


San Antonio, TX

Sunday March 28, 2004

     8:38am  The next day. I crashed out at Carlos'. I didn't feel like walking home so I just slept on his couch. The bus comes at nine or something. I want a cigarette. Maybe I'll walk around and look for somebody smoking. Maybe I'll smoke a joint with somebody.

     8:57am  I came to the bus stop on Spring Forest/Spring Time. I sat there wakin' and bakin'. I asked this one kid if he wanted to smoke a joint. He told me, "Nah, I don't smoke." I tell him, "Come on, everybody else is doing it. Don't you wanna be cool?" I was just kidding. I ate the very last of my Muslblast. Just the little bit I had in my pouch. I have a shitload more at home. I ate some of that. I was here sitting at the bus stop thinking, "Man, I have a whole half hour to wait for the bus. I'm going to walk it, dude. I got a little charge from my Muslblast. I'm going to go walk in the woods.

     9:34am  I just switched out my tennis ball.

     9:45am  I'm having a good morning out in the woods. I just climbed up the main trail up the cliffs towards where my platform is. But I didn't go sit there. I'm kind of hungry. I'm going to walk up to my mom's house. I'm going to go eat.

                   If we make ourselves rich by making our wants few, then why the hell do we want what we don't need?

     10:10am  I walked by and saw these two kids eating at a picnic bench with their little dog. They're kind of young, but I offered to smoke them out. This one girl said, "No, no, no. That's ok." Oh well. They're probably going to tell all their friends.

     10:18am  I just came to the bathroom at the pavilion to take a shit. I think it's late enough to go to that Dana girl's house and offer to smoke this joint with her.

     10:30am  I came to Dana's. I'm going to see if she's home. If I wake her up I'll go, "Hey, want to smoke a joint?"

     10:44am  Dana wasn't home. I was walking in French Creek Village and I saw this guy with a big red truck. He hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Dude, that was awesome. I was just walking and saw this big Ram 1500 truck. All of a sudden I see the door open and this guy walk out. I thought, "Hey, I'm going to ask him if he has a cigarette." I passed by and the second I asked him he pulled his pack out and gave me one. That just fell in my lap. I was wanting a cigarette.

                    I'm going to sit down right here and smoke some weed and smoke a cigarette. I should've asked him if he wanted to smoke a joint, but too late.

    10:50am  I was walking in French Creek Village and Gene, who I saw in the truck. Aww, he's hooking me up with four cigarettes! Badass! I appreciate it, brother.

     11:11am  Dude, I had an excellent presentation with that dude who gave me four cigarettes! I got through the whole story. He listened to me attentively. His eyes were locked on me. I told him, "Tell your friends," and he said, "Alright."

     11:25am  She said, "Oh, we're not allowed to do that." I told her, "Man, other people do it all the time." So no score at the Taco Cabana.

     11:29am  Maybe I'll hit up the Bill Millers and see if I get anything there.

     11:30am  They told me no. Greedy asses.

     11:36am  This Robert dude. He hooked me up. At the Popeye's. He hooked me up with a drum stick and a biscuit. That's awesome, dude.

                     Third time's a charm.

                     Taco Cabana told me no, Bill Millers told me no, but Popeye's said yeah. Popeye's Chicken.

                     Oh yeah, at the Bill Miller's when I walked in I heard some girl say, "I see that guy walking around everywhere." Hehe.

     12:08pm  I'm sitting here at the 610 stop in front of the Texas Sea and Land Bar and Grill. I'm just going to wait for the bus. I don't care how long it takes.

     12:25pm  I've been waiting a long time. I see the bus coming. I wonder if he's going to give me a courtesy ride. I'll ask him, "I don't suppose I can get a ride up the street? Just to where you turn? It's not that far. I've been walking all morning. My feet hurt."

                     He said no and I saw these three kids walking. I'm going to go ask them if they want to smoke a joint.

                     I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read and you're in it.

     12:29pm  The 610 hooked me up with a ride up the street. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:32pm  I just got dropped off in front of the Citgo by my mom's house. Oh yeah, I wanted to mention. I am making it known where my mom lives and everything. So when my webpage is finally up I'm going to tell her, "Mom, everybody's going to know where you live. Do you want that? You're going to have to move. I'm going to be your catalyst and finally get you out of your expensive house that you live in that you don't need."

     12:50pm  This one guy who works at the carwash behind the Citgo, I told him, "Hey brother, I've been looking around for someone to smoke a joint with. Wanna burn one?" He told me, "No, I don't smoke. I just smoke cigarettes." I told him, "Oh well, just in case. Peace."

     7:30pm  I woke up not too long ago. I took a nap, I guess. Man, I cleaned the hell out of my mom's kitchen. I cleaned it real good. Cleared the table and wiped the counter. I swept and mopped the floor real good. My mom's going to be real proud. I wonder if she's woken up and seen it yet.

                   Oh yeah, today is my day of rest. Sunday, as it should be.

     8:55pm  I'm going to walk off to the gas station and bum a cigarette. I have nothing to do. I'm going to try and come back home early tonight. Maybe in a couple hours. So I can go to sleep so I can wake up early tomorrow and go to the park and talk to people and tell my story. Then after lunch at Travis Park I can go to SAC and type my stuff up.

     9:02pm  Badass, I found a quarter on the ground in my mom's neighborhood. Oh yeah last night I told my mom, she was all complaining like she usually does, I told her, "Mom, I think your stressing yourself out unnecessarily. Listen, when my webpage gets up the location of your house will be known globally. You might want to take that as a catalyst to get rid of all your junk and move into a smaller house." She all told me, "Well, if I move you will probably mention the new place I live in." I told her, "I would exclude it at your request, trust me." She didn't have anything to say.

                   Cool, I didn't have to go far for a cigarette. I found one of the ground.

     9:38pm  I was just walking down the street and these kids honked at me. I'm going to go back to the gas station and see if they want to smoke a joint.

                   I walked up and asked them, "Hey, are you the ones who honked at me? I'm looking for someone to smoke a joint with. Wanna burn one?" Right away she said no thanks. I said, "Alright, just in case. More for me."

                   I see this girl walking in this brand new neighborhood they built called Saddlebrook. I'm going to walk in there and see if there's anybody who wants to smoke a joint.

     9:50pm  I stopped at this one house and went up to these two guys who were working in the front yard. I walked up to them and went, "I'm looking for someone to smoke a joint with, wanna burn one?" They told me, "A cop lives here." Oh shit. Just in case. They were these black dudes. They told me, "You can give us one if you want." I told them, "I only got one, sorry." That was funny.

                  That was on Keeneland Run.

                   I walked by 9319. I'm in my mom's neighborhood again. Miguel hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:40pm  I am at the Citgo by my mom's.

     10:42pm  I asked this guy working at the Citgo if he had a spare cigarette. He asked me, "What do you smoke?" I told him, "Tobacco with nicotine in it." I told him I didn't care, to surprise me. He hooked me up with a whole pack of menthols! Badass. I appreciate it, brother.

                     That guy was cool who hooked me up with the cigarettes. I told him, "Hey man, wanna smoke a joint?" He said, "I don't do that stuff." I said, "Alright, just in case. What's the point of having it if you don't share it?"

     10:56pm  I turned into this new neighborhood. Braun Willow. Where the woods I spent most of my childhood was, but they came in and raped them.

                     I passed these guys working on a house. I told them, "Hey, can I tell you guys a really interesting story?" They said they had to go home.

     11:27pm  I'm back at my mom's house now. I had a good walk tonight. I walked around the neighborhoods and made my presence known. I talked to some people.

Next day..

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