

                                                                                                              Tampa, FL

Monday March 17, 2008

     3:51am  I woke up around three. All the people partying and the bassing cars driving by woke me up. Ugh, every single night there's cars and partying. I woke up and I wanted a cigarette real bad. I didn't want to smoke any weed, because Katrina would expect me to share it with her and she doesn't deserve a damn thing. Fuck Katrina. She's a taker. She stole my cigarettes last night and lied to me right in front of my face. She all pretended to go to sleep then soon afterwards I look over and she's gone, she went to go hustle. She totally denied it and she had it last. What bullshit. She got mad because I wouldn't smoke her out with my weed. She had her own weed and she didn't smoke me out, so fuck that. She's a taker. It's on her conscience though. Justice will be done. I don't know about me getting back to sleep though. I need to go take a shower at eight thirty.

     4:34am  I'm out here telling TJ my story. A morning story, a four-twenty story. He hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:11am  I friggin' missed the shower van! I was too busy trying to tell people my story at the bum-wall here. It came and went. They told me two people got in it. Ugh, I could be clean right now! Damnit.

     9:46am  I went to the MTC and did my morning routine. I thought I'd ride the bus down Nebraska to the place where you take showers, but I've decided I'm just going to wait until tomorrow to conserve money. I've got nine dollars. I'm going to walk to the CVS downtown and buy another pouch of tobacco since Katrina stole mine this morning. I'm not going to go to the college today because I only got four hours of sleep and will get all tired in front of the computer. I could go to the park and take a nap, I don't know. Right now I'm going to walk to the CVS and buy another pouch of tobacco and see if they sell microcassette tapes there, if not I know I can buy them at the Walmart by the college when I go typing tomorrow on a full night's rest.

                  After I get my typing done and update my website I'm going to go to Brandon and try and manifest Chasity.

     11:50am  I came to that Tampa Water Works park and tried to take a nap. I didn't sleep that long. They feed at eleven thirty at the Trinity Cafe, so I better hurry. I already have a ticket in my pocket.

     1:00pm  I already went to lunch and then I walked to the CVS and bought some tobacco. They do, in fact sell microcassette tapes at the CVS. They're six bucks, but I'm going to hold off on buying them there. I think they're like four or five bucks at Walmart. Plus, I don't really need them right now because I have like four days or so to record on this side. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to type again. I only got four hours of sleep last night and then only an hour at the park earlier. I want to finish my typing and get the hell out of Dodge. I'll make my update and leave.

     1:53pm  I got to tell Ryan my whole Odyssey in this little plaza across the street from the Gaslight Sykes Park. He volunteered me a dollar in the end and he gave me a cigarette. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     1:54pm  I just told this feddy my whole Odyssey. He loved it too. When I had asked him if I could take his picture he said no. When I gave him my website in the end I told him if he would let me take his picture he would be on there. He told me, "No, you don't know who I work for. I actually work for the federal government, but keep going. You are on your way." He was all smiles.

     2:38pm  I came back to that amphitheatre that one dude showed me the other day. I was hoping there would be some college kids here to tell my story to. It's covered in graffiti already, so I tagged it good with WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA and I took a picture and everything. I even dated it.

                  Ha, that's funny I talked to a federal agent today. Well, I don't know if he's an agent, but he works for the federal government, he told me.

                  I'm not afraid of agents. I took the red pill, damnit.

                  I think I have decided to go to the college. That guy hooked me up with a dollar, so that helps with busfare. I'm probably not going to do that much typing, but I'll at least check my email and see if there are any guestbook entries from St. Patrick's day.

     4:01pm  I got on the bus to go to the college. I paid a dollar fifty.

     4:36pm  It was James I told my story to on the bus. I took his picture.

     4:48pm  I just got to the school. I'm going to go check my email. I might have a smokebreak before I go in.

     5:34pm  Guess what. I found Chasity's phone number on the internet. I'm going to borrow somebody's cellphone and call her. I didn't type at all. I just checked my email and did a people search for Chasity Rafferty. had her number. Hell yeah, I'm going to call her. I hope she's answers. I'm excited.

     6:15pm  I tried calling Chasity. She didn't answer. It didn't sound like her voice on the answering machine. I didn't leave a message. I'm going to keep trying that number though.

     8:21pm  Grant was nice enough to let me borrow his cellphone in front of the library so I can call Chasity. I appreciate it, Grant. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:35pm  I got to tell Grant a little bit of my story until his girlfriend came. In the end he told me, "Good luck, man. I will definitely check your website." I called Chasity and left her a message saying, "I really hope this is you. I really hope we can see each other again. Check out my website." Alright, back to work.

     9:11pm  I am leaving the library early. I thought I was going to find some place to crash on this side of town, but I'll be able to take a shower in the morning if I am downtown at nine. I really want to take a shower, so I'm going to go crash out at the church one last time. I hope Chasity gets a hold of me. I miss her.

     9:52pm  After I finished typing at the library I went outside and these cool kids were outside. I walked by them and offered them my website and told them my story. What were your names? Abraham and Carla and Irena from Russia. I told them the first part of my story and they're going to show me a place I can take a shower and crash. Sweet, some pool or something.

     10:35pm  I got magically transported to a campspot behind these condos. They told me there was an outdoor shower somewhere by the pool, but I don't see it. Umm, I'm probably going to wake up early and go downtown for the shower. Anyway, I'm going to crash out. It's already late. I don't know exactly where I am. Abraham gave me a ride here. It's on Fletcher.

Next day..

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