

                                                                                                             Portland, OR

Friday, March 30, 2007

     1:50am  I had a great presentation with Colleen.

     1:52am  I had an awesome presentation with Colleen. What a beautiful girl. Oh yeah, Eric and Cody told me they left me some weed under the table over here, but I can't find it.

     1:55am  Oh yeah, Eric and Cody ended up driving up on me. I was walking towards the house. Because Colleen had to go pee. I had such a marvelous presentation with that beautiful girl.

     10:34am  I woke up around seven this morning. I slept great. Man, last night was fun as hell. Since it's the weekend I'm going to go fly my sign, all weekend long. I'm walking now. I have like three or four bucks so I'm going to pay fare today. Surprise the hell out of them, hehe. Unless it's Cathy with a C. She would probably hook me up anyway. I'll go buy something to eat too. Like a taco. Oh yeah, I'll go back to Ole Frijole and tell them, "This is all I got."

     10:48am  I walked over to the Ole Frijole, where I scored last time. Cecilia is hooking me up with a burrito for only a dollar. Pretty girl. Muy bonita. I'm going to eat and ride the bus to Powell where I saw all those homebum sign-flyers.

     11:00am  I walked all the way down Killingsworth to bus stop number 3202. 49th Avenue and Killingsworth. I'm going to sit down and eat my taco and wait for the bus to come and ride it to Powell. All the drivers on the 72 route know me already for asking for rides. I'm going to beg them for another courtesy ride and when they tell me no I'll, "Psyche! I got bus fare." That's funny.

     11:28am  I just landed on Powell. All the homebums are out.

     11:52am  The Save Portland guy, I just asked him for a cigarette and he tossed me his whole pack! I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:05pm  Zack pulled up and hooked me up with a nugget. You made my day. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks.

     12:19pm  Hell yeah, I'm having the greatest time flying my sign. I just got hooked up with a nugget. That made my day. Then these other homebums walked by and I smoked them all out. They gave me these free movie tickets to, shit, let me see what it's called. Are We Done Yet. Some Ice Cube movie. It's for Monday and I can bring another person, so hmm, I'm going to take a date. Sure I'll go see it. It's not like I pay for movies anyway, hahaha.

     12:50pm  Julie, she just gave me a cigarette at the corner of 82nd and Powell.

     1:36pm  I am done flying my sign for today. I'm going to go tell somebody my story. I got marijuana so I can smoke them out.

                   I'm thinking about asking Sara if she'll let me take Austin to the movie. That'd be really cool. He's a fun little kid to hang out with.

     2:00pm  I was riding on the 72 wondering what I was going to do today. I really want to take a shower, but there's no towels at the house. Or soap. All of a sudden close to Tillamook I see a sign that says Estate Sale Today. Hey, garage sale. They have towels at garage sales. I'm going to go see what's over there. I have a couple dollars from flying my sign today. I got money. A little bit.

                   I'll probably get to tell my story too.

     2:16pm  Oh yeah, I got to the estate sale. I found a cool rainbow sarapĂ© there, but they wouldn't hook me up. They said it was ten dollars. I tried to tell them my story at first. They were all Christian bible-thumpers. As soon as I said marijuana this guy said, "Ah, you lost me." I yelled, "Man, nobody wants world peace!" Hehe. I walked away from there. I told them, "Thanks for proving me right, guys. Ignorance is bliss." At least I got to buy two towels and they went inside and got me a brand new bar of soap. Oh yeah, and I scored this badass little rainbow pillow! I've never had a pillow while I traveled. It's a mini-pillow, but I just love it. It was like seventy five cents.

     2:26pm  Right when I walked to the bus stop the bus came. I paid the fare.

     2:44pm  I stopped at New Seasons and ganked a couple more rolls of toilet paper for the house. Oh yeah, at the estate sale I got me a badass little rainbow pillow. I got two towels and a couple brand new bars of soap. Mission accomplished for today.

     3:07pm  I'm sitting here hanging out with Dreamer. I'm all stoned. I'm telling him how I'm going to make my hook a brother up/smoke a brother out sign and fly that one on Powell and 82nd. I'm going to get assassinated! Hehe. Then Matthew got this idea, "We should stage that. We should drive by and shoot you with red paintballs." Dude, that's a great idea! Paintballs don't hurt that much. It would be hilarious, dude. Oh man, to do that in rush hour traffic, that'd be hilarious. What a great publicity-stunt.

                   Damn, they don't know anybody with a paintball gun.

     5:13pm  Man, I got to enjoy the fruits of my labor and just had one delicious shower. I smoked everybody out. I'm hungry, so I'm going to go talk to Freddie at La Bonita taqueria and see if he'll hook me up again. Last time I paid for it. I worked Powell earlier this morning. I had a little weed, but I don't have any left. I smoked everybody out. I deserved to come home early, take a nice hot shower and just chill. Then I walked down Alberta street free. I didn't have any bags on. I've got my story visual-aid in my pocket and I am walking down the street. I'm going to go get hooked up with a taco first.

     5:23pm  Felix me esta dando comida en La Sirena. Te lo agradezco, senor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     5:34pm  Steve hooked me up with an after-meal smoke in front of Bink's. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:40pm  I was walking down Alberta and Chainsaw is being nice enough to let me roll a cigarette. I appreciate it, Chainsaw. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:08pm  I'm walking down Sumner Street, I think. I see this lady with headphones on jogging. I walk by and smile and tell her hello. I hit her up for my story. She didn't have time to listen to me. I think she was foreign. She had an accent. She told me, "Oh, I've seen you before on Powell and 82nd." That's right. I am everywhere. Random people I run into have seen me already. Shweet! I am damn saturating this town with my presence, like I've done with San Antonio.

     7:04pm  I just had a marvelous presentation with this girl named Brittany. I think she works closeby. She was on her break. Dude, she listened to me great! Beautiful girl, beautiful girl.

     7:38pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I was just sitting there in front of Hot Lips Pizza on the bench. This girl walked by, she had already passed me when I yell, "Hey, can I tell you a story?" She came back quick and said, "Yeah, sure." I hadn't even told her it was a free story yet. She sat down and listened to me for a little. Then she had to go get some water and when she came back she told me that she had to be on her way to pick up a friend on the other side of town. I asked her if she was riding the bus and she said no, that she had a car. I told her, "Well, if you give me a ride to wherever you're going so I can finish telling you my story, I can just see where I end up." She totally agreed with that idea and I had me one badass presentation. I've got another believa. She dropped me off over on Morrison and 12th Avenue.

                   I'm gong to hang out at the Plaid Pantry and smoke a cigarette.

     8:22pm  Ignorant girls at the square, hehe. I hit them up for my story and they started laughing at me. They wouldn't take my webpage either. Damn, have you always been that ignorant? Man, nobody wants world peace! Hehehe.

     9:18pm  Man, I am having a great presentation. I came over to this long strip of park, by the PSU part. I was hunting down this one girl who was walking in front of me. I quickened my pace and caught up to her finally. I hit her up and she was all about it. She listened beautifully as we walked. We came up to the trainstop. When her train came I asked her, "Mind if I get on the train to finish my story." She works at the gym here. I don't know what the name of it is. I didn't get her name. She was such a beautiful girl. She listened to my whole odyssey. Anyway, I don't know where the hell I ended up. Northwest Irving. I'm going to walk that way. To downtown, I think.

                   Irving and 12th Avenue.

     9:41pm  I am talking to Nicole in front of Powell's books. Rishad Manji: "I admire your courage to speak such fearless truth at a time when religion, once again, is being used as a tool to make is maim one another for the purpose of wealth." I love it.

     10:10pm  I had a great presentation with another beautiful girl, Nicole. She was waiting for a ride reading a book in front of Powell's. I hit her up for my story and added, "It's more interesting than what you're reading. I guarantee it." She closed her book quick and listened to me good. And she smoked me out, too! That was just awesome.

     10:25pm I walked all the way to Evert and 2nd Avenue. I'm going to catch the number 10 bus. I'll see if he gives me a courtesy ride. Oh yeah, it's been drizzling for a long time now. It started when I told that beautiful girl Nicole my story.

     11:04pm  I jumped on the MAX. It started raining hard. Luckily, I got on the right one, but now I have to wait for the other one to go back around. I was screaming my story over the noise of the MAX to these two girls Sarah and Amy. I got off the train with them and they let me finish it at the MAX shelter. Sarah just gave me a couple of cigarettes. I appreciate it, Sarah. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

Next day..

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