

  Adrnmrn85:  ???
 HAHA I MADE IT:  give me a minute
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Adrnmrn85:  IF I LIKE WUT?? 

 AmberJem84:  hey there  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hi :]
 AmberJem84:  whats up how are you?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  not much, just got home
 HAHA I MADE IT:  had another good free day
 AmberJem84:  haha yeh no doubt what did u do today?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  oh shnaps

 AmberJem84:  hey  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hallo  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my bad about earlier
 AmberJem84:  whats up i am interested to hear more about u  
 AmberJem84:  no worries
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what would you like to know?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm an open book
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ask away
 AmberJem84:  how old are u ?  
 AmberJem84:  hehe i see that  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i just turned 25 on groundhogs day..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  february 2
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i was living with the hippies in williams on my birthday..
 AmberJem84:  haha okie bc i was gonna say when was ground hogs day  
 AmberJem84:  where is williams?  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that's so cool you know when groundhogs day is..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nobody else does
 AmberJem84:  u say living w/ the hippies but u seem like one of the biggest hippies i know
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you read my story right?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm not a hippie
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm victor
 AmberJem84:  yeh i did ...hehe no i was sayin i dont know when gh's day is lol  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that's my only label
 HAHA I MADE IT:  damn
 HAHA I MADE IT:  well..
 AmberJem84:  haha fer sure  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i retract everything
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you're not so cool
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im kidding
 AmberJem84:  haha so i had two questiona about the story  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  shoot
 AmberJem84:  hehe  
 AmberJem84:  where did u leave from?  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  san antonio, texas
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my hometown
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'll always come back to san antonio
 HAHA I MADE IT:  antonio is my middle name
 AmberJem84:  rite on ... and this joel guy ...did u meet him at berkley college?  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no, i met him in peoples park..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  he smoked me out
 AmberJem84:  haha fer sure i travel a lot too and i always wanna come back home but now i wanna make a new home for myself
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you're like what, 18?
 AmberJem84:  well that was a pretty impressive story ....did u write the book yet is it out?  
 AmberJem84:  yeh  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  why do you want to settle down already?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you're still damn young
 AmberJem84:  i sent it to a couple friends who i though t would be interested in it  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nope, i havent typed the book up
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i got 12 cassettes full of book
 AmberJem84:  i dont i just want a house to come home to after bein on the road for so long  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm still logging every day
 AmberJem84:  one friend sent me this in response  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  where do you live?
 AmberJem84:  manhattan  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yikes, thats far
 AmberJem84:  haha yeh ... well kinda i mean i am not usually here all the time  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  awesome, i needed a website like that
 AmberJem84:  yeh .....ha  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'll put that in my book
 HAHA I MADE IT:  along with this IM
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nothing but the truth..
 AmberJem84:  really? haha wow well i definitly wanna see it  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  umm, i'm not gonna get it published or anything..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and it wont really be a book
 AmberJem84:  maybe next time i head out by way of san antonio ill say hi  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'll have a badass ftp/website
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and people will just be able to copy and paste and print it out
 AmberJem84:  awsome! so when did u get home?  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the 1st of march
 AmberJem84:  fer sure !
 AmberJem84:  wow so not long ago long were u gone for ?  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  2 months
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it felt like an eternity..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  check this out..
 AmberJem84:  yeh i know ...was it your first time on the road in general wo a car?  
 AmberJem84:  shoot  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  today i went and got $200 in the morning
 AmberJem84:  went where?  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my real dad, who abandoned the family when i was three, no contact, no child support..well, when he finally got online and made contact..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i find out, he's just fucking like me
 AmberJem84:  wow so r u gonna go see him?  
 AmberJem84:  one sec brb  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  he lives in the jungles of panama and stuides natural cures
 HAHA I MADE IT:  he's a healer..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so he wired me some money
 HAHA I MADE IT:  this morning
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and ive already spent over 100 dollars
 HAHA I MADE IT:  getting supplies..
 AmberJem84:  wow thats awsome what kind of healing are u talking about?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm going to prepare for a walk to austin
 HAHA I MADE IT:  soon
 AmberJem84:  what kinda supplies?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  well, i had given away my cd player to this kid in eureka, so i got another one today
 AmberJem84:  thats awsome ... haha  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i went to the GNC and bought some more muscle blast 2000 shit
 AmberJem84:  thats cool  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my traveling food
 AmberJem84:  what what kinda music
 AmberJem84:  ?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i love weezer
 HAHA I MADE IT:  pre-sellout weezer though
 AmberJem84:  yeh like b4 the sweater song  
 AmberJem84:  hehe  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i think they sold out on purpose..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i think they deserve every penny theyre making  
 AmberJem84:  it happens
 HAHA I MADE IT:  because
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i found new, badass weezer that you can only get for free  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  on the web
 AmberJem84:  haha sweet  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so they didn't really sell out
 AmberJem84:  look at this  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that reminds me, i need to burn a lot of music for my walk to austin
 AmberJem84:  the same friend who sent me that car gas website sent me this  Drug Policy Alliance: Dance, Music and Entertainment  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  good food for thought
 AmberJem84:  so is this last experince gonna change things for u ?  
 AmberJem84:  did u work b4?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's going to change things for everybody..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  if you can call it that..
 AmberJem84:  thats awsome i hope so  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i worked at this telemarketing plcae 15 times
 HAHA I MADE IT:  never longer than 3 months..
 AmberJem84:  wow thats rough  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it was a temporary job only
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's an evil evil business
 AmberJem84:  yeh i hear that  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  revoles around lies and deceit
 HAHA I MADE IT:  but it paid damn good
 AmberJem84:  most businesses do  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and everybodys smoking weed
 AmberJem84:  most all jobs do  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  not my job
 AmberJem84:  except jobs that are for spreading knowledge  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it is my job to make humans elite..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  this species ain't your fucking industry
 AmberJem84:  yeh this is true  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hehe, that's a little based on a nofx song..
 AmberJem84:  brb  

 AmberJem84:  how old was joel in berkley ?  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  umm, 40 i think
 AmberJem84:  really ?!?!?!
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah, he was gay too
 AmberJem84:  did he tell u anything about himself  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  like what? you think you know him?
 AmberJem84:  ohh hmm i dunno  if he is gay i mean he is not flaming but i know he is like u  
 AmberJem84:  maybe  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah, he's not a fag...
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just gay
 AmberJem84:  the joel i know is my dads best friend a distance runner who lives theer  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  want his number?
 AmberJem84:  shit i dunno
 AmberJem84:  i can find out soon thouigh  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  510-734-3696
 AmberJem84:  my dads nappin jon the couch  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that's be some weird, wacky stuff
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that'd
 AmberJem84:  yeh i know  
 AmberJem84:  he lived in africa a little whil eback  
 AmberJem84:  before he lived in berkley  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  really?
 AmberJem84:  and worked w/ chimps
 AmberJem84:  yeh  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  joel?
 AmberJem84:  the one i know yeh  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hmm, i think he wouldve told me about that..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and he doesn't live in berkeley
 HAHA I MADE IT:  he lives in hercules..
 AmberJem84:  ohh ha maybe not i dunno well i will jyust wait till my dads phone rings so he wakes up and i can get his digits hehe  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool
 AmberJem84:  yeh i love walking and running distance  
 AmberJem84:  we have a lot in common  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  kickass and you dont think im crazy?
 AmberJem84:  i used to run 11 miles every mornin and now i just walk but i can walk forever i love it  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  we're getting married
 AmberJem84:  no a lotta ppl think im crazy bc i also go on the road like u do and meet so many strangers ppl tell me i am gonna get kidnapped or raped
 AmberJem84:  haha  
 AmberJem84:  but i think i have a good sense for people  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you have to
 AmberJem84:  i can pick things up rather quickly about who someone really is ya  know  
 AmberJem84:  ohh yeh fer sure it gets easier the more u travel  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  right on..i can read people too
 AmberJem84:  yeh thats awsome  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  practice makes perfect..
 AmberJem84:  my friend is on his way over so i am gonna jump in the shower and all but ill come back on hopefully b4 we leave  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok, have a good night
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and thanks for talking to me..
 AmberJem84:  before i go i am curious u have a picture?  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah, but it's like a year old..
 AmberJem84:  dont thank me u are being silly thank u for taking the time to put this together for giving a shit and for sharing all that w/ me  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'll send it, and i'd be lying if i said i wasn't about to ask you the same question..
 AmberJem84:  thats ok  
 AmberJem84:  haha ok one min ill send mine
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go
 AmberJem84:  thanks one sec im sendin these now  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  take your time amber
 HAHA I MADE IT:  geez..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you're just marvelous..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that's you with your arm around the dude right
 AmberJem84:  yeh thanks im sendin one more
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the one in the middle on that one?
 AmberJem84:  yeh  
 AmberJem84:  thats a cute picture  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  damn straight
 AmberJem84:  haha
 HAHA I MADE IT:  wanna go traveling?
 AmberJem84:  haha maybe...its not out of the realm of possibility  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  check this out
 AmberJem84:  k  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  very soon, maybe on the weekend..i'm gonna walk up to austin
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's like 60 miles..
 AmberJem84:  how many days ?no limit right?  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it'll take me like 4 or 5 days because i'll be taking my time
 AmberJem84:  no doubt  
 AmberJem84:  i have to go now though  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm gonna have a blast..i'll stop in san marcos and go to the guadalupe river
 AmberJem84:  i will talk to u before friday that when u are leaving?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok, anyway, maybe i'll head for the east coast after austin
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i don't know when i'm leaving..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  but now i know that it's not until i talk to you again
 AmberJem84:  yeh u should  
 AmberJem84:  haha u will im always on  
 AmberJem84:  if u dont see me im me  
 AmberJem84:  im out brotha  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok sister, take care
 AmberJem84:  u too 8-)
 HAHA I MADE IT:  amber or stacy?
 Auto response from AmberJem84:  You Can Bomb The World Into Pieces
You Can Not Bomb The World Into Peace
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that kicks so much ass

 AmberJem84:  hey u  
 AmberJem84:  so it turns out im not goin anywhere  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm working
 HAHA I MADE IT:  listen, i know exactly how to stop this war.  any war.  i've got it all figured out.  let me send you my true story about how i took off walking for the west coast from san antonio,tx with no money.  i had a magical adventure and it didn't cost me a dime.  it's probably the most interesting thing you will read for a long time.
 AmberJem84:  haha ok i think ive read it lol  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thats what i'm copying and pasting to people
 AmberJem84:  i knwo ok ill let ya go  

 AnaLovesCows:  O..k.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute
 AnaLovesCows:  *jeopardy theme begins*
 AnaLovesCows:  he lives :)
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 AnaLovesCows:  *blink blink*
 HAHA I MADE IT:  haha your sn says anal in it
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nya nya nya
 AnaLovesCows:  damnit
 AnaLovesCows:  no it doesn't
 AnaLovesCows:  I like cows
 AnaLovesCows:  they're cute
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you anal-ranger
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hehe
 AnaLovesCows:  :'(
 HAHA I MADE IT:  oh i'm sorry
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm joking
 AnaLovesCows:  do you have msn messenger?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hehe, my friend knew this girl named anali
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i used to make fun of her so much
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nope
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i got aim
 AnaLovesCows:  but you have a hotmail account..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  correct
 AnaLovesCows:  so get messenger!
 HAHA I MADE IT:  dont need it
 AnaLovesCows:  grr.
 AnaLovesCows:  so how old are you?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you?
 AnaLovesCows:  18 in 20 days.
 AnaLovesCows:  Yay me.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yay you..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  do you have a cow?
 AnaLovesCows:  no
 AnaLovesCows:  *sigh*
 HAHA I MADE IT:  "don't have a cow, dude"
 HAHA I MADE IT:  heehee
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ta tung ching
 HAHA I MADE IT:  but seriously folks.
 AnaLovesCows:  sorry, I'd be more talkative, but.. I'm reading
 HAHA I MADE IT:  oh, my bad
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read on sister
 HAHA I MADE IT:  appreciate the honesty
 AnaLovesCows:  My boyfriend is your age.. he doesn't drive :)
 AnaLovesCows:  same reasons as you said there..  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you've got some taste..
 AnaLovesCows:  don't know why I had to share that, but..  
 AnaLovesCows:  hehe..
 AnaLovesCows:  stupid bottled water..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the elixir of life..
 AnaLovesCows:  yeah, tap water
 AnaLovesCows:  bottled water is at least $1
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i just pay and fill up the bottle with tap afterwards
 HAHA I MADE IT:  haha two people just asked me if i was on crack..
 AnaLovesCows:  of course, but that wasn't my point
 AnaLovesCows:  lol
 AnaLovesCows:  I was all happy that you were a real person
 AnaLovesCows:  Victor Antonio..
 AnaLovesCows:  that sounds so..soap opera :-P
 HAHA I MADE IT:  haha
 AnaLovesCows:  what do you mean by "fly my sign"
 AnaLovesCows:  fly..
 AnaLovesCows:  I'm thinking insect.. kite..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok let me get PC..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  "displaying" my sign
 AnaLovesCows:  pc?!
 AnaLovesCows:  yes yes, good good
 HAHA I MADE IT:  politically correct, ya know
 AnaLovesCows:  *nodding*
 AnaLovesCows:  wow.. skunks stink.. no kidding

AnaLovesCows: Bubbles!
AnaLovesCows: honestly..
HAHA I MADE IT: i forgot what i asked..
HAHA I MADE IT: let me check the log
AnaLovesCows: no just the name..
HAHA I MADE IT: oh in my story
AnaLovesCows: Hi, I'm Bubbles.. I'm not a stripper.. *cough*
HAHA I MADE IT: i gotcha
HAHA I MADE IT: she didn't look like one
AnaLovesCows: Joke.
HAHA I MADE IT: dont be so judgemental
AnaLovesCows: JOKE
AnaLovesCows: shit
HAHA I MADE IT: hehe, im kidding
HAHA I MADE IT: i think you're neat ana..
AnaLovesCows: Anastasia.
HAHA I MADE IT: despite that whole bovine-fixation
AnaLovesCows: Thanks.
AnaLovesCows: :-P
AnaLovesCows: They're cute!!
AnaLovesCows: Can I call you VA?
AnaLovesCows: hehe
HAHA I MADE IT: call me slick-vic
AnaLovesCows: riiight
HAHA I MADE IT: just dont call me dictor
AnaLovesCows: lol
AnaLovesCows: what do you get when you cross a potato and a penis?
HAHA I MADE IT: i dont know
AnaLovesCows: a dictater!
HAHA I MADE IT: huh huh huh
HAHA I MADE IT: ta tung ching
HAHA I MADE IT: you so funny
HAHA I MADE IT: you should be a canadian
AnaLovesCows: *batting eyelashes*
HAHA I MADE IT: aww, how cute
AnaLovesCows: did you just choose me at random or ..?
HAHA I MADE IT: i just click in the places category and then there's that button that says "whos chatting"
HAHA I MADE IT: and i just go down the list
HAHA I MADE IT: i'm planting a seed
HAHA I MADE IT: since i know my keyboard shortcuts and barely use my mouse...i can do it super-fast
AnaLovesCows: *sniff*
HAHA I MADE IT: but alas, im gonna hit the sack
AnaLovesCows: I feel so..
AnaLovesCows: not special :'(
HAHA I MADE IT: no but you are the most special person i've talked to today..
HAHA I MADE IT: i promise
AnaLovesCows: *sniff*
AnaLovesCows: you tell 'em all that..
HAHA I MADE IT: you're a child of love too..
AnaLovesCows: yes!!
AnaLovesCows: goodnight
HAHA I MADE IT: farewell anastasia
HAHA I MADE IT: err..after i smoke a cigarette..
HAHA I MADE IT: ::evil cackle::
AnaLovesCows: eww..
HAHA I MADE IT: come on, everybodys doing it
HAHA I MADE IT: dont you wanna be cool???
AnaLovesCows: oh very funny
AnaLovesCows: do you drink?
HAHA I MADE IT: i say no to drugs
HAHA I MADE IT: i just smoke weed
AnaLovesCows: oh you're one of those people.
AnaLovesCows: it's not a drug
AnaLovesCows: right..
HAHA I MADE IT: it's not
AnaLovesCows: but alcohol is
AnaLovesCows: ok
HAHA I MADE IT: is it just a coincidence that two naturally-occurring things in this world..
HAHA I MADE IT: humans and marijuana
HAHA I MADE IT: have a certain reaction when you mix them together?
HAHA I MADE IT: is it just a coincidence that we have THC receptors in our brains?
AnaLovesCows: yes yes, I read that..
HAHA I MADE IT: damn there i go on my scripts again
AnaLovesCows: try again, new material :-P
HAHA I MADE IT: i'm gonna go smoke that cigarette..
HAHA I MADE IT: theyre my fucking scripts..
AnaLovesCows: woah, relax
AnaLovesCows: it's going to be ok..
HAHA I MADE IT: if the words i choose to express my thoughts express them exactly..
HAHA I MADE IT: why would i ever change them?
AnaLovesCows: breathe..
HAHA I MADE IT: ::muah::
AnaLovesCows: night night
HAHA I MADE IT: brbin5min
AnaLovesCows: oh, ok :-)
HAHA I MADE IT: im black..
HAHA I MADE IT: err..-l
HAHA I MADE IT: LiL Miss Mo: I was wondering if yoo wanted me to put it o my site?
AnaLovesCows: ha
HAHA I MADE IT: HAHA I MADE IT: yes! please!
HAHA I MADE IT: HAHA I MADE IT: show it your grandma too
HAHA I MADE IT: LiL Miss Mo: Well I remember telling yoo or bringing it up with yoo before but now that i read it it's a cute story and i'll see if I have time to put it up.  
AnaLovesCows: cool
HAHA I MADE IT: LiL Miss Mo: I doubt I'll be showing it to my Grandma, from all the pot yoo smoked i doubt she'd approve
AnaLovesCows: heh

 AntiLLama316:  go to hell   
 AntiLLama316:  i am pro war.   
 AntiLLama316:  plain and simple   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  we'll be living in hell if i don't do something about it..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  plain and simple
 AntiLLama316:  i don't care.   
 AntiLLama316:  it's already one.   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that's the problem
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i do
 AntiLLama316:  i am pro war!   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and there's more people that care than those who don't
 AntiLLama316:  well, i don't care.   
 AntiLLama316:  and you im'ed me because....?   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 AntiLLama316:  go to hell...GO BUSH!!..YAY WAR!!!   
 AntiLLama316:  and i'm not reading them.   
 AntiLLama316:  infact i deleted them, all of them.   

 BabyGirlDreamer7:  R u on crack?
 BabyGirlDreamer7:  R u sure
 HAHA I MADE IT:  positive..
BabyGirlDreamer7:  i think ur a crack head 

 Bakedbean26:  ok..
 Bakedbean26:  im listening
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute
 Bakedbean26:  sure thing..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Bakedbean26:  ok...
 Bakedbean26:  who are you by the way? your methods are unconventional..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my name is victor
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i have mastered windows keyboard shortcuts so i can haul ass at sending my stuff out
 Bakedbean26:  impressive
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the seed has been planted
 Bakedbean26:  whats your goal here?  
 Bakedbean26:  to put an end to the war?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read the story, all questions will be answered
 Bakedbean26:  ok, im about 1/20th done with part 1
 HAHA I MADE IT:  take your time
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its really important
 Bakedbean26:  ok 

 Beantowner78:  lol
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Beantowner78:  lol
 Beantowner78:  ok 

 BIG N 524:  only communist want to stop this war get a life
 HAHA I MADE IT:  fine then, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 BIG N 524:  move to holly wood youd fit in great  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss, i guess
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 Big4Doggs:  huh?   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  give me a minute
 Big4Doggs:  c;mon, im losing interest   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 BreakngBenjamin:  what the hell are you smoking
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the good stuff
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm hitting my peace pipe
 BreakngBenjamin:  i wanna see your story lol
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

CABell80: uh I doubt it homie.  I made it from Richmond to Phoenix hitchhiking with no money so thats about twice as far as you
HAHA I MADE IT: yeah, but did you record it all and know how to bring world peace?
HAHA I MADE IT: i didn't think so
HAHA I MADE IT: and i didnt stick my thumb out once...
HAHA I MADE IT: generosity picked me up..
CABell80: I didnt stick my thumb out either and yes actually I did keep a journal and while I didnt figure out how to have world piece I did figure out how to cure AIDS
HAHA I MADE IT: well keep on truckin' brother..
HAHA I MADE IT: it was never a popularity contest
CABell80: so tell me how we have world peace
CABell80: ?
HAHA I MADE IT: check your mail
CABell80: I'm not downloading anything
HAHA I MADE IT: its just harmless downloads
HAHA I MADE IT: sheesh, talk about paranoid
CABell80: you write poetry?
CABell80: boost is the shit
CABell80: damn homie this shit is long as fuck.  If you were thinking about getting published or something you could go into more backgroud detail on yourself to start it off so that people can better relate to your character(you) and maybe understand where you're coming from and why you do the things you do or think the way you think
CABell80: its hard to get into a story and follow it closely while trying to learn a character at the same time.
CABell80: thats why you knock out the character development at least a little bit before the adventure and real story begin
CABell80: and then what you dont disclose about yourself in the beginning you slowly develop throughout the story
CABell80: ya know what I'm saying.  You're style of writing is Gonzo Journalism.  I dont know if you've ever seen "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" but its a true story in the life of Hunter S. Thompson.  He's the one who is credited for inventing the term Gonzo Journalism.  you should look him up and read about him and/or see the money.  Especially look into Gonzo Journalism because, at least in that one piece, that is what your style is.  I'm assuming you want to be a writer or at least enjoy it to write something
CABell80: so long

 Clausmun78:  OK
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute
 Clausmun78:  OK
 Clausmun78:  A/S/L
 HAHA I MADE IT:  25m/san antonio
 Clausmun78:  O OK
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

 CMETH444:  y u keep changin ur screen
 CMETH444:  ooooooo-ppppppppsssssssss
 CMETH444:  my bad
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 Cobra6781:  U OK
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute
 Cobra6781:  NO NO NO
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for

bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Cobra6781:  WHO ARE U
 Cobra6781:  I DONT WANT UR MAIL 

 CPBtSmp101:  eat a rock
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 Dubersteink:  That was great
 HAHA I MADE IT:  be sure pass it on dude..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  let's make this work
 Dubersteink:  Ya I will
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thanks
 Dubersteink:  Your welcome 

 HAHA I MADE IT:  listen, i know exactly how to stop this war.  any war.  i've got it all figured out.  let me send you my true story about how i took off walking for the west coast from san antonio,tx with no money.  i had a magical adventure and it didn't cost me a dime.  it's probably the most interesting thing you will read for a long time.
 DUnDaLk WhT bOy:  thes great im for the war   
 DUnDaLk WhT bOy:  thats*   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

 Er0k Loves Cars:  who cares  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  everyone should
 Er0k Loves Cars:  too bad you didnt get hit by a abus  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

 Flacheerchic4432:  ok
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute..
 Flacheerchic4432:  asl
 HAHA I MADE IT:  25m san antonio
 Flacheerchic4432:  ok
 Flacheerchic4432:  i hate war  
 Flacheerchic4432:  im only 14  but when iget old enough i want to run for president and put an end to all this shit  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'll do it for you sister
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Flacheerchic4432:  ull do what  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  put an end to all this shit..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read my story, im gonna go smoke a tobacco.. 

 Florencenmdr:  who are you
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my name is victor
 Florencenmdr:  hold on a min
 Florencenmdr:  how can i help you
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just read my story
 Florencenmdr:  hello
 HAHA I MADE IT:  in a minute
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

 GVSU12345:  kill yourself 

 Hecphus:  talk then
 HAHA I MADE IT:  give me a minute
 Hecphus:  who r u?
 Hecphus:  and why you chose to im me?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i imed the entire room
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my name is victor
 Hecphus:  ok
 HAHA I MADE IT:  boricua de pura cepa..
 Hecphus:  de adonde
 HAHA I MADE IT:  naci en bayamon y me crie en vaga baja..
 Hecphus:  ok
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 Homeygirl623:  <TO FAT  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you need to walk then
 HAHA I MADE IT:  start riding the bus
 Homeygirl623:  <<LOVES TO BE FAT  
 Homeygirl623:  <HAS CAR
 Homeygirl623:  WANT A RIDE
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nope, if i walk half the fun will be getting there..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ill get to go to san marcos and check out the river and stuff.. 

 Howlngcanulast:  do you need something
 Howlngcanulast:  i am glad we are getting him out of office
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i need peace..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  killing only leads to more killing
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i know of another way..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read my's of global-importance..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  harmless text
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no downloads
 Howlngcanulast:  no
 HAHA I MADE IT:  fine then, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss, i guess..
 Howlngcanulast:  you are out of your freaking mind
 Howlngcanulast:  i am not ignorant
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you have nothing to base that on..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and you are ignorant
 Howlngcanulast:  why should there be lunitics in office
 Howlngcanulast:  saddam needs to leave
 HAHA I MADE IT:  why should there be offices?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  we can govern ourselves..
 Howlngcanulast:  how old are you
 HAHA I MADE IT:  old enough to know better..
 Howlngcanulast:  oh ok
 Howlngcanulast:  then you should no  
 Howlngcanulast:  that when there is noone to govern then there is just chaos
 Howlngcanulast:  and no laws
 Howlngcanulast:  but hey you have it all figured out
 Howlngcanulast:  get a fucking life
 Howlngcanulast:  go to bed little boy
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and exactly how are you not being ignorant here??
 HAHA I MADE IT:  fool
 Howlngcanulast:  yeah ok
 Howlngcanulast:  it is not being ignorant to know that there needs to be a government to have order
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no, but it sure as hell is ignorant to not be informed before judging someone
 HAHA I MADE IT:  like you are judging me right this minute
 Howlngcanulast:  i am not judging you before i am informed
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you have jack shit to base any opinion of me on
 Howlngcanulast:  you flat out said we don't need a governent
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read my story, know what i'm about, then make a decision..
 Howlngcanulast:  to have order
 Howlngcanulast:  your about stopping a war
 Howlngcanulast:  lol
 Howlngcanulast:  i don't have time to read your story
 Howlngcanulast:  i am all about worrying about my husband  
 Howlngcanulast:  and my son
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm worrying about that too
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm worrying about everybody
 Howlngcanulast:  this is what we have to do to be safe at home
 Howlngcanulast:  if we just let them do whatever they want then they will build up there forces and then we will be done
 HAHA I MADE IT:  why aren't you looking for an alternative?
 Howlngcanulast:  there is no alternative
 Howlngcanulast:  we are at war
 Howlngcanulast:  it is to late
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you cant blame ALL iraqis for how their leaders behave and think
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its not like they all agree with them
 Howlngcanulast:  they are keeping him safe
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so why kill innocent people?
 Howlngcanulast:  and iraqis don't have to fight they have an option
 HAHA I MADE IT:  saddam is just jealous of the US because we are so modern and advanced..
 Howlngcanulast:  they can surrender
 HAHA I MADE IT:  because america is the land where different people came and evolved together..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the indians were here first, remember?
 Howlngcanulast:  well to keep us safe we must take him out of office
 HAHA I MADE IT:  we shouldn't be acting as a country...we need to act like the melting-pot we are..
 Howlngcanulast:  we gave them an option
 Howlngcanulast:  we are a country
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you are just a product of that polluted mainstream
 HAHA I MADE IT:  fuck that, i dont drink from there
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you're just a media-fed follower..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  we are the most diverse country in the world..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  everybody here is different
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ALL humans are different
 Howlngcanulast:  i am not a follower
 Howlngcanulast:  by no means
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and that diversity is supported by science
 HAHA I MADE IT:  then try thinking for yourself sometime..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and see how we are destroying our own world..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  please read my really is of global-importance..
 Howlngcanulast:  i will read it later
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i prove that it is human-nature to be generous
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and that we don't need money to live
 HAHA I MADE IT:  wouldn't you work for free if all your needs were already taken care of?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so you wouldnt be bored at home all day
 Howlngcanulast:  no
 HAHA I MADE IT:  provided you had a job you enjoyed
 HAHA I MADE IT:  fine then, if you're not going to contribute, be independant
 HAHA I MADE IT:  work for your own wants
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and dont rely on anyone else
 Howlngcanulast:  i don't want to rely on anyone
 Howlngcanulast:  i like to be rich
 Howlngcanulast:  i want to make my own future
 Howlngcanulast:  and have my own dreams
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you don't need money for that..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its the root of all evil, just like they've said since it was invented
 Howlngcanulast:  i don't want my futer predetermined
 Howlngcanulast:  by someone else
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's just simple evolution..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you know what i'm basing all this freedom on?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the pirated software scene on the internet..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  where everything is free already
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and has been since the birth of the internet..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you can download new movies still in theaters and watch them at home on your computer
 HAHA I MADE IT:  for free
 Howlngcanulast:  why don't you go to iraq  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i had windows xp months before it was released..
 Howlngcanulast:  and have your life predetermined
 HAHA I MADE IT:  for free..
 Howlngcanulast:  and not have freedom
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its an accepted companies will spend way more money tracing and litigating offenders, than they're already making off of everyone paying for it already..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's not cost-effective to them, so they just ignore it..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you can compare it to prohibition in the 20''s just too widespread to control..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so what i'm gonna do..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  is just tell everyone
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'll massmail detailed instructions on how to get free shit off the web..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so people will stop paying for shit..and we'll have to get rid of money..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there's nothing like a dream to create the future..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  instead of working to get the most money into their bank accounts, people would compete to see who could be the most generous to get the most attention and respect..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's human-nature to be generous, and i prove my theory right every single day..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  since i walk so much, i dont own a car, whenever i get hungry, i can walk into any restaurant in town and ask to speak to the manager
 HAHA I MADE IT:  bitch signed off 

Subj: Re: could this true story stop a war? part 1  
Date: 3/19/2003 9:55:09 AM Central Standard Time
From: Jamysama

I'm the girl from Austin and read your stories.  Thanks I liked them.  

 Justin8003:  do i know you?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no, i just want you to read it.  harmless text, no downloads
 Justin8003:  no thanks
 HAHA I MADE IT:  fine then, just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss, i guess
 Justin8003:  k
 Justin8003:  sorry man
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 KCHOTTIE1981:  am no
 HAHA I MADE IT:  then just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss, i guess..
 KCHOTTIE1981:  what is your problem?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  your ignorance
 KCHOTTIE1981:  mine you are the one harassing people
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

Lancer2002Black: hey walk over to my house, lol
Lancer2002Black: okay nm
HAHA I MADE IT: sorry, i have a war to stop..
Lancer2002Black: what war?
Lancer2002Black: the one in iraq?
HAHA I MADE IT: umm, do you live under a rock?
Lancer2002Black: lol
Lancer2002Black: how the hell are you gunna stop it?
HAHA I MADE IT: work the victor-magic..
Lancer2002Black: lol uh-huh lol
HAHA I MADE IT: the spirits got my back..
Lancer2002Black: well goodluck

 Leftovercrack247:  no
thats gay   
 Leftovercrack247:  hippie   
 Leftovercrack247:  now go get run over by a tank or something.   
 Leftovercrack247:  thanks   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Leftovercrack247:  ...   
 Leftovercrack247:  hippies are not allowed to breathe,   
 Leftovercrack247:  think about it.   
 Leftovercrack247:  hippie   

LiL Miss Mo: Hey
HAHA I MADE IT: anastasia?
LiL Miss Mo: no
HAHA I MADE IT: my bad
HAHA I MADE IT: whats up mo
LiL Miss Mo: I never told yoo my name..
LiL Miss Mo: It's right there
HAHA I MADE IT: is that short for something?
LiL Miss Mo: I was wondering if yoo wanted me to put it o my site?
LiL Miss Mo: Yes
HAHA I MADE IT: yes! please!
HAHA I MADE IT: you didn't have to ask permission
HAHA I MADE IT: show it your grandma too
LiL Miss Mo: Well I remember telling yoo or bringing it up with yoo before but now that i read it it's a cute story and i'll see if I have time to put it up.  
HAHA I MADE IT: thank you
LiL Miss Mo: I doubt I'll be showing it to my Grandma, from all the pot yoo smoked i doubt she'd approve  
LiL Miss Mo: Honestly, I think your story would have been better if yoo didn't write about the marijuana usage
LiL Miss Mo: my opinion though.  It was still nice yoo took the time to write it all out
HAHA I MADE IT: somebody has to
LiL Miss Mo:  yeah 

 LiL V V769549441:  suck these
 HAHA I MADE IT:  haha
 LiL V V769549441:  haha these nuts in your mouth
 LiL V V769549441:  yea leave me alone 

 Madjecks:  FUCK YOU
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 MJordan23max:  how?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my story answers any question..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  give me a minute
 MJordan23max:  how are you?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm the happiest man in the world
 MJordan23max:  thats tits
 MJordan23max:  hey?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 MJordan23max:  does anybody care?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  oh yeah..
 MJordan23max:  who?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm getting a badass response to my email campaign
 MJordan23max:  I want names addresses and last 5 references of the people that cared
 HAHA I MADE IT:  gimme a minute
 MJordan23max:  NOW
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ready?
 MJordan23max:  ya
 HAHA I MADE IT:  shit...i gotta go take a piss
 MJordan23max:  no
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok, im back..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hmm, i'm having a nicotine-fit
 HAHA I MADE IT:  brb 

 Mookmook1023755:  Hey read y'r story
 Mookmook1023755:  I agree
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thanks, i just got on to send my shit out some more..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  look what i'm telling people
 HAHA I MADE IT:  listen, i know exactly how to stop this war.  any war.  i've got it all figured out.  let me send you my true story about how i took off walking for the west coast from san antonio,tx, with no money.  i had a magical adventure and it didn't cost me a dime.  it's probably the most interesting thing you will read for a long time.
 Mookmook1023755:  with everything but the weed part
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you dont have to smoke it..
 Mookmook1023755:  Well if u serious dont write that part ppl will think y'r a hippie
 Mookmook1023755:  r u?
 Mookmook1023755:  I love weezerest to
 Mookmook1023755:  too
 HAHA I MADE IT:  how did you know i listened to weezer?
 Mookmook1023755:  u told me
 Mookmook1023755:  I heard u
 Mookmook1023755:  the both of us
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  who are you?
 Mookmook1023755:  sos
 Mookmook1023755:  someone special
 HAHA I MADE IT:  maybe it's the head-injuries, but i don't remember you
 HAHA I MADE IT:  have we talked before?
 Mookmook1023755:  yeah it's okay, more power 2 u
 Mookmook1023755:  gotta go 

 Muphin lover:  wtf   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i just want you to read it..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  harmless text, no downloads
 Muphin lover:  who the hell are you   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my name is victor
 Muphin lover:  umm ok   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  victor antonio
 HAHA I MADE IT:  san antonio
 Muphin lover:  well send the text again   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  give me a minute please
 Muphin lover:  and why you IMin me from VA   
 Muphin lover:  ummm k   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i have a war to stop..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that's why
 Muphin lover:  ok   
 Muphin lover:  i can careless bout the war   
 Muphin lover:  i dont care if we have one or not   

 Path of Orion:  dude   
 Path of Orion:  i've read it   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i've revised it
 Path of Orion:  right on   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Path of Orion:  dude, i'm about to block you   
 Path of Orion:  you have my email address, if you want to send something to me, send it to the one i gave you last night   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  damn dude im sorry
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i talk to so many people when i do this shit
 Path of Orion:  alright   
 Path of Orion:  peace   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  peace brother 

 RagweedI3itch:  this war no kidding im seriously scared shitless i heard that it started tonight and i threw up and got this yucky tummy ach and everytime i hear it on the news i cry and shit call me dumb or whatever but im really scared  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  gotmail
 RagweedI3itch:  ok
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 RagweedI3itch:  aslp
 HAHA I MADE IT:  25m san antonio
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i have a pic, but its kinda old
 RagweedI3itch:  k
 RagweedI3itch:  cute
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thank you
 RagweedI3itch:  yw
 RagweedI3itch:  dum de dum de dum
 HAHA I MADE IT:  whats up bitch
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hehe
 RagweedI3itch:  notta lotta
 HAHA I MADE IT:  did my story help at all?
 RagweedI3itch:  what that im scared
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah
 RagweedI3itch:  no
 HAHA I MADE IT:  did you read it all?
 RagweedI3itch:  the firs half
 RagweedI3itch:  im jsut scared it might end up over here ya know
 RagweedI3itch:  and i have a son and im just scared
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah, not if i can do something about it..
 RagweedI3itch:  u really think u can
 HAHA I MADE IT:  somebody has to..
 RagweedI3itch:  i dunno how successfull ull be tho
 HAHA I MADE IT:  right
 HAHA I MADE IT:  not to mention, the happiest man in the world...
 RagweedI3itch:  huh?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  read my stuff
 HAHA I MADE IT:   i got big plans
 RagweedI3itch:  ok
 RagweedI3itch:  ugh the special report came on
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah, hey im gonna go smoke a cigarette
 RagweedI3itch:  ok
 HAHA I MADE IT:  brbin5min 

 Raquelleshane:  what are you talking about?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  give me a minute
 Raquelleshane:  Whatever your trash is don't play with it cuz all you do is just sit around and chat and if you are a real peace maker, what the hell are you doing in a chatroom?

 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm not in a chat room
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ive got this big list of places rooms...
 Raquelleshane:  I know that and how do you figure that out?
 Raquelleshane:  Oh okay
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i just click on the 'whos chatting' button..and voila
 Raquelleshane:  yea ya ya  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ive been doing this all night
 Raquelleshane:  that is exactly what I'm saying
 Raquelleshane:  why?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i have a war to stop...
 HAHA I MADE IT:  somebodys gotta do it..
 Raquelleshane:  and  you can do that in the chat?
 Raquelleshane:  lol
 Raquelleshane:  or are you playing drinking coffee
 Raquelleshane:  Only little kids do that and I'm telling you, stop fooling around little kid or you will ended up being kidnapped by Sadam Hussein's ass
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Raquelleshane:  whatever little kid 

From :  
To :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 01:53:28 EST  
  Reply  Reply All  Forward  Put in Folder...InboxSent MessagesDraftsTrash Can   Printer Friendly Version  
You came up with the most stupid subject I've ever heard of and want to know what exactly are you talking about.  

 Ridge1008:  IM ALLSET
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its just harmless text..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no downloads
 Ridge1008:  NO THANKS
 Ridge1008:  WHO CARES?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Ridge1008:  I TOLD U I WAS ALL SET
 Ridge1008:  BEAT IT s

 RiotPunkoi3:  play guitar?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nope
 HAHA I MADE IT:  why would you think i did?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i never had the patience to learn, but now if i find the time i bet i could do it
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i play a mean air guitar  
 RiotPunkoi3:  haha
 RiotPunkoi3:  learn so we can jam out
 HAHA I MADE IT:  not to mention, i have a random, minor tremor in my right arm from a head-injury i had in 00
 HAHA I MADE IT:  its not always there and i dont know what brings it on
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i lost some dexterity in that arm and i'm right-handed
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so i've beeb practicing with my left
 HAHA I MADE IT:  anyway, i'm all lit up and talking to someone i don't know..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what's up with that?
 RiotPunkoi3:  u have a guitar?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what made you think that i had any interest in guitars?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  who the hell are you?
 RiotPunkoi3:  i dont know
 HAHA I MADE IT:  have you read my stuff?
 RiotPunkoi3:  nobody laters 

 Robert D Baller:  fuck you asshole
 Robert D Baller:  kill yourself
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 HAHA I MADE IT:  wanna walk to austin with me?
 S2003JUDSON:  hell naw
 S2003JUDSON:  i have 2 work today
 S2003JUDSON:  pic 

 HAHA I MADE IT:  wanna walk to austin with me?
 SATexasGuy:  umm no 

 Sexy32sweet:  ummm okay
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Sexy32sweet:  thanks... i don't really have time to read it now, but i will when i get a chance to
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yes, are your discretion..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  just keep in mind that it's of global-importance..
 Sexy32sweet:  okay 

 Slacker6848:  no
 HAHA I MADE IT:  then just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ignorance is bliss, i guess
 Slacker6848:  haha sure
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

 Slurps 81:  shut up i love war 

 Snowjunkysrx:   FUCK YOU 

 Sodaaapopp:  so  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 Sodaaapopp:  hey are you female  

 SonicSilence 9:  me so harny
 SonicSilence 9:  me love u long time
 SonicSilence 9:  me so harny 

Subj: No Subject  
Date: 3/20/2003 12:33:51 AM Central Standard Time
From: Spld14brt

ok  i think  it   kool  so  thanks  for  the  letter          britt

 Star Tripper 724:  are you a nut?
 Star Tripper 724:  the only way to stop the war is for saddam to got off the face of the earth
 HAHA I MADE IT:  theres a better way to do it
 HAHA I MADE IT:  find it!
 Star Tripper 724:  ok you must be a sadaam supporter want to join him and lick his boots covered in his own peoples blood
 HAHA I MADE IT:  stop being ignorant and read your mail
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Star Tripper 724:  no sorry i'll delete it right away ,did you cheer when the world trait centers were attacked
 HAHA I MADE IT:  of course not
Star Tripper 724:  you must of, it seems you support them they're your heros
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what are you basing that on?  youre ignorant ass doesnt even know what i stand for..
Star Tripper 724:  i don't really care stop iming me sadaam loer
 HAHA I MADE IT:  youre iming me dumbass 

 HAHA I MADE IT:  wanna walk to austin with me?
 TakeMeWithYou03:  nah my legs hurt
 TakeMeWithYou03:   how u doin?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im the happiest man in the world..
 TakeMeWithYou03:  why did you marry a asian fisting whore?
 TakeMeWithYou03:  some  guys have all the luck  
 TakeMeWithYou03:   lol if i was a guy i'd order me 5 of them bastards
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no way
 HAHA I MADE IT:  french fisting whores are sooo much better..
 TakeMeWithYou03:   oh so i here  
 TakeMeWithYou03:   but  u must give those asians credit  
 TakeMeWithYou03:  i mean who else is gonan teach me how to shoot ping pong out of my hole
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i suppose..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  damnit, i cant think of anything funnier to say..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im gonna go smoke a cigarette
 TakeMeWithYou03:   lol  well then i win  
 TakeMeWithYou03:  alright  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  brbin5min
 HAHA I MADE IT:  here, while i'm gone i'll leave you with a really interesting story..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm gonna knock your socks off..
 TakeMeWithYou03:   lol en la mer de nom ?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  to compensate for my unfunniness
 HAHA I MADE IT:  brbin10minorless
 TakeMeWithYou03:  k
 HAHA I MADE IT:  im black..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  err..-l
 TakeMeWithYou03:   k
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so sister, what do you think so far?
 TakeMeWithYou03:   it seems weird
 TakeMeWithYou03:  lol
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm assuming you're a chick..
 TakeMeWithYou03:  i am  
 TakeMeWithYou03:  yes ma'am i am
 HAHA I MADE IT:  great..didn't make an ass of me..
 TakeMeWithYou03:  k
 TakeMeWithYou03:  so u got a pic ?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah, it's about a year old though..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hold up
 TakeMeWithYou03:  coo
 HAHA I MADE IT:  how about you?  got a pic?
 TakeMeWithYou03:  no
 HAHA I MADE IT:  how about a mental pic?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  description
 TakeMeWithYou03:   lol mental pic u say  
 TakeMeWithYou03:   hey brbr  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok, take your time 

 victoriagoulet99:  ok
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, give me a minute
 victoriagoulet99:  ok
 victoriagoulet99:  You didn't send me a virus did you
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no, just harmless text..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  no download
 victoriagoulet99:  ok
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 victoriagoulet99:  ok thanks, I  will read it 

 Wildd Indian:  hey
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hello
 Wildd Indian:  can i help stop this war too sweety
 HAHA I MADE IT:  listen, i know exactly how to stop this war peacefully.  any war.  i've got it all figured out.  let me send you my true story about how i took off walking for the west coast from san antonio,tx with no money.  i had a magical adventure and it didn't cost me a dime.  it's probably the most interesting thing you will read for a long time.
 Wildd Indian:  yes that trus its the most intresting thing
 Wildd Indian:  i read for a long time
 HAHA I MADE IT:  did you finish it?
 Wildd Indian:  finish what???????
 HAHA I MADE IT:  reading the story
 Wildd Indian:  yea i did
 Wildd Indian:  hey
 Wildd Indian:  ??????????????
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yeah?
 Wildd Indian:  am tired of this war thing sweety
 Wildd Indian:  i tried to watch a show on tv and only war war war
 HAHA I MADE IT:  as am i
 HAHA I MADE IT:  so be sure to forward that mail to all your friends
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and tell them to do the same thing
 Wildd Indian:  yea i will
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thanks
 Wildd Indian:  so what your name sweety
 HAHA I MADE IT:  damn, all the queens are on aol tonight..
 Wildd Indian:  which queen
 Wildd Indian:  hey what your name
 HAHA I MADE IT:  dont worry about it..
 Wildd Indian:  no am really worry 

 WoOWeE iTS LEiGH:  R u on Crack?   
 WoOWeE iTS LEiGH:  U sure?   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  positive..
 WoOWeE iTS LEiGH:  Wanna hear the story about how I became a Siamese Cuzin>   
 HAHA I MADE IT:  type it up and send it to
 WoOWeE iTS LEiGH:  I can't   
 WoOWeE iTS LEiGH:  I wanna tell you now   
 WoOWeE iTS LEiGH:  k?   

hehe turned my ims off

 Xi  like  noisex:  what
 Xi  like  noisex:  your from san antonio
 HAHA I MADE IT:  give me a minute
 Xi  like  noisex:  do you know dan  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  dan who
 Xi  like  noisex:  i dont know  
 Xi  like  noisex:  i know people from san antonio i met them once
 Xi  like  noisex:  anyways  
 Xi  like  noisex:  do u know dan ?
 Xi  like  noisex:  i barely even know him  
 Xi  like  noisex:  ok bye
 HAHA I MADE IT:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction.. 

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