

                                                                                                              Tampa, FL

Saturday March 22, 2008

     9:15am  Last night I crashed at Ryan's apartment. After the art show everyone came over and they had a Victor Antonio Party. I was telling my story like crazy yesterday. I went to that art show thing. Nobody was paying attention to art. They had a keg there and everyone had a cup of beer. Everybody was drunk. I wasn't wanting to tell anybody my story. Then eventually I broke down and told this beautiful Korean girl Victoria my story. I took her picture. She actually listened to me a lot. We all came over to Ryan's apartment afterwards and hung out. I was reciting my story like crazy. I had a couple ignorant encounters. That was just awesome how that girl Stacy recognized me. She was somebody I had asked for a ride. I have to type it up and look it up. I'm pretty sure I mentioned it when it happened. Right now I'm at Ryan's apartment in the back eating a cake of Ramen. I dug through his ashtrays and scrounged up a tiny bit of weed.

                   Victoria and me

                   I gave that cartoon of me to Ryan and he'll have it on display for me.

     9:30am  I am leaving Ryan's house. I'm going to walk over to Matt's and access my pack in his laundry closet and get another shirt. Oh yeah, I never mentioned. Matt hooked me up with some MRE high protein meal replacement pouches( He gave me three, so that's like a thousand calories total. I'll eat one if I get hungry. Right now I walked off and realized I hadn't changed my socks out. I'm going back to do that.

     10:01am  Alright, I changed out my socks. I took a chug or Riovida. It's cool, I got a new rain poncho last night. It's a badass poncho. I can do away with my railroad workers raincoat.

                     Matt's sack of weed.

     10:08am  I walked back to Ryan's. I'm going to see if I score a shave.

     10:43am  I just finished shaving at Ryan's. Everybody is still sleeping. They partied last night. I'm going to walk to the library and do some typing.

     10:47am  I just walked up to Fletcher.

     11:02am  I just got to the library. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and then get to typing.

     1:45pm  Taking a mealbreak.

                   It's raining outside. I'm going to go back in and type.

     2:07pm  I'm leaving. I'm going to walk over to Ryan's on 42nd.

     2:43pm  I walked all the way back to Ryan's apartment in heavy drizzle. Matt's bike is still here, so he's probably still sleeping.

                   Matt's friends

     7:58pm  I just walked all the way to Matt's apartments to get my pack. It's been raining all day. I went to the library earlier today, but I left around two or three. I'm walking back with my pack now.

     9:11pm  I have an update to make. I had a good presentation with Jessica. Jessica just gave me a rock she found in Alaska. My new pocket pal. I showed her my fossil. I should've given it to her, but it's my good luck charm.

Next day..

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