

                                                                                                             San Luis Obispo, CA

Friday March 27, 2009

     8:05am  I woke up about five minutes ago. I only got six hours of sleep, so I'll probably take a nap today somewhere. Probably not.

     8:15am  Leaving from camp. All packed up and leaving. We're going to be a little late for breakfast, but there will still be food.
     10:00am  I'm not going to stick around for lunch. I'm going to go into town and have some fun and spread the word. Sirius and I got to the day center right at eight thirty when it opened. We ate a big breakfast. This girl Andrea braided my goatee for me. It looks cool. Oh yeah, I put my white shirt inside out, like they told me to. You can still see that it says world peace through marijuana on it. I took a picture of myself in the mirror.

                     Be sure to type up the stuff about fear from Page 54 of The Teaching of Don Juan.

                     "And thus he has stumbled onto the first of his natural enemies: Fear! A terrible enemy--treacherous, and difficult to overcome. It remains concealed at every turn of the way, prowling, waiting. And if the man, terrified in its presence, runs away, his enemy will have put an end to his quest."

                     "What will happen to the man if he runs away in fear?"

                     "Nothing happens to him except that he will never learn. He will never become a man of knowledge. He will perhaps be a bully, or a harmless, scared man; at any rate, he will be a defeated man. His first enemy will have put an end to his cravings."

                     "And what can he do to overcome fear?"

                     "The answer is very simple. He must not run away. He must defy his fear, and in spite of it he must take the next step in learning, and the next step, and the next. He must be fully afraid and yet he must not stop. That is the rule! And a moment will come when his first enemy retreats. The man begins to feel sure of himself. His intent becomes stronger. Learning is no longer a terrifying task.

                     "When this joyful moment comes, the man can say without hesitation that he has defeated his first natural enemy.

                     "Does it happen at once, don Juan, or little by little?"

                     "It happens little by little, and yet the fear is vanquished suddenly and fast."

                     "But won't the man be afraid again if something new happens to him?"

                     "No. Once the man has vanquished fear, he is free from it for the rest of his life because, instead of fear, he has acquired clarity--a clarity of mind which erases fear. By then a man knows his desires; he knows how to satisfy those desires. He can anticipate the new steps of learning, and a sharp clarity surrounds everything. The man feels that nothing is concealed."

     10:12am  Hell yeah, I'm having a blast in San Luis. Sirius smoked some hash with me. We sat down on a bench on Higuera and used my broken one hitter. Dude, right after I took a big hash hit, I was holding it and three mountain bike cops rolled up. I was actually able to hold it in until they left. They just wanted us to move. The cops here are cool.

     11:09am  Danny is hooking me up. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Check out the website.


                     I just ran into Lane Freidas. What do you do? Lane: "I am a theorist and I have developed essentially a theoretic framework for a new set of laws that proves that the ecosystem is an organism and that it has mechanics about it that are predictable in a way that's called apriory, in other words that transcends the scientific experimental method. Potentially, the union of all of the laws of nature, forces, mechanics and bodies so that essentially now we've finally transcended opinion having to do with the mechanics of the ecosystem and the way that we can fundamentally change the world view in the universities worldwide which becomes the leverage point or the fulcrum for changing policy governmentally."

     11:50am  Melissa just gave me five dollars on Higuera! I appreciate it, Melissa. Everybody gets credit. Thanks for helping me live the dream.

                     That girl was just beautiful who gave me the five dollars. She gave me a great big hug. It was awesome. I'm all charged up.
     12:48pm  Man, I totally just robbed the gumball alley. See, downtown they have this alley where it's customary that if you're chewing gum that you stick it to wall in gumball alley. It's like a tourist attraction. Well, some people stick spare change into it. There's a mass of pennies, and if you look real hard, and it was fun to do, you get lucky and spot a nickel or a dime. It's yucky nasty because you have to touch chewed gum, but I washed my hands afterwards. I got like two dollars total. Cigarette money. I was just getting the silver coins. I can't believe no one has thought to do that. Maybe other people have plundered it and it refills with change automatically. I got like four quarters and tons of dimes. I was using my stick to get the coins stuck up high.

                     Pat just gave me some change on Higuera. I appreciate it, Pat. Everybody gets credit.

                     Sarah, she just found a quartz glass cigarette pinch hitter, like the one I've bought that I've broke two of now. She just gave it to me. I appreciate it. This one is broken too though. The tip is broken, but it's kind of like it has a bowl in it now. It'll still get the THC into my lungs just fine. I still want a new one though, but this will do for the time being.

                     Johnny hooked me up with some change for the cause. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Lindsey is being nice enough to give me a dollar. She's hooking a brother up. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     5:11pm  Cailin hooked me up with some change for the cause. I appreciate it, Cailin. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Mike hooked me up too. Check out the website.

     5:32pm  Maryanne just volunteered me some food, some sandwiches. I really appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

                   I bought me a set of headphones at Long's Pharmacy, so I'm ready to type tomorrow.

     6:05pm  I just came to the Macintosh store to check my email. I got an email from Kristina. She signed my guestbook with "Victor is amazing. I wanna go with him. One day I might." So I emailed with I made the subject: Think you can keep up?" then the email just said, "I wonder." She mailed me back with, "Lovie! I don't think so as much as I walk. I do have some secret crush on you. Seeing you again was amazing. xoxo Tina."

     7:20pm  Tim just gave me his leftovers on Higuera. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     8:39pm  I just had an awesome presentation with these three people right now. They wouldn't let me take their pictures though. They listened to me hardcore. I even got hooked up with food. Oh yeah, some guy came by and smoked me out.

                   Earlier Triple X showed up and we went for a walk and smoked a blunt. Sirius had left his bags with me and he was gone so I hauled them with me while we walked and smoked.

     9:18pm  Rachel just volunteered me some pizza on Higuera. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks so much.

                   My family came by.

                   Siriuslooking GQagainSirius and me

     9:32pm  I haven't been too descriptive tonight, I apologize. I'm trying to score a nickel sack. I've had tons of fun tonight flying my HOOK A BROTHER UP/SMOKE A BROTHER OUT sign. I get so many laughs from it and most everybody accepts my website. My shit is blowing up on the internet. It's awesome how much I got recognized. Everybody knows who I am in this town. Right now Sirius and I are walking to the field to camp. Tomorrow is going to be a typing day. I've got six bucks for food. Wait, I can get free food at Prado. Six bucks for weed, hehe.

     11:00pm  We were walking home, about to walk over 101. I noticed Sirius was lagging behind, so I turned around and started walking backwards. Right now Sirius just found a plastic container with a couple nuggets of weed! I had been struggling trying so hard to score a nickel sack and failed tonight. We got weed anyway! Hell yeah. The universe provides, man. That's really awesome.

     11:30pm  We got to the field about ten or fifteen minutes ago. It's awesome how we found some weed. I'll have typing fuel for tomorrow. I got headphones.

Next day..

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