

 Portland, OR

Saturday March 24, 2007

     2:00pm  I forgot to mention, I left the house. I feel so welcome there. I may just crash there again tonight. Oh yeah, I downloaded Tetrinet. Oh yeah, let me tell you about my little Tetrinet experience. I spam my WPTMJ site on Tetrinet, hehe. Since you can chat while you're playing once in a while I say my ad: "WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA very interesting FREE non-fiction, enjoy." I logged on and did /who to see all the people who were playing. I saw some guy named Strikelight in there. Oh shit, I think he's one of the founders of Tetrinet. The main Tetrinet client used is Blockrix. It's the most popular. I was all psyched, thinking this dude might see my website. I went in the channel he was in and did my ad. Bam, he kicks me off. He banned me from the Then I got to thinking. Hmm, this is dialup. I was thinking back to my dialup days and recalled that on dialup you get a new IP each time you log on. It's dynamic. So all I did was disconnect and dial again. I tried hopping on again and it let me! I went into Strikelight's channel and laughed in his face, hya hya. Like two or three times I hopped back on and went in his channel and said, "Man, why does everybody have to fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace??" I know he's going to read my webpage. For sure. Anyway, now I just decided to go for a walk. I want to go fly my sign again. Maybe get some weed. I don't know. All the guys at the house seem to like me pretty good. I smoke them all out all the time. I got a twenty sack yesterday. I smoke them out like crazy. I tell them, "Only out of my one-hitter. It conserves. Don't pass it 'til it's cashed. Everybody gets their own bowl."

                    They made these delicious ganja-brownies. They were damn good.

                    Be sure to put as the link to my guestbook your opinion matters to everybody.

                    Oh yeah, today I wrote Chasity an email:

"Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2007 10:19:40 -0700 (PDT)
From:"victor antonio" <>
Subject: Victor Antonio from San Antonio

Greetings from the past. I really hope that this is still your email address. What's been going on with you? Are you still in Florida? I am still traveling around on my crazy mission. My webpage is actually up, finally. If you want to check it out it's If you do look at it, be sure and check out my guestbook and the great reaction my site has had so far.
Right now I am in Portland but I plan to go back to San Antonio soon. At first I would take off for six months then come back and stay in SA for six months. I left on the same day, June 14 three years in a row. But I haven't been back home in over a year now. I'm going to go back and get back in shape. I haven't been walking like I used to lately. Then, I'm heading east finally. An East Coast trip would blow the lid off my story. I like a challenge, hehe.
Nothing would please me more than if I could somehow see you again for any amount of time that I'm on the East Coast. I've missed you. Do you hear me barkin'? :]

- Victor Antonio"

                   Hopefully she'll read it If her email address is still the same. I hope it is. I hope she gets it and I hope she writes me back. I miss Chasity. I really do.

     2:30pm  I just hiked all the way up to Broadway. Hiked 33rd all the way to Broadway. I'm having a good walk. I need to get some exercise today. I chilled at the house for a long time. I should've left early in the morning. I need to call Drew about working.

     2:34pm  I am here at the corner of Broadway and 33rd standing here with my WPTMJ sign. Ahh, I'm just waiting for somebody to pull over and smoke me out. I'm not asking for money, hehe. I'll tell them my story.

     3:17pm  First donation of the day. This brother in a green car. He hooked me up with a dollar. Awesome.

     3:21pm  Victor got rained out today. I don't want my brand new sign to get all wet. I should really find a way to laminate these somehow, hehe. I am turning left on Broadway. I'm going to go find someone to tell my story to.

                    Get marijuana totally legalized, I'll tell them. Because people tell me that it's already legalized. Hell, you can grow your own.

     3:29pm  Man, I had such a great reaction on that corner, dude. People were all honking their horns at me. I wasn't handing out flyers. The passenger side was on the sidewalk side and it's more convenient when the driver is next to the sidewalk. I handed out a couple though. I was flipping my sign around and showing them I'm sure they're going to remember it. It's free. They can have it. Smiles, smiles, smiles everywhere. I was getting the hugest grins.

     3:33pm  Tyler hooked me up with a cigarette over on Broadway. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:54pm  The weirdest shit happened. I didn't log any of it. I just went for a walk down Broadway. All of a sudden I see this one chick and tried to tell her my story. This forty two year old Native American lady. She ended up being a drug dealer, a meth dealer. She welcomed me to join her and we walked to this place called Dottie's where they play videopoker. We walked by some house where there was this guy outside smoking a cigarette. He says to us, "Hey, got any dope for sale?" She was like, "Yeah, sure." She sold him some crystal. He gave her fifteen dollars to get some more and she never came back. She burned him. She left me there sitting there. I got a bit wary thinking he was using me for collateral for her to return. He had all asked me when we first came in his place, "Do you mind if I hit on the girl?" I told him I didn't care, but that I doubted he would have any luck. And he didn't, because she split. I was thinking, you know how earlier I had that oral manifestation? I thought maybe this girl might've been it, but forget that. I'm walking now. I need to get to Alberta again.

     9:08pm  I've just been walking in some random direction on Killingsworth Street. Shit, I just passed 89th Avenue. I am walking in the wrong direction. I don't care. I'm not tired and it's still early. It's only nine. I'm going to go find somebody to tell my story to. I can get to the Alberta House as late as I want.

     9:46pm  I am telling Benjamin Morehouse in front of the tattoo shop, what's it called? Accent on Ink. I offered to tell him my story.

     10:00pm  I walked up Sandy Street and I ended up at some tattoo shop. The guy I tried telling my story to had a lot to say. He told me, "Man, I learned something from you. Thanks for stopping by." Awesome, awesome, just doing my job. He told me, "You're actually out there doing it. A lot of people talk about all these ideas and stuff, but you're actually doing it."

                    He eventually signed my guestbook:

Date: 2007-03-27 16:54:47
Name: operation plague
Number: 53

wanted to say thanx for coming by our tat shop the other night in the rain with yor word.if ever there s any way that i could help you to get your story out there

     11:00pm I don't know what I'm going to do tonight.

                    When the bus came the driver told me, "Oh, you don't have any fare? You can take your chances if you want. They'll give you a ticket if they catch you." I don't give a damn. I'm skipping town anyway. Then I passed by Frolics Video Arcade Live Dancers. Let me see if they have any videogames, hehe. I'll use my dollar.

                    Maria just gave me a cigarette in front of the 7-11. I appreciate it, everybody gets credit.

     11:33pm  I jumped on the number 12 bus.

     11:40pm  I just got dropped off by the 12 driver at 42nd Avenue. It's not that far to 33rd, but it will be to Alberta. He gave me a transfer and told me to wait here for the 75.

     11:55pm  I came to the bus stop and I saw some homeless guy sleeping on the bench. I went and woke him up and asked him if he wanted to wake and bake. I'm telling him my story.

Next day..

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