


San Antonio, TX

Friday March 25, 2005

     7:50am  I just woke up.

     8:55am  I have a little chunk of weed and I was looking everywhere for a smoking device. I finally figured something out with a little Altoids tin. I punched some holes in the top and punched a hole in the side and smoked through there. Alright, now I'm high and I can type my stuff up.

     3:15pm  I am leaving my mom's house. My mom pisses me off. I replanted my marijuana plant. I mean, if I never would have told her about it, she would never have found out. She never goes in the backyard. I actually volunteered it. She's so scared of it. She was all in Spanish, "That is lack of respect towards me! Having marijuana growing in my yard!" I told my mom, "Mom, it's life. It's beautiful. You should look at it." She's had an unopened six-pack of beer in her fridge ever since I got home November fifteenth and that doesn't disrespect her? Oh, but something which her God supposedly created growing in her backyard disrespects her? Man, screw the government. This all reminds me of that Woody Harrelson quote.

                   "Law enforcement functions through the use of fear. Fear is the most important weapon they have. All the technology, none of it would do them a damn bit of good if it weren't for fear, and they've created an entire universe of fear around marijuana and hemp. It's not drugs the government is concerned with, anyway. It's people's freedom of expression."

                   She is so scared.

                   Oh yeah, I was walking away from home and I realized I left my rainbow beanie inside. I've got my Natural Balance hat on. I'm going to go back and get that. I want to go to Carlos' today and give him my CD. School his ignorant ass.

     3:24pm  I left again.

     3:46pm  I was just walking down Braun Road and saw kids skating in the ditch. I wanted to go take a look and see if they recognized me or not. When I walked over there this dude Johnny told me, "Hey man, aren't you that crazy stoner guy who walked in front of Marshall not too long ago?" They're going to smoke me out! We're waiting on the weed right now. Perfect, everything happens for a reason.

     4:22pm  We're here celebrating 4:20 under the bridge.

                   They asked me if I could go to the Exxon and buy some beer and cigarettes for them. I told them sure. Breakin' da law, breakin' da law, tan, tan. Six-pack of Smirnoff and a box of Marlboro Reds.

     4:54pm  I'm walking off to buy some Smirnoff's and a pack of cigarettes for these kids. I had a magical presentation with those kids. They're going to tell all their friends. One was all talking on his cellphone saying, "Yeah, we're hanging out with Victor." He was telling them all about me.

                   He asked me, "Yeah, you walked by Marshall one day, right?"

                   Oh yeah, and these kids trusted me with a ten dollar bill. I just met them and they knew I was one to be trusted.

     6:27pm  I had a badass little session. I cheated. I smoked two cigarettes. That sucks. I'm a failure. I bought these kids three thirty two ounce bottles of Smirnoff. I was drinking, so I had to smoke. Excuses, excuses. I drank a whole Smirnoff Ice, so I'm a bit sloshed so I'll have a good walk through OP Schnabel. I'm going to walk to Babcock North. I'll go to Carlos' and tell him, "My contribution is ready."

                   I smoked two cigarettes underneath Braun Road with those kids. I hung out with those kids all day today. I am still going to go to Babcock North to Carlos'. I still have that destination.

                   I'm going to use the whole excuse that I did some good work and handed out a CD, therefore I deserved to smoke a little. I even topped off the excuse with it's Good Friday, hehe.

                   I'm walking through OP Schnabel. I just got to the top of the cliffs. I'm going to walk to the platform in the tree and see if there are any stoners there. Actually, those kids hooked me up with some weed earlier, so all I need to ask for is a pipe.

                   Whoa, I hear singing in the woods. I'm going to follow the singing. The spirits are calling me, hehe.

                   Umm, the singing stopped. I don't know. I'm going to keep going to Babcock North.

     7:15pm  I walked under the Prue Road Bridge, where I smoked at last night. I'm over by where all the cool dirt-bike jumps are. I wandered through to the big ditch behind all the houses. The trail that goes to Carlos' house. I'm going to Carlos' to plant my CD. Then I'm thinking I'll go to Katie and Johnny's and say hi to them.

     7:19pm  I'm at Spring Forest and Spring Mont. I'm going to see if Carlos is home. Bob's Blazer is still in the driveway, even though Bob doesn't even live there. Carlos' Miata isn't though. He's probably not home. I should've gone straight to Katie and Johnny's.

     7:21pm  I left a CD right on his window by the door. It says Victor the Liberator on it. Cool, I'm going to walk to Katie and Johnny's now. Maybe they'll have some food for me.

     7:30pm  I'm coming up on Johnny and Katie's house. Johnny's senile old mother might have a problem with me.

     7:34pm  No, nobody is home. Oh yeah, it's a full moon out tonight. Awesome.

                   Oh yeah, my mom told me she was going to get Roadrunner pretty soon. Perfect.

     7:43pm  I am back in Babcock North. I'm going to walk to my mom's house already. I have to go to bed already. I'm going to walk downtown tomorrow. I should go to the dentist, but I'm going to walk downtown tomorrow.

                   I was walking down Prue Road and all of a sudden I hear someone say, "Hey, Victor. Is that you?" Somebody recognized me. Some kid with a skateboard.

                   It was Alex, the guy I met behind Hollywood Video. We smoked some weed and I told him my story. We're going to walk to the skatepark. I have nothing to do. I'm kind of hungry so I'm going to see if I can score somewhere on Prue/Babcock.

     8:43pm  We came to some camp I've never been to before. Me and seven other kids we ran into at the skatepark.

                   I ended up at this camp and I'm telling Matt my story. They're all tripping on Mescaline tonight. What was your email?

                   Schools teach you how to be like everybody else . . . and I am like no other.

                   I had a badass presentation at the Tiki Camp with this guy name Matt. At first I doubted I was going to get my story out at this little party we were having. I tried anyway and this one guy, who after I told my mission-objectives told me, "Why can't you accept the world how it is?" By the end of the story, he was singing a different tune. He told me, "I believe in you. I think you can do it."

                   You see how I am meant to be out here? I was just walking down Prue Road and I ran into that Alex kid. Good things are happening tonight. That Matt guy at first had told me, "I just want you to know that I am a psychology major."

                   In the end he told me, "I'm always interested in listening to what other people have to say. That's the only way you learn." I told him, "That's exactly right."

                   First he was all calling me Moses and stuff, haha.

                   He was all proud of himself because he knew his acronyms. When I told him, "What I'll do is run an FTP server . ." he said real loud, "File transfer protocol." I should have patted him on the back, hehe.

                   I never mentioned that last night where I tagged Victor the Liberator, I walked over the ditch and noticed you could see it perfectly when you're walking on the sidewalk. Anybody who walks down that street will see it.

                   I hiked through the park to the Exxon and called my mom to see if she could come pick me up. The greedy ass bastard Jeff wouldn't let me use the phone. The whole world is going to know how big a greedy ass you are, Jeff. Hahahaha!

                   He thinks I'm all crazy. He was all, "I can't let you use the phone." I told him, "I've been coming here for years and they've always let me use the phone. What's your name?" He tells me, "You're more than welcome to come talk to the manager tomorrow." I told him, "Maybe I will." Greedy ass.

                   He all told me, "It's policy." I told him, "That's bullshit! They've let me use that phone for years. You're just a greedy ass."

     11:05pm  I'm walking up to my mom's house. The car isn't there. Good, nobody is home. Cool, I'm going to eat.

Next day..

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