


San Antonio, TX

Sunday March 21, 2004

     1:15pm  I took a shower. I'm going to do my laundry. I'm going to play, not play, work on the computer while my laundry is processing.

     2:26pm  Damnit, this is driving me nuts. My mom just came in. Hold on, let me think about what happened. Oh yeah, my mom changed the password on her email account. I asked her, "Can you tell me your password? I just want to get on and look at my emails. I just want to copy and paste the last letters from my dad that I haven't logged." She all lied to me, "Oh, some people complained. You better not send out any emails to anybody you don't know." I told her, "Mom, I haven't sent any mail at all."
                   I think I know what got her thinking that, though. I told you how I found my bastard father Franklin, right? He abandoned the family in San Antonio when I was three years old. No child support or nothin'. No contact whatsoever. Well, recently my twin sister sent me some stupid joke email. You know, the kind people just delete because they are not funny. Well, that day I was bored so I hit the Reply to All button on the email and sent my Portable Party idea to everyone on her mailing list. Unbeknownst to me, she had already made contact with my real father through the Internet. So bam, he gets his son's idea.
                   Anyway, she told me some of those other people on the mailing list that got my idea had complained. Like they thought my harmless text could be a virus or something. So that's what she's talking about. She said they all complained. I asked her, "I didn't do anything wrong. What do you think that button is there for? To send something to the whole mailing list. It's not like I force them to open up my email. What? Do you think all this porn mail and spam on the Internet, do you think all of the people who send that stuff are asking permission? I am not forcing them to open up my email. If they don't know me, they should delete it. Duh."
                   Then she bullshitted me some more. She told me, "Oh, and I got a notice from Roadrunner, blah, blah, blah." I told her, "If that's true, which I doubt, It's because they know what I am doing." They're trying to scare you, just like they have. I am not breaking any laws. I don't make people open my harmless text mail." She said, "Oh, they received complaints from all these people." I told her, "Mom, they're making it up! It's not true." Damn the ignorance in this world, man. When will we ever learn? We're stuck. People actually think they know better.

     3:50pm  My mom took me to Walmart. Letter of the day is A, Aaron.

                   I got like three A's.

     3:50pm  Victor, this cool dude gave me a cigarette at the apartments next to the bus stop at Walmart. I appreciate it, brother. That's very generous of you. What was your name again? Victor and Peaches. Peaches and cream. And Victor hooked me up with three cigarettes! I appreciate it, brother. Thanks for listening guys, I gotta catch a bus.
                   Man, that was awesome. I saw some dude on his balcony smoking a cigarette and I hit him up for one. I told him my stuff and his son Peaches came out and I told them both my story. I asked them, "Do you have an email address?" They told me, "No, but we always see you, man. Every time we do, we say hey, there's that guy again. Ah, it's the same guy? Yeah, with the stick."

                   You see, I am everywhere. I'm going to be famous, man.

                   I offered to smoke them out and they said, "Man, we're already high."

     4:28pm I 'm at the hospital and Mr. Sanchez is going to hook me up with a courtesy ride to Fredericksburg. I'll walk to Gardendale to go see Kassie. Uh oh, forgot my stick. I'll be right back.

     4:41pm  I just got off on Louis Pasteur and Fredericksburg. I'm walking to Wurzbach.

     4:45pm  Pravo is hooking me up with a pack of matches. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:02pm  I was just walking down Datapoint passing the mysterious Datapoint building. It has a For Lease sign on it. It's creepy. It has said For Lease on it for years. Ever since I first saw it. What? There's not a business who could figure out how to make a little money, in Medical Center San Antonio, where the property is higher class. Yeah right. I think it's a covert federal operation. There's never any cars parked there. I think maybe they go in a secret tunnel or something.
                   I got my big stick. I got my army pants and shorts on. I got my marijuana bandana hanging out of my pocket. I look all hippie. I'm walking and it started drizzling real hard. I stopped and got my rain poncho out of my bag. I just hope they were looking at me from that Datapoint building.

                   I didn't walk too far and it stopped raining, so I rolled my poncho back up and put it up.

                   I just walked up to Data Food Mart. I'm going to turn here on Gardendale. This girl just asked me for some change. I told her, "Nah, I don't believe in money. Can I tell you what I'm doing?" She went, "No, I'm on the clock." I told her, "I'm going to eliminate money and make everything free, prove that it's human nature to be generous and bring world peace. Get rid of cars in big cities. And, get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out." She said, "Oh, my kids believe in that." I told her, "Victor Antonio from San Antonio," and I walked off.

     5:19pm  I walked all the way to Wurzbach and Gardendale. I'm over here at the carwash to see if Kassie is working.

                   They told me that Kassie wasn't there. I hope she's home.

     5:21pm  I'm over by Kassie's. Let me see if she's home.

     5:50pm  Patrick gave me a cigarette and we're having a really good conversation.

     5:57pm  I walked to the Baker Street Pub to borrow the phone to call Kassie. When I walked in there was this old guy who started commenting on my outfit. I told him, "Hey, I got stories." He said, "I bet you got lots of stories." I told him, "That's right, I'm an open book." I called Kassie and she wasn't home. I hate talking to answering machines. I went back to the old guy and said, "Hey, can I tell you what I'm doing?" I told him my mission-objectives and asked him if he was willing to listen. He said, "Oh, no. I'm a conservative." He all labeled himself. I told him, "Ah, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does." In the end he got pissed off. He got all religious and stuff. I told him, "As long as all these Christians are working for evil money . . ." That riled him up. He was all, "No, no. Money's not evil. It's people that are evil." I tried telling him, "Wouldn't it happen so much less without money?" He said, "No, no. You blew it right there. I don't believe in you." I told him, "It's alright. Ignorance is bliss, I guess." I started walking out and he said, "Hey." I said, "What?" He said, "I'm not ignorant." I asked him, "Well, then why won't you listen to me? Thanks for proving me right."

     6:00pm  I'm here at the bus stop. I walked up to these two deaf people. They couldn't hear. I saw them signing to each other. I asked them if they had a cigarette with the bum-a-cigarette hand-gesture. They shook their head no. I nodded, "Thanks anyway." Then I told them my name in sign language. That's all I know, because I found this card on the ground at Easter Seals while back. The lady smiled at me and took a cigarette out of her purse. Then, they went and bought a pack and gave me two more. Awesome. I wish I could tell them what I'm doing, but they can't hear me and I don't know sign language. I wrote in my little notebook "name?" and showed it to them. They gave me their names and I then I wrote, "With the Internet I am going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace." They were all smiles and gave me the thumbs up.

                    I had to communicate it to them somehow. I'm recording myself in the store. I look dumb.

                   Oh, and anyway, all of a sudden Kassie pulls up in a car. Kassie and Sabrina. She asked me, "Hey, do you need a ride?" I said sure. We came to the Dollar Store. I told Kassie, "I sent you an email." She said, "Yeah, I got it." She told me that she has a lot of stuff to do. I won't be spending the night.

     8:10pm  Kassie is actually going on a walk with me. I'm so happy. I'm going to show her the bamboo forest up on Fredericksburg. When I suggested it and she agreed, I was ecstatic. She said she has to study so I went to leave. Oh yeah, I was reading through her economics book. Man, there is so much shit in there nobody needs to learn. I got up and went to kiss her on the cheek to take off and go catch the bus downtown or something. She told me, "Hey, don't go." So, I didn't. And so, she's agreed to come walk with me to the bamboo forest. I'm going to show her around. This is my town.

                   Holy shit! I just walked up to the where the bamboo forest used to be. The old Hooter's Camp. It's gone. It got all cleared out. That sucks! Ugh. Let's go walk around.

     9:00pm  I'm just leaving Kassie's. What a shock I just had. See, Kassie went on a walk with me. I was all happy thinking Kassie was so awesome. We finally got in an argument. I had mentioned, "Have you noticed how we haven't ever gotten in an argument before?" She said, "You're right." I told her, "I'll try my hardest not to." See, the truth came out tonight. She doesn't think I am doing anything. She said, "At first I thought you were, but all you're doing is just bumming around. People have to work for these things. You should be working with the system. You should become a politician if you want to change the system." I got all frustrated and told her, "I am not trying to change the system. I'm trying to fuck the system. How could I do that with money and be proving the point that we don't need it?" Anyways, so that was my cue to leave. I'll probably never see her again. Oh well. You win some, you lose some. I told myself I couldn't fall in love with her.

                   Oh yeah, and I got confirmation that she got my email. She just never replied to it. I had told her, "I hope you don't feel uncomfortable at all." This kind of pisses me off, but I've got bigger fish to fry. Ha, I had even asked her, "Hey, would you want to go to New Mexico real quick and come right back?" She told me she had to think about it. But now we had this terrible night and the truth came out. Well, she was being honest and I have to respect her for that. Even just a little.

                   People are so brainwashed. Ugh.

                   I can't believe she doesn't think I'm doing anything. I go out there and talk to people every waking moment. I have a direction. I am the talk of the town. Everybody is talking about me. Damnit. I am educating them.

                   God-damn the ignorance in this world. She's all pissed off at me. I didn't do anything to her. Kassie was so beautiful.

                   Ugh, this pisses me off. She was all, "And how long have you been looking for a traveling-partner?" I told her, "I don't look for anything. I want one real bad, but hey, if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen." She is totally out of the question so I got my answer. Process of elimination.

                   I can't believe her shit. What a rollercoaster. After she invited me to stay and everything. I mean, she was giving me hints to leave so she could study and when I tried to walk out there door she tells me, "I don't want you to go." Then this shit happened. We went for a walk and the truth came out. It's really hard to believe.

                   I've been so excited having all these magical days lately. I'm always telling people about them.

                   Before when I first got there she was all, "Let me get this straight, you do this every single day? You keep track of everything?" I told her yes and she's all, "So you've said things about me?" I told her, "Well yeah. Nothing bad, I swear." I'm thinking maybe that's what made her feel uncomfortable. It's good that now she is finally aware of exactly what I'm doing and she can back out if she can't take the heat. Which she did. That's alright, though. It was necessary.

     9:16pm  Javier me esta dando un taco. Te lo agradezco, Javier.

                   I should have told Kassie and Sabrina, "Thank you guys. My book is going to kick so much ass."

                   Oh yeah, earlier I had asked Kassie, "What are you taking in school?" I told her, "With all that stuff that you're learning, do you really need to know that stuff?" She was all, "Not really, but I like learning about new stuff."

                   If excuses were money she would be rich.

                   You don't need to learn all that stuff. Why would you want to learn what you don't need to learn. What you shouldn't be learning.

                   Well, finally the truth came out of hiding with her. I wonder what took so long. I had to ask her, "Why have you been so nice to me, Kassie?" She said, "Oh, I'm nice with everybody." I asked her, "Oh really? Are you as nice to everybody the same way you were nice to me?" She said, "Yeah."

                   Damn, could've fooled me.

                   She's got that nasty East Coast Ignorance Virus.

                   Which there are so many strains of.

                   Sweet! I stole her lighter, hehe. Haha, sucker.

                   It's cool, I needed a lighter. I wasn't looking forward to lighting a cigarette with matches.

                   Oh yeah, I stole her needle and thread too. Suckers.

                   Oh yeah, and I got my definite cue to leave when she got a big burger and started eating it in front of me. I told her, "I get the hint." I gave her a hug and she didn't hug me back at all. She just sat there. Oh well. I kissed her on the forehead.

                   Kassie is a very confused girl. Why would she have made it seem like she wanted me to stay if she's just going to erupt on me like that. Was that her plan all along? The truth came out. She's all concerned about what other people think. Who cares?

     10:14pm  Mr. Garcia hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Cool, I got a transfer from that driver. I called it. He was all, "What do you need a transfer for?" I told him, "Well, it's either a ten mile walk from here or a seven mile walk from West. I'll do either one." He hooked me up.

                     Kassie needs to realize that the more people that disagree with me the stronger I am becoming. Open your eyes, please.

                     In Kassie's case, open your beautiful eyes.

                     I'm thinking this might be a sign to leave. Going to go do my trip to New Mexico and back.

                     Oh yeah, and Kassie had the gall to call me lazy. Damn. I mean, Sabrina is all hooked on this show on TV. They're always on the computer. And I'm the lazy one? They're the lazy asses.

                     Except for my Kassie. She came to walk with me, hehe.

                     It's cool, they're all going to be talking shit about me now. I don't know, I shouldn't assume. They probably won't talk about me at all. But hey, at least I went through it and it happened and it's in the story. It's what really happened. Nothing but the truth.

     10:40pm  I just walked to the Shell station here at Wurzbach and Babcock. There was a lot of people there in line. When I got there, I just asked the cashier, "Hey, could I get some water?" I could've gotten it myself the whole time if he had told me yes. He grabs my bottle and fills it up and hands it back. The idiot put hot water in it. Dumbass.

                     Well Kassie, It really is your loss.

                     Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I've decided I'm going to walk to Planet K. Hang out there. Umm, I'm going to walk to Dominos and see if they have any mistakes. I'm hungry.

                     No mistakes at Dominos.

     11:07pm  Mark hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Pakistan place on Wurzbach and Evers.

     11:40pm  Earl just gave me two American Sprits. Haven't had one of those in a long time. I was talking to these two guys and they recognized me too. "Hey, Victor!"

Adelita72: hey you..................
GO TO HELL PUTO: got any weed?
Adelita72: nopeeeeeeeeeee
Adelita72: lol
Adelita72: whats wrong babe?
Adelita72: cant find any weed?
GO TO HELL PUTO: not really looking for it
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats just what i was thinking about when you imed me
GO TO HELL PUTO: and cause im stoned already
Adelita72: lol
Adelita72: ur crazy dude lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: wacka wacka wacka
Adelita72: yup yup
GO TO HELL PUTO: you want my manhood dont you

Air333: ohh ok
Air333: hey look tho.. im sorry but i gotta go for a bit
Air333: ill email u wen i get done reading it
Air333: how old r u by the way?
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, send it to my hotmail please
GO TO HELL PUTO: turned 25 feb 2
Air333: oh ok
Air333: thanks
GO TO HELL PUTO: i will surely keep my promise..
GO TO HELL PUTO: cross my heart and hope to die..
Air333: wut promise u say ure keeping ? promise to wut ?
GO TO HELL PUTO: referring to your profile
GO TO HELL PUTO: There are no promises that are surely kept.
Air333: ohh ok

her profile:

Name: Has anybody ever taken away from you all of your inspiration to do well and be successful? Has anybody ever taken away your

Location: motivation to rise above all the bullsl-llt in the world and beat the system? Has anyone ever taken away your reason for everything? Has anybody left you out in the cold because they just stopped caring? Have you ever realized that the 1 person who you

Marital Status: thot cared about you

Hobbies & Interests: unconditionally would just decide that its really all about themself? Have you ever awoke to find out that everything you thot u knew about the world was really false? Has anybody ever taken away everything from you? Your life, your feelings, your

Favorite Gadgets: future, your hopes, your dreams, and just tell you too bad, get over it? This is a great world, i am truley blessed by God to

Occupation: be alive, but this is also a cruel world. There are no promises that are surely kept. There is plenty of hope left, but also

Personal Quote: much despair and sadness. Hopefully this sad story will have a happy ending. If not, who will care...nobody was reading this book in the first place.   


Bad Boy Marques: who the hell is this?
GO TO HELL PUTO: my name is victor
Bad Boy Marques: victor you fucking freak, it's Marques
Bad Boy Marques: why the hell do you have such a fucked up s/n now?
GO TO HELL PUTO: marques who?
GO TO HELL PUTO: refresh my memory
Bad Boy Marques: I picked you up and took you to that party at that fat girls apt krystal and she called the cops on that crazy meth blonde girl
Bad Boy Marques: remember now?
Bad Boy Marques: I see your still talking all your crazy shit, lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: we'll see just how crazy i am soon..
Bad Boy Marques: do you remember who I am now though?
GO TO HELL PUTO: vaguely, if i saw you i would recognize you..and your name sounds really familiar
GO TO HELL PUTO: let me search my logs
Bad Boy Marques: do you remember that AOL party?
Bad Boy Marques: at that apt
Bad Boy Marques: the cops went there in the morning
Bad Boy Marques: because of that crazy lady that didn't want to leave
GO TO HELL PUTO: yeah, but that night i had gone to pick up the crazy lady
GO TO HELL PUTO: i think
Bad Boy Marques: nope
Bad Boy Marques: I picked you up
GO TO HELL PUTO: or maybe it was another time
Bad Boy Marques: and took you there
GO TO HELL PUTO: at my moms?
Bad Boy Marques: yup
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok, i kinda remember
Bad Boy Marques: did you walk to CA? lol
Bad Boy Marques: it's probably way to long to read right now.
GO TO HELL PUTO: read it at your discretion
GO TO HELL PUTO: whenever you have time
GO TO HELL PUTO: just keep in mind its of global-importance..
Bad Boy Marques: what's with your s/n?
Bad Boy Marques: that's kinda rude
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, seeing as how i havent paid for aol since 97 and make sub accounts off of other peoples master acconts, my favorite past time has become making really offensive sn's
GO TO HELL PUTO: shit that if people report will get the account killed
GO TO HELL PUTO: but i dont give a damn, next
GO TO HELL PUTO: hehe, are you religious?
Bad Boy Marques: yeah, no, i'm not
GO TO HELL PUTO: then ill tell you the best sn i ever made
Bad Boy Marques: do me a favor though, don't mess with my account ok?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i wont, i promise..
Bad Boy Marques: ok
Bad Boy Marques: so tell me the s'/n
GO TO HELL PUTO: but be sure not to have a simple password, because im not the only one doing it
Bad Boy Marques: ok cool
GO TO HELL PUTO: throw some numbers in it or somethign
Bad Boy Marques: yeah, I know
GO TO HELL PUTO: well hey dude, im gonna crash
GO TO HELL PUTO: goodnight
Bad Boy Marques: well tell me the s/n first
GO TO HELL PUTO: what sn?
Bad Boy Marques:
GO TO HELL PUTO: then ill tell you the best sn i ever made
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh yeahhh
GO TO HELL PUTO: damn head injuries..
Bad Boy Marques: haha
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, i still have it as an AIM sn..
Bad Boy Marques: k

I showed him my JESUS SUCKS DlCK sn.

GO TO HELL PUTO: pissed everybody off..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i went to all the christian chats and tore it up
Bad Boy Marques: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: when that one died, i made JESUS DIED HAHA
Bad Boy Marques: lol
Bad Boy Marques: what did they say in the christin chats?
Bad Boy Marques: lol
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok dude, night
GO TO HELL PUTO: i wish i wouldve logged it
GO TO HELL PUTO: it was hilarious
Bad Boy Marques: lol, maybe next time
Bad Boy Marques: ok, laters
GO TO HELL PUTO: peace brother 

GO TO HELL PUTO: can i send you a really interesting story?
BEDOLIES: who is this?
GO TO HELL PUTO: my name is victor
BEDOLIES: y me, victor?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i did a member directory search for "el paso"
BEDOLIES: uh huh...
BEDOLIES: there must be more people online
GO TO HELL PUTO: oh yeah
GO TO HELL PUTO: im almost finished asking people
GO TO HELL PUTO: ill send it soon
GO TO HELL PUTO: its worth the wait, trust me
BEDOLIES: sure, ok
BEDOLIES: how do i know it's not a virus?
GO TO HELL PUTO: because you wouldnt be downloading anything
GO TO HELL PUTO: harmless text
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
BEDOLIES: do you write it all?
GO TO HELL PUTO: its all me
GO TO HELL PUTO: nothing but the truth..
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
BEDOLIES: where are you now?
BEDOLIES: what do you do now?
GO TO HELL PUTO: im back in san antonio
GO TO HELL PUTO: i work on my mission
BEDOLIES: mission?
GO TO HELL PUTO: read my story, all questions will be answered
GO TO HELL PUTO: anyone can write, i live my stories
BEDOLIES: uh huh
GO TO HELL PUTO: now, i had my mini cassette recorder with me the whole time. i have the whole logged, very detailed
GO TO HELL PUTO: that story was just a summary
GO TO HELL PUTO: i have about 12 tapes full, but havent typed them all up yet
GO TO HELL PUTO: want me to send you some chapters that i did type up?
GO TO HELL PUTO: the smart man backs his shit up..
BEDOLIES: so ur a smart man?
GO TO HELL PUTO: not smarter than everyone else could be..
BEDOLIES: could be?
BEDOLIES: what's holding the rest of us back?
GO TO HELL PUTO: ignorance
BEDOLIES: so it is out of choice
GO TO HELL PUTO: thats right
GO TO HELL PUTO: people choose to be held back
GO TO HELL PUTO: nobodys twisting their arm
BEDOLIES: no exceptions?
GO TO HELL PUTO: theres always exceptions
GO TO HELL PUTO: everybody is different
BEDOLIES: i'm glad u can see that
GO TO HELL PUTO: this world would be damn boring if we were all the same
BEDOLIES: yes it would


Delicatebrat: I hardly doubt its the best I will ever read.. and no
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok then you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ignorance is bliss, i suppose
Delicatebrat: woopie
GO TO HELL PUTO: hey, if i send you my story about how i took off walking to the west coast from san antonio, texas with no money, would you read it? i did it all for free and had the time of my life. its probably the most interesting thing youll read in a long time..
Delicatebrat: get lost
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ignorance is bliss, i suppose
Delicatebrat: go away
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Delicatebrat: please leave me alone you are harassing me

Fhernnyx: maybe...
GO TO HELL PUTO: just harmless text..
Fhernnyx: I'm bussy, besides, your screen name is agresive, why do i want to hear a story with someones who has an agresive meaning
GO TO HELL PUTO: you shouldnt judge a book by its cover..
Fhernnyx: well, the first impresion is what counts....and you will never forget it....didn't teach that at school ???
GO TO HELL PUTO: i guess you would have to appreciate shock-value humor like me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: let me make it up to you and send you the best story of the year..
Fhernnyx: well if i have time i will read it, but not now!!!! i'm having quality time with my family, so....maybe next time....c'ya....
GO TO HELL PUTO: at your discretion..
GO TO HELL PUTO: have a good night
Fhernnyx: same to you....bye....
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..


GIJOEWARREN: maybe not puto
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok, then just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ignorance is bliss, i suppose
GIJOEWARREN: ignorance is bliss did you follow the 10 freeway pass bliss?
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok sent, read it when you have time..and if you like, i got tons more good
GO TO HELL PUTO: reading just ask
GIJOEWARREN: what proof do you have that this journey took place?
GIJOEWARREN: how can you believe someone who calls themself "go to hell bitch?"
GO TO HELL PUTO: well, i had my cassette recorder the whole time
GO TO HELL PUTO: i logged the whole experience..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive got about 12 tapes full of details..but i havent typed them all up
GO TO HELL PUTO: want me to send you some chapters that i have?
GO TO HELL PUTO: the smart man backs his shit up..
GIJOEWARREN: the smart man packs a camerra
GIJOEWARREN: and lots of toilet paper
GO TO HELL PUTO: i draw my pictures with words..

HerMightyTyeness: will u buy my computer?
GO TO HELL PUTO: sorry, i dont believe in money
HerMightyTyeness: thats why u spent it on a computer and spend it monthly on aol right?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i bought the computer with an insurance settlement i got from having a head injury..and i havent paid for aol since 97
GO TO HELL PUTO: i make sub accounts off of other peoples accounts
GO TO HELL PUTO: people who are so stupid they pick really easy to guess passwords..
HerMightyTyeness: either way, it costs money to people
HerMightyTyeness: how do u get food?
HerMightyTyeness: a place to live?
GO TO HELL PUTO: like "password"
HerMightyTyeness: drinks?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i drink water
GO TO HELL PUTO: and since i walk so much, i can go into any restaurant in town and ask to speak to the manager..
HerMightyTyeness: i think ur lying
HerMightyTyeness: and being a hypocrit
GO TO HELL PUTO: i tell them, "hi my name is victor and im a long-distance walker. i dont suppose youd care to donate any gasoline for my stomach? if its a big problem dont worry about it. im sure the next place i walk by will be generous and help me out."
GO TO HELL PUTO: bam, like 99% of places just hook me up
GO TO HELL PUTO: which goes to prove not only is it human-nature to be generous, but thats theres an accepted loss every company figures into their finances at the end of the month, that makes it ok not to always charge for it.
GO TO HELL PUTO: money is just a game. you dont have to play it
GO TO HELL PUTO: how am i being hypocritical?
GO TO HELL PUTO: go ahead, work, waste your life away..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont have to
HerMightyTyeness: then let me live with u
HerMightyTyeness: that way i dont have to spend money
HerMightyTyeness: and can learn ur ways
GO TO HELL PUTO: wanna be my traveling-partner?
HerMightyTyeness: where r u going?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dunno, where the wind takes me..
GO TO HELL PUTO: i was thinking about walking up to austin soon
GO TO HELL PUTO: 60 miles or so
GO TO HELL PUTO: are you in good shape?
GO TO HELL PUTO: see, there are certain things you might have a problem with...
GO TO HELL PUTO: like, sleeping outside
GO TO HELL PUTO: and not taking a shower every day
HerMightyTyeness: ohhh
HerMightyTyeness: ur a squatter
GO TO HELL PUTO: im a traveler
GO TO HELL PUTO: i attend the portable school of life..
GO TO HELL PUTO: why do people want to settle down when theres so much out there..
HerMightyTyeness: because i feel safer this way
GO TO HELL PUTO: the more you know, the less you need..
GO TO HELL PUTO: hey, im gonna go smoke a cigarette..
GO TO HELL PUTO: brbin10min
HerMightyTyeness: oy
HerMightyTyeness: i want one
GO TO HELL PUTO: black...
GO TO HELL PUTO: err..-l

LANDO21M: not interested but good luck bro
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ignorance is bliss, i suppose
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

Lonewarrior3: okay
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, gimme a minute
Lonewarrior3: k
Lonewarrior3: hey this chic would like to hear your story too :BabyMeL4U
Lonewarrior3: hey the story ?
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Lonewarrior3: cool

Maximus665: are you trying to send me a virus?
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, its just harmless text
GO TO HELL PUTO: i promise
Maximus665: why send it to me?
GO TO HELL PUTO: viruses are no fun, you dont get to see the damage and you can just hope it worked..
GO TO HELL PUTO: im trying to send it to everybody
GO TO HELL PUTO: i just want you to read it
Maximus665: is it worth my time?
GO TO HELL PUTO: its of global-importance..
GO TO HELL PUTO: you be the judge
Maximus665: why of global importance?
Maximus665: how long?
GO TO HELL PUTO: look and see
GO TO HELL PUTO: ive got some big plans..
Maximus665: i'd rather not, i'm sorry man
GO TO HELL PUTO: then you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
Maximus665: ok...i'll be looking forward to it
GO TO HELL PUTO: its ignorance just like that, that i plan to eliminate
Maximus665: ok. i'll be looking forward to it.

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 12:16:09 AM Central Standard Time
From: MiZ tHaNg 94015

oakland berkely and martinez arent "suburbs of SF" .... They're all different cities in the "Bay area" the bay area is the general name for any thing from sacramento to menlo park, and your fucken crazy.

my reply:

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 12:20:32 AM Central Standard Time
To: MiZ tHaNg 94015

dont you have to be a little crazy these days to make a difference?

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 12:26:44 AM Central Standard Time
From: MiZ tHaNg 94015

if u say so... why dont you just make signs nd flyers protests on new car lots saying you dont think cars are good and they make americans lazy .... go get the out ... dont risk YOUR LIFE by "walking to the west coast" .... do something PRODUCTIVE !

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 12:27:27 AM Central Standard Time
To: MiZ tHaNg 94015

man, ignorant people like you belong on aol

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 12:37:54 AM Central Standard Time
From: MiZ tHaNg 94015

IM ignorant?? .... LMAO goodness .... WOW so your talking about me ... you don't know me so there fore you cannot call me ignorant. Your pretty quick to judge aren't you. Well, if you know me you would know about me 4.0 GPA ... and I've been supporting my self since I was 14 ... I don't think that's considered ignorant. Ignorant would bee risking my life on some weird journey to the West coast with no money and no where to stay.

my reply:

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 12:40:14 AM Central Standard Time
To: MiZ tHaNg 94015

if you want to be like everyone else, go to school and make that 4.0 gpa. if you want to be yourself, learn it on your own..and i had places to stay all througout my journey, they just appeared.

go ahead, work, waste your life away. nobodys making you, duh.\

- victor

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 12:43:05 AM Central Standard Time
From: MiZ tHaNg 94015

um i dont go to school im on independant studies i go once a week for an hour... thats all. I work to live because im only 17 i dont want to starve to death.

my reply:

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 1:12:34 AM Central Standard Time
To: MiZ tHaNg 94015

i never starved to death when i wasnt working. actually, i was working the whole time. just not getting paid any money. i refuse to work for someone else. if im going to work, its either going to be for me..or everybody. not just one person. be the best? climb the ladder? do hit better, higher, faster? i refuse to participate.

- victor

NeoXtream: maybe not much of a long is it?
GO TO HELL PUTO: its a full aol email, finish it at your discretion..
GO TO HELL PUTO: its very important
NeoXtream: well send it and i will read it at my pace
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
NeoXtream: alright cool, thanks
GO TO HELL PUTO: thank you for not being ignorant
NeoXtream: lol..i try not to be
GO TO HELL PUTO: everyone should be
GO TO HELL PUTO: they'll all be trying, when i get finished with em
NeoXtream: lol...good luck with that

Ropingin20X: nope
GO TO HELL PUTO: then i guess you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ignorance is bliss, i guess
Ropingin20X: yep, sorry
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
Ropingin20X: why are u talking to me

SCOOBYJEW13: go for it
SCOOBYJEW13: how did you hear about me
GO TO HELL PUTO: cool, gimme a minute
GO TO HELL PUTO: i did a member directory search for "el paso"
SCOOBYJEW13: i like your screen name
SCOOBYJEW13: your sending me a virus ha
GO TO HELL PUTO: no, just harmless text, i promise
GO TO HELL PUTO: viruses are no fun, you dont get to see any damage
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can just hope they worked
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
SCOOBYJEW13: dude that was amazing
SCOOBYJEW13: i just emailed it to like a really good friend from bekly
GO TO HELL PUTO: the detailed ones?
GO TO HELL PUTO: badass thanks man
SCOOBYJEW13: dude i got to book it i got to go to school and im gonna wake and toak with my neighbor
SCOOBYJEW13: so ill ttyl later man
SCOOBYJEW13: by the way bro im mexican too
GO TO HELL PUTO: peace brother
SCOOBYJEW13: i used to live in torreon coahuila
GO TO HELL PUTO: i'm puertorican
GO TO HELL PUTO: here, let me IM you from my aim account
GO TO HELL PUTO: this sn could die any day
GO TO HELL PUTO: for bulk mailing
SCOOBYJEW13: i know what your thinking
SCOOBYJEW13: a mexican jew
SCOOBYJEW13: alright thanks man
GO TO HELL PUTO: accept it, its not a porn im
SCOOBYJEW13: hey talk to this chick your gonna dig her shes all mellow from berkley
SCOOBYJEW13: brblnkt721
SCOOBYJEW13: thats her screen name
SCOOBYJEW13: her name is rachel
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im still busy sending out my stuff, maybe when im done
SCOOBYJEW13: lates bro you have inspired me and i will pass the word on
SCOOBYJEW13 signed off at 12:13:59 AM.


Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 12:01:30 AM Central Standard Time

did this story is the shit bro, your like my inspirtation bro i want to study in berkely

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 12:09:05 AM Central Standard Time

hey when your book comes out ill buy one man

my reply:

Subj: Re: victor's true story..
Date: 3/13/2003 12:11:59 AM Central Standard Time

i wont sell it to you

SedatedPoet2: i started reading, its pretty good, i just want to let you know thought that you are not alone in that, i am doing the appalachian trail in a couple years, after training, its 2200 miles of hiking
GO TO HELL PUTO: good luck on that, ill visit there sometime in my life im sure
GO TO HELL PUTO: want some detailed chapters that i had recorded?
GO TO HELL PUTO: as well as a lot of my other supplemental texts?
SedatedPoet2: nah its all good, i already hiked before, i just need to get my body in shape for it

Semper Fi Jag 2B: hey Victor
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hello :]
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im sorry, what was your name again?
Semper Fi Jag 2B: Eliana
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thats right
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im sorry
Semper Fi Jag 2B: gosh that's the 2nd time....
Semper Fi Jag 2B: it's ok
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ive had two head injuries, sorry
Semper Fi Jag 2B: it's ok, I was just kidding
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: me too, thats my universal excuse
Semper Fi Jag 2B: lol
Semper Fi Jag 2B: i c
Semper Fi Jag 2B: so do you know spanish Victor?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: si seƱora..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: fue mi primer lenguaje..
Semper Fi Jag 2B: cool, el mio tambien
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: naci en puerto rico y nos mudamos a san antonio cuando tenia tres..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: tengo hambre...
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: voy a comer algo, brb
Semper Fi Jag 2B: ok
Semper Fi Jag 2B signed off at 9:01:19 PM.

SgaDdy0803: how u pay for AOL with no $$?
GO TO HELL PUTO: i guess peoples passwords and make sub accounts on thier shit
SgaDdy0803: cool
SgaDdy0803: how do u guess passwords?
GO TO HELL PUTO: so my favorite past time has become making really offensive sn's
SgaDdy0803: i tried it, it never works
GO TO HELL PUTO: like this one
SgaDdy0803: i see
SgaDdy0803: what other names do u have?
GO TO HELL PUTO: best one i ever made was JESUS SUCKS DICK
GO TO HELL PUTO: that one ruled
SgaDdy0803: thats funny
GO TO HELL PUTO: pissed everybody off
SgaDdy0803: i bet
GO TO HELL PUTO: i went to the christian chats and tore it up
SgaDdy0803: damn, thats some funny shit
GO TO HELL PUTO: and when it died, i made HAHA JESUS DIED
SgaDdy0803: whats the password on that
GO TO HELL PUTO: its long-dead
SgaDdy0803: lemme play with it some
SgaDdy0803: aww damn
GO TO HELL PUTO: but oh well, its not like i was paying for it..
SgaDdy0803: yeah
SgaDdy0803: thats cool
SgaDdy0803: so how much cash u got?
GO TO HELL PUTO: nothing
GO TO HELL PUTO: care to give to the cause?
SgaDdy0803: i got an extra 1000 watt amp im tryin to get rid of...maybe u could help me sell it and ill give u some cash
GO TO HELL PUTO: sorry dude..ive got a lot of work to do
SgaDdy0803: i want $100 for it but list price is $199.99
SgaDdy0803: alright then...peace

Sharkdude799: uhhh whose this?
GO TO HELL PUTO: my name is victor..
Sharkdude799: and whats up with the screenname
GO TO HELL PUTO: just made it for the mere shock-value..
GO TO HELL PUTO: no offense
Sharkdude799: oh
Sharkdude799: cool
Sharkdude799: yea id read ure story
GO TO HELL PUTO: on its way
GO TO HELL PUTO: ok sent, read it when you have time..and if you like, i got tons more good
Sharkdude799: alright
GO TO HELL PUTO: reading just ask
Sharkdude799: thanx man- i gotta go in a while but ill read it tommorrow and tell you about it
GO TO HELL PUTO: whenever you get a chance..thanks
GO TO HELL PUTO: dont email this sn, it could die any day for bulk mailing
Sharkdude799: alright thanx
Sharkdude799: hey dude
Sharkdude799: you know that girl bubbles that you met in el paso?
Sharkdude799: was she kinda fat?
GO TO HELL PUTO: not at all
Sharkdude799: o ok
Sharkdude799: nevermind

SmokinKindBuddah: hey
GO TO HELL PUTO: whats up
SmokinKindBuddah: whens st patricks day
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont know, let me check my pocket calender real quick
GO TO HELL PUTO: monday, march 17
SmokinKindBuddah: tight
SmokinKindBuddah: thas when im start gettin high again sounds like a good day right
GO TO HELL PUTO: sure thing
SmokinKindBuddah: hey
GO TO HELL PUTO: the best day youll have for a long time
SmokinKindBuddah: we should spang for enough for a lb
SmokinKindBuddah: whys tha
SmokinKindBuddah: i can get a lb for 350
SmokinKindBuddah: thas not bad
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont spange
SmokinKindBuddah: oh
SmokinKindBuddah: well think of a idea to get tha much
SmokinKindBuddah: so we can just smoke up brah
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont believe in money, remember?
SmokinKindBuddah: tru
SmokinKindBuddah: i know but weeds diff
GO TO HELL PUTO: people give me stuff
GO TO HELL PUTO: especially weed
GO TO HELL PUTO: who likes smoking by themselveS?
SmokinKindBuddah: tru
SmokinKindBuddah: but yah dont always get high if u dont buy any
GO TO HELL PUTO: patience is virtue..
GO TO HELL PUTO: everything in moderation
SmokinKindBuddah: why worry bout when yah gonna get high and go around ask people
GO TO HELL PUTO: i dont even have to ask
SmokinKindBuddah: i dont know im tired talk to u tommorw maane
GO TO HELL PUTO: most of the time
GO TO HELL PUTO: there you go, if you like, let me know..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..

Stevo91281: nah
GO TO HELL PUTO: you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does then..
GO TO HELL PUTO: ignorance is bliss, i guess
Stevo91281: im already a millionair budd
GO TO HELL PUTO: whats your point?
Stevo91281: whats yours
GO TO HELL PUTO: that money doesnt mean shit
Stevo91281: then live on the streets then
GO TO HELL PUTO: i have, when i travel
GO TO HELL PUTO: its greta
GO TO HELL PUTO: we make ourselves rich by making our wants few..
Stevo91281: good
GO TO HELL PUTO: when i pull this whole world peace thing off..not only will i be the happiest man in the world, but also the most successful..
GO TO HELL PUTO: all without money
Stevo91281: awsome
GO TO HELL PUTO: somebodys gotta do it..

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