

 Portland, OR

Thursday March 22, 2007

     7:20am  I didn't log barely anything after I walked the dogs yesterday. I didn't do much else. I stayed in the house and smoked some weed. Devin gets pretty greedy with his weed. There was some big drama last night about Devin's girlfriend Allie. That she's a runaway and she's hanging out here and that she stole her dad's Xbox and all this other shit. Supposedly Jeni said I could stay until Friday. Umm, but I'm going to leave tomorrow morning. Start hitching back to San Antonio. I'll stop at Ashland for sure. Umm, I want to go to Hawaii. I think that's a good destination. Right now I woke up early and cleaned up. Did the dishes and swept and mopped the floor and stuff.

     8:39am  Nobody is awake yet. I used my time wisely. They don't have a working vacuum so I swept the whole carpet with a broom. I swept it all into the kitchen floor. I had a big pile of dirt. This morning I was surprised. I did the same exact thing and there was almost a bigger pile. I'm going to sit down and smoke some weed. Jeni will be happy when she wakes up. Oh yeah, Jeni's roommate Aaron, this guy is a really good cook. Right when I walked in last night he was all, "Are you hungry?" He had cooked some delicious rice and chicken with peanut sauce! It was great. I've never had better tasting chicken in my whole life. Seriously. I told you I got a hold of Sara and her truck is still impounded. I'm free to go. All I had to do was go see Fawn Journeyhawk, but since I can't I can leave. It was so awesome how Sara took me up to try and see her in O'Brien and how she brought me to Portland and I ran into Devin. It was weird with the whole Sara thing. She is beautiful. I was having big fantasies in my head. I wished I could just sleep with her, hold her and cuddle. Oh yeah, I hear Astoria is a pretty good place for dancers to go. They make good money, as if there is such a thing. I only know because Sara mentioned something about it, and so did Jeni. Anyway, I'm kind of tired so I'm going to lay back down.

     10:37am  I forgot to tell you. I came to the bus stop behind the 7-11 on Foster Road. The first bus pulls up and I tell him, "Don't suppose I can get a courtesy ride? I'm trying to skip town." He told me, "I can't do that." I told him okay, thanks anyway. I yelled at him, "Greed shall be your downfall!' Hehe. I don't know if he heard me or not.

                     I guess I'll just smoke a cigarette and wait for the next bus. It's all a number's game.

     10:45am  Oh yeah, I realized I had two dollars in my wallet. I could've paid the busfare. But, since I have two dollars I'm going to get a marker. I need to make another WPTMJ sign. Mine got soaked when it rained downtown. I need to make another one.

                     I went to the 7-11 and they didn't sell markers there. I'm walking to this other store at the light. Fifteen minutes until the next bus, so I'm going to walk to this other store down the street, see if they sell markers then I'll go look for a box, cut it and make my sign again.

     11:46am  I was behind the 7-11 and the driver, the next 14 that came, he let me have a transfer for a dollar. I hadn't found a piece of cardboard yet, so I came over by the McDonald's and I see a taqueria. It's closed right now. They had a recycled cardboard bin in the back and I grabbed like three blank panels to make signs on. So now I can go to the bus stop and wait for it. I've got a transfer.

     12:23pm  I am in Downtown Portland. I just got off the 14 on 2nd and Main. On the bus I wrote my sign out with a pen and now I'm going to go over it with a marker.

     12:49pm  I just made a badass sign. WPTMJ and It's straight as hell. Perfect.

     1:39pm  I got downtown and found an new apple on top of a trashcan. Awesome, that's breakfast, hehe. I stopped and ate and flew my sign. I told my story a couple times. Handed out my webpage.

                    Oh yeah, I've been playing around with the idea of flying my sign on the street here.

     1:45pm  Tony saw my sign and stopped. He's telling me something about Hawaii. Tony: "Let's see, go to the Rainbow Family potluck. There's a drum circle every Sunday at Tahana Beach on the big island. There's a really cool vibe there, but others have said it's like the ghetto of Hawaii." Thanks for the destination.

     1:47pm  I randomly jumped on the 10 bus. The first guy to give me a courtesy ride. Let's see where I end up. I told the driver I was looking for a taqueria.

     4:00pm  Dude, the coolest shit happened. I didn't find a taqueria on the number ten bus. I got to the end of the line and the driver told me I had to get off. I got off and went to the bus that was there waiting. I told the driver, "I got on going in the wrong direction." He asked me if I had fare. I told him no but showed him my expired transfer and he let me on. I tried to tell him my story, but he was a big bible thumper and he wouldn't listen. Even though he told me he would when I asked permission. Anyway, some other guy got on the bus and I was telling him about how I was looking for a taqueria. He told me, "Hmm, I'm not sure. I think if you get off on Alberta and walk ten blocks there's some taquerias down there. So I got off on Alberta.  Right when I step off at Alberta and 33rd, this hip-looking kid was getting on the bus and tells me, "Hey, go to that house across the street." There were these two other hip-looking kids sitting there on the front porch. I went up there, hit them up for my story and bam, awesome presentation. Then some of their friends showed up and they didn't let me finish. But, they said it's cool if I crashed there! They said they have a couch I can sleep on! Hell yeah! And I was thinking about leaving Portland, remember? Man, I'm all excited. I have to follow the signs. I don't have to stay at Jeni's any more, which is kinda cool because Devin is a spoiled punk ass. I don't know how much longer I'm going to stay in Portland. I want to go fly my signs at an intersection in town. I bet you this town will just eat my stuff up. I can feel it. So I have another place to crash now. That's awesome. They said I could stay a couple days if I want to. Oh yeah, and they have a computer with dialup.

     5:22pm  I am talking to Russell here at the house. He's telling me about some book. What was it called? Russell: "The Pleiadian Agenda by Barbara Hand-Clow. It is the greatest explanation of 2012 that I've found yet."

     7:58pm  I got to play pinball on the computer at the house. I've almost beat their top score. I'm going to walk down this Alberta Street they've told me about and go tell my story to people.

     8:29pm  I had an awesome presentation with this girl at the coffee shop. The same coffee shop I came to with Russell earlier. Star E. Rose Espresso Cafe.

     10:38pm  I had some more awesome presentations. I did like three or four laps up and down Alberta. As I am walking back to the house I see this girl walking in the distance. I pick up my pace and eventually catch up to her. This girl listened to all four of my stories. I gave her my whole package. Helen Metropolis was her name. She was a great listener. She was like thirty six, but didn't look thirty six at all. The girl at the coffee shop was really cute too.

                     33rd and Alberta.

Next day..

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