


San Marcos, TX

Tuesday March 25, 2003

     5:00am  I crashed out last night around eight so I got a full nine hours of sleep. I really like the location of the cell that John traded me. It's the very last one, farthest away from the television. I hate the TV. It's loud. Also, the light at the desk at this cell works, unlike the one I was in before. Breakfast sucked, as usual. Cold oatmeal with one cold pancake and a slice of cold ham. I think I'm going to walk around the tank for an hour. Man, I wish I had a girl out there waiting for me. :[

     6:30am  Okay, walked around tank for one hour exactly. A hundred and fifty eight laps. About four miles. Walking in flip-flops made too much noise so I walked in my socks because everyone else is still sleeping. Going to drink a lot of water and lie down to rest after I do my Tai-Chi stretches.

     7:30am  Rested for one hour. Woke up after overhearing an inmate talking with guard about being released. Need to ask how much each day is worth. Maybe I'll get out earlier than I thought. I have to take a shit.

     8:30am  Crashed out for another hour. Learned each day spent in jail is worth a hundred dollars, but you can only apply that towards fines. I can't bail out like that. Also, got the idea to write letter to mom telling her to call Tobin to tell him to come visit me in jail. Also, I need to put in a request for a court-appointed lawyer to ensure I go to court May first. I should be transferred to population today.

     10:13am  Just finished writing up request form about my property asking to speak with captain. I will submit one daily until I get my meeting. Also, today they did not check my arm, so I'll probably go to population tomorrow.

     10:44am  Lunch, good. I'm hungry. Two crispy tacos, beans, salad, cinnamon roll.

     11:30am  Bored, going to read inmate handbook.

     1:52pm  Crashed out again for like two hours. Man, I want a cigarette.

     3:39pm  Fell back asleep.

     4:05pm  Jail is really getting to me. I can't believe I'm in here for partaking in something natural. I don't belong here, damnit. I need to be on the outside trying to stop this war. I wish I could stay asleep. I can't believe my mom thinks I deserve to be in here. Oh, she didn't have two hundred dollars and she's too damn proud to ask for it. What if it was a life and death situation? If I go back to San Antonio I rather be homeless. Argh, I have more than a month until May first. I need internet access. My dad will bail me out, all the way from Panama.

     4:42pm  Dinner, two slices of bread, salad, Jell-O, carrots, cabbage, sausage. Dustin gave me lots of his food.

     5:45pm  Called bondsman and got someone to call my mom three-way. Told mom to call Tobin.

     7:07pm  Just finished watching 70's Show. I hate TV. Going to go to sleep.

     8:50pm  Pretended to turn suicidal hoping they would send me to a hospital. Hey, it worked in Alpine. I didn't do anything, just told them I was going to induce my third head-injury. They put me in a "suicide-watch" holding tank. Realized my mistake. Will be in tank until further notice, bummer.

     10:25pm  Argh! I'm cold! I'm hungry! I can't sleep! I'm crying! I just want to bang my head on the wall!! I hate everybody! I'm not crazy, damnit! I'm different! I am a product of my messed up environment!

Next day..

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