

1-11-24 I am not sure what took me so long.  It's cuz I wanted it to seem pretty, but it was a bitch pumping out individual html files for each IM, and I got rate limited and had to wait.  So fuck that, get your funny IM fix in one contiguous text file.

31 IMs for this day:

 AlsoHandL:  no
 HAHA I MADE IT:  fine then, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss, i suppose
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 AlsoHandL:  i still dont know who you are...
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my name is victor
 AlsoHandL:  ok...
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read my story and get to know me..
 AlsoHandL:  and why are you talking to me again?
 AlsoHandL:  why?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  because i can..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  because you cant stop me, no one can
 AlsoHandL:  ok 

 AmberJem84:  fer sure!
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute
 AmberJem84:  ok  
 AmberJem84:  how did u find me?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the chatroom
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 AmberJem84:  how do i know its not a virus  
 AmberJem84:  ?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just harmless text..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no downloads
 HAHA I MADE IT:  like any other email you open
 AmberJem84:  i know im just scared but ill do it bc u seem interesting  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i wont hurt a fly :]
 AmberJem84:  hehe ill brb  
 AmberJem84:  hey how can i get in touch i wanna read it but rite now im rushin and i wanna take my time are u gonna be on tomarrow?  
 AmberJem84:  sweet thanks u will hearfrom me soon  

 AngelAshley1234:  really
 AngelAshley1234:  y?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  let me send you my story.  it answeres everything
 AngelAshley1234:  no thats ok
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just harmless text, no downloads
 HAHA I MADE IT:  fine, then just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 AngelAshley1234:  lol how old are u?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss, i guess
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im 25
 AngelAshley1234:  im only
 AngelAshley1234:  thats prolly y i dun wanna read it
 AngelAshley1234:  are u a guy or girl?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its your world im trying to save..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you should want to read it 

 butshespretty:  WHY   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its really important..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i just want you to read it..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  harmless text
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no downloads
 butshespretty:  AND IT DOES NOT MEAN ANY THING TO ME   
 butshespretty:  ASL   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it means everything to everybody
 butshespretty:  ASL   
 butshespretty:  NOT ME   
 butshespretty:  SORRY BYE   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 butshespretty:  I DINT WANT IT    
 butshespretty:  I TOULD U THAT   
 butshespretty:  BYE   

 Coldaschrome32:  why me?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i asked the whole room
 Coldaschrome32:  have you sent it to a publisher
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i dont care about money
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 Crzygypsy1:  sounds very intertesting  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ill knock your socks off :]
 Crzygypsy1:  just think i was just wishing for someone to knock my socks off you must have been reading my mind  
 Crzygypsy1:  so are u back in san antonio now  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im gonna walk up to austin soon
 HAHA I MADE IT:  very soon
 HAHA I MADE IT:  itll be rad...ill get to stop in san marcos and go to the river and stuff
 Crzygypsy1:  that sounds like fun  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 CUNMyCivicsBkst:  nah the most interesting thing I've read is "Five Years to Freedom" by Col James "Nick" Rowe, you should really read that sometime
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

Subj: Re: could this story stop a war? part 1  
Date: 3/18/2003 11:37:53 PM Central Standard Time


 God IWannaTasteU:  WHAT THE HELL?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  read my story please..its just harmless text..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  very important
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  no downloads
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  then just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 God IWannaTasteU:  i already did...go away now, u have become tiresome already
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  ignorance is bliss, i suppose
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  sucker
 God IWannaTasteU:  go away little man
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  want me to teach your dumb ass how to turn off your ims?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  little man
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  dont you know complaining wont do shit?
God IWannaTasteU:  i am not complaining about anything....and i don't really want to turn them off
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  dont you have better shit to do than talk to me?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i thought i was tiresome
 God IWannaTasteU:  lol   good point...later 

 Govisri:  where are you?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  san antonio
 Govisri:  what room I mean
 Govisri:  asl?
 Govisri:  I might yeah...
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no room
 HAHA I MADE IT:  25m san antonio
 Govisri:  is it a big book or a short story?
 Govisri:  are you selling it?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its a summary of a trip i just had
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and im giving it away
 Govisri:  ok...sure...tell you what, if I like it I will post it on my soon to be up website...
 Govisri:  deal?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that would be awesome
 Govisri:  ok great...are you gonna email me the story?
 Govisri:  I hope it's interesting... 

 Gunit5969:  who tha fuck are u
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  my name is victor
 Gunit5969:  man dogg I'm straight peace
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  then just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  ignorance is bliss, i guess
 Gunit5969:  man fuck u dogg peaceeeeeeeeeeee 

 HoityToity Diana:  vic i have it   
 HoityToity Diana:  thanks!   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i revised it
 HoityToity Diana:  oh ok!   
 HoityToity Diana:  send it then   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 HoityToity Diana:  ok   

 IdolPessimist1:  Incentive being?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  world peace
 HAHA I MADE IT:  save the ozone layer
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and get marijuana legalized
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and chill everybody out
 IdolPessimist1:  I'm an aspiring lawyer, why would i want world peace?
 IdolPessimist1:  I own a car, fuck the ozone...
 IdolPessimist1: order to chill everyone out...sure...why not.
 IdolPessimist1:  Well?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  one minute
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 IdolPessimist1:  Question...
 IdolPessimist1:  Nevermind..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  shoot
 IdolPessimist1:  Are you female/male?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  25m 

Subj: Re: could this true story save the world? part 1  
Date: 3/18/2003 10:36:41 PM Central Standard Time

man, you got some points about money but you set out to walk from texas to california and ended up hitch-hiking. all these hippy pot induced ideas are all being spread around by a lie. i respect that you could give away all your possesions, but in the end you just turned into a homeless guy eating free food from churches. that food is there for people who need it not people who want to walk across the country to undermine our government. thats all i got to say right now peace be with you

Subj: Re: could this true story save the world? part 1  
Date: 3/18/2003 10:50:41 PM Central Standard Time

i didnt stick my thumb out once..generosity picked me up..

- victor

 Jamysama:  sure
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute
 Jamysama:  how long is it?
 Jamysama:  do you want me to read it now?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  at your discretion
 HAHA I MADE IT:  whenver you have the time
 Jamysama:  thanks sweetie asL?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just keep in mind its of global-importance..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  25mnw
 Jamysama:  26FAustin
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Jamysama:  thanks is that address w the story
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im going to walk up to austin soon..
 Jamysama:  cool I'll mail you my thoughts
 Jamysama:  cool
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thanks
 Jamysama:  ;-) 

 KANNONSPIKE:  if your a real person i may
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute
 KANNONSPIKE:  boy of girl
 KANNONSPIKE:  are you boy or girl
 KANNONSPIKE:  then never mind
 HAHA I MADE IT:  whats the matter guy? cant score in the real world?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thats all you come on aol for, isnt it?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  loser
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thats alright, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss, i guess
 KANNONSPIKE:  yeah and your ignorant bitch
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 Kristine Bass 54:  huh?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i just want you to read it..thats it
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its really important
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  just harmless text
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  no downloads
 Kristine Bass 54:  ok
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  thank you
 Kristine Bass 54:  why me though?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i imed the whole room
 Kristine Bass 54:  do i even nknow you?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the non-ignorant ones responded..
 Kristine Bass 54:  oh
 Kristine Bass 54:  do i have to read it now?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  at your discretion
 Kristine Bass 54:  ok thanks
 Kristine Bass 54:  becuase that is rather long
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  take your time, just keep in mind its of global-importance
 Kristine Bass 54:  k 

 LiL Miss Mo:  Why would yoo want to send that to me?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i need to send it to everyone..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its that important
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just harmless text, no downloads
 LiL Miss Mo:  Why?
 LiL Miss Mo:  Do yoo have a deadline?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  kinda
 LiL Miss Mo:  What kind of deadline?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  we're about to go to war in a couple days
 LiL Miss Mo:  So
 LiL Miss Mo:  What's that have to do with it?
 HAH A I MADE IT:  just a great idea of mine
 HAHA I MADE IT:  give me a minute and ill show you
 LiL Miss Mo:  Explain to me your situation and I might read it.  Maybe even put it up on my site
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 LiL Miss Mo:  So tell me your story or what you're about and I might read it
HAHA I MADE IT:  that's why i typed it up, so i wouldnt have to tell it everytime

Subj: Re: victor's true story, part 2  
Date: 3/18/2003 9:19:12 AM Central Standard Time
From: MCatFly

You're a sad case of someone looking for handouts and using the internet for chain letters. Get a clue that money is the same as trading. Value for value and started back in cave man times. You eventually run out of things to trade. The monetary system works very well and some of us like making it so we can live well and not out of trailers with beggars and with the homeless in shelters. If money isn't your thing, then offer to work for weed. I do believe it should be legal even though I don't smoke it. But if that's your thing, by all means do it up. You will never change the world to your way and it's not a dying world. The reason is that it's natural for most people to strive for more and not live like that. It's also my guess that you really don't live like that and that you do have a meeger job. You're just looking for an easy handout. I feel bad for the people that send you stuff. This computer you're on is probably a Pentium 4 donated by someone who didn't know better. I can't really say "Get a life", but I can say..."Get a better one!"

Subj: Re: victor's true story, part 2  
Date: 3/18/2003 4:15:11 PM Central Standard Time
To: MCatFly

go ahead, work, waste your life away.

     i'll be damned if i'm going to work for someone else.  that would make me a pawn in their chess game.  fuck that, i'm one of the players.  i'm the winner.  i work for me only.  if i don't get myself taken care of, how am i supposed to take care of everybody?

- victor

you'll see..

Subj: Re: victor's true story, part 2  
Date: 3/18/2003 9:15:01 PM Central Standard Time
From: MCatFly

I work for myself due to the "hard" work I used to get here. I commend you for wanting to work for yourself, but I hardly call what you do work. Also, I wouldn't say that you are happy with what you have unless you never had the pleasure of having much more. There is no shame in working for someone. Matter of fact, a lot of companies are public meaning that you have a boss but you aren't necessarily making one man rich. You can own the stock too. I say instead of begging, borrowing and stealing, why not work doing something you like. Then you can have 10 times the weed, travel to more exotic places and stay in decent hotels with beautiful girls, Maybe even a car of your own huh?

Subj: Re: victor's true story, part 2  
Date: 3/18/2003 10:19:44 PM Central Standard Time
To: MCatFly

i'm not a beggar.  i'm an asker.  i'm an acceptor(in all sense of the word).  the only thing i beg for, is to differ.  posessions don't mean shit to me.  i've owned my own car before.  it was just one big complication.  life just isn't that complicated when you don't own a death machine...and i am doing something i like..i cant find anything better to do.  

- victor

Mookmook1023755: If this is a joke it was interesting and hour ago
HAHA I MADE IT: no joke
Mookmook1023755: well where in y'r story?
Mookmook1023755: well y dont u tell me y'r story later..................a/s/l
HAHA I MADE IT: 25m san antonio
Mookmook1023755: cool
Mookmook1023755: y did u walk anywhere with no moollllllah
HAHA I MADE IT: i dont need it as much as other people do
HAHA I MADE IT: age/sex?
Mookmook1023755: 22 female
HAHA I MADE IT: cool, state?
Mookmook1023755: upper east coast
Mookmook1023755: dont u eat sleep and drink?That takes money dude
HAHA I MADE IT: theres a shortcut to everything
Mookmook1023755: Okay u ate somewhere drank y'r spit and sleep on the street
HAHA I MADE IT: when i had to
Mookmook1023755: lol
Mookmook1023755: to put y'r story in a nut shell what was so great
HAHA I MADE IT: that i did it for free
Mookmook1023755: lol:-D
HAHA I MADE IT: all i had to do to get there..was want to
HAHA I MADE IT: and anyone else can do it too
Mookmook1023755: Is this a sales pitch
Mookmook1023755: :-\
HAHA I MADE IT: not at all
Mookmook1023755: well somethings are not free
Mookmook1023755: I scared to ask your secret
Mookmook1023755: Im
HAHA I MADE IT: walking and drinking water
HAHA I MADE IT: there is an easy answer..
Mookmook1023755: I mean did y have a friend with u
HAHA I MADE IT: no, everyone thinks im crazy
HAHA I MADE IT: i had to do it all by myself..
HAHA I MADE IT: having a traveling partner wouldve kicked so much ass though..
HAHA I MADE IT: "Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full measure of joy you must have somebody to share it with."
                            - Mark Twain
Mookmook1023755: Thats cool, I believe that
Mookmook1023755: 8-)
Mookmook1023755: do u read alot
HAHA I MADE IT: no, barely at all..
HAHA I MADE IT: i prefer to write..
HAHA I MADE IT: i feel like if i dont read a lot, my writing style will be as original as ever..
Mookmook1023755: what do u write?
HAHA I MADE IT: the truth
Mookmook1023755: Thats and honest topic
Mookmook1023755: do u write it through verses like in a rap
HAHA I MADE IT: just what happens
Mookmook1023755: in a poem
HAHA I MADE IT: i just describe moments
HAHA I MADE IT: i paint pictures with words
HAHA I MADE IT: im pretty descriptive
Mookmook1023755: I respect that
HAHA I MADE IT: thanks :]
HAHA I MADE IT: honesty is the best policy..
Mookmook1023755: sooooooo U must listen to the man Eminem is my favorite
HAHA I MADE IT: not really
HAHA I MADE IT: i love weezer :]
Mookmook1023755: Whaat do u do, beside write who is weezer
HAHA I MADE IT: im a designer
HAHA I MADE IT: i design my own reality.
HAHA I MADE IT: i wake up and set daily projects
HAHA I MADE IT: i right to-do lists all the time
HAHA I MADE IT: but hey, i'm gonna crash
HAHA I MADE IT: sweet dreams :]
Mookmook1023755: this convo has a hint of sex no?
Mookmook1023755: are u a murder
Mookmook1023755: what made u talk to  me
HAHA I MADE IT: i imed the whole room
Mookmook1023755: honest but funny
Mookmook1023755: okay see ya
HAHA I MADE IT: goodnight

 MorbidVampire666:  um i think ur weird and u need to get a life. bye   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  fine then, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

 Path of Orion:  do i know you?   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my name is victor
 Path of Orion:  mmkay   
 Path of Orion:  dude, i've hitched from montana to seattle and then back down to la   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i didnt stick my thumb out once
 Path of Orion:  how'd you do it   
 Path of Orion:  train?   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  check out my story
 Path of Orion:  nah, it's cool   
 Path of Orion:  peace   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  fine, just delete  then and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss, i suppose
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Path of Orion:  lol   
 Path of Orion:  alright   
 Path of Orion:  i'll give you the benefit of the doubt   
 Path of Orion:  i might even put it online for you   
 Path of Orion:  <~~ webmaster   
 Path of Orion:  and i've got my own servers   
 Path of Orion:  cool?   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  super cool
 Path of Orion:  hey   
 Path of Orion:  send me an email from that writeprotect address   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah?
 Path of Orion:  to   
 Path of Orion:  where do you live now?   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  done
 HAHA I MADE IT:  san antonio
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im walking up to austin soon
 Path of Orion:  got a pic of yourself?   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its old and im straight..
 Path of Orion:  if you can send THAT to me at that address, if i like the story, i'll put it on there for you   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ill send if you want
 HAHA I MADE IT:  send my pic to that address?
 Path of Orion:  yah   
 Path of Orion:  a decent face shot   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  why?
 Path of Orion:  so i can put it at the top of the story :-p   
 Path of Orion:  if i like it   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  done
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i have tons of other stuff too
 HAHA I MADE IT:  true stories..
 Path of Orion:  cool   

 Path of Orion:  peace   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  peace brother
 Path of Orion:  i'll contact you when i read your email   
 Path of Orion:  what's that email addy one more time?   
 Path of Orion:  thanks   
 Path of Orion:  peace   

 SidharthaOwnsYou:  whats up
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nothing, busy saving the world
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  yea  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  but you didnt say you  
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  you did nto expalin anything  
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  in that meial you gave me  
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  yo  
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  i read all that  
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  i sent it to a few people  
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  but iy dosent explain  
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  what how your going to acomplish your goals, like abolishing the whole monitary system with no money  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i revised it..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read it again
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  no way  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  suit yourself..
 SidharthaOwnsYou:  i already read it dude i dont want to have to read the whole shit again
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it explains now if you want to be indulged
 HAHA I MADE IT:  if you dont, why mention it then?

SidharthaOwnsYou: so
SidharthaOwnsYou: soooooooooooooooooooooooo?????
2nd down: 1234 on 7th/ 1234 on 5th/ 1234567 on 3rd
1234 on 7th/ 1234 on 5th/ 1 on 3rd one open one on 3rd   on 5th one open 123 on 3rd :back

SidharthaOwnsYou: rds= fret
SidharthaOwnsYou: lol

 Sigsauer222:  Fuck OFF
 HAHA I MADE IT:  fine then, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does...
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss, i suppose
 Sigsauer222:  go to hell, did i ask u to IM me asshole
 Sigsauer222:  i dont want to stop the war so dont EMAIL ME asshole
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 SpoiIed Bebe:  thanks
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  thank you for not being ignorant  
 SpoiIed Bebe:  i cant stand ignorance!!!!!!!!!!
 SpoiIed Bebe:  ;)
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  neither can i, im gonna do something abouit it though
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  complaining wont do shit
 SpoiIed Bebe:  yeah i know
 SpoiIed Bebe:  well shit...let me know if i can help
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  just read my mail and pass it on..
 SpoiIed Bebe:  ok
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  let's make this the healthiest chain letter in the world 

 Tadamson32:  thanks  
 Tadamson32:  that's was col  
 Tadamson32:  i like that  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  thank you for not being ignorant..
 Tadamson32:  awesome  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  pass it on dude
 Tadamson32:  ok i will  

 HAHA I MADE IT:  fine then, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss..
 THREEDIKES1DUDE:  so is dumbness
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 THREEDIKES1DUDE:  awwwwwww Deleted!
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sucker
 THREEDIKES1DUDE:  that is what you think
 HAHA I MADE IT:  we'll see
 HAHA I MADE IT:  oh, you will
 THREEDIKES1DUDE:  you have no idea

 THREEDIKES1DUDE:  the funny thing is I know where you are at now this is way to easy
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sign off and come get me then
 HAHA I MADE IT:  back your shit up
 THREEDIKES1DUDE:  oh I am coming
 THREEDIKES1DUDE:  so don't move
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'll be waiting
 THREEDIKES1DUDE:  and say ur on someone elses shit bcuz i know ur other shit also
 HAHA I MADE IT:  is that all you can do? talk?
 THREEDIKES1DUDE:  na i am on my way and you can write about this
 HAHA I MADE IT:  on the way where?

 TilemasterT:  why do you want to stop a war ?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  because no one needs to die..
 TilemasterT:  what ever i hope they kill that fucker 

 Toujourspc:  ok
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Toujourspc:  thanks
 Toujourspc:  go and be free grasshopper
 Toujourspc:  write on
 Toujourspc:  be yourself no matter what they say
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thank you
 Toujourspc:  you are welcome 

 GO TO HELL PUTO:  ill check it out 

 WRITERCOUG:  maybe,...on one condition.
 WRITERCOUG:  oyu gotta read a few of my books onvce I'm published.
 WRITERCOUG:  but why'd you leave san antonio in the first place?  I'm in Abilene, I'd rather be there
 HAHA I MADE IT:  san antonio is too ignorant
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i had to go where people agreed with me
 WRITERCOUG:  you found someone like that on the west coast?  Boy all those valley jokes must be myth.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

 WRITERCOUG:  Nice to meet, you, hope you have safe journeys wherever oyur destination.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thank you
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the spirits got my back..
 WRITERCOUG:  good luck
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'll need it 

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