


San Antonio, TX

Saturday March 12, 2005

     8:42am  I just woke up. Oh yeah, I checked and my tape had stopped recording right when I got to Babcock. Let's see, I walked Hillcrest all the way to Bandera. I walked by the Jack in the Box, but I only had a dollar. A Jumbo Jack with cheese is like a $1.50. After I started walking away from Jack in the Box I see these two young Mexican dudes walking. They told me what's up and everything. They asked me first, "Hey, do you want any weed?" I told them, "Man, I'm broke. I don't have any money." One said, "Nah, for free." He hooked me up with a little nugget wrapped in foil! After that I walked Bandera to Evers. Then Evers to the Planet K. There was nobody there at Planet K, except that one non-smoker girl. I walked Evers all the way to Huebner and then Huebner to Bandera. I turned left on Huebner then turned right on Bandera. The Petro Pantry on the corner was closed. I walked in front of it and looked inside. There was this young dude who recognized me. I didn't know who he was, but I asked him if he had a cigarette. He knew I was asking for a cigarette and he didn't have one, but he opened the door and came outside anyway. He ended up giving me a ride home! I didn't have to walk all the way home. Now I am home and it's already the next day. Oh yeah, Gus, my mom's boyfriend fixed the Internet, which wasn't working. I knew all my mom had to do was reinstall the Juno program, but her unorganized ass misplaced the CD. Gus brought over the Juno CD and reinstalled. I got to play a little Tetrinet last night. Last night turned out just great. I just woke up. I'm going to get high and take a shit.

                   Last night I got the idea. I don't know what's taken me so long, but I should be handing out CD's with my offline webpage on it. Pictures and everything. Like after I tell people my story.

                   Oh yeah, and the guy who gave me the ride home last night was Michael Teeter. He had met me a long time ago. I had been walking down Braun Station close to my mom's house. I saw this school bus drive by and these kids yelled out the window at me. I went and told these kids my story who had just gotten off the bus. One girl had already heard about me at some gas station. That's where the kid last night recognized me from.

     9:34am  I'm about to leave the house. I'm going to have a good day. I've got weed in my wallet. I'm going to walk to the park. It's Saturday. I'll walk to the Walmart and get my film. Then I have pictures to look at when I get back home.

                   I can't believe it has taken me this long to think about handing out CD's. Since I'll be handing out CD's, I can include all my pictures too! It's going to be awesome. I shouldn't have sent my stuff out on the Internet at all.

     9:47am  I stopped and did my stretches. I went inside and grabbed a thermal. I am sure my batteries are going to die soon.

                   I walked Wickersham to Tezel. I walked up to Braun Road and I see a sign for a garage sale. I've got a dollar. Maybe I'll go check it out.

     10:10am  I took some random turn towards this ditch. I saw two little kids playing ball in their yard. Just then they threw it over the fence. I heard them be disappointed. They never saw me on the other side. I walked back there and picked up the ball and threw it back over. They asked me, "What's your name?" I told them Victor and they said thank you.

                     I kind of got lost in the woods. I ended up on Bandera Road. I walked a little more closer to Camino Bandera. They didn't have any tennis courts at the apartments there. I'm going to walk to the tennis courts I know for sure over by Braun Road. There's usually not any tennis balls there, so let's hope there is one.

     10:38am  No tennis balls anywhere. That sucks. I'm going to walk to the Exxon now and smoke a cigarette.

                     At the last minute I spotted a ball! My ball was all worn out. Thank you, Love. I totally wasn't expecting that.

     10:44am  Chris hooked me up with a cigarette at the Exxon. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Badass, he gave me three.

     11:05am  I am leaving the Exxon. As I was walking towards the park I saw a sign at the Exxon saying they had local area maps for free inside. I went inside and asked the cashier. She told me I would have to wait for her to check out her customers. I told her to take her time. It was only a conveniently placed sheet of paper she got me. I'm walking to the park now. I've got some weed.

     11:18am  I hiked all the way to the park. There's tons of people here today. Great publicity. I just now scaled down the edge of the cliff. I'm going to walk to the Walmart. I have some film waiting for me.

     11:27am  I successfully scaled down the cliff. It was a bit tough, but I did it.

     11:32am  I just walked all the way to the BAM rocks. I'm going to sit down and smoke a cigarette. Chris hooked me up with three. I'm going to sit down and smoke some weed.

                     I had a good 420 break. I just sat down in the shade and smoked a cigarette and smoked some weed. I'm all stoned. That was some good weed Tanya gave me at Sage Crossing. I'm going to go back there today. I have to go apologize to Melissa too. I'll tell her that I am really sorry about Mia and that I will miss her. Life goes on, though.

     12:10pm  Just walking to the Walmart now. That is such an awesome nature hike. I love that hike! I'll never get tired of it.

                     I'm going to see if I can find out what the letter of the day is on the 88 bus.

     12:25pm  I went and I got my two cameras worth of pictures. It's going to be a surprise which cameras got developed. I just randomly grabbed two cameras that were in my stash. I had like five left in my last-year's-trip bag. I just grabbed two, so they'll be random pictures. Awesome. I'm going to check them out. I'll smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed too.

     12:38pm  Oh yeah, the letter of the day is L. I do have an L transfer. Perfect. I am thinking about going back over to Tanya's because she has a computer and I want to see my pictures.

     12:39pm  Cedric hooked me up with a cigarette at the Walmart. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:00pm  I smoked out with these two kids behind the wall at the Walmart. The guy I bummed a cigarette from and his friend. I hit them up for my story and the minute I said marijuana he said, "Let's go smoke."

     1:02pm  The 610 came and I just got on it. My decoy-transfer worked. Perfect.

     1:25pm  I am at the hospital. University Hospital.

     1:47pm  I'm going to go into the Mexican Taco Cafe, right here on Medical and Fredericksburg. I'm going to ask them if they'll give me anything for a dollar.

     1:52pm  I just got out of the Mexican restaurant. Actually, the cashier was white. I asked her if I could get anything for a dollar and she told me I could choose from some list. I told her to surprise me and she said okay. She gave me a breakfast taco with a slice of bacon on it!

     2:07pm  I walked all the way down Medical. I'm going to walk to Horizon Hill.

     2:20pm  Lou hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Chacho's. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:28pm  I am taking the same little path I took yesterday to Sage Crossing. I walked Medical to Horizon Hill, Horizon Hill to Callaghan. Callaghan to Torino. Torino turns into Magic and I cut through these apartments. I don't know the name. It ends up at this trail that leads straight to the creek by the big tree.

     3:29pm  I went to the tree and I saw James from downtown with his baby. You know the kid I stopped from killing himself a while back(4-2-04, 8:27pm). And some other homeless kids. They were way ignorant. I couldn't get my story in at all. I've had this monumentous decision. I'm going to go home and do it. Burn some CD's and go out and spread them out.

     3:35pm  I caught the 92 at the Citgo on Oaklawn and Fredericksburg.

     3:38pm  Some guy on the bus gave me fifteen cents for a transfer.

     3:56pm  Haha, it was funny. I just made this old lady sitting next to me feel uncomfortable. She had just been talking to this guy at the bus stop about all these medications. When we got on the bus, I told her, "Say no to drugs. All you need is weed." She started shaking her head. I told her, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing." She just got up and walked back to another seat. Haha, that's hilarious.

     4:33pm  I forgot to tell you. I'm at the Citgo by my mom's house. I'm going to wait around for a cigarette.

     4:54pm  I am at my mom's house.

     5:00pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. My mom is being all generous with me. I asked her if she could spare any money for cigarettes and she said, "I am going to buy you one more pack, but I know how generous you are. You can't be giving them to everybody." She gave me a twenty dollar bill and told me to bring her back the change. She told me that she was going to drive to Alabama soon for her bullshit 4Life business. She told me today that she was going to rent a car to do that. She didn't want to take her car. She told me she would leave me my provisions for bus fare while she was gone. Cool, cool. She gave me her keys and I'm going to drive and buy a pack of cigarettes.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. On one of those old shirts of mine I found the other day(3-11-05, between 7:25am and 10:37am) I'm wearing this badass shirt I got at the thriftstore a long time ago. On the front it has a huge photo of a jockey on a horse. On the back it's got the rear view of it also. It's awesome. I should take a picture of it. I don't have a camera either.

     6:34pm  I'm leaving for Bo's. I'm going to go for a walk. My mom was on the computer. I'm not going to release my stuff just yet.

     6:35pm  Damnit, I forgot my water bottle. I'm going back.

     6:39pm  I got my water bottle and I'm leaving again.

                   The bluebonnets are coming out. They're so pretty.

     7:05pm  I am just getting to Bo's house. I'm going to see if anyone's home.

     7:15pm  I came to the EZ Mart. The other Citgo.

     7:26pm  Walking in front of the Weybridge Recreational Area. A big playground. There's tons of parents with kids. It's all dark outside. Cool, there's some tennis courts right there.

                    I thought I saw a ball on the other side of the fence. I walked all the way around and checked, and it was a rock. No balls tonight. It's too dark anyway. I shouldn't be looking around.

                    Haha! That was a great presentation I just had! Thanks for making my story so interesting! These bible-thumping Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't know. The kids on the bikes. I just had an awesome presentation. Oh wait, there's some more people right there. I'm going to tell them my story.

                    Screw it, I'm just walking down any which street in the neighborhood behind the EZ Mart. Just walking for exercise.

     8:08pm  I came back to the EZ Mart.

     8:15pm  Smoked a cigarette and some weed at the Citgo. I'm walking past Bo's again. I'm going to walk home. I walked a lot today. I got a lot of good exercise.

     8:25pm  I'm back over by Bo's. I'm not going to stop. I don't think anybody is home.

     8:46pm  I am at the other Citgo now. Close to my mom's house. I'm going to smoke another cigarette and smoke some weed.

     9:00pm  Back at my mom's house.

Next day..

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