake?" He kept walking past me. I should've told him, "Hmm, maybe next time I'll offer you a donut."

                   I am just glad my presence was felt at the church of ignorance.

                   And they think I'm crazy . . . just like I want them to. Those damn kids didn't listen to me at all. When I told them how I get free food, this one girl cuts me off and says, "Oh, you don't offer to do labor or anything? I don't do anything for free. If you go to my restaurant and do that I'll make you work for it." I told her, "You shouldn't give to receive. And you call yourselves Christians?"

                   And that was at a church! Of all places.

                   At least I got some free food out of it, hehe.

                   Those speakers they had were all talking about people in Iraq, how somebody got run over by a steamroller.

                   I just walked into the Handy Andy and saw a sign that said, "50% off STORE CLOSING." I went up to them and asked, "You're only discounting? You're not giving any stuff away?" They said no and I told them, "Well, it don't hurt to ask, right?" There was a cop there and everything. I told them, "Thanks anyway."

                   We really shouldn't let possessions rule us.

     9:25pm  This guy who I couldn't understand his name on the recording hooked me up with some grub. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit(except you, because I didn't understand your name, sorry).

                   Sweet, he even gave me an after-meal smoke.

     9:34pm  I just had a great presentation on The Riverwalk right now. These people hooked me up with some BBQ. Awesome.

     9:45pm  I came down to The Riverwalk to chill out a while ago. I'm down here talking to Crystal.

                   I've got two other believers. 

     10:07pm  I came over here by the Five and Dime. I'm going to walk to the buses now. I think the last one passes at 10:30. I can get to Crossroads Mall.

     10:20pm  Jay hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Hard Rock Cafe. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:26pm  I just had a badass presentation with this limousine driver. Ha, right underneath the cops nose's. They're just standing there. They saw me get my pen out and write down his email address and everything.

     11:21pm  Dude, I had an awesome presentation on Travis Street. After I told him I hated wasting my time he sat on the bench and stared at me the whole time. He was captivated. I threw all my scripts at him, man. It was awesome. His email is

                      I'm at Travis Park for the 11:30 lineup.

     11:34pm  Socrates hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

                      It's cool, I got on the bus and Mr. Thomas said, "It's Victor Antonio from San Antonio."

     11:59pm  Just got to the Crossroads Park and Ride.

     12:12am  Oh yeah, I walked to the Jim's and Nate is hooking me up with a coffee. He told me, "You're the guy who's going to end money, right."

     1:10am  I told my story to Milika. Spell that again? Malaika. Alright, now I'll never forget.

                   Malaika gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister.

                   She gave me two more! Awesome.

                   I had a great presentation with that Malaika girl.

     2:39am  Kyle hooked me up with a cigarette here at Jim's and he listened to my story. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Dude, I am having some great presentations at Jim's. 

     3:07am  Had another great presentation.

Next day..

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