

Modesto, CA

Thursday March 30, 2023 


     I woke up a 8am this morning, crashed out about twelve thirty last night.   I took the pups out to pee as usual.  I didn't do the dishes, I did them yesterday, but I tidied up a little, put up recyclables and stuff.  I had like half a cup of coffee left from yesterday, so I didn't do my usual three and a half cup morning brew.  It' all still wet outside but it seems to be turning into a very nice, even warm maybe day.  I'm going to definitely fly my sign today.  

     I have had absolutely no reply back from Serg after spewing so much to him.  I really hope he takes me seriously and ends up endorsing me.  Like I said, I'll eventually go down the list.  I'll let you know what happens.  

     Mental note, take lots of pictures today. 

     I ended up doing the dishes.


     Serg should not have taken my primary message as a threat.  I made him get all defensive for no reason.  I worded it purely hypohetical.  I said: "I'm going to rat you out like the fraud you might be. You better email me."  I said might.

     And less than half an hour later, guess who emailed me proving he is not a fraud.   I  forced him to respond if he didn't have anything to hide, and he did respond, showing me and everyone else we can trust Serg Mesa.  He accepted the challenge unlike Rob Potter.  Serg has nothing to hide.  I hope he never forgets me.

     It's really hard to know who you can trust on the internet these days.  I take great comfort in knowing I can trust Serg Mesa, mi compadre..

     Okay, enough brown-nosing.  Email me, Serg, please.  But be warned that your email will go right here in my logs.  I'd LOVE for you to contribute to my project so spit some truth.   I know you can.  We all do.

I'd trust him just a little bit more if he would start a dialogue with me.


     Oh yeah, last might at like 10:30 or so my girl got a hankering for some chocolate cake so I drove to the grocery store and bought one with some organic dairy milk.  On the way back home I was sure to stop at the donut shop to check if my loaded pushpin was still on the bulletin board.  It was:


     I had a great time littering for peace today.  First my girl and I had a big blog cutting-out session in the bedroom.  I was loaded.  I got into uniform, WPTMJ shirt.  First we went to the intersection I flew my sign at last time, by the Jack in the Box, but there was already a bum there so I didn't fly my sign there.  I drove around to the opposite side, but there didn't seem to be a good place to stand.  

     I said screw it and parked, grabbed my container of blog papers and walked through the whole shopping complex planting my seed.  Like every ten steps I took I dropped a little paper on the ground.

     To start with I went to the organic grocery store where all the heady people shop.  I had a loaded pushpin and I hoped they had a bulletin board.  I got a better idea though when I saw a pretty girl employee pushing a cart.  I asked her if they had a bulletin inside and she said no.  She said she liked my shirt so I told her what I was doing and offered her the loaded pushpin.  She gladly accepted it and said she would put it on the board in the employee breakroom.  Woohoo!  Talk about infecting like-minded people this way.  Yes!  I didn't even have to go inside!

    Then I went walking down the storefronts casually inserting little papers here and there, tossing them all around.  What's funny is when security there notices there's tons of little papers all over the mall, they're going to look at my blog, then check their security tapes and see my goofy ass littering for peace proudly wearing my marijuana shirt.  Every planter, every ashtray, all over the place.

     After I walked around the whole mall I walked back towards the car.  As I was walking in front of the grocery store I noticed some guy driving by in a white truck smiling at my shirt.  I wave at him and he parks in a parking spot.  I rush over and yell, "I'm a journalist, will you check out my free blog?"  He said sure, and that he loved my shirt.  When he walked off I got an idea and called him back.  I asked him if I could take his picture, that he would be on my blog tonight.  He said sure, Nick. 

      I handed him a lot more little papers and told him to share it if he likes it.  I also told him how many Chuck Norris jokes are on it too, hehe.  

     Then we went and parked in front of the Ninety Nine Cents store.  I grabbed my sign and tried flying to traffic right there, but I just got an uncomfortable feeling so I said forget it.  So I walked in front of the store dropping papers here and there.  I walked by this Mediterranean restaurant, where these two beautiful girls were working.  I went inside and ordered a spicy chicken schwarma.  I told the girl Angelina what I was doing and she seemed in total agreement and even looked like she got a little excited.  I gave her my blog and she immediately asked if she could have another for her friend.  I gave her lots more.  

     With schwarma in tow I went back to the car and we drove home.

     Oh yeah, I forgot to mention how the trip started.  First we stopped at Office Max.  I wanted to get a fresh copy of my note to the police, should I need it.  It had evolved a bit and I wanted to have at least one cop today.  I went and signed in on the computer.  When it was finally my turn I told the lady I just needed one or two copies.  She said there was like a $2.50 minimum to do anything at the desk, but that there were self-serve copiers along the wall.  I went and had to wait a long time for this guy to use it, then when it was my turn it froze up.  So I went back and waited at the desk.  I had to get like 20 copies of the one letter I needed, oh well.

     Anyway, when we were done my girl pointed out that the Starbucks closeby might have a bulletin board.  I almost parked in front of the Starbucks, but then quickly changed my mind and went in the drive-through instead.  I ordered a egg and bacon sandwich.  When I pulled up to the window and paid the guy I offered him a loaded pushpin which he begrudgingly accepted.  Sweet!  Spam for peace through the drive-through!

     Then we went to the busy intersection by Jack in the Box.


     Oh, I never mentioned.  I found an old backup of every single html file from my old site.  My old journal.  Over two thousand days that I logged.  At first I thought I would easily be able to transfer the html files to my blog, but I read that Blogger stopped supporting FTP back in 2010.  So to able to resurrect my old journal and have it on my new blog, I'm going to have to go through and copy and paste each day, each file.  It's painstaking work, but I'll get it done eventually.  I'll let you know.  It sucks that I don't have any of my old pictures, but I've devised a plan to get those back too.  

     Until tomorrow, goodnight.

10:15pm  It's going to take me forever.  I've already done 88 days.

     Damnit, it won't let me make any more pages, Blogger.  It gave me some error that something had been exceeded.  I searched around and now I'll have to wait 24 hours to keep going.

Next day..

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